
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (C) 2004-2007, 2009-2013, 2015  Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
00003  * Copyright (C) 1998-2003  Internet Software Consortium.
00004  *
00005  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
00006  * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
00007  * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
00008  *
00016  */
00018 /* $Id: name.h,v 1.137 2011/01/13 04:59:26 tbox Exp $ */
00020 #ifndef DNS_NAME_H
00021 #define DNS_NAME_H 1
00023 /*****
00024  ***** Module Info
00025  *****/
00027 /*! \file dns/name.h
00028  * \brief
00029  * Provides facilities for manipulating DNS names and labels, including
00030  * conversions to and from wire format and text format.
00031  *
00032  * Given the large number of names possible in a nameserver, and because
00033  * names occur in rdata, it was important to come up with a very efficient
00034  * way of storing name data, but at the same time allow names to be
00035  * manipulated.  The decision was to store names in uncompressed wire format,
00036  * and not to make them fully abstracted objects; i.e. certain parts of the
00037  * server know names are stored that way.  This saves a lot of memory, and
00038  * makes adding names to messages easy.  Having much of the server know
00039  * the representation would be perilous, and we certainly don't want each
00040  * user of names to be manipulating such a low-level structure.  This is
00041  * where the Names and Labels module comes in.  The module allows name or
00042  * label handles to be created and attached to uncompressed wire format
00043  * regions.  All name operations and conversions are done through these
00044  * handles.
00045  *
00046  * MP:
00047  *\li   Clients of this module must impose any required synchronization.
00048  *
00049  * Reliability:
00050  *\li   This module deals with low-level byte streams.  Errors in any of
00051  *      the functions are likely to crash the server or corrupt memory.
00052  *
00053  * Resources:
00054  *\li   None.
00055  *
00056  * Security:
00057  *
00058  *\li   *** WARNING ***
00059  *
00060  *\li   dns_name_fromwire() deals with raw network data.  An error in
00061  *      this routine could result in the failure or hijacking of the server.
00062  *
00063  * Standards:
00064  *\li   RFC1035
00065  *\li   Draft EDNS0 (0)
00066  *\li   Draft Binary Labels (2)
00067  *
00068  */
00070 /***
00071  *** Imports
00072  ***/
00074 #include <stdio.h>
00076 #include <isc/boolean.h>
00077 #include <isc/lang.h>
00078 #include <isc/magic.h>
00079 #include <isc/region.h>         /* Required for storage size of dns_label_t. */
00081 #include <dns/types.h>
00085 /*****
00086  ***** Labels
00087  *****
00088  ***** A 'label' is basically a region.  It contains one DNS wire format
00089  ***** label of type 00 (ordinary).
00090  *****/
00092 /*****
00093  ***** Names
00094  *****
00095  ***** A 'name' is a handle to a binary region.  It contains a sequence of one
00096  ***** or more DNS wire format labels of type 00 (ordinary).
00097  ***** Note that all names are not required to end with the root label,
00098  ***** as they are in the actual DNS wire protocol.
00099  *****/
00101 /***
00102  *** Types
00103  ***/
00105 /*%
00106  * Clients are strongly discouraged from using this type directly,  with
00107  * the exception of the 'link' and 'list' fields which may be used directly
00108  * for whatever purpose the client desires.
00109  */
00110 struct dns_name {
00111         unsigned int                    magic;
00112         unsigned char *                 ndata;
00113         unsigned int                    length;
00114         unsigned int                    labels;
00115         unsigned int                    attributes;
00116         unsigned char *                 offsets;
00117         isc_buffer_t *                  buffer;
00118         ISC_LINK(dns_name_t)            link;
00119         ISC_LIST(dns_rdataset_t)        list;
00120 };
00122 #define DNS_NAME_MAGIC                  ISC_MAGIC('D','N','S','n')
00124 #define DNS_NAMEATTR_ABSOLUTE           0x00000001
00125 #define DNS_NAMEATTR_READONLY           0x00000002
00126 #define DNS_NAMEATTR_DYNAMIC            0x00000004
00127 #define DNS_NAMEATTR_DYNOFFSETS         0x00000008
00128 #define DNS_NAMEATTR_NOCOMPRESS         0x00000010
00129 /*
00130  * Attributes below 0x0100 reserved for name.c usage.
00131  */
00132 #define DNS_NAMEATTR_CACHE              0x00000100      /*%< Used by resolver. */
00133 #define DNS_NAMEATTR_ANSWER             0x00000200      /*%< Used by resolver. */
00134 #define DNS_NAMEATTR_NCACHE             0x00000400      /*%< Used by resolver. */
00135 #define DNS_NAMEATTR_CHAINING           0x00000800      /*%< Used by resolver. */
00136 #define DNS_NAMEATTR_CHASE              0x00001000      /*%< Used by resolver. */
00137 #define DNS_NAMEATTR_WILDCARD           0x00002000      /*%< Used by server. */
00138 #define DNS_NAMEATTR_PREREQUISITE       0x00004000      /*%< Used by client. */
00139 #define DNS_NAMEATTR_UPDATE             0x00008000      /*%< Used by client. */
00140 #define DNS_NAMEATTR_HASUPDATEREC       0x00010000      /*%< Used by client. */
00142 /*
00143  * Various flags.
00144  */
00145 #define DNS_NAME_DOWNCASE               0x0001
00146 #define DNS_NAME_CHECKNAMES             0x0002          /*%< Used by rdata. */
00147 #define DNS_NAME_CHECKNAMESFAIL         0x0004          /*%< Used by rdata. */
00148 #define DNS_NAME_CHECKREVERSE           0x0008          /*%< Used by rdata. */
00149 #define DNS_NAME_CHECKMX                0x0010          /*%< Used by rdata. */
00150 #define DNS_NAME_CHECKMXFAIL            0x0020          /*%< Used by rdata. */
00152 LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern dns_name_t *dns_rootname;
00153 LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern dns_name_t *dns_wildcardname;
00155 /*%
00156  * Standard size of a wire format name
00157  */
00158 #define DNS_NAME_MAXWIRE 255
00160 /*
00161  * Text output filter procedure.
00162  * 'target' is the buffer to be converted.  The region to be converted
00163  * is from 'buffer'->base + 'used_org' to the end of the used region.
00164  */
00165 typedef isc_result_t (*dns_name_totextfilter_t)(isc_buffer_t *target,
00166                                                 unsigned int used_org,
00167                                                 isc_boolean_t absolute);
00169 /***
00170  *** Initialization
00171  ***/
00173 void
00174 dns_name_init(dns_name_t *name, unsigned char *offsets);
00175 /*%<
00176  * Initialize 'name'.
00177  *
00178  * Notes:
00179  * \li  'offsets' is never required to be non-NULL, but specifying a
00180  *      dns_offsets_t for 'offsets' will improve the performance of most
00181  *      name operations if the name is used more than once.
00182  *
00183  * Requires:
00184  * \li  'name' is not NULL and points to a struct dns_name.
00185  *
00186  * \li  offsets == NULL or offsets is a dns_offsets_t.
00187  *
00188  * Ensures:
00189  * \li  'name' is a valid name.
00190  * \li  dns_name_countlabels(name) == 0
00191  * \li  dns_name_isabsolute(name) == ISC_FALSE
00192  */
00194 void
00195 dns_name_reset(dns_name_t *name);
00196 /*%<
00197  * Reinitialize 'name'.
00198  *
00199  * Notes:
00200  * \li  This function distinguishes itself from dns_name_init() in two
00201  *      key ways:
00202  *
00203  * \li  + If any buffer is associated with 'name' (via dns_name_setbuffer()
00204  *        or by being part of a dns_fixedname_t) the link to the buffer
00205  *        is retained but the buffer itself is cleared.
00206  *
00207  * \li  + Of the attributes associated with 'name', all are retained except
00208  *        DNS_NAMEATTR_ABSOLUTE.
00209  *
00210  * Requires:
00211  * \li  'name' is a valid name.
00212  *
00213  * Ensures:
00214  * \li  'name' is a valid name.
00215  * \li  dns_name_countlabels(name) == 0
00216  * \li  dns_name_isabsolute(name) == ISC_FALSE
00217  */
00219 void
00220 dns_name_invalidate(dns_name_t *name);
00221 /*%<
00222  * Make 'name' invalid.
00223  *
00224  * Requires:
00225  * \li  'name' is a valid name.
00226  *
00227  * Ensures:
00228  * \li  If assertion checking is enabled, future attempts to use 'name'
00229  *      without initializing it will cause an assertion failure.
00230  *
00231  * \li  If the name had a dedicated buffer, that association is ended.
00232  */
00234 isc_boolean_t
00235 dns_name_isvalid(const dns_name_t *name);
00236 /*%<
00237  * Check whether 'name' points to a valid dns_name
00238  */
00240 /***
00241  *** Dedicated Buffers
00242  ***/
00244 void
00245 dns_name_setbuffer(dns_name_t *name, isc_buffer_t *buffer);
00246 /*%<
00247  * Dedicate a buffer for use with 'name'.
00248  *
00249  * Notes:
00250  * \li  Specification of a target buffer in dns_name_fromwire(),
00251  *      dns_name_fromtext(), and dns_name_concatenate() is optional if
00252  *      'name' has a dedicated buffer.
00253  *
00254  * \li  The caller must not write to buffer until the name has been
00255  *      invalidated or is otherwise known not to be in use.
00256  *
00257  * \li  If buffer is NULL and the name previously had a dedicated buffer,
00258  *      than that buffer is no longer dedicated to use with this name.
00259  *      The caller is responsible for ensuring that the storage used by
00260  *      the name remains valid.
00261  *
00262  * Requires:
00263  * \li  'name' is a valid name.
00264  *
00265  * \li  'buffer' is a valid binary buffer and 'name' doesn't have a
00266  *      dedicated buffer already, or 'buffer' is NULL.
00267  */
00269 isc_boolean_t
00270 dns_name_hasbuffer(const dns_name_t *name);
00271 /*%<
00272  * Does 'name' have a dedicated buffer?
00273  *
00274  * Requires:
00275  * \li  'name' is a valid name.
00276  *
00277  * Returns:
00278  * \li  ISC_TRUE        'name' has a dedicated buffer.
00279  * \li  ISC_FALSE       'name' does not have a dedicated buffer.
00280  */
00282 /***
00283  *** Properties
00284  ***/
00286 isc_boolean_t
00287 dns_name_isabsolute(const dns_name_t *name);
00288 /*%<
00289  * Does 'name' end in the root label?
00290  *
00291  * Requires:
00292  * \li  'name' is a valid name
00293  *
00294  * Returns:
00295  * \li  TRUE            The last label in 'name' is the root label.
00296  * \li  FALSE           The last label in 'name' is not the root label.
00297  */
00299 isc_boolean_t
00300 dns_name_iswildcard(const dns_name_t *name);
00301 /*%<
00302  * Is 'name' a wildcard name?
00303  *
00304  * Requires:
00305  * \li  'name' is a valid name
00306  *
00307  * \li  dns_name_countlabels(name) > 0
00308  *
00309  * Returns:
00310  * \li  TRUE            The least significant label of 'name' is '*'.
00311  * \li  FALSE           The least significant label of 'name' is not '*'.
00312  */
00314 unsigned int
00315 dns_name_hash(dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t case_sensitive);
00316 /*%<
00317  * Provide a hash value for 'name'.
00318  *
00319  * Note: if 'case_sensitive' is ISC_FALSE, then names which differ only in
00320  * case will have the same hash value.
00321  *
00322  * Requires:
00323  * \li  'name' is a valid name
00324  *
00325  * Returns:
00326  * \li  A hash value
00327  */
00329 unsigned int
00330 dns_name_fullhash(dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t case_sensitive);
00331 /*%<
00332  * Provide a hash value for 'name'.  Unlike dns_name_hash(), this function
00333  * always takes into account of the entire name to calculate the hash value.
00334  *
00335  * Note: if 'case_sensitive' is ISC_FALSE, then names which differ only in
00336  * case will have the same hash value.
00337  *
00338  * Requires:
00339  *\li   'name' is a valid name
00340  *
00341  * Returns:
00342  *\li   A hash value
00343  */
00345 unsigned int
00346 dns_name_hashbylabel(dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t case_sensitive);
00347 /*%<
00348  * Provide a hash value for 'name', where the hash value is the sum
00349  * of the hash values of each label.
00350  *
00351  * Note: if 'case_sensitive' is ISC_FALSE, then names which differ only in
00352  * case will have the same hash value.
00353  *
00354  * Requires:
00355  *\li   'name' is a valid name
00356  *
00357  * Returns:
00358  *\li   A hash value
00359  */
00361 /*
00362  *** Comparisons
00363  ***/
00365 dns_namereln_t
00366 dns_name_fullcompare(const dns_name_t *name1, const dns_name_t *name2,
00367                      int *orderp, unsigned int *nlabelsp);
00368 /*%<
00369  * Determine the relative ordering under the DNSSEC order relation of
00370  * 'name1' and 'name2', and also determine the hierarchical
00371  * relationship of the names.
00372  *
00373  * Note: It makes no sense for one of the names to be relative and the
00374  * other absolute.  If both names are relative, then to be meaningfully
00375  * compared the caller must ensure that they are both relative to the
00376  * same domain.
00377  *
00378  * Requires:
00379  *\li   'name1' is a valid name
00380  *
00381  *\li   dns_name_countlabels(name1) > 0
00382  *
00383  *\li   'name2' is a valid name
00384  *
00385  *\li   dns_name_countlabels(name2) > 0
00386  *
00387  *\li   orderp and nlabelsp are valid pointers.
00388  *
00389  *\li   Either name1 is absolute and name2 is absolute, or neither is.
00390  *
00391  * Ensures:
00392  *
00393  *\li   *orderp is < 0 if name1 < name2, 0 if name1 = name2, > 0 if
00394  *      name1 > name2.
00395  *
00396  *\li   *nlabelsp is the number of common significant labels.
00397  *
00398  * Returns:
00399  *\li   dns_namereln_none               There's no hierarchical relationship
00400  *                                      between name1 and name2.
00401  *\li   dns_namereln_contains           name1 properly contains name2; i.e.
00402  *                                      name2 is a proper subdomain of name1.
00403  *\li   dns_namereln_subdomain          name1 is a proper subdomain of name2.
00404  *\li   dns_namereln_equal              name1 and name2 are equal.
00405  *\li   dns_namereln_commonancestor     name1 and name2 share a common
00406  *                                      ancestor.
00407  */
00409 int
00410 dns_name_compare(const dns_name_t *name1, const dns_name_t *name2);
00411 /*%<
00412  * Determine the relative ordering under the DNSSEC order relation of
00413  * 'name1' and 'name2'.
00414  *
00415  * Note: It makes no sense for one of the names to be relative and the
00416  * other absolute.  If both names are relative, then to be meaningfully
00417  * compared the caller must ensure that they are both relative to the
00418  * same domain.
00419  *
00420  * Requires:
00421  * \li  'name1' is a valid name
00422  *
00423  * \li  'name2' is a valid name
00424  *
00425  * \li  Either name1 is absolute and name2 is absolute, or neither is.
00426  *
00427  * Returns:
00428  * \li  < 0             'name1' is less than 'name2'
00429  * \li  0               'name1' is equal to 'name2'
00430  * \li  > 0             'name1' is greater than 'name2'
00431  */
00433 isc_boolean_t
00434 dns_name_equal(const dns_name_t *name1, const dns_name_t *name2);
00435 /*%<
00436  * Are 'name1' and 'name2' equal?
00437  *
00438  * Notes:
00439  * \li  Because it only needs to test for equality, dns_name_equal() can be
00440  *      significantly faster than dns_name_fullcompare() or dns_name_compare().
00441  *
00442  * \li  Offsets tables are not used in the comparision.
00443  *
00444  * \li  It makes no sense for one of the names to be relative and the
00445  *      other absolute.  If both names are relative, then to be meaningfully
00446  *      compared the caller must ensure that they are both relative to the
00447  *      same domain.
00448  *
00449  * Requires:
00450  * \li  'name1' is a valid name
00451  *
00452  * \li  'name2' is a valid name
00453  *
00454  * \li  Either name1 is absolute and name2 is absolute, or neither is.
00455  *
00456  * Returns:
00457  * \li  ISC_TRUE        'name1' and 'name2' are equal
00458  * \li  ISC_FALSE       'name1' and 'name2' are not equal
00459  */
00461 isc_boolean_t
00462 dns_name_caseequal(const dns_name_t *name1, const dns_name_t *name2);
00463 /*%<
00464  * Case sensitive version of dns_name_equal().
00465  */
00467 int
00468 dns_name_rdatacompare(const dns_name_t *name1, const dns_name_t *name2);
00469 /*%<
00470  * Compare two names as if they are part of rdata in DNSSEC canonical
00471  * form.
00472  *
00473  * Requires:
00474  * \li  'name1' is a valid absolute name
00475  *
00476  * \li  dns_name_countlabels(name1) > 0
00477  *
00478  * \li  'name2' is a valid absolute name
00479  *
00480  * \li  dns_name_countlabels(name2) > 0
00481  *
00482  * Returns:
00483  * \li  < 0             'name1' is less than 'name2'
00484  * \li  0               'name1' is equal to 'name2'
00485  * \li  > 0             'name1' is greater than 'name2'
00486  */
00488 isc_boolean_t
00489 dns_name_issubdomain(const dns_name_t *name1, const dns_name_t *name2);
00490 /*%<
00491  * Is 'name1' a subdomain of 'name2'?
00492  *
00493  * Notes:
00494  * \li  name1 is a subdomain of name2 if name1 is contained in name2, or
00495  *      name1 equals name2.
00496  *
00497  * \li  It makes no sense for one of the names to be relative and the
00498  *      other absolute.  If both names are relative, then to be meaningfully
00499  *      compared the caller must ensure that they are both relative to the
00500  *      same domain.
00501  *
00502  * Requires:
00503  * \li  'name1' is a valid name
00504  *
00505  * \li  'name2' is a valid name
00506  *
00507  * \li  Either name1 is absolute and name2 is absolute, or neither is.
00508  *
00509  * Returns:
00510  * \li  TRUE            'name1' is a subdomain of 'name2'
00511  * \li  FALSE           'name1' is not a subdomain of 'name2'
00512  */
00514 isc_boolean_t
00515 dns_name_matcheswildcard(const dns_name_t *name, const dns_name_t *wname);
00516 /*%<
00517  * Does 'name' match the wildcard specified in 'wname'?
00518  *
00519  * Notes:
00520  * \li  name matches the wildcard specified in wname if all labels
00521  *      following the wildcard in wname are identical to the same number
00522  *      of labels at the end of name.
00523  *
00524  * \li  It makes no sense for one of the names to be relative and the
00525  *      other absolute.  If both names are relative, then to be meaningfully
00526  *      compared the caller must ensure that they are both relative to the
00527  *      same domain.
00528  *
00529  * Requires:
00530  * \li  'name' is a valid name
00531  *
00532  * \li  dns_name_countlabels(name) > 0
00533  *
00534  * \li  'wname' is a valid name
00535  *
00536  * \li  dns_name_countlabels(wname) > 0
00537  *
00538  * \li  dns_name_iswildcard(wname) is true
00539  *
00540  * \li  Either name is absolute and wname is absolute, or neither is.
00541  *
00542  * Returns:
00543  * \li  TRUE            'name' matches the wildcard specified in 'wname'
00544  * \li  FALSE           'name' does not match the wildcard specified in 'wname'
00545  */
00547 /***
00548  *** Labels
00549  ***/
00551 unsigned int
00552 dns_name_countlabels(const dns_name_t *name);
00553 /*%<
00554  * How many labels does 'name' have?
00555  *
00556  * Notes:
00557  * \li  In this case, as in other places, a 'label' is an ordinary label.
00558  *
00559  * Requires:
00560  * \li  'name' is a valid name
00561  *
00562  * Ensures:
00563  * \li  The result is <= 128.
00564  *
00565  * Returns:
00566  * \li  The number of labels in 'name'.
00567  */
00569 void
00570 dns_name_getlabel(const dns_name_t *name, unsigned int n, dns_label_t *label);
00571 /*%<
00572  * Make 'label' refer to the 'n'th least significant label of 'name'.
00573  *
00574  * Notes:
00575  * \li  Numbering starts at 0.
00576  *
00577  * \li  Given "", the label 0 is "rc", and label 3 is the
00578  *      root label.
00579  *
00580  * \li  'label' refers to the same memory as 'name', so 'name' must not
00581  *      be changed while 'label' is still in use.
00582  *
00583  * Requires:
00584  * \li  n < dns_name_countlabels(name)
00585  */
00587 void
00588 dns_name_getlabelsequence(const dns_name_t *source, unsigned int first,
00589                           unsigned int n, dns_name_t *target);
00590 /*%<
00591  * Make 'target' refer to the 'n' labels including and following 'first'
00592  * in 'source'.
00593  *
00594  * Notes:
00595  * \li  Numbering starts at 0.
00596  *
00597  * \li  Given "", the label 0 is "rc", and label 3 is the
00598  *      root label.
00599  *
00600  * \li  'target' refers to the same memory as 'source', so 'source'
00601  *      must not be changed while 'target' is still in use.
00602  *
00603  * Requires:
00604  * \li  'source' and 'target' are valid names.
00605  *
00606  * \li  first < dns_name_countlabels(name)
00607  *
00608  * \li  first + n <= dns_name_countlabels(name)
00609  */
00612 void
00613 dns_name_clone(const dns_name_t *source, dns_name_t *target);
00614 /*%<
00615  * Make 'target' refer to the same name as 'source'.
00616  *
00617  * Notes:
00618  *
00619  * \li  'target' refers to the same memory as 'source', so 'source'
00620  *      must not be changed while 'target' is still in use.
00621  *
00622  * \li  This call is functionally equivalent to:
00623  *
00624  * \code
00625  *              dns_name_getlabelsequence(source, 0,
00626  *                                        dns_name_countlabels(source),
00627  *                                        target);
00628  * \endcode
00629  *
00630  *      but is more efficient.  Also, dns_name_clone() works even if 'source'
00631  *      is empty.
00632  *
00633  * Requires:
00634  *
00635  * \li  'source' is a valid name.
00636  *
00637  * \li  'target' is a valid name that is not read-only.
00638  */
00640 /***
00641  *** Conversions
00642  ***/
00644 void
00645 dns_name_fromregion(dns_name_t *name, const isc_region_t *r);
00646 /*%<
00647  * Make 'name' refer to region 'r'.
00648  *
00649  * Note:
00650  * \li  If the conversion encounters a root label before the end of the
00651  *      region the conversion stops and the length is set to the length
00652  *      so far converted.  A maximum of 255 bytes is converted.
00653  *
00654  * Requires:
00655  * \li  The data in 'r' is a sequence of one or more type 00 or type 01000001
00656  *      labels.
00657  */
00659 void
00660 dns_name_toregion(dns_name_t *name, isc_region_t *r);
00661 /*%<
00662  * Make 'r' refer to 'name'.
00663  *
00664  * Requires:
00665  *
00666  * \li  'name' is a valid name.
00667  *
00668  * \li  'r' is a valid region.
00669  */
00671 isc_result_t
00672 dns_name_fromwire(dns_name_t *name, isc_buffer_t *source,
00673                   dns_decompress_t *dctx, unsigned int options,
00674                   isc_buffer_t *target);
00675 /*%<
00676  * Copy the possibly-compressed name at source (active region) into target,
00677  * decompressing it.
00678  *
00679  * Notes:
00680  * \li  Decompression policy is controlled by 'dctx'.
00681  *
00682  * \li  If DNS_NAME_DOWNCASE is set, any uppercase letters in 'source' will be
00683  *      downcased when they are copied into 'target'.
00684  *
00685  * Security:
00686  *
00687  * \li  *** WARNING ***
00688  *
00689  * \li  This routine will often be used when 'source' contains raw network
00690  *      data.  A programming error in this routine could result in a denial
00691  *      of service, or in the hijacking of the server.
00692  *
00693  * Requires:
00694  *
00695  * \li  'name' is a valid name.
00696  *
00697  * \li  'source' is a valid buffer and the first byte of the active
00698  *      region should be the first byte of a DNS wire format domain name.
00699  *
00700  * \li  'target' is a valid buffer or 'target' is NULL and 'name' has
00701  *      a dedicated buffer.
00702  *
00703  * \li  'dctx' is a valid decompression context.
00704  *
00705  * Ensures:
00706  *
00707  *      If result is success:
00708  * \li          If 'target' is not NULL, 'name' is attached to it.
00709  *
00710  * \li          Uppercase letters are downcased in the copy iff
00711  *              DNS_NAME_DOWNCASE is set in options.
00712  *
00713  * \li          The current location in source is advanced, and the used space
00714  *              in target is updated.
00715  *
00716  * Result:
00717  * \li  Success
00718  * \li  Bad Form: Label Length
00719  * \li  Bad Form: Unknown Label Type
00720  * \li  Bad Form: Name Length
00721  * \li  Bad Form: Compression type not allowed
00722  * \li  Bad Form: Bad compression pointer
00723  * \li  Bad Form: Input too short
00724  * \li  Resource Limit: Too many compression pointers
00725  * \li  Resource Limit: Not enough space in buffer
00726  */
00728 isc_result_t
00729 dns_name_towire(const dns_name_t *name, dns_compress_t *cctx,
00730                 isc_buffer_t *target);
00731 /*%<
00732  * Convert 'name' into wire format, compressing it as specified by the
00733  * compression context 'cctx', and storing the result in 'target'.
00734  *
00735  * Notes:
00736  * \li  If the compression context allows global compression, then the
00737  *      global compression table may be updated.
00738  *
00739  * Requires:
00740  * \li  'name' is a valid name
00741  *
00742  * \li  dns_name_countlabels(name) > 0
00743  *
00744  * \li  dns_name_isabsolute(name) == TRUE
00745  *
00746  * \li  target is a valid buffer.
00747  *
00748  * \li  Any offsets specified in a global compression table are valid
00749  *      for buffer.
00750  *
00751  * Ensures:
00752  *
00753  *      If the result is success:
00754  *
00755  * \li          The used space in target is updated.
00756  *
00757  * Returns:
00758  * \li  Success
00759  * \li  Resource Limit: Not enough space in buffer
00760  */
00762 isc_result_t
00763 dns_name_fromtext(dns_name_t *name, isc_buffer_t *source,
00764                   const dns_name_t *origin, unsigned int options,
00765                   isc_buffer_t *target);
00766 /*%<
00767  * Convert the textual representation of a DNS name at source
00768  * into uncompressed wire form stored in target.
00769  *
00770  * Notes:
00771  * \li  Relative domain names will have 'origin' appended to them
00772  *      unless 'origin' is NULL, in which case relative domain names
00773  *      will remain relative.
00774  *
00775  * \li  If DNS_NAME_DOWNCASE is set in 'options', any uppercase letters
00776  *      in 'source' will be downcased when they are copied into 'target'.
00777  *
00778  * Requires:
00779  *
00780  * \li  'name' is a valid name.
00781  *
00782  * \li  'source' is a valid buffer.
00783  *
00784  * \li  'target' is a valid buffer or 'target' is NULL and 'name' has
00785  *      a dedicated buffer.
00786  *
00787  * Ensures:
00788  *
00789  *      If result is success:
00790  * \li          If 'target' is not NULL, 'name' is attached to it.
00791  *
00792  * \li          Uppercase letters are downcased in the copy iff
00793  *              DNS_NAME_DOWNCASE is set in 'options'.
00794  *
00795  * \li          The current location in source is advanced, and the used space
00796  *              in target is updated.
00797  *
00798  * Result:
00799  *\li   #ISC_R_SUCCESS
00800  *\li   #DNS_R_EMPTYLABEL
00801  *\li   #DNS_R_LABELTOOLONG
00802  *\li   #DNS_R_BADESCAPE
00803  *\li   (#DNS_R_BADBITSTRING: should not be returned)
00804  *\li   (#DNS_R_BITSTRINGTOOLONG: should not be returned)
00805  *\li   #DNS_R_BADDOTTEDQUAD
00806  *\li   #ISC_R_NOSPACE
00807  *\li   #ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND
00808  */
00810 #define DNS_NAME_OMITFINALDOT   0x01U
00811 #define DNS_NAME_MASTERFILE     0x02U   /* escape $ and @ */
00813 isc_result_t
00814 dns_name_toprincipal(const dns_name_t *name, isc_buffer_t *target);
00816 isc_result_t
00817 dns_name_totext(const dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t omit_final_dot,
00818                 isc_buffer_t *target);
00820 isc_result_t
00821 dns_name_totext2(const dns_name_t *name, unsigned int options,
00822                  isc_buffer_t *target);
00823 /*%<
00824  * Convert 'name' into text format, storing the result in 'target'.
00825  *
00826  * Notes:
00827  *\li   If 'omit_final_dot' is true, then the final '.' in absolute
00828  *      names other than the root name will be omitted.
00829  *
00830  *\li   If DNS_NAME_OMITFINALDOT is set in options, then the final '.'
00831  *      in absolute names other than the root name will be omitted.
00832  *
00833  *\li   If DNS_NAME_MASTERFILE is set in options, '$' and '@' will also
00834  *      be escaped.
00835  *
00836  *\li   If dns_name_countlabels == 0, the name will be "@", representing the
00837  *      current origin as described by RFC1035.
00838  *
00839  *\li   The name is not NUL terminated.
00840  *
00841  * Requires:
00842  *
00843  *\li   'name' is a valid name
00844  *
00845  *\li   'target' is a valid buffer.
00846  *
00847  *\li   if dns_name_isabsolute == FALSE, then omit_final_dot == FALSE
00848  *
00849  * Ensures:
00850  *
00851  *\li   If the result is success:
00852  *              the used space in target is updated.
00853  *
00854  * Returns:
00855  *\li   #ISC_R_SUCCESS
00856  *\li   #ISC_R_NOSPACE
00857  */
00859 #define DNS_NAME_MAXTEXT 1023
00860 /*%<
00861  * The maximum length of the text representation of a domain
00862  * name as generated by dns_name_totext().  This does not
00863  * include space for a terminating NULL.
00864  *
00865  * This definition is conservative - the actual maximum
00866  * is 1004, derived as follows:
00867  *
00868  *   A backslash-decimal escaped character takes 4 bytes.
00869  *   A wire-encoded name can be up to 255 bytes and each
00870  *   label is one length byte + at most 63 bytes of data.
00871  *   Maximizing the label lengths gives us a name of
00872  *   three 63-octet labels, one 61-octet label, and the
00873  *   root label:
00874  *
00875  *      1 + 63 + 1 + 63 + 1 + 63 + 1 + 61 + 1 = 255
00876  *
00877  *   When printed, this is (3 * 63 + 61) * 4
00878  *   bytes for the escaped label data + 4 bytes for the
00879  *   dot terminating each label = 1004 bytes total.
00880  */
00882 isc_result_t
00883 dns_name_tofilenametext(dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t omit_final_dot,
00884                         isc_buffer_t *target);
00885 /*%<
00886  * Convert 'name' into an alternate text format appropriate for filenames,
00887  * storing the result in 'target'.  The name data is downcased, guaranteeing
00888  * that the filename does not depend on the case of the converted name.
00889  *
00890  * Notes:
00891  *\li   If 'omit_final_dot' is true, then the final '.' in absolute
00892  *      names other than the root name will be omitted.
00893  *
00894  *\li   The name is not NUL terminated.
00895  *
00896  * Requires:
00897  *
00898  *\li   'name' is a valid absolute name
00899  *
00900  *\li   'target' is a valid buffer.
00901  *
00902  * Ensures:
00903  *
00904  *\li   If the result is success:
00905  *              the used space in target is updated.
00906  *
00907  * Returns:
00908  *\li   #ISC_R_SUCCESS
00909  *\li   #ISC_R_NOSPACE
00910  */
00912 isc_result_t
00913 dns_name_downcase(dns_name_t *source, dns_name_t *name,
00914                   isc_buffer_t *target);
00915 /*%<
00916  * Downcase 'source'.
00917  *
00918  * Requires:
00919  *
00920  *\li   'source' and 'name' are valid names.
00921  *
00922  *\li   If source == name, then
00923  *              'source' must not be read-only
00924  *
00925  *\li   Otherwise,
00926  *              'target' is a valid buffer or 'target' is NULL and
00927  *              'name' has a dedicated buffer.
00928  *
00929  * Returns:
00930  *\li   #ISC_R_SUCCESS
00931  *\li   #ISC_R_NOSPACE
00932  *
00933  * Note: if source == name, then the result will always be ISC_R_SUCCESS.
00934  */
00936 isc_result_t
00937 dns_name_concatenate(dns_name_t *prefix, dns_name_t *suffix,
00938                      dns_name_t *name, isc_buffer_t *target);
00939 /*%<
00940  *      Concatenate 'prefix' and 'suffix'.
00941  *
00942  * Requires:
00943  *
00944  *\li   'prefix' is a valid name or NULL.
00945  *
00946  *\li   'suffix' is a valid name or NULL.
00947  *
00948  *\li   'name' is a valid name or NULL.
00949  *
00950  *\li   'target' is a valid buffer or 'target' is NULL and 'name' has
00951  *      a dedicated buffer.
00952  *
00953  *\li   If 'prefix' is absolute, 'suffix' must be NULL or the empty name.
00954  *
00955  * Ensures:
00956  *
00957  *\li   On success,
00958  *              If 'target' is not NULL and 'name' is not NULL, then 'name'
00959  *              is attached to it.
00960  *              The used space in target is updated.
00961  *
00962  * Returns:
00963  *\li   #ISC_R_SUCCESS
00964  *\li   #ISC_R_NOSPACE
00965  *\li   #DNS_R_NAMETOOLONG
00966  */
00968 void
00969 dns_name_split(dns_name_t *name, unsigned int suffixlabels,
00970                dns_name_t *prefix, dns_name_t *suffix);
00971 /*%<
00972  *
00973  * Split 'name' into two pieces on a label boundary.
00974  *
00975  * Notes:
00976  * \li     'name' is split such that 'suffix' holds the most significant
00977  *      'suffixlabels' labels.  All other labels are stored in 'prefix'.
00978  *
00979  *\li   Copying name data is avoided as much as possible, so 'prefix'
00980  *      and 'suffix' will end up pointing at the data for 'name'.
00981  *
00982  *\li   It is legitimate to pass a 'prefix' or 'suffix' that has
00983  *      its name data stored someplace other than the dedicated buffer.
00984  *      This is useful to avoid name copying in the calling function.
00985  *
00986  *\li   It is also legitimate to pass a 'prefix' or 'suffix' that is
00987  *      the same dns_name_t as 'name'.
00988  *
00989  * Requires:
00990  *\li   'name' is a valid name.
00991  *
00992  *\li   'suffixlabels' cannot exceed the number of labels in 'name'.
00993  *
00994  * \li  'prefix' is a valid name or NULL, and cannot be read-only.
00995  *
00996  *\li   'suffix' is a valid name or NULL, and cannot be read-only.
00997  *
00998  *\li   If non-NULL, 'prefix' and 'suffix' must have dedicated buffers.
00999  *
01000  *\li   'prefix' and 'suffix' cannot point to the same buffer.
01001  *
01002  * Ensures:
01003  *
01004  *\li   On success:
01005  *              If 'prefix' is not NULL it will contain the least significant
01006  *              labels.
01007  *              If 'suffix' is not NULL it will contain the most significant
01008  *              labels.  dns_name_countlabels(suffix) will be equal to
01009  *              suffixlabels.
01010  *
01011  *\li   On failure:
01012  *              Either 'prefix' or 'suffix' is invalidated (depending
01013  *              on which one the problem was encountered with).
01014  *
01015  * Returns:
01016  *\li   #ISC_R_SUCCESS  No worries.  (This function should always success).
01017  */
01019 isc_result_t
01020 dns_name_dup(const dns_name_t *source, isc_mem_t *mctx,
01021              dns_name_t *target);
01022 /*%<
01023  * Make 'target' a dynamically allocated copy of 'source'.
01024  *
01025  * Requires:
01026  *
01027  *\li   'source' is a valid non-empty name.
01028  *
01029  *\li   'target' is a valid name that is not read-only.
01030  *
01031  *\li   'mctx' is a valid memory context.
01032  */
01034 isc_result_t
01035 dns_name_dupwithoffsets(dns_name_t *source, isc_mem_t *mctx,
01036                         dns_name_t *target);
01037 /*%<
01038  * Make 'target' a read-only dynamically allocated copy of 'source'.
01039  * 'target' will also have a dynamically allocated offsets table.
01040  *
01041  * Requires:
01042  *
01043  *\li   'source' is a valid non-empty name.
01044  *
01045  *\li   'target' is a valid name that is not read-only.
01046  *
01047  *\li   'target' has no offsets table.
01048  *
01049  *\li   'mctx' is a valid memory context.
01050  */
01052 void
01053 dns_name_free(dns_name_t *name, isc_mem_t *mctx);
01054 /*%<
01055  * Free 'name'.
01056  *
01057  * Requires:
01058  *
01059  *\li   'name' is a valid name created previously in 'mctx' by dns_name_dup().
01060  *
01061  *\li   'mctx' is a valid memory context.
01062  *
01063  * Ensures:
01064  *
01065  *\li   All dynamic resources used by 'name' are freed and the name is
01066  *      invalidated.
01067  */
01069 isc_result_t
01070 dns_name_digest(dns_name_t *name, dns_digestfunc_t digest, void *arg);
01071 /*%<
01072  * Send 'name' in DNSSEC canonical form to 'digest'.
01073  *
01074  * Requires:
01075  *
01076  *\li   'name' is a valid name.
01077  *
01078  *\li   'digest' is a valid dns_digestfunc_t.
01079  *
01080  * Ensures:
01081  *
01082  *\li   If successful, the DNSSEC canonical form of 'name' will have been
01083  *      sent to 'digest'.
01084  *
01085  *\li   If digest() returns something other than ISC_R_SUCCESS, that result
01086  *      will be returned as the result of dns_name_digest().
01087  *
01088  * Returns:
01089  *
01090  *\li   #ISC_R_SUCCESS
01091  *
01092  *\li   Many other results are possible if not successful.
01093  *
01094  */
01096 isc_boolean_t
01097 dns_name_dynamic(dns_name_t *name);
01098 /*%<
01099  * Returns whether there is dynamic memory associated with this name.
01100  *
01101  * Requires:
01102  *
01103  *\li   'name' is a valid name.
01104  *
01105  * Returns:
01106  *
01107  *\li   'ISC_TRUE' if the name is dynamic otherwise 'ISC_FALSE'.
01108  */
01110 isc_result_t
01111 dns_name_print(dns_name_t *name, FILE *stream);
01112 /*%<
01113  * Print 'name' on 'stream'.
01114  *
01115  * Requires:
01116  *
01117  *\li   'name' is a valid name.
01118  *
01119  *\li   'stream' is a valid stream.
01120  *
01121  * Returns:
01122  *
01123  *\li   #ISC_R_SUCCESS
01124  *
01125  *\li   Any error that dns_name_totext() can return.
01126  */
01128 void
01129 dns_name_format(const dns_name_t *name, char *cp, unsigned int size);
01130 /*%<
01131  * Format 'name' as text appropriate for use in log messages.
01132  *
01133  * Store the formatted name at 'cp', writing no more than
01134  * 'size' bytes.  The resulting string is guaranteed to be
01135  * null terminated.
01136  *
01137  * The formatted name will have a terminating dot only if it is
01138  * the root.
01139  *
01140  * This function cannot fail, instead any errors are indicated
01141  * in the returned text.
01142  *
01143  * Requires:
01144  *
01145  *\li   'name' is a valid name.
01146  *
01147  *\li   'cp' points a valid character array of size 'size'.
01148  *
01149  *\li   'size' > 0.
01150  *
01151  */
01153 isc_result_t
01154 dns_name_tostring(dns_name_t *source, char **target, isc_mem_t *mctx);
01155 /*%<
01156  * Convert 'name' to string format, allocating sufficient memory to
01157  * hold it (free with isc_mem_free()).
01158  *
01159  * Differs from dns_name_format in that it allocates its own memory.
01160  *
01161  * Requires:
01162  *
01163  *\li   'name' is a valid name.
01164  *\li   'target' is not NULL.
01165  *\li   '*target' is NULL.
01166  *
01167  * Returns:
01168  *
01169  *\li   ISC_R_SUCCESS
01170  *\li   ISC_R_NOMEMORY
01171  *
01172  *\li   Any error that dns_name_totext() can return.
01173  */
01175 isc_result_t
01176 dns_name_fromstring(dns_name_t *target, const char *src, unsigned int options,
01177                     isc_mem_t *mctx);
01178 isc_result_t
01179 dns_name_fromstring2(dns_name_t *target, const char *src,
01180                      const dns_name_t *origin, unsigned int options,
01181                      isc_mem_t *mctx);
01182 /*%<
01183  * Convert a string to a name and place it in target, allocating memory
01184  * as necessary.  'options' has the same semantics as that of
01185  * dns_name_fromtext().
01186  *
01187  * If 'target' has a buffer then the name will be copied into it rather than
01188  * memory being allocated.
01189  *
01190  * Requires:
01191  *
01192  * \li  'target' is a valid name that is not read-only.
01193  * \li  'src' is not NULL.
01194  *
01195  * Returns:
01196  *
01197  *\li   #ISC_R_SUCCESS
01198  *
01199  *\li   Any error that dns_name_fromtext() can return.
01200  *
01201  *\li   Any error that dns_name_dup() can return.
01202  */
01204 isc_result_t
01205 dns_name_settotextfilter(dns_name_totextfilter_t proc);
01206 /*%<
01207  * Set / clear a thread specific function 'proc' to be called at the
01208  * end of dns_name_totext().
01209  *
01210  * Note: Under Windows you need to call "dns_name_settotextfilter(NULL);"
01211  * prior to exiting the thread otherwise memory will be leaked.
01212  * For other platforms, which are pthreads based, this is still a good
01213  * idea but not required.
01214  *
01215  * Returns
01216  *\li   #ISC_R_SUCCESS
01217  *\li   #ISC_R_UNEXPECTED
01218  */
01221 /*%<
01222  * Suggested size of buffer passed to dns_name_format().
01223  * Includes space for the terminating NULL.
01224  */
01226 isc_result_t
01227 dns_name_copy(const dns_name_t *source, dns_name_t *dest, isc_buffer_t *target);
01228 /*%<
01229  * Makes 'dest' refer to a copy of the name in 'source'.  The data are
01230  * either copied to 'target' or the dedicated buffer in 'dest'.
01231  *
01232  * Requires:
01233  * \li  'source' is a valid name.
01234  *
01235  * \li  'dest' is an initialized name with a dedicated buffer.
01236  *
01237  * \li  'target' is NULL or an initialized buffer.
01238  *
01239  * \li  Either dest has a dedicated buffer or target != NULL.
01240  *
01241  * Ensures:
01242  *
01243  *\li   On success, the used space in target is updated.
01244  *
01245  * Returns:
01246  *\li   #ISC_R_SUCCESS
01247  *\li   #ISC_R_NOSPACE
01248  */
01250 isc_boolean_t
01251 dns_name_ishostname(const dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t wildcard);
01252 /*%<
01253  * Return if 'name' is a valid hostname.  RFC 952 / RFC 1123.
01254  * If 'wildcard' is ISC_TRUE then allow the first label of name to
01255  * be a wildcard.
01256  * The root is also accepted.
01257  *
01258  * Requires:
01259  *      'name' to be valid.
01260  */
01263 isc_boolean_t
01264 dns_name_ismailbox(const dns_name_t *name);
01265 /*%<
01266  * Return if 'name' is a valid mailbox.  RFC 821.
01267  *
01268  * Requires:
01269  * \li  'name' to be valid.
01270  */
01272 isc_boolean_t
01273 dns_name_internalwildcard(const dns_name_t *name);
01274 /*%<
01275  * Return if 'name' contains a internal wildcard name.
01276  *
01277  * Requires:
01278  * \li  'name' to be valid.
01279  */
01281 void
01282 dns_name_destroy(void);
01283 /*%<
01284  * Cleanup dns_name_settotextfilter() / dns_name_totext() state.
01285  *
01286  * This should be called as part of the final cleanup process.
01287  *
01288  * Note: dns_name_settotextfilter(NULL); should be called for all
01289  * threads which have called dns_name_settotextfilter() with a
01290  * non-NULL argument prior to calling dns_name_destroy();
01291  */
01295 /*
01296  *** High Performance Macros
01297  ***/
01299 /*
01300  * WARNING:  Use of these macros by applications may require recompilation
01301  *           of the application in some situations where calling the function
01302  *           would not.
01303  *
01304  * WARNING:  No assertion checking is done for these macros.
01305  */
01307 #define DNS_NAME_INIT(n, o) \
01308 do { \
01309         dns_name_t *_n = (n); \
01310         /* memset(_n, 0, sizeof(*_n)); */ \
01311         _n->magic = DNS_NAME_MAGIC; \
01312         _n->ndata = NULL; \
01313         _n->length = 0; \
01314         _n->labels = 0; \
01315         _n->attributes = 0; \
01316         _n->offsets = (o); \
01317         _n->buffer = NULL; \
01318         ISC_LINK_INIT(_n, link); \
01319         ISC_LIST_INIT(_n->list); \
01320 } while (0)
01322 #define DNS_NAME_RESET(n) \
01323 do { \
01324         (n)->ndata = NULL; \
01325         (n)->length = 0; \
01326         (n)->labels = 0; \
01327         (n)->attributes &= ~DNS_NAMEATTR_ABSOLUTE; \
01328         if ((n)->buffer != NULL) \
01329                 isc_buffer_clear((n)->buffer); \
01330 } while (0)
01332 #define DNS_NAME_SETBUFFER(n, b) \
01333         (n)->buffer = (b)
01335 #define DNS_NAME_ISABSOLUTE(n) \
01336         (((n)->attributes & DNS_NAMEATTR_ABSOLUTE) != 0 ? ISC_TRUE : ISC_FALSE)
01338 #define DNS_NAME_COUNTLABELS(n) \
01339         ((n)->labels)
01341 #define DNS_NAME_TOREGION(n, r) \
01342 do { \
01343         (r)->base = (n)->ndata; \
01344         (r)->length = (n)->length; \
01345 } while (0)
01347 #define DNS_NAME_SPLIT(n, l, p, s) \
01348 do { \
01349         dns_name_t *_n = (n); \
01350         dns_name_t *_p = (p); \
01351         dns_name_t *_s = (s); \
01352         unsigned int _l = (l); \
01353         if (_p != NULL) \
01354                 dns_name_getlabelsequence(_n, 0, _n->labels - _l, _p); \
01355         if (_s != NULL) \
01356                 dns_name_getlabelsequence(_n, _n->labels - _l, _l, _s); \
01357 } while (0)
01361 #define dns_name_init(n, o)             DNS_NAME_INIT(n, o)
01362 #define dns_name_reset(n)               DNS_NAME_RESET(n)
01363 #define dns_name_setbuffer(n, b)        DNS_NAME_SETBUFFER(n, b)
01364 #define dns_name_countlabels(n)         DNS_NAME_COUNTLABELS(n)
01365 #define dns_name_isabsolute(n)          DNS_NAME_ISABSOLUTE(n)
01366 #define dns_name_toregion(n, r)         DNS_NAME_TOREGION(n, r)
01367 #define dns_name_split(n, l, p, s)      DNS_NAME_SPLIT(n, l, p, s)
01369 #endif /* DNS_NAME_USEINLINE */
01371 #endif /* DNS_NAME_H */

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