
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (C) 2004-2015  Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
00003  * Copyright (C) 1999-2003  Internet Software Consortium.
00004  *
00005  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
00006  * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
00007  * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
00008  *
00016  */
00018 /*! \file */
00020 #include <config.h>
00022 #include <string.h>
00024 #include <isc/hex.h>
00025 #include <isc/mem.h>
00026 #include <isc/print.h>
00027 #include <isc/serial.h>
00028 #include <isc/stats.h>
00029 #include <isc/util.h>
00031 #include <dns/adb.h>
00032 #include <dns/badcache.h>
00033 #include <dns/byaddr.h>
00034 #include <dns/cache.h>
00035 #include <dns/db.h>
00036 #include <dns/dlz.h>
00037 #include <dns/dns64.h>
00038 #include <dns/dnssec.h>
00039 #include <dns/events.h>
00040 #include <dns/message.h>
00041 #include <dns/ncache.h>
00042 #include <dns/nsec3.h>
00043 #include <dns/order.h>
00044 #include <dns/rdata.h>
00045 #include <dns/rdataclass.h>
00046 #include <dns/rdatalist.h>
00047 #include <dns/rdataset.h>
00048 #include <dns/rdatasetiter.h>
00049 #include <dns/rdatastruct.h>
00050 #include <dns/rdatatype.h>
00051 #include <dns/resolver.h>
00052 #include <dns/result.h>
00053 #include <dns/stats.h>
00054 #include <dns/tkey.h>
00055 #include <dns/view.h>
00056 #include <dns/zone.h>
00057 #include <dns/zt.h>
00059 #include <named/client.h>
00060 #include <named/globals.h>
00061 #include <named/log.h>
00062 #include <named/server.h>
00063 #include <named/sortlist.h>
00064 #include <named/xfrout.h>
00066 #if 0
00067 /*
00068  * It has been recommended that DNS64 be changed to return excluded
00069  * AAAA addresses if DNS64 synthesis does not occur.  This minimises
00070  * the impact on the lookup results.  While most DNS AAAA lookups are
00071  * done to send IP packets to a host, not all of them are and filtering
00072  * excluded addresses has a negative impact on those uses.
00073  */
00074 #define dns64_bis_return_excluded_addresses 1
00075 #endif
00077 /*% Partial answer? */
00078 #define PARTIALANSWER(c)        (((c)->query.attributes & \
00079                                   NS_QUERYATTR_PARTIALANSWER) != 0)
00080 /*% Use Cache? */
00081 #define USECACHE(c)             (((c)->query.attributes & \
00082                                   NS_QUERYATTR_CACHEOK) != 0)
00083 /*% Recursion OK? */
00084 #define RECURSIONOK(c)          (((c)->query.attributes & \
00085                                   NS_QUERYATTR_RECURSIONOK) != 0)
00086 /*% Recursing? */
00087 #define RECURSING(c)            (((c)->query.attributes & \
00088                                   NS_QUERYATTR_RECURSING) != 0)
00089 /*% Cache glue ok? */
00090 #define CACHEGLUEOK(c)          (((c)->query.attributes & \
00091                                   NS_QUERYATTR_CACHEGLUEOK) != 0)
00092 /*% Want Recursion? */
00093 #define WANTRECURSION(c)        (((c)->query.attributes & \
00094                                   NS_QUERYATTR_WANTRECURSION) != 0)
00095 /*% Want DNSSEC? */
00096 #define WANTDNSSEC(c)           (((c)->attributes & \
00097                                   NS_CLIENTATTR_WANTDNSSEC) != 0)
00098 /*% Want WANTAD? */
00099 #define WANTAD(c)               (((c)->attributes & \
00100                                   NS_CLIENTATTR_WANTAD) != 0)
00102 /*% Client presented a valid Source Identity Token. */
00103 #define HAVESIT(c)              (((c)->attributes & \
00104                                   NS_CLIENTATTR_HAVESIT) != 0)
00105 #else
00106 #define HAVESIT(c)              (0)
00107 #endif
00109 /*% No authority? */
00110 #define NOAUTHORITY(c)          (((c)->query.attributes & \
00111                                   NS_QUERYATTR_NOAUTHORITY) != 0)
00112 /*% No additional? */
00113 #define NOADDITIONAL(c)         (((c)->query.attributes & \
00114                                   NS_QUERYATTR_NOADDITIONAL) != 0)
00115 /*% Secure? */
00116 #define SECURE(c)               (((c)->query.attributes & \
00117                                   NS_QUERYATTR_SECURE) != 0)
00118 /*% DNS64 A lookup? */
00119 #define DNS64(c)                (((c)->query.attributes & \
00120                                   NS_QUERYATTR_DNS64) != 0)
00122 #define DNS64EXCLUDE(c)         (((c)->query.attributes & \
00123                                   NS_QUERYATTR_DNS64EXCLUDE) != 0)
00125 #define REDIRECT(c)             (((c)->query.attributes & \
00126                                   NS_QUERYATTR_REDIRECT) != 0)
00128 /*% No QNAME Proof? */
00129 #define NOQNAME(r)              (((r)->attributes & \
00130                                   DNS_RDATASETATTR_NOQNAME) != 0)
00132 #ifdef WANT_QUERYTRACE
00133 #define CTRACE(l,m)       do {                                          \
00134         if (client != NULL && client->query.qname != NULL) {            \
00135                 if (isc_log_wouldlog(ns_g_lctx, l)) {                   \
00136                         char qbuf[DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE];                 \
00137                         dns_name_format(client->query.qname,            \
00138                                         qbuf, sizeof(qbuf));            \
00139                         isc_log_write(ns_g_lctx,                        \
00140                                       NS_LOGCATEGORY_CLIENT,            \
00141                                       NS_LOGMODULE_QUERY,               \
00142                                       l, "client %p (%s): %s",          \
00143                                       client, qbuf, (m));               \
00144                 }                                                       \
00145          } else {                                                       \
00146                 isc_log_write(ns_g_lctx,                                \
00147                               NS_LOGCATEGORY_CLIENT,                    \
00148                               NS_LOGMODULE_QUERY,                       \
00149                               l, "client %p (<unknown-name>): %s",      \
00150                               client, (m));                             \
00151         }                                                               \
00152 } while(0)
00153 #else
00154 #define CTRACE(l,m) ((void)m)
00155 #endif /* WANT_QUERYTRACE */
00158 #define DNS_GETDB_NOEXACT 0x01U
00159 #define DNS_GETDB_NOLOG 0x02U
00160 #define DNS_GETDB_PARTIAL 0x04U
00161 #define DNS_GETDB_IGNOREACL 0x08U
00163 #define PENDINGOK(x)    (((x) & DNS_DBFIND_PENDINGOK) != 0)
00165 #define SFCACHE_CDFLAG 0x1
00167 typedef struct client_additionalctx {
00168         ns_client_t *client;
00169         dns_rdataset_t *rdataset;
00170 } client_additionalctx_t;
00172 static isc_result_t
00173 query_find(ns_client_t *client, dns_fetchevent_t *event, dns_rdatatype_t qtype);
00175 static isc_boolean_t
00176 validate(ns_client_t *client, dns_db_t *db, dns_name_t *name,
00177          dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset);
00179 static void
00180 query_findclosestnsec3(dns_name_t *qname, dns_db_t *db,
00181                        dns_dbversion_t *version, ns_client_t *client,
00182                        dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset,
00183                        dns_name_t *fname, isc_boolean_t exact,
00184                        dns_name_t *found);
00186 static inline void
00187 log_queryerror(ns_client_t *client, isc_result_t result, int line, int level);
00189 static void
00190 rpz_st_clear(ns_client_t *client);
00192 /*%
00193  * Increment query statistics counters.
00194  */
00195 static inline void
00196 inc_stats(ns_client_t *client, isc_statscounter_t counter) {
00197         dns_zone_t *zone = client->query.authzone;
00198         dns_rdatatype_t qtype;
00199         dns_rdataset_t *rdataset;
00200         isc_stats_t *zonestats;
00201         dns_stats_t *querystats = NULL;
00203         isc_stats_increment(ns_g_server->nsstats, counter);
00205         if (zone == NULL)
00206                 return;
00208         /* Do regular response type stats */
00209         zonestats = dns_zone_getrequeststats(zone);
00211         if (zonestats != NULL)
00212                 isc_stats_increment(zonestats, counter);
00214         /* Do query type statistics
00215          *
00216          * We only increment per-type if we're using the authoritative
00217          * answer counter, preventing double-counting.
00218          */
00219         if (counter == dns_nsstatscounter_authans) {
00220                 querystats = dns_zone_getrcvquerystats(zone);
00221                 if (querystats != NULL) {
00222                         rdataset = ISC_LIST_HEAD(client->query.qname->list);
00223                         if (rdataset != NULL) {
00224                                 qtype = rdataset->type;
00225                                 dns_rdatatypestats_increment(querystats, qtype);
00226                         }
00227                 }
00228         }
00229 }
00231 static void
00232 query_send(ns_client_t *client) {
00233         isc_statscounter_t counter;
00235         if ((client->message->flags & DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_AA) == 0)
00236                 inc_stats(client, dns_nsstatscounter_nonauthans);
00237         else
00238                 inc_stats(client, dns_nsstatscounter_authans);
00240         if (client->message->rcode == dns_rcode_noerror) {
00241                 dns_section_t answer = DNS_SECTION_ANSWER;
00242                 if (ISC_LIST_EMPTY(client->message->sections[answer])) {
00243                         if (client->query.isreferral)
00244                                 counter = dns_nsstatscounter_referral;
00245                         else
00246                                 counter = dns_nsstatscounter_nxrrset;
00247                 } else
00248                         counter = dns_nsstatscounter_success;
00249         } else if (client->message->rcode == dns_rcode_nxdomain)
00250                 counter = dns_nsstatscounter_nxdomain;
00251         else /* We end up here in case of YXDOMAIN, and maybe others */
00252                 counter = dns_nsstatscounter_failure;
00254         inc_stats(client, counter);
00255         ns_client_send(client);
00256 }
00258 static void
00259 query_error(ns_client_t *client, isc_result_t result, int line) {
00260         int loglevel = ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3);
00262         switch (result) {
00263         case DNS_R_SERVFAIL:
00264                 loglevel = ISC_LOG_DEBUG(1);
00265                 inc_stats(client, dns_nsstatscounter_servfail);
00266                 break;
00267         case DNS_R_FORMERR:
00268                 inc_stats(client, dns_nsstatscounter_formerr);
00269                 break;
00270         default:
00271                 inc_stats(client, dns_nsstatscounter_failure);
00272                 break;
00273         }
00275         if (ns_g_server->log_queries)
00276                 loglevel = ISC_LOG_INFO;
00278         log_queryerror(client, result, line, loglevel);
00280         ns_client_error(client, result);
00281 }
00283 static void
00284 query_next(ns_client_t *client, isc_result_t result) {
00285         if (result == DNS_R_DUPLICATE)
00286                 inc_stats(client, dns_nsstatscounter_duplicate);
00287         else if (result == DNS_R_DROP)
00288                 inc_stats(client, dns_nsstatscounter_dropped);
00289         else
00290                 inc_stats(client, dns_nsstatscounter_failure);
00291         ns_client_next(client, result);
00292 }
00294 static inline void
00295 query_freefreeversions(ns_client_t *client, isc_boolean_t everything) {
00296         ns_dbversion_t *dbversion, *dbversion_next;
00297         unsigned int i;
00299         for (dbversion = ISC_LIST_HEAD(client->query.freeversions), i = 0;
00300              dbversion != NULL;
00301              dbversion = dbversion_next, i++)
00302         {
00303                 dbversion_next = ISC_LIST_NEXT(dbversion, link);
00304                 /*
00305                  * If we're not freeing everything, we keep the first three
00306                  * dbversions structures around.
00307                  */
00308                 if (i > 3 || everything) {
00309                         ISC_LIST_UNLINK(client->query.freeversions, dbversion,
00310                                         link);
00311                         isc_mem_put(client->mctx, dbversion,
00312                                     sizeof(*dbversion));
00313                 }
00314         }
00315 }
00317 void
00318 ns_query_cancel(ns_client_t *client) {
00319         LOCK(&client->query.fetchlock);
00320         if (client->query.fetch != NULL) {
00321                 dns_resolver_cancelfetch(client->query.fetch);
00323                 client->query.fetch = NULL;
00324         }
00325         UNLOCK(&client->query.fetchlock);
00326 }
00328 static inline void
00329 query_putrdataset(ns_client_t *client, dns_rdataset_t **rdatasetp) {
00330         dns_rdataset_t *rdataset = *rdatasetp;
00332         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_putrdataset");
00333         if (rdataset != NULL) {
00334                 if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset))
00335                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(rdataset);
00336                 dns_message_puttemprdataset(client->message, rdatasetp);
00337         }
00338         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_putrdataset: done");
00339 }
00341 static inline void
00342 query_reset(ns_client_t *client, isc_boolean_t everything) {
00343         isc_buffer_t *dbuf, *dbuf_next;
00344         ns_dbversion_t *dbversion, *dbversion_next;
00346         /*%
00347          * Reset the query state of a client to its default state.
00348          */
00350         /*
00351          * Cancel the fetch if it's running.
00352          */
00353         ns_query_cancel(client);
00355         /*
00356          * Cleanup any active versions.
00357          */
00358         for (dbversion = ISC_LIST_HEAD(client->query.activeversions);
00359              dbversion != NULL;
00360              dbversion = dbversion_next) {
00361                 dbversion_next = ISC_LIST_NEXT(dbversion, link);
00362                 dns_db_closeversion(dbversion->db, &dbversion->version,
00363                                     ISC_FALSE);
00364                 dns_db_detach(&dbversion->db);
00365                 ISC_LIST_INITANDAPPEND(client->query.freeversions,
00366                                       dbversion, link);
00367         }
00368         ISC_LIST_INIT(client->query.activeversions);
00370         if (client->query.authdb != NULL)
00371                 dns_db_detach(&client->query.authdb);
00372         if (client->query.authzone != NULL)
00373                 dns_zone_detach(&client->query.authzone);
00375         if (client->query.dns64_aaaa != NULL)
00376                 query_putrdataset(client, &client->query.dns64_aaaa);
00377         if (client->query.dns64_sigaaaa != NULL)
00378                 query_putrdataset(client, &client->query.dns64_sigaaaa);
00379         if (client->query.dns64_aaaaok != NULL) {
00380                 isc_mem_put(client->mctx, client->query.dns64_aaaaok,
00381                             client->query.dns64_aaaaoklen *
00382                             sizeof(isc_boolean_t));
00383                 client->query.dns64_aaaaok =  NULL;
00384                 client->query.dns64_aaaaoklen =  0;
00385         }
00387         query_putrdataset(client, &client->query.redirect.rdataset);
00388         query_putrdataset(client, &client->query.redirect.sigrdataset);
00389         if (client->query.redirect.db != NULL) {
00390                 if (client->query.redirect.node != NULL)
00391                         dns_db_detachnode(client->query.redirect.db,
00392                                           &client->query.redirect.node);
00393                 dns_db_detach(&client->query.redirect.db);
00394         }
00395         if (client->query.redirect.zone != NULL)
00396                 dns_zone_detach(&client->query.redirect.zone);
00398         query_freefreeversions(client, everything);
00400         for (dbuf = ISC_LIST_HEAD(client->query.namebufs);
00401              dbuf != NULL;
00402              dbuf = dbuf_next) {
00403                 dbuf_next = ISC_LIST_NEXT(dbuf, link);
00404                 if (dbuf_next != NULL || everything) {
00405                         ISC_LIST_UNLINK(client->query.namebufs, dbuf, link);
00406                         isc_buffer_free(&dbuf);
00407                 }
00408         }
00410         if (client->query.restarts > 0) {
00411                 /*
00412                  * client->query.qname was dynamically allocated.
00413                  */
00414                 dns_message_puttempname(client->message,
00415                                         &client->query.qname);
00416         }
00417         client->query.qname = NULL;
00418         client->query.attributes = (NS_QUERYATTR_RECURSIONOK |
00419                                     NS_QUERYATTR_CACHEOK |
00420                                     NS_QUERYATTR_SECURE);
00421         client->query.restarts = 0;
00422         client->query.timerset = ISC_FALSE;
00423         if (client->query.rpz_st != NULL) {
00424                 rpz_st_clear(client);
00425                 if (everything) {
00426                         isc_mem_put(client->mctx, client->query.rpz_st,
00427                                     sizeof(*client->query.rpz_st));
00428                         client->query.rpz_st = NULL;
00429                 }
00430         }
00431         client->query.origqname = NULL;
00432         client->query.dboptions = 0;
00433         client->query.fetchoptions = 0;
00434         client->query.gluedb = NULL;
00435         client->query.authdbset = ISC_FALSE;
00436         client->query.isreferral = ISC_FALSE;
00437         client->query.dns64_options = 0;
00438         client->query.dns64_ttl = ISC_UINT32_MAX;
00439 }
00441 static void
00442 query_next_callback(ns_client_t *client) {
00443         query_reset(client, ISC_FALSE);
00444 }
00446 void
00447 ns_query_free(ns_client_t *client) {
00448         query_reset(client, ISC_TRUE);
00449 }
00451 static inline isc_result_t
00452 query_newnamebuf(ns_client_t *client) {
00453         isc_buffer_t *dbuf;
00454         isc_result_t result;
00456         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_newnamebuf");
00457         /*%
00458          * Allocate a name buffer.
00459          */
00461         dbuf = NULL;
00462         result = isc_buffer_allocate(client->mctx, &dbuf, 1024);
00463         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
00464                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
00465                        "query_newnamebuf: isc_buffer_allocate failed: done");
00466                 return (result);
00467         }
00468         ISC_LIST_APPEND(client->query.namebufs, dbuf, link);
00470         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_newnamebuf: done");
00471         return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
00472 }
00474 static inline isc_buffer_t *
00475 query_getnamebuf(ns_client_t *client) {
00476         isc_buffer_t *dbuf;
00477         isc_result_t result;
00478         isc_region_t r;
00480         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_getnamebuf");
00481         /*%
00482          * Return a name buffer with space for a maximal name, allocating
00483          * a new one if necessary.
00484          */
00486         if (ISC_LIST_EMPTY(client->query.namebufs)) {
00487                 result = query_newnamebuf(client);
00488                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
00489                     CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
00490                            "query_getnamebuf: query_newnamebuf failed: done");
00491                         return (NULL);
00492                 }
00493         }
00495         dbuf = ISC_LIST_TAIL(client->query.namebufs);
00496         INSIST(dbuf != NULL);
00497         isc_buffer_availableregion(dbuf, &r);
00498         if (r.length < 255) {
00499                 result = query_newnamebuf(client);
00500                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
00501                     CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
00502                            "query_getnamebuf: query_newnamebuf failed: done");
00503                         return (NULL);
00505                 }
00506                 dbuf = ISC_LIST_TAIL(client->query.namebufs);
00507                 isc_buffer_availableregion(dbuf, &r);
00508                 INSIST(r.length >= 255);
00509         }
00510         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_getnamebuf: done");
00511         return (dbuf);
00512 }
00514 static inline void
00515 query_keepname(ns_client_t *client, dns_name_t *name, isc_buffer_t *dbuf) {
00516         isc_region_t r;
00518         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_keepname");
00519         /*%
00520          * 'name' is using space in 'dbuf', but 'dbuf' has not yet been
00521          * adjusted to take account of that.  We do the adjustment.
00522          */
00524         REQUIRE((client->query.attributes & NS_QUERYATTR_NAMEBUFUSED) != 0);
00526         dns_name_toregion(name, &r);
00527         isc_buffer_add(dbuf, r.length);
00528         dns_name_setbuffer(name, NULL);
00529         client->query.attributes &= ~NS_QUERYATTR_NAMEBUFUSED;
00530 }
00532 static inline void
00533 query_releasename(ns_client_t *client, dns_name_t **namep) {
00534         dns_name_t *name = *namep;
00536         /*%
00537          * 'name' is no longer needed.  Return it to our pool of temporary
00538          * names.  If it is using a name buffer, relinquish its exclusive
00539          * rights on the buffer.
00540          */
00542         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_releasename");
00543         if (dns_name_hasbuffer(name)) {
00544                 INSIST((client->query.attributes & NS_QUERYATTR_NAMEBUFUSED)
00545                        != 0);
00546                 client->query.attributes &= ~NS_QUERYATTR_NAMEBUFUSED;
00547         }
00548         dns_message_puttempname(client->message, namep);
00549         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_releasename: done");
00550 }
00552 static inline dns_name_t *
00553 query_newname(ns_client_t *client, isc_buffer_t *dbuf,
00554               isc_buffer_t *nbuf)
00555 {
00556         dns_name_t *name;
00557         isc_region_t r;
00558         isc_result_t result;
00560         REQUIRE((client->query.attributes & NS_QUERYATTR_NAMEBUFUSED) == 0);
00562         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_newname");
00563         name = NULL;
00564         result = dns_message_gettempname(client->message, &name);
00565         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
00566                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
00567                        "query_newname: dns_message_gettempname failed: done");
00568                 return (NULL);
00569         }
00570         isc_buffer_availableregion(dbuf, &r);
00571         isc_buffer_init(nbuf, r.base, r.length);
00572         dns_name_init(name, NULL);
00573         dns_name_setbuffer(name, nbuf);
00574         client->query.attributes |= NS_QUERYATTR_NAMEBUFUSED;
00576         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_newname: done");
00577         return (name);
00578 }
00580 static inline dns_rdataset_t *
00581 query_newrdataset(ns_client_t *client) {
00582         dns_rdataset_t *rdataset;
00583         isc_result_t result;
00585         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_newrdataset");
00586         rdataset = NULL;
00587         result = dns_message_gettemprdataset(client->message, &rdataset);
00588         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
00589           CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
00590                  "query_newrdataset: "
00591                  "dns_message_gettemprdataset failed: done");
00592                 return (NULL);
00593         }
00594         dns_rdataset_init(rdataset);
00596         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_newrdataset: done");
00597         return (rdataset);
00598 }
00600 static inline isc_result_t
00601 query_newdbversion(ns_client_t *client, unsigned int n) {
00602         unsigned int i;
00603         ns_dbversion_t *dbversion;
00605         for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00606                 dbversion = isc_mem_get(client->mctx, sizeof(*dbversion));
00607                 if (dbversion != NULL) {
00608                         dbversion->db = NULL;
00609                         dbversion->version = NULL;
00610                         ISC_LIST_INITANDAPPEND(client->query.freeversions,
00611                                               dbversion, link);
00612                 } else {
00613                         /*
00614                          * We only return ISC_R_NOMEMORY if we couldn't
00615                          * allocate anything.
00616                          */
00617                         if (i == 0)
00618                                 return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY);
00619                         else
00620                                 return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
00621                 }
00622         }
00624         return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
00625 }
00627 static inline ns_dbversion_t *
00628 query_getdbversion(ns_client_t *client) {
00629         isc_result_t result;
00630         ns_dbversion_t *dbversion;
00632         if (ISC_LIST_EMPTY(client->query.freeversions)) {
00633                 result = query_newdbversion(client, 1);
00634                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
00635                         return (NULL);
00636         }
00637         dbversion = ISC_LIST_HEAD(client->query.freeversions);
00638         INSIST(dbversion != NULL);
00639         ISC_LIST_UNLINK(client->query.freeversions, dbversion, link);
00641         return (dbversion);
00642 }
00644 isc_result_t
00645 ns_query_init(ns_client_t *client) {
00646         isc_result_t result;
00648         ISC_LIST_INIT(client->query.namebufs);
00649         ISC_LIST_INIT(client->query.activeversions);
00650         ISC_LIST_INIT(client->query.freeversions);
00651         client->query.restarts = 0;
00652         client->query.timerset = ISC_FALSE;
00653         client->query.rpz_st = NULL;
00654         client->query.qname = NULL;
00655         /*
00656          * This mutex is destroyed when the client is destroyed in
00657          * exit_check().
00658          */
00659         result = isc_mutex_init(&client->query.fetchlock);
00660         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
00661                 return (result);
00662         client->query.fetch = NULL;
00663         client->query.prefetch = NULL;
00664         client->query.authdb = NULL;
00665         client->query.authzone = NULL;
00666         client->query.authdbset = ISC_FALSE;
00667         client->query.isreferral = ISC_FALSE;
00668         client->query.dns64_aaaa = NULL;
00669         client->query.dns64_sigaaaa = NULL;
00670         client->query.dns64_aaaaok = NULL;
00671         client->query.dns64_aaaaoklen = 0;
00672         client->query.redirect.db = NULL;
00673         client->query.redirect.node = NULL;
00674         client->query.redirect.zone = NULL;
00675         client->query.redirect.qtype = dns_rdatatype_none;
00676         client->query.redirect.result = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
00677         client->query.redirect.rdataset = NULL;
00678         client->query.redirect.sigrdataset = NULL;
00679         dns_fixedname_init(&client->query.redirect.fixed);
00680         client->query.redirect.fname =
00681                 dns_fixedname_name(&client->query.redirect.fixed);
00682         query_reset(client, ISC_FALSE);
00683         result = query_newdbversion(client, 3);
00684         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
00685                 DESTROYLOCK(&client->query.fetchlock);
00686                 return (result);
00687         }
00688         result = query_newnamebuf(client);
00689         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
00690                 query_freefreeversions(client, ISC_TRUE);
00691                 DESTROYLOCK(&client->query.fetchlock);
00692         }
00694         return (result);
00695 }
00697 static inline ns_dbversion_t *
00698 query_findversion(ns_client_t *client, dns_db_t *db)
00699 {
00700         ns_dbversion_t *dbversion;
00702         /*%
00703          * We may already have done a query related to this
00704          * database.  If so, we must be sure to make subsequent
00705          * queries from the same version.
00706          */
00707         for (dbversion = ISC_LIST_HEAD(client->query.activeversions);
00708              dbversion != NULL;
00709              dbversion = ISC_LIST_NEXT(dbversion, link)) {
00710                 if (dbversion->db == db)
00711                         break;
00712         }
00714         if (dbversion == NULL) {
00715                 /*
00716                  * This is a new zone for this query.  Add it to
00717                  * the active list.
00718                  */
00719                 dbversion = query_getdbversion(client);
00720                 if (dbversion == NULL)
00721                         return (NULL);
00722                 dns_db_attach(db, &dbversion->db);
00723                 dns_db_currentversion(db, &dbversion->version);
00724                 dbversion->acl_checked = ISC_FALSE;
00725                 dbversion->queryok = ISC_FALSE;
00726                 ISC_LIST_APPEND(client->query.activeversions,
00727                                 dbversion, link);
00728         }
00730         return (dbversion);
00731 }
00733 static inline isc_result_t
00734 query_validatezonedb(ns_client_t *client, dns_name_t *name,
00735                      dns_rdatatype_t qtype, unsigned int options,
00736                      dns_zone_t *zone, dns_db_t *db,
00737                      dns_dbversion_t **versionp)
00738 {
00739         isc_result_t result;
00740         dns_acl_t *queryacl, *queryonacl;
00741         ns_dbversion_t *dbversion;
00743         REQUIRE(zone != NULL);
00744         REQUIRE(db != NULL);
00746         /*
00747          * This limits our searching to the zone where the first name
00748          * (the query target) was looked for.  This prevents following
00749          * CNAMES or DNAMES into other zones and prevents returning
00750          * additional data from other zones.
00751          */
00752         if (!client->view->additionalfromauth &&
00753             client->query.authdbset &&
00754             db != client->query.authdb)
00755                 return (DNS_R_REFUSED);
00757         /*
00758          * Non recursive query to a static-stub zone is prohibited; its
00759          * zone content is not public data, but a part of local configuration
00760          * and should not be disclosed.
00761          */
00762         if (dns_zone_gettype(zone) == dns_zone_staticstub &&
00763             !RECURSIONOK(client)) {
00764                 return (DNS_R_REFUSED);
00765         }
00767         /*
00768          * If the zone has an ACL, we'll check it, otherwise
00769          * we use the view's "allow-query" ACL.  Each ACL is only checked
00770          * once per query.
00771          *
00772          * Also, get the database version to use.
00773          */
00775         /*
00776          * Get the current version of this database.
00777          */
00778         dbversion = query_findversion(client, db);
00779         if (dbversion == NULL) {
00780                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR, "unable to get db version");
00781                 return (DNS_R_SERVFAIL);
00782         }
00784         if ((options & DNS_GETDB_IGNOREACL) != 0)
00785                 goto approved;
00786         if (dbversion->acl_checked) {
00787                 if (!dbversion->queryok)
00788                         return (DNS_R_REFUSED);
00789                 goto approved;
00790         }
00792         queryacl = dns_zone_getqueryacl(zone);
00793         if (queryacl == NULL) {
00794                 queryacl = client->view->queryacl;
00795                 if ((client->query.attributes &
00796                      NS_QUERYATTR_QUERYOKVALID) != 0) {
00797                         /*
00798                          * We've evaluated the view's queryacl already.  If
00799                          * NS_QUERYATTR_QUERYOK is set, then the client is
00800                          * allowed to make queries, otherwise the query should
00801                          * be refused.
00802                          */
00803                         dbversion->acl_checked = ISC_TRUE;
00804                         if ((client->query.attributes &
00805                              NS_QUERYATTR_QUERYOK) == 0) {
00806                                 dbversion->queryok = ISC_FALSE;
00807                                 return (DNS_R_REFUSED);
00808                         }
00809                         dbversion->queryok = ISC_TRUE;
00810                         goto approved;
00811                 }
00812         }
00814         result = ns_client_checkaclsilent(client, NULL, queryacl, ISC_TRUE);
00815         if ((options & DNS_GETDB_NOLOG) == 0) {
00816                 char msg[NS_CLIENT_ACLMSGSIZE("query")];
00817                 if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
00818                         if (isc_log_wouldlog(ns_g_lctx, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3))) {
00819                                 ns_client_aclmsg("query", name, qtype,
00820                                                  client->view->rdclass,
00821                                                  msg, sizeof(msg));
00822                                 ns_client_log(client,
00823                                               DNS_LOGCATEGORY_SECURITY,
00824                                               NS_LOGMODULE_QUERY,
00825                                               ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
00826                                               "%s approved", msg);
00827                         }
00828                 } else {
00829                         ns_client_aclmsg("query", name, qtype,
00830                                          client->view->rdclass,
00831                                          msg, sizeof(msg));
00832                         ns_client_log(client, DNS_LOGCATEGORY_SECURITY,
00833                                       NS_LOGMODULE_QUERY, ISC_LOG_INFO,
00834                                       "%s denied", msg);
00835                 }
00836         }
00838         if (queryacl == client->view->queryacl) {
00839                 if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
00840                         /*
00841                          * We were allowed by the default
00842                          * "allow-query" ACL.  Remember this so we
00843                          * don't have to check again.
00844                          */
00845                         client->query.attributes |= NS_QUERYATTR_QUERYOK;
00846                 }
00847                 /*
00848                  * We've now evaluated the view's query ACL, and
00849                  * the NS_QUERYATTR_QUERYOK attribute is now valid.
00850                  */
00851                 client->query.attributes |= NS_QUERYATTR_QUERYOKVALID;
00852         }
00854         /* If and only if we've gotten this far, check allow-query-on too */
00855         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
00856                 queryonacl = dns_zone_getqueryonacl(zone);
00857                 if (queryonacl == NULL)
00858                         queryonacl = client->view->queryonacl;
00860                 result = ns_client_checkaclsilent(client, &client->destaddr,
00861                                                   queryonacl, ISC_TRUE);
00862                 if ((options & DNS_GETDB_NOLOG) == 0 &&
00863                     result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
00864                         ns_client_log(client, DNS_LOGCATEGORY_SECURITY,
00865                                       NS_LOGMODULE_QUERY, ISC_LOG_INFO,
00866                                       "query-on denied");
00867         }
00869         dbversion->acl_checked = ISC_TRUE;
00870         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
00871                 dbversion->queryok = ISC_FALSE;
00872                 return (DNS_R_REFUSED);
00873         }
00874         dbversion->queryok = ISC_TRUE;
00876  approved:
00877         /* Transfer ownership, if necessary. */
00878         if (versionp != NULL)
00879                 *versionp = dbversion->version;
00880         return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
00881 }
00883 static inline isc_result_t
00884 query_getzonedb(ns_client_t *client, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t qtype,
00885                 unsigned int options, dns_zone_t **zonep, dns_db_t **dbp,
00886                 dns_dbversion_t **versionp)
00887 {
00888         isc_result_t result;
00889         unsigned int ztoptions;
00890         dns_zone_t *zone = NULL;
00891         dns_db_t *db = NULL;
00892         isc_boolean_t partial = ISC_FALSE;
00894         REQUIRE(zonep != NULL && *zonep == NULL);
00895         REQUIRE(dbp != NULL && *dbp == NULL);
00897         /*%
00898          * Find a zone database to answer the query.
00899          */
00900         ztoptions = ((options & DNS_GETDB_NOEXACT) != 0) ?
00901                 DNS_ZTFIND_NOEXACT : 0;
00903         result = dns_zt_find(client->view->zonetable, name, ztoptions, NULL,
00904                              &zone);
00906         if (result == DNS_R_PARTIALMATCH)
00907                 partial = ISC_TRUE;
00908         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS || result == DNS_R_PARTIALMATCH)
00909                 result = dns_zone_getdb(zone, &db);
00911         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
00912                 goto fail;
00914         result = query_validatezonedb(client, name, qtype, options, zone, db,
00915                                       versionp);
00917         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
00918                 goto fail;
00920         /* Transfer ownership. */
00921         *zonep = zone;
00922         *dbp = db;
00924         if (partial && (options & DNS_GETDB_PARTIAL) != 0)
00925                 return (DNS_R_PARTIALMATCH);
00926         return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
00928  fail:
00929         if (zone != NULL)
00930                 dns_zone_detach(&zone);
00931         if (db != NULL)
00932                 dns_db_detach(&db);
00934         return (result);
00935 }
00937 static void
00938 rpz_log_rewrite(ns_client_t *client, isc_boolean_t disabled,
00939                 dns_rpz_policy_t policy, dns_rpz_type_t type,
00940                 dns_zone_t *p_zone, dns_name_t *p_name,
00941                 dns_name_t *cname)
00942 {
00943         isc_stats_t *zonestats;
00944         char qname_buf[DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE];
00945         char p_name_buf[DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE];
00946         char cname_buf[DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE] = { 0 };
00947         const char *s1 = cname_buf, *s2 = cname_buf;
00949         /*
00950          * Count enabled rewrites in the global counter.
00951          * Count both enabled and disabled rewrites for each zone.
00952          */
00953         if (!disabled && policy != DNS_RPZ_POLICY_PASSTHRU) {
00954                 isc_stats_increment(ns_g_server->nsstats,
00955                                     dns_nsstatscounter_rpz_rewrites);
00956         }
00957         if (p_zone != NULL) {
00958                 zonestats = dns_zone_getrequeststats(p_zone);
00959                 if (zonestats != NULL)
00960                         isc_stats_increment(zonestats,
00961                                             dns_nsstatscounter_rpz_rewrites);
00962         }
00964         if (!isc_log_wouldlog(ns_g_lctx, DNS_RPZ_INFO_LEVEL))
00965                 return;
00967         dns_name_format(client->query.qname, qname_buf, sizeof(qname_buf));
00968         dns_name_format(p_name, p_name_buf, sizeof(p_name_buf));
00969         if (cname != NULL) {
00970                 s1 = " (CNAME to: ";
00971                 dns_name_format(cname, cname_buf, sizeof(cname_buf));
00972                 s2 = ")";
00973         }
00975         ns_client_log(client, DNS_LOGCATEGORY_RPZ, NS_LOGMODULE_QUERY,
00976                       DNS_RPZ_INFO_LEVEL, "%srpz %s %s rewrite %s via %s%s%s%s",
00977                       disabled ? "disabled " : "",
00978                       dns_rpz_type2str(type), dns_rpz_policy2str(policy),
00979                       qname_buf, p_name_buf, s1, cname_buf, s2);
00980 }
00982 static void
00983 rpz_log_fail(ns_client_t *client, int level, dns_name_t *p_name,
00984              dns_rpz_type_t rpz_type, const char *str, isc_result_t result)
00985 {
00986         char qnamebuf[DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE];
00987         char p_namebuf[DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE];
00988         const char *failed;
00990         if (!isc_log_wouldlog(ns_g_lctx, level))
00991                 return;
00993         /*
00994          * bin/tests/system/rpz/tests.sh looks for "rpz.*failed" for problems.
00995          */
00996         if (level <= DNS_RPZ_DEBUG_LEVEL1)
00997                 failed = "failed: ";
00998         else
00999                 failed = ": ";
01000         dns_name_format(client->query.qname, qnamebuf, sizeof(qnamebuf));
01001         dns_name_format(p_name, p_namebuf, sizeof(p_namebuf));
01002         ns_client_log(client, NS_LOGCATEGORY_QUERY_EERRORS,
01003                       NS_LOGMODULE_QUERY, level,
01004                       "rpz %s rewrite %s via %s%s%s%s",
01005                       dns_rpz_type2str(rpz_type),
01006                       qnamebuf, p_namebuf,
01007                       str, failed, isc_result_totext(result));
01008 }
01010 /*
01011  * Get a policy rewrite zone database.
01012  */
01013 static isc_result_t
01014 rpz_getdb(ns_client_t *client, dns_name_t *p_name, dns_rpz_type_t rpz_type,
01015           dns_zone_t **zonep, dns_db_t **dbp, dns_dbversion_t **versionp)
01016 {
01017         char qnamebuf[DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE];
01018         char p_namebuf[DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE];
01019         dns_dbversion_t *rpz_version = NULL;
01020         isc_result_t result;
01022         result = query_getzonedb(client, p_name, dns_rdatatype_any,
01023                                  DNS_GETDB_IGNOREACL, zonep, dbp, &rpz_version);
01024         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
01025                 if (isc_log_wouldlog(ns_g_lctx, DNS_RPZ_DEBUG_LEVEL2)) {
01026                         dns_name_format(client->query.qname, qnamebuf,
01027                                         sizeof(qnamebuf));
01028                         dns_name_format(p_name, p_namebuf, sizeof(p_namebuf));
01029                         ns_client_log(client, DNS_LOGCATEGORY_RPZ,
01030                                       NS_LOGMODULE_QUERY, DNS_RPZ_DEBUG_LEVEL2,
01031                                       "try rpz %s rewrite %s via %s",
01032                                       dns_rpz_type2str(rpz_type),
01033                                       qnamebuf, p_namebuf);
01034                 }
01035                 *versionp = rpz_version;
01036                 return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
01037         }
01038         rpz_log_fail(client, DNS_RPZ_ERROR_LEVEL, p_name, rpz_type,
01039                      " query_getzonedb()", result);
01040         return (result);
01041 }
01043 static inline isc_result_t
01044 query_getcachedb(ns_client_t *client, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t qtype,
01045                  dns_db_t **dbp, unsigned int options)
01046 {
01047         isc_result_t result;
01048         isc_boolean_t check_acl;
01049         dns_db_t *db = NULL;
01051         REQUIRE(dbp != NULL && *dbp == NULL);
01053         /*%
01054          * Find a cache database to answer the query.
01055          * This may fail with DNS_R_REFUSED if the client
01056          * is not allowed to use the cache.
01057          */
01059         if (!USECACHE(client))
01060                 return (DNS_R_REFUSED);
01061         dns_db_attach(client->view->cachedb, &db);
01063         if ((client->query.attributes & NS_QUERYATTR_CACHEACLOKVALID) != 0) {
01064                 /*
01065                  * We've evaluated the view's cacheacl already.  If
01066                  * NS_QUERYATTR_CACHEACLOK is set, then the client is
01067                  * allowed to make queries, otherwise the query should
01068                  * be refused.
01069                  */
01070                 check_acl = ISC_FALSE;
01071                 if ((client->query.attributes & NS_QUERYATTR_CACHEACLOK) == 0)
01072                         goto refuse;
01073         } else {
01074                 /*
01075                  * We haven't evaluated the view's queryacl yet.
01076                  */
01077                 check_acl = ISC_TRUE;
01078         }
01080         if (check_acl) {
01081                 isc_boolean_t log = ISC_TF((options & DNS_GETDB_NOLOG) == 0);
01082                 char msg[NS_CLIENT_ACLMSGSIZE("query (cache)")];
01084                 result = ns_client_checkaclsilent(client, NULL,
01085                                                   client->view->cacheacl,
01086                                                   ISC_TRUE);
01087                 if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
01088                         /*
01089                          * We were allowed by the "allow-query-cache" ACL.
01090                          * Remember this so we don't have to check again.
01091                          */
01092                         client->query.attributes |=
01093                                 NS_QUERYATTR_CACHEACLOK;
01094                         if (log && isc_log_wouldlog(ns_g_lctx,
01095                                                      ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3)))
01096                         {
01097                                 ns_client_aclmsg("query (cache)", name, qtype,
01098                                                  client->view->rdclass,
01099                                                  msg, sizeof(msg));
01100                                 ns_client_log(client,
01101                                               DNS_LOGCATEGORY_SECURITY,
01102                                               NS_LOGMODULE_QUERY,
01103                                               ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
01104                                               "%s approved", msg);
01105                         }
01106                 } else if (log) {
01107                         ns_client_aclmsg("query (cache)", name, qtype,
01108                                          client->view->rdclass, msg,
01109                                          sizeof(msg));
01110                         ns_client_log(client, DNS_LOGCATEGORY_SECURITY,
01111                                       NS_LOGMODULE_QUERY, ISC_LOG_INFO,
01112                                       "%s denied", msg);
01113                 }
01114                 /*
01115                  * We've now evaluated the view's query ACL, and
01116                  * the NS_QUERYATTR_CACHEACLOKVALID attribute is now valid.
01117                  */
01118                 client->query.attributes |= NS_QUERYATTR_CACHEACLOKVALID;
01120                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
01121                         goto refuse;
01122         }
01124         /* Approved. */
01126         /* Transfer ownership. */
01127         *dbp = db;
01129         return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
01131  refuse:
01132         result = DNS_R_REFUSED;
01134         if (db != NULL)
01135                 dns_db_detach(&db);
01137         return (result);
01138 }
01141 static inline isc_result_t
01142 query_getdb(ns_client_t *client, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t qtype,
01143             unsigned int options, dns_zone_t **zonep, dns_db_t **dbp,
01144             dns_dbversion_t **versionp, isc_boolean_t *is_zonep)
01145 {
01146         isc_result_t result;
01148         isc_result_t tresult;
01149         unsigned int namelabels;
01150         unsigned int zonelabels;
01151         dns_zone_t *zone = NULL;
01152         dns_db_t *tdbp;
01154         REQUIRE(zonep != NULL && *zonep == NULL);
01156         tdbp = NULL;
01158         /* Calculate how many labels are in name. */
01159         namelabels = dns_name_countlabels(name);
01160         zonelabels = 0;
01162         /* Try to find name in bind's standard database. */
01163         result = query_getzonedb(client, name, qtype, options, &zone,
01164                                  dbp, versionp);
01166         /* See how many labels are in the zone's name.    */
01167         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS && zone != NULL)
01168                 zonelabels = dns_name_countlabels(dns_zone_getorigin(zone));
01170         /*
01171          * If # zone labels < # name labels, try to find an even better match
01172          * Only try if DLZ drivers are loaded for this view
01173          */
01174         if (zonelabels < namelabels &&
01175             !ISC_LIST_EMPTY(client->view->dlz_searched))
01176         {
01177                 dns_clientinfomethods_t cm;
01178                 dns_clientinfo_t ci;
01180                 dns_clientinfomethods_init(&cm, ns_client_sourceip);
01181                 dns_clientinfo_init(&ci, client, NULL);
01183                 tresult = dns_view_searchdlz(client->view, name,
01184                                              zonelabels, &cm, &ci, &tdbp);
01185                  /* If we successful, we found a better match. */
01186                 if (tresult == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
01187                         /*
01188                          * If the previous search returned a zone, detach it.
01189                          */
01190                         if (zone != NULL)
01191                                 dns_zone_detach(&zone);
01193                         /*
01194                          * If the previous search returned a database,
01195                          * detach it.
01196                          */
01197                         if (*dbp != NULL)
01198                                 dns_db_detach(dbp);
01200                         /*
01201                          * If the previous search returned a version, clear it.
01202                          */
01203                         *versionp = NULL;
01205                         /*
01206                          * Get our database version.
01207                          */
01208                         dns_db_currentversion(tdbp, versionp);
01210                         /*
01211                          * Be sure to return our database.
01212                          */
01213                         *dbp = tdbp;
01215                         /*
01216                          * We return a null zone, No stats for DLZ zones.
01217                          */
01218                         zone = NULL;
01219                         result = tresult;
01220                 }
01221         }
01223         /* If successful, Transfer ownership of zone. */
01224         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
01225                 *zonep = zone;
01226                 /*
01227                  * If neither attempt above succeeded, return the cache instead
01228                  */
01229                 *is_zonep = ISC_TRUE;
01230         } else if (result == ISC_R_NOTFOUND) {
01231                 result = query_getcachedb(client, name, qtype, dbp, options);
01232                 *is_zonep = ISC_FALSE;
01233         }
01234         return (result);
01235 }
01237 static inline isc_boolean_t
01238 query_isduplicate(ns_client_t *client, dns_name_t *name,
01239                   dns_rdatatype_t type, dns_name_t **mnamep)
01240 {
01241         dns_section_t section;
01242         dns_name_t *mname = NULL;
01243         isc_result_t result;
01245         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_isduplicate");
01247         for (section = DNS_SECTION_ANSWER;
01248              section <= DNS_SECTION_ADDITIONAL;
01249              section++) {
01250                 result = dns_message_findname(client->message, section,
01251                                               name, type, 0, &mname, NULL);
01252                 if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
01253                         /*
01254                          * We've already got this RRset in the response.
01255                          */
01256                         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
01257                                "query_isduplicate: true: done");
01258                         return (ISC_TRUE);
01259                 } else if (result == DNS_R_NXRRSET) {
01260                         /*
01261                          * The name exists, but the rdataset does not.
01262                          */
01263                         if (section == DNS_SECTION_ADDITIONAL)
01264                                 break;
01265                 } else
01266                         RUNTIME_CHECK(result == DNS_R_NXDOMAIN);
01267                 mname = NULL;
01268         }
01270         if (mnamep != NULL)
01271                 *mnamep = mname;
01273         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_isduplicate: false: done");
01274         return (ISC_FALSE);
01275 }
01277 static isc_result_t
01278 query_addadditional(void *arg, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t qtype) {
01279         ns_client_t *client = arg;
01280         isc_result_t result, eresult;
01281         dns_dbnode_t *node;
01282         dns_db_t *db;
01283         dns_name_t *fname, *mname;
01284         dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, *sigrdataset, *trdataset;
01285         isc_buffer_t *dbuf;
01286         isc_buffer_t b;
01287         dns_dbversion_t *version;
01288         isc_boolean_t added_something, need_addname;
01289         dns_zone_t *zone;
01290         dns_rdatatype_t type;
01291         dns_clientinfomethods_t cm;
01292         dns_clientinfo_t ci;
01294         REQUIRE(NS_CLIENT_VALID(client));
01295         REQUIRE(qtype != dns_rdatatype_any);
01297         if (!WANTDNSSEC(client) && dns_rdatatype_isdnssec(qtype))
01298                 return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
01300         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_addadditional");
01302         /*
01303          * Initialization.
01304          */
01305         eresult = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
01306         fname = NULL;
01307         rdataset = NULL;
01308         sigrdataset = NULL;
01309         trdataset = NULL;
01310         db = NULL;
01311         version = NULL;
01312         node = NULL;
01313         added_something = ISC_FALSE;
01314         need_addname = ISC_FALSE;
01315         zone = NULL;
01317         dns_clientinfomethods_init(&cm, ns_client_sourceip);
01318         dns_clientinfo_init(&ci, client, NULL);
01320         /*
01321          * We treat type A additional section processing as if it
01322          * were "any address type" additional section processing.
01323          * To avoid multiple lookups, we do an 'any' database
01324          * lookup and iterate over the node.
01325          */
01326         if (qtype == dns_rdatatype_a)
01327                 type = dns_rdatatype_any;
01328         else
01329                 type = qtype;
01331         /*
01332          * Get some resources.
01333          */
01334         dbuf = query_getnamebuf(client);
01335         if (dbuf == NULL)
01336                 goto cleanup;
01337         fname = query_newname(client, dbuf, &b);
01338         rdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
01339         if (fname == NULL || rdataset == NULL)
01340                 goto cleanup;
01341         if (WANTDNSSEC(client)) {
01342                 sigrdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
01343                 if (sigrdataset == NULL)
01344                         goto cleanup;
01345         }
01347         /*
01348          * Look for a zone database that might contain authoritative
01349          * additional data.
01350          */
01351         result = query_getzonedb(client, name, qtype, DNS_GETDB_NOLOG,
01352                                  &zone, &db, &version);
01353         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
01354                 goto try_cache;
01356         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_addadditional: db_find");
01358         /*
01359          * Since we are looking for authoritative data, we do not set
01360          * the GLUEOK flag.  Glue will be looked for later, but not
01361          * necessarily in the same database.
01362          */
01363         node = NULL;
01364         result = dns_db_findext(db, name, version, type,
01365                                 client->query.dboptions,
01366                                 client->now, &node, fname, &cm, &ci,
01367                                 rdataset, sigrdataset);
01368         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
01369                 if (sigrdataset != NULL && !dns_db_issecure(db) &&
01370                     dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset))
01371                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(sigrdataset);
01372                 goto found;
01373         }
01375         if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset))
01376                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(rdataset);
01377         if (sigrdataset != NULL && dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset))
01378                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(sigrdataset);
01379         if (node != NULL)
01380                 dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
01381         version = NULL;
01382         dns_db_detach(&db);
01384         /*
01385          * No authoritative data was found.  The cache is our next best bet.
01386          */
01388  try_cache:
01389         result = query_getcachedb(client, name, qtype, &db, DNS_GETDB_NOLOG);
01390         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
01391                 /*
01392                  * Most likely the client isn't allowed to query the cache.
01393                  */
01394                 goto try_glue;
01395         /*
01396          * Attempt to validate glue.
01397          */
01398         if (sigrdataset == NULL) {
01399                 sigrdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
01400                 if (sigrdataset == NULL)
01401                         goto cleanup;
01402         }
01403         result = dns_db_findext(db, name, version, type,
01404                                 client->query.dboptions |
01405                                  DNS_DBFIND_GLUEOK | DNS_DBFIND_ADDITIONALOK,
01406                                 client->now, &node, fname, &cm, &ci,
01407                                 rdataset, sigrdataset);
01409         dns_cache_updatestats(client->view->cache, result);
01410         if (result == DNS_R_GLUE &&
01411             validate(client, db, fname, rdataset, sigrdataset))
01412                 result = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
01413         if (!WANTDNSSEC(client))
01414                 query_putrdataset(client, &sigrdataset);
01415         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS)
01416                 goto found;
01419         if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset))
01420                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(rdataset);
01421         if (sigrdataset != NULL && dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset))
01422                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(sigrdataset);
01423         if (node != NULL)
01424                 dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
01425         dns_db_detach(&db);
01427  try_glue:
01428         /*
01429          * No cached data was found.  Glue is our last chance.
01430          * RFC1035 sayeth:
01431          *
01432          *      NS records cause both the usual additional section
01433          *      processing to locate a type A record, and, when used
01434          *      in a referral, a special search of the zone in which
01435          *      they reside for glue information.
01436          *
01437          * This is the "special search".  Note that we must search
01438          * the zone where the NS record resides, not the zone it
01439          * points to, and that we only do the search in the delegation
01440          * case (identified by client->query.gluedb being set).
01441          */
01443         if (client->query.gluedb == NULL)
01444                 goto cleanup;
01446         /*
01447          * Don't poison caches using the bailiwick protection model.
01448          */
01449         if (!dns_name_issubdomain(name, dns_db_origin(client->query.gluedb)))
01450                 goto cleanup;
01452         dns_db_attach(client->query.gluedb, &db);
01453         result = dns_db_findext(db, name, version, type,
01454                                 client->query.dboptions | DNS_DBFIND_GLUEOK,
01455                                 client->now, &node, fname, &cm, &ci,
01456                                 rdataset, sigrdataset);
01457         if (!(result == ISC_R_SUCCESS ||
01458               result == DNS_R_ZONECUT ||
01459               result == DNS_R_GLUE))
01460                 goto cleanup;
01462  found:
01463         /*
01464          * We have found a potential additional data rdataset, or
01465          * at least a node to iterate over.
01466          */
01467         query_keepname(client, fname, dbuf);
01469         /*
01470          * If we have an rdataset, add it to the additional data
01471          * section.
01472          */
01473         mname = NULL;
01474         if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset) &&
01475             !query_isduplicate(client, fname, type, &mname)) {
01476                 if (mname != NULL) {
01477                         INSIST(mname != fname);
01478                         query_releasename(client, &fname);
01479                         fname = mname;
01480                 } else
01481                         need_addname = ISC_TRUE;
01482                 ISC_LIST_APPEND(fname->list, rdataset, link);
01483                 trdataset = rdataset;
01484                 rdataset = NULL;
01485                 added_something = ISC_TRUE;
01486                 /*
01487                  * Note: we only add SIGs if we've added the type they cover,
01488                  * so we do not need to check if the SIG rdataset is already
01489                  * in the response.
01490                  */
01491                 if (sigrdataset != NULL &&
01492                     dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset))
01493                 {
01494                         ISC_LIST_APPEND(fname->list, sigrdataset, link);
01495                         sigrdataset = NULL;
01496                 }
01497         }
01499         if (qtype == dns_rdatatype_a) {
01500 #ifdef ALLOW_FILTER_AAAA
01501                 isc_boolean_t have_a = ISC_FALSE;
01502 #endif
01504                 /*
01505                  * We now go looking for A and AAAA records, along with
01506                  * their signatures.
01507                  *
01508                  * XXXRTH  This code could be more efficient.
01509                  */
01510                 if (rdataset != NULL) {
01511                         if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset))
01512                                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(rdataset);
01513                 } else {
01514                         rdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
01515                         if (rdataset == NULL)
01516                                 goto addname;
01517                 }
01518                 if (sigrdataset != NULL) {
01519                         if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset))
01520                                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(sigrdataset);
01521                 } else if (WANTDNSSEC(client)) {
01522                         sigrdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
01523                         if (sigrdataset == NULL)
01524                                 goto addname;
01525                 }
01526                 if (query_isduplicate(client, fname, dns_rdatatype_a, NULL))
01527                         goto aaaa_lookup;
01528                 result = dns_db_findrdataset(db, node, version,
01529                                              dns_rdatatype_a, 0,
01530                                              client->now,
01531                                              rdataset, sigrdataset);
01532                 if (result == DNS_R_NCACHENXDOMAIN)
01533                         goto addname;
01534                 if (result == DNS_R_NCACHENXRRSET) {
01535                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(rdataset);
01536                         if (sigrdataset != NULL &&
01537                             dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset))
01538                                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(sigrdataset);
01539                 }
01540                 if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
01541                         mname = NULL;
01542 #ifdef ALLOW_FILTER_AAAA
01543                         have_a = ISC_TRUE;
01544 #endif
01545                         if (!query_isduplicate(client, fname,
01546                                                dns_rdatatype_a, &mname)) {
01547                                 if (mname != fname) {
01548                                         if (mname != NULL) {
01549                                                 query_releasename(client, &fname);
01550                                                 fname = mname;
01551                                         } else
01552                                                 need_addname = ISC_TRUE;
01553                                 }
01554                                 ISC_LIST_APPEND(fname->list, rdataset, link);
01555                                 added_something = ISC_TRUE;
01556                                 if (sigrdataset != NULL &&
01557                                     dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset))
01558                                 {
01559                                         ISC_LIST_APPEND(fname->list,
01560                                                         sigrdataset, link);
01561                                         sigrdataset =
01562                                                 query_newrdataset(client);
01563                                 }
01564                                 rdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
01565                                 if (rdataset == NULL)
01566                                         goto addname;
01567                                 if (WANTDNSSEC(client) && sigrdataset == NULL)
01568                                         goto addname;
01569                         } else {
01570                                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(rdataset);
01571                                 if (sigrdataset != NULL &&
01572                                     dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset))
01573                                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(sigrdataset);
01574                         }
01575                 }
01576   aaaa_lookup:
01577                 if (query_isduplicate(client, fname, dns_rdatatype_aaaa, NULL))
01578                         goto addname;
01579                 result = dns_db_findrdataset(db, node, version,
01580                                              dns_rdatatype_aaaa, 0,
01581                                              client->now,
01582                                              rdataset, sigrdataset);
01583                 if (result == DNS_R_NCACHENXDOMAIN)
01584                         goto addname;
01585                 if (result == DNS_R_NCACHENXRRSET) {
01586                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(rdataset);
01587                         if (sigrdataset != NULL &&
01588                             dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset))
01589                                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(sigrdataset);
01590                 }
01591                 if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
01592                         mname = NULL;
01593                         /*
01594                          * There's an A; check whether we're filtering AAAA
01595                          */
01596 #ifdef ALLOW_FILTER_AAAA
01597                         if (have_a &&
01598                             (client->filter_aaaa == dns_aaaa_break_dnssec ||
01599                             (client->filter_aaaa == dns_aaaa_filter &&
01600                              (!WANTDNSSEC(client) || sigrdataset == NULL ||
01601                               !dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset)))))
01602                                 goto addname;
01603 #endif
01604                         if (!query_isduplicate(client, fname,
01605                                                dns_rdatatype_aaaa, &mname)) {
01606                                 if (mname != fname) {
01607                                         if (mname != NULL) {
01608                                                 query_releasename(client, &fname);
01609                                                 fname = mname;
01610                                         } else
01611                                                 need_addname = ISC_TRUE;
01612                                 }
01613                                 ISC_LIST_APPEND(fname->list, rdataset, link);
01614                                 added_something = ISC_TRUE;
01615                                 if (sigrdataset != NULL &&
01616                                     dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset))
01617                                 {
01618                                         ISC_LIST_APPEND(fname->list,
01619                                                         sigrdataset, link);
01620                                         sigrdataset = NULL;
01621                                 }
01622                                 rdataset = NULL;
01623                         }
01624                 }
01625         }
01627  addname:
01628         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_addadditional: addname");
01629         /*
01630          * If we haven't added anything, then we're done.
01631          */
01632         if (!added_something)
01633                 goto cleanup;
01635         /*
01636          * We may have added our rdatasets to an existing name, if so, then
01637          * need_addname will be ISC_FALSE.  Whether we used an existing name
01638          * or a new one, we must set fname to NULL to prevent cleanup.
01639          */
01640         if (need_addname)
01641                 dns_message_addname(client->message, fname,
01642                                     DNS_SECTION_ADDITIONAL);
01643         fname = NULL;
01645         /*
01646          * In a few cases, we want to add additional data for additional
01647          * data.  It's simpler to just deal with special cases here than
01648          * to try to create a general purpose mechanism and allow the
01649          * rdata implementations to do it themselves.
01650          *
01651          * This involves recursion, but the depth is limited.  The
01652          * most complex case is adding a SRV rdataset, which involves
01653          * recursing to add address records, which in turn can cause
01654          * recursion to add KEYs.
01655          */
01656         if (type == dns_rdatatype_srv && trdataset != NULL) {
01657                 /*
01658                  * If we're adding SRV records to the additional data
01659                  * section, it's helpful if we add the SRV additional data
01660                  * as well.
01661                  */
01662                 eresult = dns_rdataset_additionaldata(trdataset,
01663                                                       query_addadditional,
01664                                                       client);
01665         }
01667  cleanup:
01668         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_addadditional: cleanup");
01669         query_putrdataset(client, &rdataset);
01670         if (sigrdataset != NULL)
01671                 query_putrdataset(client, &sigrdataset);
01672         if (fname != NULL)
01673                 query_releasename(client, &fname);
01674         if (node != NULL)
01675                 dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
01676         if (db != NULL)
01677                 dns_db_detach(&db);
01678         if (zone != NULL)
01679                 dns_zone_detach(&zone);
01681         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_addadditional: done");
01682         return (eresult);
01683 }
01685 static inline void
01686 query_discardcache(ns_client_t *client, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset_base,
01687                    dns_rdatasetadditional_t additionaltype,
01688                    dns_rdatatype_t type, dns_zone_t **zonep, dns_db_t **dbp,
01689                    dns_dbversion_t **versionp, dns_dbnode_t **nodep,
01690                    dns_name_t *fname)
01691 {
01692         dns_rdataset_t *rdataset;
01694         while  ((rdataset = ISC_LIST_HEAD(fname->list)) != NULL) {
01695                 ISC_LIST_UNLINK(fname->list, rdataset, link);
01696                 query_putrdataset(client, &rdataset);
01697         }
01698         if (*versionp != NULL)
01699                 dns_db_closeversion(*dbp, versionp, ISC_FALSE);
01700         if (*nodep != NULL)
01701                 dns_db_detachnode(*dbp, nodep);
01702         if (*dbp != NULL)
01703                 dns_db_detach(dbp);
01704         if (*zonep != NULL)
01705                 dns_zone_detach(zonep);
01706         (void)dns_rdataset_putadditional(client->view->acache, rdataset_base,
01707                                          additionaltype, type);
01708 }
01710 static inline isc_result_t
01711 query_iscachevalid(dns_zone_t *zone, dns_db_t *db, dns_db_t *db0,
01712                    dns_dbversion_t *version)
01713 {
01714         isc_result_t result = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
01715         dns_dbversion_t *version_current = NULL;
01716         dns_db_t *db_current = db0;
01718         if (db_current == NULL) {
01719                 result = dns_zone_getdb(zone, &db_current);
01720                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
01721                         return (result);
01722         }
01723         dns_db_currentversion(db_current, &version_current);
01724         if (db_current != db || version_current != version) {
01725                 result = ISC_R_FAILURE;
01726                 goto cleanup;
01727         }
01729  cleanup:
01730         dns_db_closeversion(db_current, &version_current, ISC_FALSE);
01731         if (db0 == NULL && db_current != NULL)
01732                 dns_db_detach(&db_current);
01734         return (result);
01735 }
01737 static isc_result_t
01738 query_addadditional2(void *arg, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t qtype) {
01739         client_additionalctx_t *additionalctx = arg;
01740         dns_rdataset_t *rdataset_base;
01741         ns_client_t *client;
01742         isc_result_t result, eresult;
01743         dns_dbnode_t *node, *cnode;
01744         dns_db_t *db, *cdb;
01745         dns_name_t *fname, *mname0, cfname;
01746         dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, *sigrdataset;
01747         dns_rdataset_t *crdataset, *crdataset_next;
01748         isc_buffer_t *dbuf;
01749         isc_buffer_t b;
01750         dns_dbversion_t *version, *cversion;
01751         isc_boolean_t added_something, need_addname, needadditionalcache;
01752         isc_boolean_t need_sigrrset;
01753         dns_zone_t *zone;
01754         dns_rdatatype_t type;
01755         dns_rdatasetadditional_t additionaltype;
01756         dns_clientinfomethods_t cm;
01757         dns_clientinfo_t ci;
01759         /*
01760          * If we don't have an additional cache call query_addadditional.
01761          */
01762         client = additionalctx->client;
01763         REQUIRE(NS_CLIENT_VALID(client));
01765         if (qtype != dns_rdatatype_a || client->view->acache == NULL) {
01766                 /*
01767                  * This function is optimized for "address" types.  For other
01768                  * types, use a generic routine.
01769                  * XXX: ideally, this function should be generic enough.
01770                  */
01771                 return (query_addadditional(additionalctx->client,
01772                                             name, qtype));
01773         }
01775         /*
01776          * Initialization.
01777          */
01778         rdataset_base = additionalctx->rdataset;
01779         eresult = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
01780         fname = NULL;
01781         rdataset = NULL;
01782         sigrdataset = NULL;
01783         db = NULL;
01784         cdb = NULL;
01785         version = NULL;
01786         cversion = NULL;
01787         node = NULL;
01788         cnode = NULL;
01789         added_something = ISC_FALSE;
01790         need_addname = ISC_FALSE;
01791         zone = NULL;
01792         needadditionalcache = ISC_FALSE;
01793         POST(needadditionalcache);
01794         additionaltype = dns_rdatasetadditional_fromauth;
01795         dns_name_init(&cfname, NULL);
01796         dns_clientinfomethods_init(&cm, ns_client_sourceip);
01797         dns_clientinfo_init(&ci, client, NULL);
01799         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_addadditional2");
01801         /*
01802          * We treat type A additional section processing as if it
01803          * were "any address type" additional section processing.
01804          * To avoid multiple lookups, we do an 'any' database
01805          * lookup and iterate over the node.
01806          * XXXJT: this approach can cause a suboptimal result when the cache
01807          * DB only has partial address types and the glue DB has remaining
01808          * ones.
01809          */
01810         type = dns_rdatatype_any;
01812         /*
01813          * Get some resources.
01814          */
01815         dbuf = query_getnamebuf(client);
01816         if (dbuf == NULL)
01817                 goto cleanup;
01818         fname = query_newname(client, dbuf, &b);
01819         if (fname == NULL)
01820                 goto cleanup;
01821         dns_name_setbuffer(&cfname, &b); /* share the buffer */
01823         /* Check additional cache */
01824         result = dns_rdataset_getadditional(rdataset_base, additionaltype,
01825                                             type, client->view->acache, &zone,
01826                                             &cdb, &cversion, &cnode, &cfname,
01827                                             client->message, client->now);
01828         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
01829                 goto findauthdb;
01830         if (zone == NULL) {
01831                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
01832                        "query_addadditional2: auth zone not found");
01833                 goto try_cache;
01834         }
01836         /* Is the cached DB up-to-date? */
01837         result = query_iscachevalid(zone, cdb, NULL, cversion);
01838         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
01839                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
01840                        "query_addadditional2: old auth additional cache");
01841                 query_discardcache(client, rdataset_base, additionaltype,
01842                                    type, &zone, &cdb, &cversion, &cnode,
01843                                    &cfname);
01844                 goto findauthdb;
01845         }
01847         if (cnode == NULL) {
01848                 /*
01849                  * We have a negative cache.  We don't have to check the zone
01850                  * ACL, since the result (not using this zone) would be same
01851                  * regardless of the result.
01852                  */
01853                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
01854                        "query_addadditional2: negative auth additional cache");
01855                 dns_db_closeversion(cdb, &cversion, ISC_FALSE);
01856                 dns_db_detach(&cdb);
01857                 dns_zone_detach(&zone);
01858                 goto try_cache;
01859         }
01861         result = query_validatezonedb(client, name, qtype, DNS_GETDB_NOLOG,
01862                                       zone, cdb, NULL);
01863         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
01864                 query_discardcache(client, rdataset_base, additionaltype,
01865                                    type, &zone, &cdb, &cversion, &cnode,
01866                                    &cfname);
01867                 goto try_cache;
01868         }
01870         /* We've got an active cache. */
01871         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
01872                "query_addadditional2: auth additional cache");
01873         dns_db_closeversion(cdb, &cversion, ISC_FALSE);
01874         db = cdb;
01875         node = cnode;
01876         dns_name_clone(&cfname, fname);
01877         query_keepname(client, fname, dbuf);
01878         goto foundcache;
01880         /*
01881          * Look for a zone database that might contain authoritative
01882          * additional data.
01883          */
01884  findauthdb:
01885         result = query_getzonedb(client, name, qtype, DNS_GETDB_NOLOG,
01886                                  &zone, &db, &version);
01887         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
01888                 /* Cache the negative result */
01889                 (void)dns_rdataset_setadditional(rdataset_base, additionaltype,
01890                                                  type, client->view->acache,
01891                                                  NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
01892                                                  NULL);
01893                 goto try_cache;
01894         }
01896         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_addadditional2: db_find");
01898         /*
01899          * Since we are looking for authoritative data, we do not set
01900          * the GLUEOK flag.  Glue will be looked for later, but not
01901          * necessarily in the same database.
01902          */
01903         node = NULL;
01904         result = dns_db_findext(db, name, version, type,
01905                                 client->query.dboptions,
01906                                 client->now, &node, fname, &cm, &ci,
01907                                 NULL, NULL);
01908         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS)
01909                 goto found;
01911         /* Cache the negative result */
01912         (void)dns_rdataset_setadditional(rdataset_base, additionaltype,
01913                                          type, client->view->acache, zone, db,
01914                                          version, NULL, fname);
01916         if (node != NULL)
01917                 dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
01918         version = NULL;
01919         dns_db_detach(&db);
01921         /*
01922          * No authoritative data was found.  The cache is our next best bet.
01923          */
01925  try_cache:
01926         additionaltype = dns_rdatasetadditional_fromcache;
01927         result = query_getcachedb(client, name, qtype, &db, DNS_GETDB_NOLOG);
01928         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
01929                 /*
01930                  * Most likely the client isn't allowed to query the cache.
01931                  */
01932                 goto try_glue;
01934         result = dns_db_findext(db, name, version, type,
01935                                 client->query.dboptions |
01936                                  DNS_DBFIND_GLUEOK | DNS_DBFIND_ADDITIONALOK,
01937                                 client->now, &node, fname, &cm, &ci,
01938                                 NULL, NULL);
01939         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS)
01940                 goto found;
01942         if (node != NULL)
01943                 dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
01944         dns_db_detach(&db);
01946  try_glue:
01947         /*
01948          * No cached data was found.  Glue is our last chance.
01949          * RFC1035 sayeth:
01950          *
01951          *      NS records cause both the usual additional section
01952          *      processing to locate a type A record, and, when used
01953          *      in a referral, a special search of the zone in which
01954          *      they reside for glue information.
01955          *
01956          * This is the "special search".  Note that we must search
01957          * the zone where the NS record resides, not the zone it
01958          * points to, and that we only do the search in the delegation
01959          * case (identified by client->query.gluedb being set).
01960          */
01961         if (client->query.gluedb == NULL)
01962                 goto cleanup;
01964         /*
01965          * Don't poison caches using the bailiwick protection model.
01966          */
01967         if (!dns_name_issubdomain(name, dns_db_origin(client->query.gluedb)))
01968                 goto cleanup;
01970         /* Check additional cache */
01971         additionaltype = dns_rdatasetadditional_fromglue;
01972         result = dns_rdataset_getadditional(rdataset_base, additionaltype,
01973                                             type, client->view->acache, NULL,
01974                                             &cdb, &cversion, &cnode, &cfname,
01975                                             client->message, client->now);
01976         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
01977                 goto findglue;
01979         result = query_iscachevalid(zone, cdb, client->query.gluedb, cversion);
01980         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
01981                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
01982                        "query_addadditional2: old glue additional cache");
01983                 query_discardcache(client, rdataset_base, additionaltype,
01984                                    type, &zone, &cdb, &cversion, &cnode,
01985                                    &cfname);
01986                 goto findglue;
01987         }
01989         if (cnode == NULL) {
01990                 /* We have a negative cache. */
01991                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
01992                        "query_addadditional2: negative glue additional cache");
01993                 dns_db_closeversion(cdb, &cversion, ISC_FALSE);
01994                 dns_db_detach(&cdb);
01995                 goto cleanup;
01996         }
01998         /* Cache hit. */
01999         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_addadditional2: glue additional cache");
02000         dns_db_closeversion(cdb, &cversion, ISC_FALSE);
02001         db = cdb;
02002         node = cnode;
02003         dns_name_clone(&cfname, fname);
02004         query_keepname(client, fname, dbuf);
02005         goto foundcache;
02007  findglue:
02008         dns_db_attach(client->query.gluedb, &db);
02009         result = dns_db_findext(db, name, version, type,
02010                                 client->query.dboptions | DNS_DBFIND_GLUEOK,
02011                                 client->now, &node, fname, &cm, &ci,
02012                                 NULL, NULL);
02013         if (!(result == ISC_R_SUCCESS ||
02014               result == DNS_R_ZONECUT ||
02015               result == DNS_R_GLUE)) {
02016                 /* cache the negative result */
02017                 (void)dns_rdataset_setadditional(rdataset_base, additionaltype,
02018                                                  type, client->view->acache,
02019                                                  NULL, db, version, NULL,
02020                                                  fname);
02021                 goto cleanup;
02022         }
02024  found:
02025         /*
02026          * We have found a DB node to iterate over from a DB.
02027          * We are going to look for address RRsets (i.e., A and AAAA) in the DB
02028          * node we've just found.  We'll then store the complete information
02029          * in the additional data cache.
02030          */
02031         dns_name_clone(fname, &cfname);
02032         query_keepname(client, fname, dbuf);
02033         needadditionalcache = ISC_TRUE;
02035         rdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
02036         if (rdataset == NULL)
02037                 goto cleanup;
02039         sigrdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
02040         if (sigrdataset == NULL)
02041                 goto cleanup;
02043         if (additionaltype == dns_rdatasetadditional_fromcache &&
02044             query_isduplicate(client, fname, dns_rdatatype_a, NULL))
02045                 goto aaaa_lookup;
02046         /*
02047          * Find A RRset with sig RRset.  Even if we don't find a sig RRset
02048          * for a client using DNSSEC, we'll continue the process to make a
02049          * complete list to be cached.  However, we need to cancel the
02050          * caching when something unexpected happens, in order to avoid
02051          * caching incomplete information.
02052          */
02053         result = dns_db_findrdataset(db, node, version, dns_rdatatype_a, 0,
02054                                      client->now, rdataset, sigrdataset);
02055         /*
02056          * If we can't promote glue/pending from the cache to secure
02057          * then drop it.
02058          */
02059         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS &&
02060             additionaltype == dns_rdatasetadditional_fromcache &&
02061             (DNS_TRUST_PENDING(rdataset->trust) ||
02062              DNS_TRUST_GLUE(rdataset->trust)) &&
02063             !validate(client, db, fname, rdataset, sigrdataset)) {
02064                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(rdataset);
02065                 if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset))
02066                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(sigrdataset);
02067                 result = ISC_R_NOTFOUND;
02068         }
02069         if (result == DNS_R_NCACHENXDOMAIN)
02070                 goto setcache;
02071         if (result == DNS_R_NCACHENXRRSET) {
02072                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(rdataset);
02073                 if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset))
02074                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(sigrdataset);
02075         }
02076         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
02077                 /* Remember the result as a cache */
02078                 ISC_LIST_APPEND(cfname.list, rdataset, link);
02079                 if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset)) {
02080                         ISC_LIST_APPEND(cfname.list, sigrdataset, link);
02081                         sigrdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
02082                 }
02083                 rdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
02084                 if (sigrdataset == NULL || rdataset == NULL) {
02085                         /* do not cache incomplete information */
02086                         goto foundcache;
02087                 }
02088         }
02090  aaaa_lookup:
02091         if (additionaltype == dns_rdatasetadditional_fromcache &&
02092             query_isduplicate(client, fname, dns_rdatatype_aaaa, NULL))
02093                 goto foundcache;
02094         /* Find AAAA RRset with sig RRset */
02095         result = dns_db_findrdataset(db, node, version, dns_rdatatype_aaaa,
02096                                      0, client->now, rdataset, sigrdataset);
02097         /*
02098          * If we can't promote glue/pending from the cache to secure
02099          * then drop it.
02100          */
02101         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS &&
02102             additionaltype == dns_rdatasetadditional_fromcache &&
02103             (DNS_TRUST_PENDING(rdataset->trust) ||
02104              DNS_TRUST_GLUE(rdataset->trust)) &&
02105             !validate(client, db, fname, rdataset, sigrdataset)) {
02106                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(rdataset);
02107                 if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset))
02108                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(sigrdataset);
02109                 result = ISC_R_NOTFOUND;
02110         }
02111         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
02112                 ISC_LIST_APPEND(cfname.list, rdataset, link);
02113                 rdataset = NULL;
02114                 if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset)) {
02115                         ISC_LIST_APPEND(cfname.list, sigrdataset, link);
02116                         sigrdataset = NULL;
02117                 }
02118         }
02120  setcache:
02121         /*
02122          * Set the new result in the cache if required.  We do not support
02123          * caching additional data from a cache DB.
02124          */
02125         if (needadditionalcache == ISC_TRUE &&
02126             (additionaltype == dns_rdatasetadditional_fromauth ||
02127              additionaltype == dns_rdatasetadditional_fromglue)) {
02128                 (void)dns_rdataset_setadditional(rdataset_base, additionaltype,
02129                                                  type, client->view->acache,
02130                                                  zone, db, version, node,
02131                                                  &cfname);
02132         }
02134  foundcache:
02135         need_sigrrset = ISC_FALSE;
02136         mname0 = NULL;
02137         for (crdataset = ISC_LIST_HEAD(cfname.list);
02138              crdataset != NULL;
02139              crdataset = crdataset_next) {
02140                 dns_name_t *mname;
02142                 crdataset_next = ISC_LIST_NEXT(crdataset, link);
02144                 mname = NULL;
02145                 if (crdataset->type == dns_rdatatype_a ||
02146                     crdataset->type == dns_rdatatype_aaaa) {
02147                         if (!query_isduplicate(client, fname, crdataset->type,
02148                                                &mname)) {
02149                                 if (mname != fname) {
02150                                         if (mname != NULL) {
02151                                                 /*
02152                                                  * A different type of this name is
02153                                                  * already stored in the additional
02154                                                  * section.  We'll reuse the name.
02155                                                  * Note that this should happen at most
02156                                                  * once.  Otherwise, fname->link could
02157                                                  * leak below.
02158                                                  */
02159                                                 INSIST(mname0 == NULL);
02161                                                 query_releasename(client, &fname);
02162                                                 fname = mname;
02163                                                 mname0 = mname;
02164                                         } else
02165                                                 need_addname = ISC_TRUE;
02166                                 }
02167                                 ISC_LIST_UNLINK(cfname.list, crdataset, link);
02168                                 ISC_LIST_APPEND(fname->list, crdataset, link);
02169                                 added_something = ISC_TRUE;
02170                                 need_sigrrset = ISC_TRUE;
02171                         } else
02172                                 need_sigrrset = ISC_FALSE;
02173                 } else if (crdataset->type == dns_rdatatype_rrsig &&
02174                            need_sigrrset && WANTDNSSEC(client)) {
02175                         ISC_LIST_UNLINK(cfname.list, crdataset, link);
02176                         ISC_LIST_APPEND(fname->list, crdataset, link);
02177                         added_something = ISC_TRUE; /* just in case */
02178                         need_sigrrset = ISC_FALSE;
02179                 }
02180         }
02182         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_addadditional2: addname");
02184         /*
02185          * If we haven't added anything, then we're done.
02186          */
02187         if (!added_something)
02188                 goto cleanup;
02190         /*
02191          * We may have added our rdatasets to an existing name, if so, then
02192          * need_addname will be ISC_FALSE.  Whether we used an existing name
02193          * or a new one, we must set fname to NULL to prevent cleanup.
02194          */
02195         if (need_addname)
02196                 dns_message_addname(client->message, fname,
02197                                     DNS_SECTION_ADDITIONAL);
02198         fname = NULL;
02200  cleanup:
02201         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_addadditional2: cleanup");
02203         if (rdataset != NULL)
02204                 query_putrdataset(client, &rdataset);
02205         if (sigrdataset != NULL)
02206                 query_putrdataset(client, &sigrdataset);
02207         while  ((crdataset = ISC_LIST_HEAD(cfname.list)) != NULL) {
02208                 ISC_LIST_UNLINK(cfname.list, crdataset, link);
02209                 query_putrdataset(client, &crdataset);
02210         }
02211         if (fname != NULL)
02212                 query_releasename(client, &fname);
02213         if (node != NULL)
02214                 dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
02215         if (db != NULL)
02216                 dns_db_detach(&db);
02217         if (zone != NULL)
02218                 dns_zone_detach(&zone);
02220         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_addadditional2: done");
02221         return (eresult);
02222 }
02224 static inline void
02225 query_addrdataset(ns_client_t *client, dns_name_t *fname,
02226                   dns_rdataset_t *rdataset)
02227 {
02228         client_additionalctx_t additionalctx;
02230         /*
02231          * Add 'rdataset' and any pertinent additional data to
02232          * 'fname', a name in the response message for 'client'.
02233          */
02235         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_addrdataset");
02237         ISC_LIST_APPEND(fname->list, rdataset, link);
02239         if (client->view->order != NULL)
02240                 rdataset->attributes |= dns_order_find(client->view->order,
02241                                                        fname, rdataset->type,
02242                                                        rdataset->rdclass);
02243         rdataset->attributes |= DNS_RDATASETATTR_LOADORDER;
02245         if (NOADDITIONAL(client))
02246                 return;
02248         /*
02249          * Add additional data.
02250          *
02251          * We don't care if dns_rdataset_additionaldata() fails.
02252          */
02253         additionalctx.client = client;
02254         additionalctx.rdataset = rdataset;
02255         (void)dns_rdataset_additionaldata(rdataset, query_addadditional2,
02256                                           &additionalctx);
02257         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_addrdataset: done");
02258 }
02260 static isc_result_t
02261 query_dns64(ns_client_t *client, dns_name_t **namep, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset,
02262             dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset, isc_buffer_t *dbuf,
02263             dns_section_t section)
02264 {
02265         dns_name_t *name, *mname;
02266         dns_rdata_t *dns64_rdata;
02267         dns_rdata_t rdata = DNS_RDATA_INIT;
02268         dns_rdatalist_t *dns64_rdatalist;
02269         dns_rdataset_t *dns64_rdataset;
02270         dns_rdataset_t *mrdataset;
02271         isc_buffer_t *buffer;
02272         isc_region_t r;
02273         isc_result_t result;
02274         dns_view_t *view = client->view;
02275         isc_netaddr_t netaddr;
02276         dns_dns64_t *dns64;
02277         unsigned int flags = 0;
02279         /*%
02280          * To the current response for 'client', add the answer RRset
02281          * '*rdatasetp' and an optional signature set '*sigrdatasetp', with
02282          * owner name '*namep', to section 'section', unless they are
02283          * already there.  Also add any pertinent additional data.
02284          *
02285          * If 'dbuf' is not NULL, then '*namep' is the name whose data is
02286          * stored in 'dbuf'.  In this case, query_addrrset() guarantees that
02287          * when it returns the name will either have been kept or released.
02288          */
02289         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_dns64");
02290         name = *namep;
02291         mname = NULL;
02292         mrdataset = NULL;
02293         buffer = NULL;
02294         dns64_rdata = NULL;
02295         dns64_rdataset = NULL;
02296         dns64_rdatalist = NULL;
02297         result = dns_message_findname(client->message, section,
02298                                       name, dns_rdatatype_aaaa,
02299                                       rdataset->covers,
02300                                       &mname, &mrdataset);
02301         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
02302                 /*
02303                  * We've already got an RRset of the given name and type.
02304                  * There's nothing else to do;
02305                  */
02306                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
02307                        "query_dns64: dns_message_findname succeeded: done");
02308                 if (dbuf != NULL)
02309                         query_releasename(client, namep);
02310                 return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
02311         } else if (result == DNS_R_NXDOMAIN) {
02312                 /*
02313                  * The name doesn't exist.
02314                  */
02315                 if (dbuf != NULL)
02316                         query_keepname(client, name, dbuf);
02317                 dns_message_addname(client->message, name, section);
02318                 *namep = NULL;
02319                 mname = name;
02320         } else {
02321                 RUNTIME_CHECK(result == DNS_R_NXRRSET);
02322                 if (dbuf != NULL)
02323                         query_releasename(client, namep);
02324         }
02326         if (rdataset->trust != dns_trust_secure &&
02327             (section == DNS_SECTION_ANSWER ||
02328              section == DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY))
02329                 client->query.attributes &= ~NS_QUERYATTR_SECURE;
02331         isc_netaddr_fromsockaddr(&netaddr, &client->peeraddr);
02333         result = isc_buffer_allocate(client->mctx, &buffer, view->dns64cnt *
02334                                      16 * dns_rdataset_count(rdataset));
02335         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
02336                 goto cleanup;
02337         result = dns_message_gettemprdataset(client->message, &dns64_rdataset);
02338         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
02339                 goto cleanup;
02340         result = dns_message_gettemprdatalist(client->message,
02341                                               &dns64_rdatalist);
02342         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
02343                 goto cleanup;
02345         dns_rdataset_init(dns64_rdataset);
02346         dns_rdatalist_init(dns64_rdatalist);
02347         dns64_rdatalist->rdclass = dns_rdataclass_in;
02348         dns64_rdatalist->type = dns_rdatatype_aaaa;
02349         if (client->query.dns64_ttl != ISC_UINT32_MAX)
02350                 dns64_rdatalist->ttl = ISC_MIN(rdataset->ttl,
02351                                                client->query.dns64_ttl);
02352         else
02353                 dns64_rdatalist->ttl = ISC_MIN(rdataset->ttl, 600);
02355         if (RECURSIONOK(client))
02356                 flags |= DNS_DNS64_RECURSIVE;
02358         /*
02359          * We use the signatures from the A lookup to set DNS_DNS64_DNSSEC
02360          * as this provides a easy way to see if the answer was signed.
02361          */
02362         if (sigrdataset != NULL && dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset))
02363                 flags |= DNS_DNS64_DNSSEC;
02365         for (result = dns_rdataset_first(rdataset);
02366              result == ISC_R_SUCCESS;
02367              result = dns_rdataset_next(rdataset)) {
02368                 for (dns64 = ISC_LIST_HEAD(client->view->dns64);
02369                      dns64 != NULL; dns64 = dns_dns64_next(dns64)) {
02371                         dns_rdataset_current(rdataset, &rdata);
02372                         isc_buffer_availableregion(buffer, &r);
02373                         INSIST(r.length >= 16);
02374                         result = dns_dns64_aaaafroma(dns64, &netaddr,
02375                                                      client->signer,
02376                                                      &ns_g_server->aclenv,
02377                                                      flags, rdata.data, r.base);
02378                         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
02379                                 dns_rdata_reset(&rdata);
02380                                 continue;
02381                         }
02382                         isc_buffer_add(buffer, 16);
02383                         isc_buffer_remainingregion(buffer, &r);
02384                         isc_buffer_forward(buffer, 16);
02385                         result = dns_message_gettemprdata(client->message,
02386                                                           &dns64_rdata);
02387                         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
02388                                 goto cleanup;
02389                         dns_rdata_init(dns64_rdata);
02390                         dns_rdata_fromregion(dns64_rdata, dns_rdataclass_in,
02391                                              dns_rdatatype_aaaa, &r);
02392                         ISC_LIST_APPEND(dns64_rdatalist->rdata, dns64_rdata,
02393                                         link);
02394                         dns64_rdata = NULL;
02395                         dns_rdata_reset(&rdata);
02396                 }
02397         }
02398         if (result != ISC_R_NOMORE)
02399                 goto cleanup;
02401         if (ISC_LIST_EMPTY(dns64_rdatalist->rdata))
02402                 goto cleanup;
02404         result = dns_rdatalist_tordataset(dns64_rdatalist, dns64_rdataset);
02405         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
02406                 goto cleanup;
02407         dns_rdataset_setownercase(dns64_rdataset, mname);
02408         client->query.attributes |= NS_QUERYATTR_NOADDITIONAL;
02409         dns64_rdataset->trust = rdataset->trust;
02410         query_addrdataset(client, mname, dns64_rdataset);
02411         dns64_rdataset = NULL;
02412         dns64_rdatalist = NULL;
02413         dns_message_takebuffer(client->message, &buffer);
02414         inc_stats(client, dns_nsstatscounter_dns64);
02415         result = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
02417  cleanup:
02418         if (buffer != NULL)
02419                 isc_buffer_free(&buffer);
02421         if (dns64_rdata != NULL)
02422                 dns_message_puttemprdata(client->message, &dns64_rdata);
02424         if (dns64_rdataset != NULL)
02425                 dns_message_puttemprdataset(client->message, &dns64_rdataset);
02427         if (dns64_rdatalist != NULL) {
02428                 for (dns64_rdata = ISC_LIST_HEAD(dns64_rdatalist->rdata);
02429                      dns64_rdata != NULL;
02430                      dns64_rdata = ISC_LIST_HEAD(dns64_rdatalist->rdata))
02431                 {
02432                         ISC_LIST_UNLINK(dns64_rdatalist->rdata,
02433                                         dns64_rdata, link);
02434                         dns_message_puttemprdata(client->message, &dns64_rdata);
02435                 }
02436                 dns_message_puttemprdatalist(client->message, &dns64_rdatalist);
02437         }
02439         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_dns64: done");
02440         return (result);
02441 }
02443 static void
02444 query_filter64(ns_client_t *client, dns_name_t **namep,
02445                dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, isc_buffer_t *dbuf,
02446                dns_section_t section)
02447 {
02448         dns_name_t *name, *mname;
02449         dns_rdata_t *myrdata;
02450         dns_rdata_t rdata = DNS_RDATA_INIT;
02451         dns_rdatalist_t *myrdatalist;
02452         dns_rdataset_t *myrdataset;
02453         isc_buffer_t *buffer;
02454         isc_region_t r;
02455         isc_result_t result;
02456         unsigned int i;
02458         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_filter64");
02460         INSIST(client->query.dns64_aaaaok != NULL);
02461         INSIST(client->query.dns64_aaaaoklen == dns_rdataset_count(rdataset));
02463         name = *namep;
02464         mname = NULL;
02465         buffer = NULL;
02466         myrdata = NULL;
02467         myrdataset = NULL;
02468         myrdatalist = NULL;
02469         result = dns_message_findname(client->message, section,
02470                                       name, dns_rdatatype_aaaa,
02471                                       rdataset->covers,
02472                                       &mname, &myrdataset);
02473         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
02474                 /*
02475                  * We've already got an RRset of the given name and type.
02476                  * There's nothing else to do;
02477                  */
02478                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
02479                        "query_filter64: dns_message_findname succeeded: done");
02480                 if (dbuf != NULL)
02481                         query_releasename(client, namep);
02482                 return;
02483         } else if (result == DNS_R_NXDOMAIN) {
02484                 mname = name;
02485                 *namep = NULL;
02486         } else {
02487                 RUNTIME_CHECK(result == DNS_R_NXRRSET);
02488                 if (dbuf != NULL)
02489                         query_releasename(client, namep);
02490                 dbuf = NULL;
02491         }
02493         if (rdataset->trust != dns_trust_secure &&
02494             (section == DNS_SECTION_ANSWER ||
02495              section == DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY))
02496                 client->query.attributes &= ~NS_QUERYATTR_SECURE;
02498         result = isc_buffer_allocate(client->mctx, &buffer,
02499                                      16 * dns_rdataset_count(rdataset));
02500         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
02501                 goto cleanup;
02502         result = dns_message_gettemprdataset(client->message, &myrdataset);
02503         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
02504                 goto cleanup;
02505         result = dns_message_gettemprdatalist(client->message, &myrdatalist);
02506         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
02507                 goto cleanup;
02509         dns_rdataset_init(myrdataset);
02510         dns_rdatalist_init(myrdatalist);
02511         myrdatalist->rdclass = dns_rdataclass_in;
02512         myrdatalist->type = dns_rdatatype_aaaa;
02513         myrdatalist->ttl = rdataset->ttl;
02515         i = 0;
02516         for (result = dns_rdataset_first(rdataset);
02517              result == ISC_R_SUCCESS;
02518              result = dns_rdataset_next(rdataset)) {
02519                 if (!client->query.dns64_aaaaok[i++])
02520                         continue;
02521                 dns_rdataset_current(rdataset, &rdata);
02522                 INSIST(rdata.length == 16);
02523                 isc_buffer_putmem(buffer, rdata.data, rdata.length);
02524                 isc_buffer_remainingregion(buffer, &r);
02525                 isc_buffer_forward(buffer, rdata.length);
02526                 result = dns_message_gettemprdata(client->message, &myrdata);
02527                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
02528                         goto cleanup;
02529                 dns_rdata_init(myrdata);
02530                 dns_rdata_fromregion(myrdata, dns_rdataclass_in,
02531                                      dns_rdatatype_aaaa, &r);
02532                 ISC_LIST_APPEND(myrdatalist->rdata, myrdata, link);
02533                 myrdata = NULL;
02534                 dns_rdata_reset(&rdata);
02535         }
02536         if (result != ISC_R_NOMORE)
02537                 goto cleanup;
02539         result = dns_rdatalist_tordataset(myrdatalist, myrdataset);
02540         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
02541                 goto cleanup;
02542         dns_rdataset_setownercase(myrdataset, name);
02543         client->query.attributes |= NS_QUERYATTR_NOADDITIONAL;
02544         if (mname == name) {
02545                 if (dbuf != NULL)
02546                         query_keepname(client, name, dbuf);
02547                 dns_message_addname(client->message, name, section);
02548                 dbuf = NULL;
02549         }
02550         myrdataset->trust = rdataset->trust;
02551         query_addrdataset(client, mname, myrdataset);
02552         myrdataset = NULL;
02553         myrdatalist = NULL;
02554         dns_message_takebuffer(client->message, &buffer);
02556  cleanup:
02557         if (buffer != NULL)
02558                 isc_buffer_free(&buffer);
02560         if (myrdata != NULL)
02561                 dns_message_puttemprdata(client->message, &myrdata);
02563         if (myrdataset != NULL)
02564                 dns_message_puttemprdataset(client->message, &myrdataset);
02566         if (myrdatalist != NULL) {
02567                 for (myrdata = ISC_LIST_HEAD(myrdatalist->rdata);
02568                      myrdata != NULL;
02569                      myrdata = ISC_LIST_HEAD(myrdatalist->rdata))
02570                 {
02571                         ISC_LIST_UNLINK(myrdatalist->rdata, myrdata, link);
02572                         dns_message_puttemprdata(client->message, &myrdata);
02573                 }
02574                 dns_message_puttemprdatalist(client->message, &myrdatalist);
02575         }
02576         if (dbuf != NULL)
02577                 query_releasename(client, &name);
02579         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_filter64: done");
02580 }
02582 static void
02583 query_addrrset(ns_client_t *client, dns_name_t **namep,
02584                dns_rdataset_t **rdatasetp, dns_rdataset_t **sigrdatasetp,
02585                isc_buffer_t *dbuf, dns_section_t section)
02586 {
02587         dns_name_t *name, *mname;
02588         dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, *mrdataset, *sigrdataset;
02589         isc_result_t result;
02591         /*%
02592          * To the current response for 'client', add the answer RRset
02593          * '*rdatasetp' and an optional signature set '*sigrdatasetp', with
02594          * owner name '*namep', to section 'section', unless they are
02595          * already there.  Also add any pertinent additional data.
02596          *
02597          * If 'dbuf' is not NULL, then '*namep' is the name whose data is
02598          * stored in 'dbuf'.  In this case, query_addrrset() guarantees that
02599          * when it returns the name will either have been kept or released.
02600          */
02601         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_addrrset");
02602         name = *namep;
02603         rdataset = *rdatasetp;
02604         if (sigrdatasetp != NULL)
02605                 sigrdataset = *sigrdatasetp;
02606         else
02607                 sigrdataset = NULL;
02608         mname = NULL;
02609         mrdataset = NULL;
02610         result = dns_message_findname(client->message, section,
02611                                       name, rdataset->type, rdataset->covers,
02612                                       &mname, &mrdataset);
02613         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
02614                 /*
02615                  * We've already got an RRset of the given name and type.
02616                  */
02617                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
02618                        "query_addrrset: dns_message_findname succeeded: done");
02619                 if (dbuf != NULL)
02620                         query_releasename(client, namep);
02621                 if ((rdataset->attributes & DNS_RDATASETATTR_REQUIRED) != 0)
02622                         mrdataset->attributes |= DNS_RDATASETATTR_REQUIRED;
02623                 return;
02624         } else if (result == DNS_R_NXDOMAIN) {
02625                 /*
02626                  * The name doesn't exist.
02627                  */
02628                 if (dbuf != NULL)
02629                         query_keepname(client, name, dbuf);
02630                 dns_message_addname(client->message, name, section);
02631                 *namep = NULL;
02632                 mname = name;
02633         } else {
02634                 RUNTIME_CHECK(result == DNS_R_NXRRSET);
02635                 if (dbuf != NULL)
02636                         query_releasename(client, namep);
02637         }
02639         if (rdataset->trust != dns_trust_secure &&
02640             (section == DNS_SECTION_ANSWER ||
02641              section == DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY))
02642                 client->query.attributes &= ~NS_QUERYATTR_SECURE;
02643         /*
02644          * Note: we only add SIGs if we've added the type they cover, so
02645          * we do not need to check if the SIG rdataset is already in the
02646          * response.
02647          */
02648         query_addrdataset(client, mname, rdataset);
02649         *rdatasetp = NULL;
02650         if (sigrdataset != NULL && dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset)) {
02651                 /*
02652                  * We have a signature.  Add it to the response.
02653                  */
02654                 ISC_LIST_APPEND(mname->list, sigrdataset, link);
02655                 *sigrdatasetp = NULL;
02656         }
02657         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_addrrset: done");
02658 }
02660 static inline isc_result_t
02661 query_addsoa(ns_client_t *client, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version,
02662              unsigned int override_ttl, isc_boolean_t isassociated,
02663              dns_section_t section)
02664 {
02665         dns_name_t *name;
02666         dns_dbnode_t *node;
02667         isc_result_t result, eresult;
02668         dns_rdataset_t *rdataset = NULL, *sigrdataset = NULL;
02669         dns_rdataset_t **sigrdatasetp = NULL;
02670         dns_clientinfomethods_t cm;
02671         dns_clientinfo_t ci;
02673         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_addsoa");
02674         /*
02675          * Initialization.
02676          */
02677         eresult = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
02678         name = NULL;
02679         rdataset = NULL;
02680         node = NULL;
02682         dns_clientinfomethods_init(&cm, ns_client_sourceip);
02683         dns_clientinfo_init(&ci, client, NULL);
02685         /*
02686          * Don't add the SOA record for test which set "-T nosoa".
02687          */
02688         if (ns_g_nosoa && (!WANTDNSSEC(client) || !isassociated))
02689                 return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
02691         /*
02692          * Get resources and make 'name' be the database origin.
02693          */
02694         result = dns_message_gettempname(client->message, &name);
02695         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
02696                 return (result);
02697         dns_name_init(name, NULL);
02698         dns_name_clone(dns_db_origin(db), name);
02699         rdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
02700         if (rdataset == NULL) {
02701                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR, "unable to allocate rdataset");
02702                 eresult = DNS_R_SERVFAIL;
02703                 goto cleanup;
02704         }
02705         if (WANTDNSSEC(client) && dns_db_issecure(db)) {
02706                 sigrdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
02707                 if (sigrdataset == NULL) {
02708                         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR, "unable to allocate sigrdataset");
02709                         eresult = DNS_R_SERVFAIL;
02710                         goto cleanup;
02711                 }
02712         }
02714         /*
02715          * Find the SOA.
02716          */
02717         result = dns_db_getoriginnode(db, &node);
02718         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
02719                 result = dns_db_findrdataset(db, node, version,
02720                                              dns_rdatatype_soa, 0, client->now,
02721                                              rdataset, sigrdataset);
02722         } else {
02723                 dns_fixedname_t foundname;
02724                 dns_name_t *fname;
02726                 dns_fixedname_init(&foundname);
02727                 fname = dns_fixedname_name(&foundname);
02729                 result = dns_db_findext(db, name, version, dns_rdatatype_soa,
02730                                         client->query.dboptions, 0, &node,
02731                                         fname, &cm, &ci, rdataset, sigrdataset);
02732         }
02733         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
02734                 /*
02735                  * This is bad.  We tried to get the SOA RR at the zone top
02736                  * and it didn't work!
02737                  */
02738                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR, "unable to find SOA RR at zone apex");
02739                 eresult = DNS_R_SERVFAIL;
02740         } else {
02741                 /*
02742                  * Extract the SOA MINIMUM.
02743                  */
02744                 dns_rdata_soa_t soa;
02745                 dns_rdata_t rdata = DNS_RDATA_INIT;
02746                 result = dns_rdataset_first(rdataset);
02747                 RUNTIME_CHECK(result == ISC_R_SUCCESS);
02748                 dns_rdataset_current(rdataset, &rdata);
02749                 result = dns_rdata_tostruct(&rdata, &soa, NULL);
02750                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
02751                         goto cleanup;
02753                 if (override_ttl != ISC_UINT32_MAX &&
02754                     override_ttl < rdataset->ttl) {
02755                         rdataset->ttl = override_ttl;
02756                         if (sigrdataset != NULL)
02757                                 sigrdataset->ttl = override_ttl;
02758                 }
02760                 /*
02761                  * Add the SOA and its SIG to the response, with the
02762                  * TTLs adjusted per RFC2308 section 3.
02763                  */
02764                 if (rdataset->ttl > soa.minimum)
02765                         rdataset->ttl = soa.minimum;
02766                 if (sigrdataset != NULL && sigrdataset->ttl > soa.minimum)
02767                         sigrdataset->ttl = soa.minimum;
02769                 if (sigrdataset != NULL)
02770                         sigrdatasetp = &sigrdataset;
02771                 else
02772                         sigrdatasetp = NULL;
02774                 if (section == DNS_SECTION_ADDITIONAL)
02775                         rdataset->attributes |= DNS_RDATASETATTR_REQUIRED;
02776                 query_addrrset(client, &name, &rdataset, sigrdatasetp, NULL,
02777                                section);
02778         }
02780  cleanup:
02781         query_putrdataset(client, &rdataset);
02782         if (sigrdataset != NULL)
02783                 query_putrdataset(client, &sigrdataset);
02784         if (name != NULL)
02785                 query_releasename(client, &name);
02786         if (node != NULL)
02787                 dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
02789         return (eresult);
02790 }
02792 static inline isc_result_t
02793 query_addns(ns_client_t *client, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version) {
02794         dns_name_t *name, *fname;
02795         dns_dbnode_t *node;
02796         isc_result_t result, eresult;
02797         dns_fixedname_t foundname;
02798         dns_rdataset_t *rdataset = NULL, *sigrdataset = NULL;
02799         dns_rdataset_t **sigrdatasetp = NULL;
02800         dns_clientinfomethods_t cm;
02801         dns_clientinfo_t ci;
02803         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_addns");
02804         /*
02805          * Initialization.
02806          */
02807         eresult = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
02808         name = NULL;
02809         rdataset = NULL;
02810         node = NULL;
02811         dns_fixedname_init(&foundname);
02812         fname = dns_fixedname_name(&foundname);
02813         dns_clientinfomethods_init(&cm, ns_client_sourceip);
02814         dns_clientinfo_init(&ci, client, NULL);
02816         /*
02817          * Get resources and make 'name' be the database origin.
02818          */
02819         result = dns_message_gettempname(client->message, &name);
02820         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
02821                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
02822                        "query_addns: dns_message_gettempname failed: done");
02823                 return (result);
02824         }
02825         dns_name_init(name, NULL);
02826         dns_name_clone(dns_db_origin(db), name);
02827         rdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
02828         if (rdataset == NULL) {
02829                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR,
02830                        "query_addns: query_newrdataset failed");
02831                 eresult = DNS_R_SERVFAIL;
02832                 goto cleanup;
02833         }
02834         if (WANTDNSSEC(client) && dns_db_issecure(db)) {
02835                 sigrdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
02836                 if (sigrdataset == NULL) {
02837                         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR,
02838                                "query_addns: query_newrdataset failed");
02839                         eresult = DNS_R_SERVFAIL;
02840                         goto cleanup;
02841                 }
02842         }
02844         /*
02845          * Find the NS rdataset.
02846          */
02847         result = dns_db_getoriginnode(db, &node);
02848         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
02849                 result = dns_db_findrdataset(db, node, version,
02850                                              dns_rdatatype_ns, 0, client->now,
02851                                              rdataset, sigrdataset);
02852         } else {
02853                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_addns: calling dns_db_find");
02854                 result = dns_db_findext(db, name, NULL, dns_rdatatype_ns,
02855                                         client->query.dboptions, 0, &node,
02856                                         fname, &cm, &ci, rdataset, sigrdataset);
02857                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_addns: dns_db_find complete");
02858         }
02859         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
02860                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR,
02861                        "query_addns: "
02862                        "dns_db_findrdataset or dns_db_find failed");
02863                 /*
02864                  * This is bad.  We tried to get the NS rdataset at the zone
02865                  * top and it didn't work!
02866                  */
02867                 eresult = DNS_R_SERVFAIL;
02868         } else {
02869                 if (sigrdataset != NULL)
02870                         sigrdatasetp = &sigrdataset;
02871                 else
02872                         sigrdatasetp = NULL;
02873                 query_addrrset(client, &name, &rdataset, sigrdatasetp, NULL,
02874                                DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY);
02875         }
02877  cleanup:
02878         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_addns: cleanup");
02879         query_putrdataset(client, &rdataset);
02880         if (sigrdataset != NULL)
02881                 query_putrdataset(client, &sigrdataset);
02882         if (name != NULL)
02883                 query_releasename(client, &name);
02884         if (node != NULL)
02885                 dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
02887         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_addns: done");
02888         return (eresult);
02889 }
02891 static isc_result_t
02892 query_add_cname(ns_client_t *client, dns_name_t *qname, dns_name_t *tname,
02893                 dns_trust_t trust, dns_ttl_t ttl)
02894 {
02895         dns_rdataset_t *rdataset;
02896         dns_rdatalist_t *rdatalist;
02897         dns_rdata_t *rdata;
02898         isc_region_t r;
02899         dns_name_t *aname;
02900         isc_result_t result;
02902         /*
02903          * We assume the name data referred to by tname won't go away.
02904          */
02906         aname = NULL;
02907         result = dns_message_gettempname(client->message, &aname);
02908         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
02909                 return (result);
02910         result = dns_name_dup(qname, client->mctx, aname);
02911         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
02912                 dns_message_puttempname(client->message, &aname);
02913                 return (result);
02914         }
02916         rdatalist = NULL;
02917         result = dns_message_gettemprdatalist(client->message, &rdatalist);
02918         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
02919                 dns_message_puttempname(client->message, &aname);
02920                 return (result);
02921         }
02922         rdata = NULL;
02923         result = dns_message_gettemprdata(client->message, &rdata);
02924         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
02925                 dns_message_puttempname(client->message, &aname);
02926                 dns_message_puttemprdatalist(client->message, &rdatalist);
02927                 return (result);
02928         }
02929         rdataset = NULL;
02930         result = dns_message_gettemprdataset(client->message, &rdataset);
02931         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
02932                 dns_message_puttempname(client->message, &aname);
02933                 dns_message_puttemprdatalist(client->message, &rdatalist);
02934                 dns_message_puttemprdata(client->message, &rdata);
02935                 return (result);
02936         }
02937         dns_rdataset_init(rdataset);
02938         rdatalist->type = dns_rdatatype_cname;
02939         rdatalist->rdclass = client->message->rdclass;
02940         rdatalist->ttl = ttl;
02942         dns_name_toregion(tname, &r);
02943         rdata->data = r.base;
02944         rdata->length = r.length;
02945         rdata->rdclass = client->message->rdclass;
02946         rdata->type = dns_rdatatype_cname;
02948         ISC_LIST_APPEND(rdatalist->rdata, rdata, link);
02949         RUNTIME_CHECK(dns_rdatalist_tordataset(rdatalist, rdataset)
02950                       == ISC_R_SUCCESS);
02951         rdataset->trust = trust;
02952         dns_rdataset_setownercase(rdataset, aname);
02954         query_addrrset(client, &aname, &rdataset, NULL, NULL,
02955                        DNS_SECTION_ANSWER);
02956         if (rdataset != NULL) {
02957                 if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset))
02958                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(rdataset);
02959                 dns_message_puttemprdataset(client->message, &rdataset);
02960         }
02961         if (aname != NULL)
02962                 dns_message_puttempname(client->message, &aname);
02964         return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
02965 }
02967 /*
02968  * Mark the RRsets as secure.  Update the cache (db) to reflect the
02969  * change in trust level.
02970  */
02971 static void
02972 mark_secure(ns_client_t *client, dns_db_t *db, dns_name_t *name,
02973             dns_rdata_rrsig_t *rrsig, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset,
02974             dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset)
02975 {
02976         isc_result_t result;
02977         dns_dbnode_t *node = NULL;
02978         dns_clientinfomethods_t cm;
02979         dns_clientinfo_t ci;
02980         isc_stdtime_t now;
02982         rdataset->trust = dns_trust_secure;
02983         sigrdataset->trust = dns_trust_secure;
02984         dns_clientinfomethods_init(&cm, ns_client_sourceip);
02985         dns_clientinfo_init(&ci, client, NULL);
02987         /*
02988          * Save the updated secure state.  Ignore failures.
02989          */
02990         result = dns_db_findnodeext(db, name, ISC_TRUE, &cm, &ci, &node);
02991         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
02992                 return;
02994         isc_stdtime_get(&now);
02995         dns_rdataset_trimttl(rdataset, sigrdataset, rrsig, now,
02996                              client->view->acceptexpired);
02998         (void)dns_db_addrdataset(db, node, NULL, client->now, rdataset,
02999                                  0, NULL);
03000         (void)dns_db_addrdataset(db, node, NULL, client->now, sigrdataset,
03001                                  0, NULL);
03002         dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
03003 }
03005 /*
03006  * Find the secure key that corresponds to rrsig.
03007  * Note: 'keyrdataset' maintains state between successive calls,
03008  * there may be multiple keys with the same keyid.
03009  * Return ISC_FALSE if we have exhausted all the possible keys.
03010  */
03011 static isc_boolean_t
03012 get_key(ns_client_t *client, dns_db_t *db, dns_rdata_rrsig_t *rrsig,
03013         dns_rdataset_t *keyrdataset, dst_key_t **keyp)
03014 {
03015         isc_result_t result;
03016         dns_dbnode_t *node = NULL;
03017         isc_boolean_t secure = ISC_FALSE;
03018         dns_clientinfomethods_t cm;
03019         dns_clientinfo_t ci;
03021         dns_clientinfomethods_init(&cm, ns_client_sourceip);
03022         dns_clientinfo_init(&ci, client, NULL);
03024         if (!dns_rdataset_isassociated(keyrdataset)) {
03025                 result = dns_db_findnodeext(db, &rrsig->signer, ISC_FALSE,
03026                                             &cm, &ci, &node);
03027                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
03028                         return (ISC_FALSE);
03030                 result = dns_db_findrdataset(db, node, NULL,
03031                                              dns_rdatatype_dnskey, 0,
03032                                              client->now, keyrdataset, NULL);
03033                 dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
03034                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
03035                         return (ISC_FALSE);
03037                 if (keyrdataset->trust != dns_trust_secure)
03038                         return (ISC_FALSE);
03040                 result = dns_rdataset_first(keyrdataset);
03041         } else
03042                 result = dns_rdataset_next(keyrdataset);
03044         for ( ; result == ISC_R_SUCCESS;
03045              result = dns_rdataset_next(keyrdataset)) {
03046                 dns_rdata_t rdata = DNS_RDATA_INIT;
03047                 isc_buffer_t b;
03049                 dns_rdataset_current(keyrdataset, &rdata);
03050                 isc_buffer_init(&b, rdata.data, rdata.length);
03051                 isc_buffer_add(&b, rdata.length);
03052                 result = dst_key_fromdns(&rrsig->signer, rdata.rdclass, &b,
03053                                          client->mctx, keyp);
03054                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
03055                         continue;
03056                 if (rrsig->algorithm == (dns_secalg_t)dst_key_alg(*keyp) &&
03057                     rrsig->keyid == (dns_keytag_t)dst_key_id(*keyp) &&
03058                     dst_key_iszonekey(*keyp)) {
03059                         secure = ISC_TRUE;
03060                         break;
03061                 }
03062                 dst_key_free(keyp);
03063         }
03064         return (secure);
03065 }
03067 static isc_boolean_t
03068 verify(dst_key_t *key, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset,
03069        dns_rdata_t *rdata, ns_client_t *client)
03070 {
03071         isc_result_t result;
03072         dns_fixedname_t fixed;
03073         isc_boolean_t ignore = ISC_FALSE;
03075         dns_fixedname_init(&fixed);
03077 again:
03078         result = dns_dnssec_verify3(name, rdataset, key, ignore,
03079                                     client->view->maxbits, client->mctx,
03080                                     rdata, NULL);
03081         if (result == DNS_R_SIGEXPIRED && client->view->acceptexpired) {
03082                 ignore = ISC_TRUE;
03083                 goto again;
03084         }
03085         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS || result == DNS_R_FROMWILDCARD)
03086                 return (ISC_TRUE);
03087         return (ISC_FALSE);
03088 }
03090 /*
03091  * Validate the rdataset if possible with available records.
03092  */
03093 static isc_boolean_t
03094 validate(ns_client_t *client, dns_db_t *db, dns_name_t *name,
03095          dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset)
03096 {
03097         isc_result_t result;
03098         dns_rdata_t rdata = DNS_RDATA_INIT;
03099         dns_rdata_rrsig_t rrsig;
03100         dst_key_t *key = NULL;
03101         dns_rdataset_t keyrdataset;
03103         if (sigrdataset == NULL || !dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset))
03104                 return (ISC_FALSE);
03106         for (result = dns_rdataset_first(sigrdataset);
03107              result == ISC_R_SUCCESS;
03108              result = dns_rdataset_next(sigrdataset)) {
03110                 dns_rdata_reset(&rdata);
03111                 dns_rdataset_current(sigrdataset, &rdata);
03112                 result = dns_rdata_tostruct(&rdata, &rrsig, NULL);
03113                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
03114                         return (ISC_FALSE);
03115                 if (!dns_resolver_algorithm_supported(client->view->resolver,
03116                                                       name, rrsig.algorithm))
03117                         continue;
03118                 if (!dns_name_issubdomain(name, &rrsig.signer))
03119                         continue;
03120                 dns_rdataset_init(&keyrdataset);
03121                 do {
03122                         if (!get_key(client, db, &rrsig, &keyrdataset, &key))
03123                                 break;
03124                         if (verify(key, name, rdataset, &rdata, client)) {
03125                                 dst_key_free(&key);
03126                                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(&keyrdataset);
03127                                 mark_secure(client, db, name, &rrsig,
03128                                             rdataset, sigrdataset);
03129                                 return (ISC_TRUE);
03130                         }
03131                         dst_key_free(&key);
03132                 } while (1);
03133                 if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&keyrdataset))
03134                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(&keyrdataset);
03135         }
03136         return (ISC_FALSE);
03137 }
03139 static void
03140 query_addbestns(ns_client_t *client) {
03141         dns_db_t *db, *zdb;
03142         dns_dbnode_t *node;
03143         dns_name_t *fname, *zfname;
03144         dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, *sigrdataset, *zrdataset, *zsigrdataset;
03145         isc_boolean_t is_zone, use_zone;
03146         isc_buffer_t *dbuf;
03147         isc_result_t result;
03148         dns_dbversion_t *version;
03149         dns_zone_t *zone;
03150         isc_buffer_t b;
03151         dns_clientinfomethods_t cm;
03152         dns_clientinfo_t ci;
03154         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_addbestns");
03155         fname = NULL;
03156         zfname = NULL;
03157         rdataset = NULL;
03158         zrdataset = NULL;
03159         sigrdataset = NULL;
03160         zsigrdataset = NULL;
03161         node = NULL;
03162         db = NULL;
03163         zdb = NULL;
03164         version = NULL;
03165         zone = NULL;
03166         is_zone = ISC_FALSE;
03167         use_zone = ISC_FALSE;
03169         dns_clientinfomethods_init(&cm, ns_client_sourceip);
03170         dns_clientinfo_init(&ci, client, NULL);
03172         /*
03173          * Find the right database.
03174          */
03175         result = query_getdb(client, client->query.qname, dns_rdatatype_ns, 0,
03176                              &zone, &db, &version, &is_zone);
03177         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
03178                 goto cleanup;
03180  db_find:
03181         /*
03182          * We'll need some resources...
03183          */
03184         dbuf = query_getnamebuf(client);
03185         if (dbuf == NULL)
03186                 goto cleanup;
03187         fname = query_newname(client, dbuf, &b);
03188         rdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
03189         if (fname == NULL || rdataset == NULL)
03190                 goto cleanup;
03191         /*
03192          * Get the RRSIGs if the client requested them or if we may
03193          * need to validate answers from the cache.
03194          */
03195         if (WANTDNSSEC(client) || !is_zone) {
03196                 sigrdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
03197                 if (sigrdataset == NULL)
03198                         goto cleanup;
03199         }
03201         /*
03202          * Now look for the zonecut.
03203          */
03204         if (is_zone) {
03205                 result = dns_db_findext(db, client->query.qname, version,
03206                                         dns_rdatatype_ns,
03207                                         client->query.dboptions,
03208                                         client->now, &node, fname,
03209                                         &cm, &ci, rdataset, sigrdataset);
03210                 if (result != DNS_R_DELEGATION)
03211                         goto cleanup;
03212                 if (USECACHE(client)) {
03213                         query_keepname(client, fname, dbuf);
03214                         zdb = db;
03215                         zfname = fname;
03216                         fname = NULL;
03217                         zrdataset = rdataset;
03218                         rdataset = NULL;
03219                         zsigrdataset = sigrdataset;
03220                         sigrdataset = NULL;
03221                         dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
03222                         version = NULL;
03223                         db = NULL;
03224                         dns_db_attach(client->view->cachedb, &db);
03225                         is_zone = ISC_FALSE;
03226                         goto db_find;
03227                 }
03228         } else {
03229                 result = dns_db_findzonecut(db, client->query.qname,
03230                                             client->query.dboptions,
03231                                             client->now, &node, fname,
03232                                             rdataset, sigrdataset);
03233                 if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
03234                         if (zfname != NULL &&
03235                             !dns_name_issubdomain(fname, zfname)) {
03236                                 /*
03237                                  * We found a zonecut in the cache, but our
03238                                  * zone delegation is better.
03239                                  */
03240                                 use_zone = ISC_TRUE;
03241                         }
03242                 } else if (result == ISC_R_NOTFOUND && zfname != NULL) {
03243                         /*
03244                          * We didn't find anything in the cache, but we
03245                          * have a zone delegation, so use it.
03246                          */
03247                         use_zone = ISC_TRUE;
03248                 } else
03249                         goto cleanup;
03250         }
03252         if (use_zone) {
03253                 query_releasename(client, &fname);
03254                 fname = zfname;
03255                 zfname = NULL;
03256                 /*
03257                  * We've already done query_keepname() on
03258                  * zfname, so we must set dbuf to NULL to
03259                  * prevent query_addrrset() from trying to
03260                  * call query_keepname() again.
03261                  */
03262                 dbuf = NULL;
03263                 query_putrdataset(client, &rdataset);
03264                 if (sigrdataset != NULL)
03265                         query_putrdataset(client, &sigrdataset);
03266                 rdataset = zrdataset;
03267                 zrdataset = NULL;
03268                 sigrdataset = zsigrdataset;
03269                 zsigrdataset = NULL;
03270         }
03272         /*
03273          * Attempt to validate RRsets that are pending or that are glue.
03274          */
03275         if ((DNS_TRUST_PENDING(rdataset->trust) ||
03276              (sigrdataset != NULL && DNS_TRUST_PENDING(sigrdataset->trust)))
03277             && !validate(client, db, fname, rdataset, sigrdataset) &&
03278             !PENDINGOK(client->query.dboptions))
03279                 goto cleanup;
03281         if ((DNS_TRUST_GLUE(rdataset->trust) ||
03282              (sigrdataset != NULL && DNS_TRUST_GLUE(sigrdataset->trust))) &&
03283             !validate(client, db, fname, rdataset, sigrdataset) &&
03284             SECURE(client) && WANTDNSSEC(client))
03285                 goto cleanup;
03287         /*
03288          * If the answer is secure only add NS records if they are secure                * when the client may be looking for AD in the response.
03289          */
03290         if (SECURE(client) && (WANTDNSSEC(client) || WANTAD(client)) &&
03291             ((rdataset->trust != dns_trust_secure) ||
03292             (sigrdataset != NULL && sigrdataset->trust != dns_trust_secure)))
03293                 goto cleanup;
03295         /*
03296          * If the client doesn't want DNSSEC we can discard the sigrdataset
03297          * now.
03298          */
03299         if (!WANTDNSSEC(client))
03300                 query_putrdataset(client, &sigrdataset);
03301         query_addrrset(client, &fname, &rdataset, &sigrdataset, dbuf,
03302                        DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY);
03304  cleanup:
03305         if (rdataset != NULL)
03306                 query_putrdataset(client, &rdataset);
03307         if (sigrdataset != NULL)
03308                 query_putrdataset(client, &sigrdataset);
03309         if (fname != NULL)
03310                 query_releasename(client, &fname);
03311         if (node != NULL)
03312                 dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
03313         if (db != NULL)
03314                 dns_db_detach(&db);
03315         if (zone != NULL)
03316                 dns_zone_detach(&zone);
03317         if (zdb != NULL) {
03318                 query_putrdataset(client, &zrdataset);
03319                 if (zsigrdataset != NULL)
03320                         query_putrdataset(client, &zsigrdataset);
03321                 if (zfname != NULL)
03322                         query_releasename(client, &zfname);
03323                 dns_db_detach(&zdb);
03324         }
03325 }
03327 static void
03328 fixrdataset(ns_client_t *client, dns_rdataset_t **rdataset) {
03329         if (*rdataset == NULL)
03330                 *rdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
03331         else  if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(*rdataset))
03332                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(*rdataset);
03333 }
03335 static void
03336 fixfname(ns_client_t *client, dns_name_t **fname, isc_buffer_t **dbuf,
03337          isc_buffer_t *nbuf)
03338 {
03339         if (*fname == NULL) {
03340                 *dbuf = query_getnamebuf(client);
03341                 if (*dbuf == NULL)
03342                         return;
03343                 *fname = query_newname(client, *dbuf, nbuf);
03344         }
03345 }
03347 static void
03348 query_addds(ns_client_t *client, dns_db_t *db, dns_dbnode_t *node,
03349             dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_name_t *name)
03350 {
03351         dns_fixedname_t fixed;
03352         dns_name_t *fname = NULL;
03353         dns_name_t *rname;
03354         dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, *sigrdataset;
03355         isc_buffer_t *dbuf, b;
03356         isc_result_t result;
03357         unsigned int count;
03359         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_addds");
03360         rname = NULL;
03361         rdataset = NULL;
03362         sigrdataset = NULL;
03364         /*
03365          * We'll need some resources...
03366          */
03367         rdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
03368         sigrdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
03369         if (rdataset == NULL || sigrdataset == NULL)
03370                 goto cleanup;
03372         /*
03373          * Look for the DS record, which may or may not be present.
03374          */
03375         result = dns_db_findrdataset(db, node, version, dns_rdatatype_ds, 0,
03376                                      client->now, rdataset, sigrdataset);
03377         /*
03378          * If we didn't find it, look for an NSEC.
03379          */
03380         if (result == ISC_R_NOTFOUND)
03381                 result = dns_db_findrdataset(db, node, version,
03382                                              dns_rdatatype_nsec, 0, client->now,
03383                                              rdataset, sigrdataset);
03384         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS && result != ISC_R_NOTFOUND)
03385                 goto addnsec3;
03386         if (!dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset) ||
03387             !dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset))
03388                 goto addnsec3;
03390         /*
03391          * We've already added the NS record, so if the name's not there,
03392          * we have other problems.  Use this name rather than calling
03393          * query_addrrset().
03394          */
03395         result = dns_message_firstname(client->message, DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY);
03396         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
03397                 goto cleanup;
03399         rname = NULL;
03400         dns_message_currentname(client->message, DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY,
03401                                 &rname);
03402         result = dns_message_findtype(rname, dns_rdatatype_ns, 0, NULL);
03403         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
03404                 goto cleanup;
03406         ISC_LIST_APPEND(rname->list, rdataset, link);
03407         ISC_LIST_APPEND(rname->list, sigrdataset, link);
03408         rdataset = NULL;
03409         sigrdataset = NULL;
03410         return;
03412    addnsec3:
03413         if (!dns_db_iszone(db))
03414                 goto cleanup;
03415         /*
03416          * Add the NSEC3 which proves the DS does not exist.
03417          */
03418         dbuf = query_getnamebuf(client);
03419         if (dbuf == NULL)
03420                 goto cleanup;
03421         fname = query_newname(client, dbuf, &b);
03422         dns_fixedname_init(&fixed);
03423         if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset))
03424                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(rdataset);
03425         if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset))
03426                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(sigrdataset);
03427         query_findclosestnsec3(name, db, version, client, rdataset,
03428                                sigrdataset, fname, ISC_TRUE,
03429                                dns_fixedname_name(&fixed));
03430         if (!dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset))
03431                 goto cleanup;
03432         query_addrrset(client, &fname, &rdataset, &sigrdataset, dbuf,
03433                        DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY);
03434         /*
03435          * Did we find the closest provable encloser instead?
03436          * If so add the nearest to the closest provable encloser.
03437          */
03438         if (!dns_name_equal(name, dns_fixedname_name(&fixed))) {
03439                 count = dns_name_countlabels(dns_fixedname_name(&fixed)) + 1;
03440                 dns_name_getlabelsequence(name,
03441                                           dns_name_countlabels(name) - count,
03442                                           count, dns_fixedname_name(&fixed));
03443                 fixfname(client, &fname, &dbuf, &b);
03444                 fixrdataset(client, &rdataset);
03445                 fixrdataset(client, &sigrdataset);
03446                 if (fname == NULL || rdataset == NULL || sigrdataset == NULL)
03447                                 goto cleanup;
03448                 query_findclosestnsec3(dns_fixedname_name(&fixed), db, version,
03449                                        client, rdataset, sigrdataset, fname,
03450                                        ISC_FALSE, NULL);
03451                 if (!dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset))
03452                         goto cleanup;
03453                 query_addrrset(client, &fname, &rdataset, &sigrdataset, dbuf,
03454                                DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY);
03455         }
03457  cleanup:
03458         if (rdataset != NULL)
03459                 query_putrdataset(client, &rdataset);
03460         if (sigrdataset != NULL)
03461                 query_putrdataset(client, &sigrdataset);
03462         if (fname != NULL)
03463                 query_releasename(client, &fname);
03464 }
03466 static void
03467 query_addwildcardproof(ns_client_t *client, dns_db_t *db,
03468                        dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_name_t *name,
03469                        isc_boolean_t ispositive, isc_boolean_t nodata)
03470 {
03471         isc_buffer_t *dbuf, b;
03472         dns_name_t *fname;
03473         dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, *sigrdataset;
03474         dns_fixedname_t wfixed;
03475         dns_name_t *wname;
03476         dns_dbnode_t *node;
03477         unsigned int options;
03478         unsigned int olabels, nlabels, labels;
03479         isc_result_t result;
03480         dns_rdata_t rdata = DNS_RDATA_INIT;
03481         dns_rdata_nsec_t nsec;
03482         isc_boolean_t have_wname;
03483         int order;
03484         dns_fixedname_t cfixed;
03485         dns_name_t *cname;
03486         dns_clientinfomethods_t cm;
03487         dns_clientinfo_t ci;
03489         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_addwildcardproof");
03490         fname = NULL;
03491         rdataset = NULL;
03492         sigrdataset = NULL;
03493         node = NULL;
03495         dns_clientinfomethods_init(&cm, ns_client_sourceip);
03496         dns_clientinfo_init(&ci, client, NULL);
03498         /*
03499          * Get the NOQNAME proof then if !ispositive
03500          * get the NOWILDCARD proof.
03501          *
03502          * DNS_DBFIND_NOWILD finds the NSEC records that covers the
03503          * name ignoring any wildcard.  From the owner and next names
03504          * of this record you can compute which wildcard (if it exists)
03505          * will match by finding the longest common suffix of the
03506          * owner name and next names with the qname and prefixing that
03507          * with the wildcard label.
03508          *
03509          * e.g.
03510          *   Given:
03511          *      example SOA
03512          *      example NSEC b.example
03513          *      b.example A
03514          *      b.example NSEC a.d.example
03515          *      a.d.example A
03516          *      a.d.example NSEC g.f.example
03517          *      g.f.example A
03518          *      g.f.example NSEC z.i.example
03519          *      z.i.example A
03520          *      z.i.example NSEC example
03521          *
03522          *   QNAME:
03523          *   a.example -> example NSEC b.example
03524          *      owner common example
03525          *      next common example
03526          *      wild *.example
03527          *   d.b.example -> b.example NSEC a.d.example
03528          *      owner common b.example
03529          *      next common example
03530          *      wild *.b.example
03531          *   a.f.example -> a.d.example NSEC g.f.example
03532          *      owner common example
03533          *      next common f.example
03534          *      wild *.f.example
03535          *  j.example -> z.i.example NSEC example
03536          *      owner common example
03537          *      next common example
03538          *      wild *.example
03539          */
03540         options = client->query.dboptions | DNS_DBFIND_NOWILD;
03541         dns_fixedname_init(&wfixed);
03542         wname = dns_fixedname_name(&wfixed);
03543  again:
03544         have_wname = ISC_FALSE;
03545         /*
03546          * We'll need some resources...
03547          */
03548         dbuf = query_getnamebuf(client);
03549         if (dbuf == NULL)
03550                 goto cleanup;
03551         fname = query_newname(client, dbuf, &b);
03552         rdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
03553         sigrdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
03554         if (fname == NULL || rdataset == NULL || sigrdataset == NULL)
03555                 goto cleanup;
03557         result = dns_db_findext(db, name, version, dns_rdatatype_nsec,
03558                                 options, 0, &node, fname, &cm, &ci,
03559                                 rdataset, sigrdataset);
03560         if (node != NULL)
03561                 dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
03563         if (!dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset)) {
03564                 /*
03565                  * No NSEC proof available, return NSEC3 proofs instead.
03566                  */
03567                 dns_fixedname_init(&cfixed);
03568                 cname = dns_fixedname_name(&cfixed);
03569                 /*
03570                  * Find the closest encloser.
03571                  */
03572                 dns_name_copy(name, cname, NULL);
03573                 while (result == DNS_R_NXDOMAIN) {
03574                         labels = dns_name_countlabels(cname) - 1;
03575                         /*
03576                          * Sanity check.
03577                          */
03578                         if (labels == 0U)
03579                                 goto cleanup;
03580                         dns_name_split(cname, labels, NULL, cname);
03581                         result = dns_db_findext(db, cname, version,
03582                                                 dns_rdatatype_nsec,
03583                                                 options, 0, NULL, fname,
03584                                                 &cm, &ci, NULL, NULL);
03585                 }
03586                 /*
03587                  * Add closest (provable) encloser NSEC3.
03588                  */
03589                 query_findclosestnsec3(cname, db, NULL, client, rdataset,
03590                                        sigrdataset, fname, ISC_TRUE, cname);
03591                 if (!dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset))
03592                         goto cleanup;
03593                 if (!ispositive)
03594                         query_addrrset(client, &fname, &rdataset, &sigrdataset,
03595                                        dbuf, DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY);
03597                 /*
03598                  * Replace resources which were consumed by query_addrrset.
03599                  */
03600                 if (fname == NULL) {
03601                         dbuf = query_getnamebuf(client);
03602                         if (dbuf == NULL)
03603                                 goto cleanup;
03604                         fname = query_newname(client, dbuf, &b);
03605                 }
03607                 if (rdataset == NULL)
03608                         rdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
03609                 else if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset))
03610                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(rdataset);
03612                 if (sigrdataset == NULL)
03613                         sigrdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
03614                 else if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset))
03615                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(sigrdataset);
03617                 if (fname == NULL || rdataset == NULL || sigrdataset == NULL)
03618                         goto cleanup;
03619                 /*
03620                  * Add no qname proof.
03621                  */
03622                 labels = dns_name_countlabels(cname) + 1;
03623                 if (dns_name_countlabels(name) == labels)
03624                         dns_name_copy(name, wname, NULL);
03625                 else
03626                         dns_name_split(name, labels, NULL, wname);
03628                 query_findclosestnsec3(wname, db, NULL, client, rdataset,
03629                                        sigrdataset, fname, ISC_FALSE, NULL);
03630                 if (!dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset))
03631                         goto cleanup;
03632                 query_addrrset(client, &fname, &rdataset, &sigrdataset,
03633                                dbuf, DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY);
03635                 if (ispositive)
03636                         goto cleanup;
03638                 /*
03639                  * Replace resources which were consumed by query_addrrset.
03640                  */
03641                 if (fname == NULL) {
03642                         dbuf = query_getnamebuf(client);
03643                         if (dbuf == NULL)
03644                                 goto cleanup;
03645                         fname = query_newname(client, dbuf, &b);
03646                 }
03648                 if (rdataset == NULL)
03649                         rdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
03650                 else if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset))
03651                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(rdataset);
03653                 if (sigrdataset == NULL)
03654                         sigrdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
03655                 else if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset))
03656                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(sigrdataset);
03658                 if (fname == NULL || rdataset == NULL || sigrdataset == NULL)
03659                         goto cleanup;
03660                 /*
03661                  * Add the no wildcard proof.
03662                  */
03663                 result = dns_name_concatenate(dns_wildcardname,
03664                                               cname, wname, NULL);
03665                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
03666                         goto cleanup;
03668                 query_findclosestnsec3(wname, db, NULL, client, rdataset,
03669                                        sigrdataset, fname, nodata, NULL);
03670                 if (!dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset))
03671                         goto cleanup;
03672                 query_addrrset(client, &fname, &rdataset, &sigrdataset,
03673                                dbuf, DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY);
03675                 goto cleanup;
03676         } else if (result == DNS_R_NXDOMAIN) {
03677                 if (!ispositive)
03678                         result = dns_rdataset_first(rdataset);
03679                 if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
03680                         dns_rdataset_current(rdataset, &rdata);
03681                         result = dns_rdata_tostruct(&rdata, &nsec, NULL);
03682                 }
03683                 if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
03684                         (void)dns_name_fullcompare(name, fname, &order,
03685                                                    &olabels);
03686                         (void)dns_name_fullcompare(name, &nsec.next, &order,
03687                                                    &nlabels);
03688                         /*
03689                          * Check for a pathological condition created when
03690                          * serving some malformed signed zones and bail out.
03691                          */
03692                         if (dns_name_countlabels(name) == nlabels)
03693                                 goto cleanup;
03695                         if (olabels > nlabels)
03696                                 dns_name_split(name, olabels, NULL, wname);
03697                         else
03698                                 dns_name_split(name, nlabels, NULL, wname);
03699                         result = dns_name_concatenate(dns_wildcardname,
03700                                                       wname, wname, NULL);
03701                         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS)
03702                                 have_wname = ISC_TRUE;
03703                         dns_rdata_freestruct(&nsec);
03704                 }
03705                 query_addrrset(client, &fname, &rdataset, &sigrdataset,
03706                                dbuf, DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY);
03707         }
03708         if (rdataset != NULL)
03709                 query_putrdataset(client, &rdataset);
03710         if (sigrdataset != NULL)
03711                 query_putrdataset(client, &sigrdataset);
03712         if (fname != NULL)
03713                 query_releasename(client, &fname);
03714         if (have_wname) {
03715                 ispositive = ISC_TRUE;  /* prevent loop */
03716                 if (!dns_name_equal(name, wname)) {
03717                         name = wname;
03718                         goto again;
03719                 }
03720         }
03721  cleanup:
03722         if (rdataset != NULL)
03723                 query_putrdataset(client, &rdataset);
03724         if (sigrdataset != NULL)
03725                 query_putrdataset(client, &sigrdataset);
03726         if (fname != NULL)
03727                 query_releasename(client, &fname);
03728 }
03730 static void
03731 query_addnxrrsetnsec(ns_client_t *client, dns_db_t *db,
03732                      dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_name_t **namep,
03733                      dns_rdataset_t **rdatasetp, dns_rdataset_t **sigrdatasetp)
03734 {
03735         dns_name_t *name;
03736         dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset;
03737         dns_rdata_t sigrdata;
03738         dns_rdata_rrsig_t sig;
03739         unsigned int labels;
03740         isc_buffer_t *dbuf, b;
03741         dns_name_t *fname;
03742         isc_result_t result;
03744         name = *namep;
03745         if ((name->attributes & DNS_NAMEATTR_WILDCARD) == 0) {
03746                 query_addrrset(client, namep, rdatasetp, sigrdatasetp,
03747                                NULL, DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY);
03748                 return;
03749         }
03751         if (sigrdatasetp == NULL)
03752                 return;
03754         sigrdataset = *sigrdatasetp;
03755         if (sigrdataset == NULL || !dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset))
03756                 return;
03757         result = dns_rdataset_first(sigrdataset);
03758         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
03759                 return;
03760         dns_rdata_init(&sigrdata);
03761         dns_rdataset_current(sigrdataset, &sigrdata);
03762         result = dns_rdata_tostruct(&sigrdata, &sig, NULL);
03763         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
03764                 return;
03766         labels = dns_name_countlabels(name);
03767         if ((unsigned int)sig.labels + 1 >= labels)
03768                 return;
03770         /* XXX */
03771         query_addwildcardproof(client, db, version, client->query.qname,
03772                                ISC_TRUE, ISC_FALSE);
03774         /*
03775          * We'll need some resources...
03776          */
03777         dbuf = query_getnamebuf(client);
03778         if (dbuf == NULL)
03779                 return;
03780         fname = query_newname(client, dbuf, &b);
03781         if (fname == NULL)
03782                 return;
03783         dns_name_split(name, sig.labels + 1, NULL, fname);
03784         /* This will succeed, since we've stripped labels. */
03785         RUNTIME_CHECK(dns_name_concatenate(dns_wildcardname, fname, fname,
03786                                            NULL) == ISC_R_SUCCESS);
03787         query_addrrset(client, &fname, rdatasetp, sigrdatasetp,
03788                        dbuf, DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY);
03789 }
03791 static void
03792 query_resume(isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t *event) {
03793         dns_fetchevent_t *devent = (dns_fetchevent_t *)event;
03794         dns_fetch_t *fetch;
03795         ns_client_t *client;
03796         isc_boolean_t fetch_canceled, client_shuttingdown;
03797         isc_result_t result;
03798         isc_logcategory_t *logcategory = NS_LOGCATEGORY_QUERY_EERRORS;
03799         int errorloglevel;
03801         /*
03802          * Resume a query after recursion.
03803          */
03805         UNUSED(task);
03807         REQUIRE(event->ev_type == DNS_EVENT_FETCHDONE);
03808         client = devent->ev_arg;
03809         REQUIRE(NS_CLIENT_VALID(client));
03810         REQUIRE(task == client->task);
03811         REQUIRE(RECURSING(client));
03813         LOCK(&client->query.fetchlock);
03814         if (client->query.fetch != NULL) {
03815                 /*
03816                  * This is the fetch we've been waiting for.
03817                  */
03818                 INSIST(devent->fetch == client->query.fetch);
03819                 client->query.fetch = NULL;
03820                 fetch_canceled = ISC_FALSE;
03821                 /*
03822                  * Update client->now.
03823                  */
03824                 isc_stdtime_get(&client->now);
03825         } else {
03826                 /*
03827                  * This is a fetch completion event for a canceled fetch.
03828                  * Clean up and don't resume the find.
03829                  */
03830                 fetch_canceled = ISC_TRUE;
03831         }
03832         UNLOCK(&client->query.fetchlock);
03833         INSIST(client->query.fetch == NULL);
03835         client->query.attributes &= ~NS_QUERYATTR_RECURSING;
03836         fetch = devent->fetch;
03837         devent->fetch = NULL;
03839         /*
03840          * If this client is shutting down, or this transaction
03841          * has timed out, do not resume the find.
03842          */
03843         client_shuttingdown = ns_client_shuttingdown(client);
03844         if (fetch_canceled || client_shuttingdown) {
03845                 if (devent->node != NULL)
03846                         dns_db_detachnode(devent->db, &devent->node);
03847                 if (devent->db != NULL)
03848                         dns_db_detach(&devent->db);
03849                 query_putrdataset(client, &devent->rdataset);
03850                 if (devent->sigrdataset != NULL)
03851                         query_putrdataset(client, &devent->sigrdataset);
03852                 isc_event_free(&event);
03853                 if (fetch_canceled) {
03854                         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR, "fetch cancelled");
03855                         query_error(client, DNS_R_SERVFAIL, __LINE__);
03856                 } else
03857                         query_next(client, ISC_R_CANCELED);
03858                 /*
03859                  * This may destroy the client.
03860                  */
03861                 ns_client_detach(&client);
03862         } else {
03863                 result = query_find(client, devent, 0);
03864                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
03865                         if (result == DNS_R_SERVFAIL)
03866                                 errorloglevel = ISC_LOG_DEBUG(2);
03867                         else
03868                                 errorloglevel = ISC_LOG_DEBUG(4);
03869                         if (isc_log_wouldlog(ns_g_lctx, errorloglevel)) {
03870                                 dns_resolver_logfetch(fetch, ns_g_lctx,
03871                                                       logcategory,
03872                                                       NS_LOGMODULE_QUERY,
03873                                                       errorloglevel, ISC_FALSE);
03874                         }
03875                 }
03876         }
03878         dns_resolver_destroyfetch(&fetch);
03879 }
03881 static void
03882 prefetch_done(isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t *event) {
03883         dns_fetchevent_t *devent = (dns_fetchevent_t *)event;
03884         ns_client_t *client;
03886         UNUSED(task);
03888         REQUIRE(event->ev_type == DNS_EVENT_FETCHDONE);
03889         client = devent->ev_arg;
03890         REQUIRE(NS_CLIENT_VALID(client));
03891         REQUIRE(task == client->task);
03893         LOCK(&client->query.fetchlock);
03894         if (client->query.prefetch != NULL) {
03895                 INSIST(devent->fetch == client->query.prefetch);
03896                 client->query.prefetch = NULL;
03897         }
03898         UNLOCK(&client->query.fetchlock);
03899         if (devent->fetch != NULL)
03900                 dns_resolver_destroyfetch(&devent->fetch);
03901         if (devent->node != NULL)
03902                 dns_db_detachnode(devent->db, &devent->node);
03903         if (devent->db != NULL)
03904                 dns_db_detach(&devent->db);
03905         query_putrdataset(client, &devent->rdataset);
03906         isc_event_free(&event);
03907         ns_client_detach(&client);
03908 }
03910 static void
03911 query_prefetch(ns_client_t *client, dns_name_t *qname,
03912                dns_rdataset_t *rdataset)
03913 {
03914         isc_result_t result;
03915         isc_sockaddr_t *peeraddr;
03916         dns_rdataset_t *tmprdataset;
03917         ns_client_t *dummy = NULL;
03918         unsigned int options;
03920         if (client->query.prefetch != NULL ||
03921             client->view->prefetch_trigger == 0U ||
03922             rdataset->ttl > client->view->prefetch_trigger ||
03923             (rdataset->attributes & DNS_RDATASETATTR_PREFETCH) == 0)
03924                 return;
03926         if (client->recursionquota == NULL) {
03927                 result = isc_quota_attach(&ns_g_server->recursionquota,
03928                                           &client->recursionquota);
03929                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
03930                         return;
03931                 isc_stats_increment(ns_g_server->nsstats,
03932                                     dns_nsstatscounter_recursclients);
03933         }
03935         tmprdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
03936         if (tmprdataset == NULL)
03937                 return;
03938         if ((client->attributes & NS_CLIENTATTR_TCP) == 0)
03939                 peeraddr = &client->peeraddr;
03940         else
03941                 peeraddr = NULL;
03942         ns_client_attach(client, &dummy);
03943         options = client->query.fetchoptions | DNS_FETCHOPT_PREFETCH;
03944         result = dns_resolver_createfetch3(client->view->resolver,
03945                                            qname, rdataset->type, NULL, NULL,
03946                                            NULL, peeraddr, client->message->id,
03947                                            options, 0, NULL, client->task,
03948                                            prefetch_done, client,
03949                                            tmprdataset, NULL,
03950                                            &client->query.prefetch);
03951         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
03952                 query_putrdataset(client, &tmprdataset);
03953                 ns_client_detach(&dummy);
03954         }
03955         dns_rdataset_clearprefetch(rdataset);
03956 }
03958 static isc_result_t
03959 query_recurse(ns_client_t *client, dns_rdatatype_t qtype, dns_name_t *qname,
03960               dns_name_t *qdomain, dns_rdataset_t *nameservers,
03961               isc_boolean_t resuming)
03962 {
03963         isc_result_t result;
03964         dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, *sigrdataset;
03965         isc_sockaddr_t *peeraddr;
03967         if (!resuming)
03968                 inc_stats(client, dns_nsstatscounter_recursion);
03970         /*
03971          * We are about to recurse, which means that this client will
03972          * be unavailable for serving new requests for an indeterminate
03973          * amount of time.  If this client is currently responsible
03974          * for handling incoming queries, set up a new client
03975          * object to handle them while we are waiting for a
03976          * response.  There is no need to replace TCP clients
03977          * because those have already been replaced when the
03978          * connection was accepted (if allowed by the TCP quota).
03979          */
03980         if (client->recursionquota == NULL) {
03981                 result = isc_quota_attach(&ns_g_server->recursionquota,
03982                                           &client->recursionquota);
03984                 isc_stats_increment(ns_g_server->nsstats,
03985                                     dns_nsstatscounter_recursclients);
03987                 if  (result == ISC_R_SOFTQUOTA) {
03988                         static isc_stdtime_t last = 0;
03989                         isc_stdtime_t now;
03990                         isc_stdtime_get(&now);
03991                         if (now != last) {
03992                                 last = now;
03993                                 ns_client_log(client, NS_LOGCATEGORY_CLIENT,
03994                                               NS_LOGMODULE_QUERY,
03995                                               ISC_LOG_WARNING,
03996                                               "recursive-clients soft limit "
03997                                               "exceeded (%d/%d/%d), "
03998                                               "aborting oldest query",
03999                                               client->recursionquota->used,
04000                                               client->recursionquota->soft,
04001                                               client->recursionquota->max);
04002                         }
04003                         ns_client_killoldestquery(client);
04004                         result = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
04005                 } else if (result == ISC_R_QUOTA) {
04006                         static isc_stdtime_t last = 0;
04007                         isc_stdtime_t now;
04008                         isc_stdtime_get(&now);
04009                         if (now != last) {
04010                                 last = now;
04011                                 ns_client_log(client, NS_LOGCATEGORY_CLIENT,
04012                                               NS_LOGMODULE_QUERY,
04013                                               ISC_LOG_WARNING,
04014                                               "no more recursive clients "
04015                                               "(%d/%d/%d): %s",
04016                                               ns_g_server->recursionquota.used,
04017                                               ns_g_server->recursionquota.soft,
04018                                               ns_g_server->recursionquota.max,
04019                                               isc_result_totext(result));
04020                         }
04021                         ns_client_killoldestquery(client);
04022                 }
04023                 if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS && !client->mortal &&
04024                     (client->attributes & NS_CLIENTATTR_TCP) == 0) {
04025                         result = ns_client_replace(client);
04026                         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
04027                                 ns_client_log(client, NS_LOGCATEGORY_CLIENT,
04028                                               NS_LOGMODULE_QUERY,
04029                                               ISC_LOG_WARNING,
04030                                               "ns_client_replace() failed: %s",
04031                                               isc_result_totext(result));
04032                                 isc_quota_detach(&client->recursionquota);
04033                                 isc_stats_decrement(ns_g_server->nsstats,
04034                                     dns_nsstatscounter_recursclients);
04035                         }
04036                 }
04037                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
04038                         return (result);
04039                 ns_client_recursing(client);
04040         }
04042         /*
04043          * Invoke the resolver.
04044          */
04045         REQUIRE(nameservers == NULL || nameservers->type == dns_rdatatype_ns);
04046         REQUIRE(client->query.fetch == NULL);
04048         rdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
04049         if (rdataset == NULL)
04050                 return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY);
04051         if (WANTDNSSEC(client)) {
04052                 sigrdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
04053                 if (sigrdataset == NULL) {
04054                         query_putrdataset(client, &rdataset);
04055                         return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY);
04056                 }
04057         } else
04058                 sigrdataset = NULL;
04060         if (client->query.timerset == ISC_FALSE)
04061                 ns_client_settimeout(client, 60);
04062         if ((client->attributes & NS_CLIENTATTR_TCP) == 0)
04063                 peeraddr = &client->peeraddr;
04064         else
04065                 peeraddr = NULL;
04066         result = dns_resolver_createfetch3(client->view->resolver,
04067                                            qname, qtype, qdomain, nameservers,
04068                                            NULL, peeraddr, client->message->id,
04069                                            client->query.fetchoptions, 0, NULL,
04070                                            client->task, query_resume, client,
04071                                            rdataset, sigrdataset,
04072                                            &client->query.fetch);
04074         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
04075                 /*
04076                  * Record that we're waiting for an event.  A client which
04077                  * is shutting down will not be destroyed until all the
04078                  * events have been received.
04079                  */
04080         } else {
04081                 query_putrdataset(client, &rdataset);
04082                 if (sigrdataset != NULL)
04083                         query_putrdataset(client, &sigrdataset);
04084         }
04086         return (result);
04087 }
04089 static inline void
04090 rpz_clean(dns_zone_t **zonep, dns_db_t **dbp, dns_dbnode_t **nodep,
04091           dns_rdataset_t **rdatasetp)
04092 {
04093         if (nodep != NULL && *nodep != NULL) {
04094                 REQUIRE(dbp != NULL && *dbp != NULL);
04095                 dns_db_detachnode(*dbp, nodep);
04096         }
04097         if (dbp != NULL && *dbp != NULL)
04098                 dns_db_detach(dbp);
04099         if (zonep != NULL && *zonep != NULL)
04100                 dns_zone_detach(zonep);
04101         if (rdatasetp != NULL && *rdatasetp != NULL &&
04102             dns_rdataset_isassociated(*rdatasetp))
04103                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(*rdatasetp);
04104 }
04106 static inline void
04107 rpz_match_clear(dns_rpz_st_t *st)
04108 {
04109         rpz_clean(&st->m.zone, &st->m.db, &st->m.node, &st->m.rdataset);
04110         st->m.version = NULL;
04111 }
04113 static inline isc_result_t
04114 rpz_ready(ns_client_t *client, dns_rdataset_t **rdatasetp)
04115 {
04116         REQUIRE(rdatasetp != NULL);
04118         if (*rdatasetp == NULL) {
04119                 *rdatasetp = query_newrdataset(client);
04120                 if (*rdatasetp == NULL) {
04121                         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR,
04122                                "rpz_ready: query_newrdataset failed");
04123                         return (DNS_R_SERVFAIL);
04124                 }
04125         } else if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(*rdatasetp)) {
04126                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(*rdatasetp);
04127         }
04128         return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
04129 }
04131 static void
04132 rpz_st_clear(ns_client_t *client) {
04133         dns_rpz_st_t *st = client->query.rpz_st;
04135         if (st->m.rdataset != NULL)
04136                 query_putrdataset(client, &st->m.rdataset);
04137         rpz_match_clear(st);
04139         rpz_clean(NULL, &st->r.db, NULL, NULL);
04140         if (st->r.ns_rdataset != NULL)
04141                 query_putrdataset(client, &st->r.ns_rdataset);
04142         if (st->r.r_rdataset != NULL)
04143                 query_putrdataset(client, &st->r.r_rdataset);
04145         rpz_clean(&st->q.zone, &st->q.db, &st->q.node, NULL);
04146         if (st->q.rdataset != NULL)
04147                 query_putrdataset(client, &st->q.rdataset);
04148         if (st->q.sigrdataset != NULL)
04149                 query_putrdataset(client, &st->q.sigrdataset);
04150         st->state = 0;
04151         st->m.type = DNS_RPZ_TYPE_BAD;
04152         st->m.policy = DNS_RPZ_POLICY_MISS;
04153 }
04155 static dns_rpz_zbits_t
04156 rpz_get_zbits(ns_client_t *client,
04157               dns_rdatatype_t ip_type, dns_rpz_type_t rpz_type)
04158 {
04159         dns_rpz_zones_t *rpzs;
04160         dns_rpz_st_t *st;
04161         dns_rpz_zbits_t zbits;
04163         rpzs = client->view->rpzs;
04165         switch (rpz_type) {
04166         case DNS_RPZ_TYPE_CLIENT_IP:
04167                 zbits = rpzs->have.client_ip;
04168                 break;
04169         case DNS_RPZ_TYPE_QNAME:
04170                 zbits = rpzs->have.qname;
04171                 break;
04172         case DNS_RPZ_TYPE_IP:
04173                 if (ip_type == dns_rdatatype_a) {
04174                         zbits = rpzs->have.ipv4;
04175                 } else if (ip_type == dns_rdatatype_aaaa) {
04176                         zbits = rpzs->have.ipv6;
04177                 } else {
04178                         zbits = rpzs->have.ip;
04179                 }
04180                 break;
04181         case DNS_RPZ_TYPE_NSDNAME:
04182                 zbits = rpzs->have.nsdname;
04183                 break;
04184         case DNS_RPZ_TYPE_NSIP:
04185                 if (ip_type == dns_rdatatype_a) {
04186                         zbits = rpzs->have.nsipv4;
04187                 } else if (ip_type == dns_rdatatype_aaaa) {
04188                         zbits = rpzs->have.nsipv6;
04189                 } else {
04190                         zbits = rpzs->have.nsip;
04191                 }
04192                 break;
04193         default:
04194                 INSIST(0);
04195                 break;
04196         }
04198         st = client->query.rpz_st;
04200         /*
04201          * Choose
04202          *      the earliest configured policy zone (rpz->num)
04203          *      QNAME over IP over NSDNAME over NSIP (rpz_type)
04204          *      the smallest name,
04205          *      the longest IP address prefix,
04206          *      the lexically smallest address.
04207          */
04208         if (st->m.policy != DNS_RPZ_POLICY_MISS) {
04209                 if (st->m.type >= rpz_type) {
04210                         zbits &= DNS_RPZ_ZMASK(st->m.rpz->num);
04211                 } else{
04212                         zbits &= DNS_RPZ_ZMASK(st->m.rpz->num) >> 1;
04213                 }
04214         }
04216         /*
04217          * If the client wants recursion, allow only compatible policies.
04218          */
04219         if (!RECURSIONOK(client))
04220                 zbits &= rpzs->p.no_rd_ok;
04222         return (zbits);
04223 }
04225 /*
04226  * Get an NS, A, or AAAA rrset related to the response for the client
04227  * to check the contents of that rrset for hits by eligible policy zones.
04228  */
04229 static isc_result_t
04230 rpz_rrset_find(ns_client_t *client, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t type,
04231                dns_rpz_type_t rpz_type, dns_db_t **dbp,
04232                dns_dbversion_t *version, dns_rdataset_t **rdatasetp,
04233                isc_boolean_t resuming)
04234 {
04235         dns_rpz_st_t *st;
04236         isc_boolean_t is_zone;
04237         dns_dbnode_t *node;
04238         dns_fixedname_t fixed;
04239         dns_name_t *found;
04240         isc_result_t result;
04241         dns_clientinfomethods_t cm;
04242         dns_clientinfo_t ci;
04244         dns_clientinfomethods_init(&cm, ns_client_sourceip);
04245         dns_clientinfo_init(&ci, client, NULL);
04247         st = client->query.rpz_st;
04248         if ((st->state & DNS_RPZ_RECURSING) != 0) {
04249                 INSIST(st->r.r_type == type);
04250                 INSIST(dns_name_equal(name, st->r_name));
04251                 INSIST(*rdatasetp == NULL ||
04252                        !dns_rdataset_isassociated(*rdatasetp));
04253                 INSIST(*dbp == NULL);
04254                 st->state &= ~DNS_RPZ_RECURSING;
04255                 *dbp = st->r.db;
04256                 st->r.db = NULL;
04257                 if (*rdatasetp != NULL)
04258                         query_putrdataset(client, rdatasetp);
04259                 *rdatasetp = st->r.r_rdataset;
04260                 st->r.r_rdataset = NULL;
04261                 result = st->r.r_result;
04262                 if (result == DNS_R_DELEGATION) {
04263                         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR, "RPZ recursing");
04264                         rpz_log_fail(client, DNS_RPZ_ERROR_LEVEL, name,
04265                                      rpz_type, " rpz_rrset_find(1)", result);
04266                         st->m.policy = DNS_RPZ_POLICY_ERROR;
04267                         result = DNS_R_SERVFAIL;
04268                 }
04269                 return (result);
04270         }
04272         result = rpz_ready(client, rdatasetp);
04273         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
04274                 st->m.policy = DNS_RPZ_POLICY_ERROR;
04275                 return (result);
04276         }
04277         if (*dbp != NULL) {
04278                 is_zone = ISC_FALSE;
04279         } else {
04280                 dns_zone_t *zone;
04282                 version = NULL;
04283                 zone = NULL;
04284                 result = query_getdb(client, name, type, 0, &zone, dbp,
04285                                      &version, &is_zone);
04286                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
04287                         rpz_log_fail(client, DNS_RPZ_ERROR_LEVEL, name,
04288                                      rpz_type, " rpz_rrset_find(2)", result);
04289                         st->m.policy = DNS_RPZ_POLICY_ERROR;
04290                         if (zone != NULL)
04291                                 dns_zone_detach(&zone);
04292                         return (result);
04293                 }
04294                 if (zone != NULL)
04295                         dns_zone_detach(&zone);
04296         }
04298         node = NULL;
04299         dns_fixedname_init(&fixed);
04300         found = dns_fixedname_name(&fixed);
04301         dns_clientinfomethods_init(&cm, ns_client_sourceip);
04302         dns_clientinfo_init(&ci, client, NULL);
04303         result = dns_db_findext(*dbp, name, version, type, DNS_DBFIND_GLUEOK,
04304                                 client->now, &node, found,
04305                                 &cm, &ci, *rdatasetp, NULL);
04306         if (result == DNS_R_DELEGATION && is_zone && USECACHE(client)) {
04307                 /*
04308                  * Try the cache if we're authoritative for an
04309                  * ancestor but not the domain itself.
04310                  */
04311                 rpz_clean(NULL, dbp, &node, rdatasetp);
04312                 version = NULL;
04313                 dns_db_attach(client->view->cachedb, dbp);
04314                 result = dns_db_findext(*dbp, name, version, dns_rdatatype_ns,
04315                                         0, client->now, &node, found,
04316                                         &cm, &ci, *rdatasetp, NULL);
04317         }
04318         rpz_clean(NULL, dbp, &node, NULL);
04319         if (result == DNS_R_DELEGATION) {
04320                 rpz_clean(NULL, NULL, NULL, rdatasetp);
04321                 /*
04322                  * Recurse for NS rrset or A or AAAA rrset for an NS.
04323                  * Do not recurse for addresses for the query name.
04324                  */
04325                 if (rpz_type == DNS_RPZ_TYPE_IP) {
04326                         result = DNS_R_NXRRSET;
04327                 } else {
04328                         dns_name_copy(name, st->r_name, NULL);
04329                         result = query_recurse(client, type, st->r_name,
04330                                                NULL, NULL, resuming);
04331                         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
04332                                 st->state |= DNS_RPZ_RECURSING;
04333                                 result = DNS_R_DELEGATION;
04334                         }
04335                 }
04336         }
04337         return (result);
04338 }
04340 /*
04341  * Compute a policy owner name, p_name, in a policy zone given the needed
04342  *      policy type and the trigger name.
04343  */
04344 static isc_result_t
04345 rpz_get_p_name(ns_client_t *client, dns_name_t *p_name,
04346                dns_rpz_zone_t *rpz, dns_rpz_type_t rpz_type,
04347                dns_name_t *trig_name)
04348 {
04349         dns_offsets_t prefix_offsets;
04350         dns_name_t prefix, *suffix;
04351         unsigned int first, labels;
04352         isc_result_t result;
04354         /*
04355          * The policy owner name consists of a suffix depending on the type
04356          * and policy zone and a prefix that is the longest possible string
04357          * from the trigger name that keesp the resulting policy owner name
04358          * from being too long.
04359          */
04360         switch (rpz_type) {
04361         case DNS_RPZ_TYPE_CLIENT_IP:
04362                 suffix = &rpz->client_ip;
04363                 break;
04364         case DNS_RPZ_TYPE_QNAME:
04365                 suffix = &rpz->origin;
04366                 break;
04367         case DNS_RPZ_TYPE_IP:
04368                 suffix = &rpz->ip;
04369                 break;
04370         case DNS_RPZ_TYPE_NSDNAME:
04371                 suffix = &rpz->nsdname;
04372                 break;
04373         case DNS_RPZ_TYPE_NSIP:
04374                 suffix = &rpz->nsip;
04375                 break;
04376         default:
04377                 INSIST(0);
04378         }
04380         /*
04381          * Start with relative version of the full trigger name,
04382          * and trim enough allow the addition of the suffix.
04383          */
04384         dns_name_init(&prefix, prefix_offsets);
04385         labels = dns_name_countlabels(trig_name);
04386         first = 0;
04387         for (;;) {
04388                 dns_name_getlabelsequence(trig_name, first, labels-first-1,
04389                                           &prefix);
04390                 result = dns_name_concatenate(&prefix, suffix, p_name, NULL);
04391                 if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS)
04392                         break;
04393                 INSIST(result == DNS_R_NAMETOOLONG);
04394                 /*
04395                  * Trim the trigger name until the combination is not too long.
04396                  */
04397                 if (labels-first < 2) {
04398                         rpz_log_fail(client, DNS_RPZ_ERROR_LEVEL, suffix,
04399                                      rpz_type, " concatentate()", result);
04400                         return (ISC_R_FAILURE);
04401                 }
04402                 /*
04403                  * Complain once about trimming the trigger name.
04404                  */
04405                 if (first == 0) {
04406                         rpz_log_fail(client, DNS_RPZ_DEBUG_LEVEL1, suffix,
04407                                      rpz_type, " concatentate()", result);
04408                 }
04409                 ++first;
04410         }
04411         return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
04412 }
04414 /*
04415  * Look in policy zone rpz for a policy of rpz_type by p_name.
04416  * The self-name (usually the client qname or an NS name) is compared with
04417  * the target of a CNAME policy for the old style passthru encoding.
04418  * If found, the policy is recorded in *zonep, *dbp, *versionp, *nodep,
04419  * *rdatasetp, and *policyp.
04420  * The target DNS type, qtype, chooses the best rdataset for *rdatasetp.
04421  * The caller must decide if the found policy is most suitable, including
04422  * better than a previously found policy.
04423  * If it is best, the caller records it in client->query.rpz_st->m.
04424  */
04425 static isc_result_t
04426 rpz_find_p(ns_client_t *client, dns_name_t *self_name, dns_rdatatype_t qtype,
04427            dns_name_t *p_name, dns_rpz_zone_t *rpz, dns_rpz_type_t rpz_type,
04428            dns_zone_t **zonep, dns_db_t **dbp, dns_dbversion_t **versionp,
04429            dns_dbnode_t **nodep, dns_rdataset_t **rdatasetp,
04430            dns_rpz_policy_t *policyp)
04431 {
04432         dns_fixedname_t foundf;
04433         dns_name_t *found;
04434         isc_result_t result;
04435         dns_clientinfomethods_t cm;
04436         dns_clientinfo_t ci;
04438         REQUIRE(nodep != NULL);
04440         dns_clientinfomethods_init(&cm, ns_client_sourceip);
04441         dns_clientinfo_init(&ci, client, NULL);
04443         /*
04444          * Try to find either a CNAME or the type of record demanded by the
04445          * request from the policy zone.
04446          */
04447         rpz_clean(zonep, dbp, nodep, rdatasetp);
04448         result = rpz_ready(client, rdatasetp);
04449         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
04450                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR, "rpz_ready() failed");
04451                 return (DNS_R_SERVFAIL);
04452         }
04453         *versionp = NULL;
04454         result = rpz_getdb(client, p_name, rpz_type, zonep, dbp, versionp);
04455         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
04456                 return (DNS_R_NXDOMAIN);
04457         dns_fixedname_init(&foundf);
04458         found = dns_fixedname_name(&foundf);
04460         result = dns_db_findext(*dbp, p_name, *versionp, dns_rdatatype_any, 0,
04461                                 client->now, nodep, found, &cm, &ci,
04462                                 *rdatasetp, NULL);
04463         /*
04464          * Choose the best rdataset if we found something.
04465          */
04466         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
04467                 dns_rdatasetiter_t *rdsiter;
04469                 rdsiter = NULL;
04470                 result = dns_db_allrdatasets(*dbp, *nodep, *versionp, 0,
04471                                              &rdsiter);
04472                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
04473                         rpz_log_fail(client, DNS_RPZ_ERROR_LEVEL, p_name,
04474                                      rpz_type, " allrdatasets()", result);
04475                         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR,
04476                                "rpz_find_p: allrdatasets failed");
04477                         return (DNS_R_SERVFAIL);
04478                 }
04479                 for (result = dns_rdatasetiter_first(rdsiter);
04480                      result == ISC_R_SUCCESS;
04481                      result = dns_rdatasetiter_next(rdsiter)) {
04482                         dns_rdatasetiter_current(rdsiter, *rdatasetp);
04483                         if ((*rdatasetp)->type == dns_rdatatype_cname ||
04484                             (*rdatasetp)->type == qtype)
04485                                 break;
04486                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(*rdatasetp);
04487                 }
04488                 dns_rdatasetiter_destroy(&rdsiter);
04489                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
04490                         if (result != ISC_R_NOMORE) {
04491                                 rpz_log_fail(client, DNS_RPZ_ERROR_LEVEL,
04492                                              p_name, rpz_type,
04493                                              " rdatasetiter", result);
04494                                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR,
04495                                        "rpz_find_p: rdatasetiter_destroy "
04496                                        "failed");
04497                                 return (DNS_R_SERVFAIL);
04498                         }
04499                         /*
04500                          * Ask again to get the right DNS_R_DNAME/NXRRSET/...
04501                          * result if there is neither a CNAME nor target type.
04502                          */
04503                         if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(*rdatasetp))
04504                                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(*rdatasetp);
04505                         dns_db_detachnode(*dbp, nodep);
04507                         if (qtype == dns_rdatatype_rrsig ||
04508                             qtype == dns_rdatatype_sig)
04509                                 result = DNS_R_NXRRSET;
04510                         else
04511                                 result = dns_db_findext(*dbp, p_name, *versionp,
04512                                                         qtype, 0, client->now,
04513                                                         nodep, found, &cm, &ci,
04514                                                         *rdatasetp, NULL);
04515                 }
04516         }
04517         switch (result) {
04518         case ISC_R_SUCCESS:
04519                 if ((*rdatasetp)->type != dns_rdatatype_cname) {
04520                         *policyp = DNS_RPZ_POLICY_RECORD;
04521                 } else {
04522                         *policyp = dns_rpz_decode_cname(rpz, *rdatasetp,
04523                                                         self_name);
04524                         if ((*policyp == DNS_RPZ_POLICY_RECORD ||
04525                              *policyp == DNS_RPZ_POLICY_WILDCNAME) &&
04526                             qtype != dns_rdatatype_cname &&
04527                             qtype != dns_rdatatype_any)
04528                                 return (DNS_R_CNAME);
04529                 }
04530                 return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
04531         case DNS_R_NXRRSET:
04532                 *policyp = DNS_RPZ_POLICY_NODATA;
04533                 return (result);
04534         case DNS_R_DNAME:
04535                 /*
04536                  * DNAME policy RRs have very few if any uses that are not
04537                  * better served with simple wildcards.  Making them work would
04538                  * require complications to get the number of labels matched
04539                  * in the name or the found name to the main DNS_R_DNAME case
04540                  * in query_find().  The domain also does not appear in the
04541                  * summary database at the right level, so this happens only
04542                  * with a single policy zone when we have no summary database.
04543                  * Treat it as a miss.
04544                  */
04545         case DNS_R_NXDOMAIN:
04546         case DNS_R_EMPTYNAME:
04547                 return (DNS_R_NXDOMAIN);
04548         default:
04549                 rpz_log_fail(client, DNS_RPZ_ERROR_LEVEL, p_name, rpz_type,
04550                              "", result);
04551                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR,
04552                        "rpz_find_p: unexpected result");
04553                 return (DNS_R_SERVFAIL);
04554         }
04555 }
04557 static void
04558 rpz_save_p(dns_rpz_st_t *st, dns_rpz_zone_t *rpz, dns_rpz_type_t rpz_type,
04559            dns_rpz_policy_t policy, dns_name_t *p_name, dns_rpz_prefix_t prefix,
04560            isc_result_t result, dns_zone_t **zonep, dns_db_t **dbp,
04561            dns_dbnode_t **nodep, dns_rdataset_t **rdatasetp,
04562            dns_dbversion_t *version)
04563 {
04564         dns_rdataset_t *trdataset;
04566         rpz_match_clear(st);
04567         st->m.rpz = rpz;
04568         st->m.type = rpz_type;
04569         st->m.policy = policy;
04570         dns_name_copy(p_name, st->p_name, NULL);
04571         st->m.prefix = prefix;
04572         st->m.result = result;
04573         st->m.zone = *zonep;
04574         *zonep = NULL;
04575         st->m.db = *dbp;
04576         *dbp = NULL;
04577         st->m.node = *nodep;
04578         *nodep = NULL;
04579         if (*rdatasetp != NULL && dns_rdataset_isassociated(*rdatasetp)) {
04580                 /*
04581                  * Save the replacement rdataset from the policy
04582                  * and make the previous replacement rdataset scratch.
04583                  */
04584                 trdataset = st->m.rdataset;
04585                 st->m.rdataset = *rdatasetp;
04586                 *rdatasetp = trdataset;
04587                 st->m.ttl = ISC_MIN(st->m.rdataset->ttl, rpz->max_policy_ttl);
04588         } else {
04589                 st->m.ttl = ISC_MIN(DNS_RPZ_TTL_DEFAULT, rpz->max_policy_ttl);
04590         }
04591         st->m.version = version;
04592 }
04594 /*
04595  * Check this address in every eligible policy zone.
04596  */
04597 static isc_result_t
04598 rpz_rewrite_ip(ns_client_t *client, const isc_netaddr_t *netaddr,
04599                dns_rdatatype_t qtype, dns_rpz_type_t rpz_type,
04600                dns_rpz_zbits_t zbits, dns_rdataset_t **p_rdatasetp)
04601 {
04602         dns_rpz_zones_t *rpzs;
04603         dns_rpz_st_t *st;
04604         dns_rpz_zone_t *rpz;
04605         dns_rpz_prefix_t prefix;
04606         dns_rpz_num_t rpz_num;
04607         dns_fixedname_t ip_namef, p_namef;
04608         dns_name_t *ip_name, *p_name;
04609         dns_zone_t *p_zone;
04610         dns_db_t *p_db;
04611         dns_dbversion_t *p_version;
04612         dns_dbnode_t *p_node;
04613         dns_rpz_policy_t policy;
04614         isc_result_t result;
04616         dns_fixedname_init(&ip_namef);
04617         ip_name = dns_fixedname_name(&ip_namef);
04619         p_zone = NULL;
04620         p_db = NULL;
04621         p_node = NULL;
04623         rpzs = client->view->rpzs;
04624         st = client->query.rpz_st;
04625         while (zbits != 0) {
04626                 rpz_num = dns_rpz_find_ip(rpzs, rpz_type, zbits, netaddr,
04627                                           ip_name, &prefix);
04628                 if (rpz_num == DNS_RPZ_INVALID_NUM)
04629                         break;
04630                 zbits &= (DNS_RPZ_ZMASK(rpz_num) >> 1);
04632                 /*
04633                  * Do not try applying policy zones that cannot replace a
04634                  * previously found policy zone.
04635                  * Stop looking if the next best choice cannot
04636                  * replace what we already have.
04637                  */
04638                 rpz = rpzs->zones[rpz_num];
04639                 if (st->m.policy != DNS_RPZ_POLICY_MISS) {
04640                         if (st->m.rpz->num < rpz->num)
04641                                 break;
04642                         if (st->m.rpz->num == rpz->num &&
04643                             (st->m.type < rpz_type ||
04644                              st->m.prefix > prefix))
04645                                 break;
04646                 }
04648                 /*
04649                  * Get the policy for a prefix at least as long
04650                  * as the prefix of the entry we had before.
04651                  */
04652                 dns_fixedname_init(&p_namef);
04653                 p_name = dns_fixedname_name(&p_namef);
04654                 result = rpz_get_p_name(client, p_name, rpz, rpz_type, ip_name);
04655                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
04656                         continue;
04657                 result = rpz_find_p(client, ip_name, qtype,
04658                                     p_name, rpz, rpz_type,
04659                                     &p_zone, &p_db, &p_version, &p_node,
04660                                     p_rdatasetp, &policy);
04661                 switch (result) {
04662                 case DNS_R_NXDOMAIN:
04663                         /*
04664                          * Continue after a policy record that is missing
04665                          * contrary to the summary data.  The summary
04666                          * data can out of date during races with and among
04667                          * policy zone updates.
04668                          */
04669                         continue;
04670                 case DNS_R_SERVFAIL:
04671                         rpz_clean(&p_zone, &p_db, &p_node, p_rdatasetp);
04672                         st->m.policy = DNS_RPZ_POLICY_ERROR;
04673                         return (DNS_R_SERVFAIL);
04674                 default:
04675                         /*
04676                          * Forget this policy if it is not preferable
04677                          * to the previously found policy.
04678                          * If this policy is not good, then stop looking
04679                          * because none of the later policy zones would work.
04680                          *
04681                          * With more than one applicable policy, prefer
04682                          * the earliest configured policy,
04683                          * client-IP over QNAME over IP over NSDNAME over NSIP,
04684                          * the longest prefix
04685                          * the lexically smallest address.
04686                          * dns_rpz_find_ip() ensures st->m.rpz->num >= rpz->num.
04687                          * We can compare new and current p_name because
04688                          * both are of the same type and in the same zone.
04689                          * The tests above eliminate other reasons to
04690                          * reject this policy.  If this policy can't work,
04691                          * then neither can later zones.
04692                          */
04693                         if (st->m.policy != DNS_RPZ_POLICY_MISS &&
04694                             rpz->num == st->m.rpz->num &&
04695                              (st->m.type == rpz_type &&
04696                               st->m.prefix == prefix &&
04697                               0 > dns_name_rdatacompare(st->p_name, p_name)))
04698                                 break;
04700                         /*
04701                          * Stop checking after saving an enabled hit in this
04702                          * policy zone.  The radix tree in the policy zone
04703                          * ensures that we found the longest match.
04704                          */
04705                         if (rpz->policy != DNS_RPZ_POLICY_DISABLED) {
04706                                 rpz_save_p(st, rpz, rpz_type,
04707                                            policy, p_name, prefix, result,
04708                                            &p_zone, &p_db, &p_node,
04709                                            p_rdatasetp, p_version);
04710                                 break;
04711                         }
04713                         /*
04714                          * Log DNS_RPZ_POLICY_DISABLED zones
04715                          * and try the next eligible policy zone.
04716                          */
04717                         rpz_log_rewrite(client, ISC_TRUE, policy, rpz_type,
04718                                         p_zone, p_name, NULL);
04719                 }
04720         }
04722         rpz_clean(&p_zone, &p_db, &p_node, p_rdatasetp);
04723         return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
04724 }
04726 /*
04727  * Check the IP addresses in the A or AAAA rrsets for name against
04728  * all eligible rpz_type (IP or NSIP) response policy rewrite rules.
04729  */
04730 static isc_result_t
04731 rpz_rewrite_ip_rrset(ns_client_t *client,
04732                      dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t qtype,
04733                      dns_rpz_type_t rpz_type, dns_rdatatype_t ip_type,
04734                      dns_db_t **ip_dbp, dns_dbversion_t *ip_version,
04735                      dns_rdataset_t **ip_rdatasetp,
04736                      dns_rdataset_t **p_rdatasetp, isc_boolean_t resuming)
04737 {
04738         dns_rpz_zbits_t zbits;
04739         isc_netaddr_t netaddr;
04740         struct in_addr ina;
04741         struct in6_addr in6a;
04742         isc_result_t result;
04744         zbits = rpz_get_zbits(client, ip_type, rpz_type);
04745         if (zbits == 0)
04746                 return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
04748         /*
04749          * Get the A or AAAA rdataset.
04750          */
04751         result = rpz_rrset_find(client, name, ip_type, rpz_type, ip_dbp,
04752                                 ip_version, ip_rdatasetp, resuming);
04753         switch (result) {
04754         case ISC_R_SUCCESS:
04755         case DNS_R_GLUE:
04756         case DNS_R_ZONECUT:
04757                 break;
04758         case DNS_R_EMPTYNAME:
04759         case DNS_R_EMPTYWILD:
04760         case DNS_R_NXDOMAIN:
04761         case DNS_R_NCACHENXDOMAIN:
04762         case DNS_R_NXRRSET:
04763         case DNS_R_NCACHENXRRSET:
04764         case ISC_R_NOTFOUND:
04765                 return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
04766         case DNS_R_DELEGATION:
04767         case DNS_R_DUPLICATE:
04768         case DNS_R_DROP:
04769                 return (result);
04770         case DNS_R_CNAME:
04771         case DNS_R_DNAME:
04772                 rpz_log_fail(client, DNS_RPZ_DEBUG_LEVEL1, name, rpz_type,
04773                              " NS address rewrite rrset", result);
04774                 return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
04775         default:
04776                 if (client->query.rpz_st->m.policy != DNS_RPZ_POLICY_ERROR) {
04777                         client->query.rpz_st->m.policy = DNS_RPZ_POLICY_ERROR;
04778                         rpz_log_fail(client, DNS_RPZ_ERROR_LEVEL, name,
04779                                      rpz_type, " NS address rewrite rrset",
04780                                      result);
04781                 }
04782                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR,
04783                        "rpz_rewrite_ip_rrset: unexpected result");
04784                 return (DNS_R_SERVFAIL);
04785         }
04787         /*
04788          * Check all of the IP addresses in the rdataset.
04789          */
04790         for (result = dns_rdataset_first(*ip_rdatasetp);
04791              result == ISC_R_SUCCESS;
04792              result = dns_rdataset_next(*ip_rdatasetp)) {
04794                 dns_rdata_t rdata = DNS_RDATA_INIT;
04795                 dns_rdataset_current(*ip_rdatasetp, &rdata);
04796                 switch (rdata.type) {
04797                 case dns_rdatatype_a:
04798                         INSIST(rdata.length == 4);
04799                         memmove(&ina.s_addr, rdata.data, 4);
04800                         isc_netaddr_fromin(&netaddr, &ina);
04801                         break;
04802                 case dns_rdatatype_aaaa:
04803                         INSIST(rdata.length == 16);
04804                         memmove(in6a.s6_addr, rdata.data, 16);
04805                         isc_netaddr_fromin6(&netaddr, &in6a);
04806                         break;
04807                 default:
04808                         continue;
04809                 }
04811                 result = rpz_rewrite_ip(client, &netaddr, qtype, rpz_type,
04812                                         zbits, p_rdatasetp);
04813                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
04814                         return (result);
04815         }
04817         return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
04818 }
04820 /*
04821  * Look for IP addresses in A and AAAA rdatasets
04822  * that trigger all eligible IP or NSIP policy rules.
04823  */
04824 static isc_result_t
04825 rpz_rewrite_ip_rrsets(ns_client_t *client, dns_name_t *name,
04826                       dns_rdatatype_t qtype, dns_rpz_type_t rpz_type,
04827                       dns_rdataset_t **ip_rdatasetp, isc_boolean_t resuming)
04828 {
04829         dns_rpz_st_t *st;
04830         dns_dbversion_t *ip_version;
04831         dns_db_t *ip_db;
04832         dns_rdataset_t *p_rdataset;
04833         isc_result_t result;
04835         st = client->query.rpz_st;
04836         ip_version = NULL;
04837         ip_db = NULL;
04838         p_rdataset = NULL;
04839         if ((st->state & DNS_RPZ_DONE_IPv4) == 0 &&
04840             (qtype == dns_rdatatype_a ||
04841              qtype == dns_rdatatype_any ||
04842              rpz_type == DNS_RPZ_TYPE_NSIP)) {
04843                 /*
04844                  * Rewrite based on an IPv4 address that will appear
04845                  * in the ANSWER section or if we are checking IP addresses.
04846                  */
04847                 result = rpz_rewrite_ip_rrset(client, name, qtype,
04848                                               rpz_type, dns_rdatatype_a,
04849                                               &ip_db, ip_version, ip_rdatasetp,
04850                                               &p_rdataset, resuming);
04851                 if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS)
04852                         st->state |= DNS_RPZ_DONE_IPv4;
04853         } else {
04854                 result = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
04855         }
04856         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS &&
04857             (qtype == dns_rdatatype_aaaa ||
04858              qtype == dns_rdatatype_any ||
04859              rpz_type == DNS_RPZ_TYPE_NSIP)) {
04860                 /*
04861                  * Rewrite based on IPv6 addresses that will appear
04862                  * in the ANSWER section or if we are checking IP addresses.
04863                  */
04864                 result = rpz_rewrite_ip_rrset(client, name,  qtype,
04865                                               rpz_type, dns_rdatatype_aaaa,
04866                                               &ip_db, ip_version, ip_rdatasetp,
04867                                               &p_rdataset, resuming);
04868         }
04869         if (ip_db != NULL)
04870                 dns_db_detach(&ip_db);
04871         query_putrdataset(client, &p_rdataset);
04872         return (result);
04873 }
04875 /*
04876  * Try to rewrite a request for a qtype rdataset based on the trigger name
04877  * trig_name and rpz_type (DNS_RPZ_TYPE_QNAME or DNS_RPZ_TYPE_NSDNAME).
04878  * Record the results including the replacement rdataset if any
04879  * in client->query.rpz_st.
04880  * *rdatasetp is a scratch rdataset.
04881  */
04882 static isc_result_t
04883 rpz_rewrite_name(ns_client_t *client, dns_name_t *trig_name,
04884                  dns_rdatatype_t qtype, dns_rpz_type_t rpz_type,
04885                  dns_rpz_zbits_t allowed_zbits, dns_rdataset_t **rdatasetp)
04886 {
04887         dns_rpz_zone_t *rpz;
04888         dns_rpz_st_t *st;
04889         dns_fixedname_t p_namef;
04890         dns_name_t *p_name;
04891         dns_rpz_zbits_t zbits;
04892         dns_rpz_num_t rpz_num;
04893         dns_zone_t *p_zone;
04894         dns_db_t *p_db;
04895         dns_dbversion_t *p_version;
04896         dns_dbnode_t *p_node;
04897         dns_rpz_policy_t policy;
04898         isc_result_t result;
04900         zbits = rpz_get_zbits(client, qtype, rpz_type);
04901         zbits &= allowed_zbits;
04902         if (zbits == 0)
04903                 return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
04905         /*
04906          * If there is only one eligible policy zone, just check it.
04907          * If more than one, then use the summary database to find
04908          * the bit mask of policy zones with policies for this trigger name.
04909          *      x&-x is the least significant bit set in x
04910          */
04911         if (zbits != (zbits & (~zbits + 1))) {
04912                 zbits = dns_rpz_find_name(client->view->rpzs,
04913                                           rpz_type, zbits, trig_name);
04914                 if (zbits == 0)
04915                         return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
04916         }
04918         dns_fixedname_init(&p_namef);
04919         p_name = dns_fixedname_name(&p_namef);
04921         p_zone = NULL;
04922         p_db = NULL;
04923         p_node = NULL;
04925         st = client->query.rpz_st;
04927         /*
04928          * Check the trigger name in every policy zone that the summary data
04929          * says has a hit for the trigger name.
04930          * Most of the time there are no eligible zones and the summary data
04931          * keeps us from getting this far.
04932          * We check the most eligible zone first and so usually check only
04933          * one policy zone.
04934          */
04935         for (rpz_num = 0;
04936              zbits != 0;
04937              ++rpz_num, zbits >>= 1) {
04938                 if ((zbits & 1) == 0) {
04939                         INSIST(rpz_num <= client->view->rpzs->p.num_zones);
04940                         continue;
04941                 }
04943                 /*
04944                  * Do not check policy zones that cannot replace a previously
04945                  * found policy.
04946                  */
04947                 rpz = client->view->rpzs->zones[rpz_num];
04948                 if (st->m.policy != DNS_RPZ_POLICY_MISS) {
04949                         if (st->m.rpz->num < rpz->num)
04950                                 break;
04951                         if (st->m.rpz->num == rpz->num &&
04952                             st->m.type < rpz_type)
04953                                 break;
04954                 }
04956                 /*
04957                  * Get the next policy zone's record for this trigger name.
04958                  */
04959                 result = rpz_get_p_name(client, p_name, rpz, rpz_type,
04960                                         trig_name);
04961                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
04962                         continue;
04963                 result = rpz_find_p(client, trig_name, qtype, p_name,
04964                                     rpz, rpz_type,
04965                                     &p_zone, &p_db, &p_version, &p_node,
04966                                     rdatasetp, &policy);
04967                 switch (result) {
04968                 case DNS_R_NXDOMAIN:
04969                         /*
04970                          * Continue after a missing policy record
04971                          * contrary to the summary data.  The summary
04972                          * data can out of date during races with and among
04973                          * policy zone updates.
04974                          */
04975                         continue;
04976                 case DNS_R_SERVFAIL:
04977                         rpz_clean(&p_zone, &p_db, &p_node, rdatasetp);
04978                         st->m.policy = DNS_RPZ_POLICY_ERROR;
04979                         return (DNS_R_SERVFAIL);
04980                 default:
04981                         /*
04982                          * With more than one applicable policy, prefer
04983                          * the earliest configured policy,
04984                          * client-IP over QNAME over IP over NSDNAME over NSIP,
04985                          * and the smallest name.
04986                          * We known st->m.rpz->num >= rpz->num  and either
04987                          * st->m.rpz->num > rpz->num or st->m.type >= rpz_type
04988                          */
04989                         if (st->m.policy != DNS_RPZ_POLICY_MISS &&
04990                             rpz->num == st->m.rpz->num &&
04991                             (st->m.type < rpz_type ||
04992                              (st->m.type == rpz_type &&
04993                               0 >= dns_name_compare(p_name, st->p_name))))
04994                                 continue;
04995 #if 0
04996                         /*
04997                          * This code would block a customer reported information
04998                          * leak of rpz rules by rewriting requests in the
04999                          * rpz-ip, rpz-nsip, rpz-nsdname,and rpz-passthru TLDs.
05000                          * Without this code, a bad guy could request
05001                          * to find the policy rule for
05002                          *  It is an insignificant leak and this
05003                          * code is not worth its cost, because the bad guy
05004                          * could publish "evil.com A" and request
05005                          * evil.com to get the same information.
05006                          * Keep code with "#if 0" in case customer demand
05007                          * is irresistible.
05008                          *
05009                          * We have the less frequent case of a triggered
05010                          * policy.  Check that we have not trigger on one
05011                          * of the pretend RPZ TLDs.
05012                          * This test would make it impossible to rewrite
05013                          * names in TLDs that start with "rpz-" should
05014                          * ICANN ever allow such TLDs.
05015                          */
05016                         unsigned int labels;
05017                         labels = dns_name_countlabels(trig_name);
05018                         if (labels >= 2) {
05019                                 dns_label_t label;
05021                                 dns_name_getlabel(trig_name, labels-2, &label);
05022                                 if (label.length >= sizeof(DNS_RPZ_PREFIX)-1 &&
05023                                     strncasecmp((const char *)label.base+1,
05024                                                 DNS_RPZ_PREFIX,
05025                                                 sizeof(DNS_RPZ_PREFIX)-1) == 0)
05026                                         continue;
05027                         }
05028 #endif
05029                         if (rpz->policy != DNS_RPZ_POLICY_DISABLED) {
05030                                 rpz_save_p(st, rpz, rpz_type,
05031                                            policy, p_name, 0, result,
05032                                            &p_zone, &p_db, &p_node,
05033                                            rdatasetp, p_version);
05034                                 /*
05035                                  * After a hit, higher numbered policy zones
05036                                  * are irrelevant
05037                                  */
05038                                 rpz_clean(&p_zone, &p_db, &p_node, rdatasetp);
05039                                 return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
05040                         }
05041                         /*
05042                          * Log DNS_RPZ_POLICY_DISABLED zones
05043                          * and try the next eligible policy zone.
05044                          */
05045                         rpz_log_rewrite(client, ISC_TRUE, policy, rpz_type,
05046                                         p_zone, p_name, NULL);
05047                         break;
05048                 }
05049         }
05051         rpz_clean(&p_zone, &p_db, &p_node, rdatasetp);
05052         return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
05053 }
05055 static void
05056 rpz_rewrite_ns_skip(ns_client_t *client, dns_name_t *nsname,
05057                     isc_result_t result, int level, const char *str)
05058 {
05059         dns_rpz_st_t *st;
05061         st = client->query.rpz_st;
05063         if (str != NULL)
05064                 rpz_log_fail(client, level, nsname, DNS_RPZ_TYPE_NSIP,
05065                              str, result);
05066         if (st->r.ns_rdataset != NULL &&
05067             dns_rdataset_isassociated(st->r.ns_rdataset))
05068                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(st->r.ns_rdataset);
05070         st->r.label--;
05071 }
05073 /*
05074  * Look for response policy zone QNAME, NSIP, and NSDNAME rewriting.
05075  */
05076 static isc_result_t
05077 rpz_rewrite(ns_client_t *client, dns_rdatatype_t qtype, isc_result_t qresult,
05078             isc_boolean_t resuming)
05079 {
05080         dns_rpz_st_t *st;
05081         dns_rdataset_t *rdataset;
05082         dns_fixedname_t nsnamef;
05083         dns_name_t *nsname;
05084         int qresult_type;
05085         dns_rpz_zbits_t zbits;
05086         isc_result_t result = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
05088         st = client->query.rpz_st;
05089         if (st == NULL) {
05090                 st = isc_mem_get(client->mctx, sizeof(*st));
05091                 if (st == NULL)
05092                         return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY);
05093                 st->state = 0;
05094                 memset(&st->m, 0, sizeof(st->m));
05095                 st->m.type = DNS_RPZ_TYPE_BAD;
05096                 st->m.policy = DNS_RPZ_POLICY_MISS;
05097                 st->m.ttl = ~0;
05098                 memset(&st->r, 0, sizeof(st->r));
05099                 memset(&st->q, 0, sizeof(st->q));
05100                 dns_fixedname_init(&st->_p_namef);
05101                 dns_fixedname_init(&st->_r_namef);
05102                 dns_fixedname_init(&st->_fnamef);
05103                 st->p_name = dns_fixedname_name(&st->_p_namef);
05104                 st->r_name = dns_fixedname_name(&st->_r_namef);
05105                 st->fname = dns_fixedname_name(&st->_fnamef);
05106                 client->query.rpz_st = st;
05107         }
05109         /*
05110          * There is nothing to rewrite if the main query failed.
05111          */
05112         switch (qresult) {
05113         case ISC_R_SUCCESS:
05114         case DNS_R_GLUE:
05115         case DNS_R_ZONECUT:
05116                 qresult_type = 0;
05117                 break;
05118         case DNS_R_EMPTYNAME:
05119         case DNS_R_NXRRSET:
05120         case DNS_R_NXDOMAIN:
05121         case DNS_R_EMPTYWILD:
05122         case DNS_R_NCACHENXDOMAIN:
05123         case DNS_R_NCACHENXRRSET:
05124         case DNS_R_CNAME:
05125         case DNS_R_DNAME:
05126                 qresult_type = 1;
05127                 break;
05128         case DNS_R_DELEGATION:
05129         case ISC_R_NOTFOUND:
05130                 /*
05131                  * If recursion is on, do only tentative rewriting.
05132                  * If recursion is off, this the normal and only time we
05133                  * can rewrite.
05134                  */
05135                 if (RECURSIONOK(client))
05136                         qresult_type = 2;
05137                 else
05138                         qresult_type = 1;
05139                 break;
05140         case ISC_R_FAILURE:
05141         case ISC_R_TIMEDOUT:
05142         case DNS_R_BROKENCHAIN:
05143                 rpz_log_fail(client, DNS_RPZ_DEBUG_LEVEL3, client->query.qname,
05144                              DNS_RPZ_TYPE_QNAME,
05145                              " stop on qresult in rpz_rewrite()", qresult);
05146                 return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
05147         default:
05148                 rpz_log_fail(client, DNS_RPZ_DEBUG_LEVEL1, client->query.qname,
05149                              DNS_RPZ_TYPE_QNAME,
05150                              " stop on unrecognized qresult in rpz_rewrite()",
05151                              qresult);
05152                 return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
05153         }
05155         rdataset = NULL;
05157         if ((st->state & (DNS_RPZ_DONE_CLIENT_IP | DNS_RPZ_DONE_QNAME)) !=
05158             (DNS_RPZ_DONE_CLIENT_IP | DNS_RPZ_DONE_QNAME)) {
05159                 isc_netaddr_t netaddr;
05160                 dns_rpz_zbits_t allowed;
05162                 if (qresult_type == 2) {
05163                         /*
05164                          * This request needs recursion that has not been done.
05165                          * Get bits for the policy zones that do not need
05166                          * to wait for the results of recursion.
05167                          */
05168                         allowed = client->view->rpzs->have.qname_skip_recurse;
05169                         if (allowed == 0)
05170                                 return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
05171                 } else {
05172                         allowed = DNS_RPZ_ALL_ZBITS;
05173                 }
05175                 /*
05176                  * Check once for triggers for the client IP address.
05177                  */
05178                 if ((st->state & DNS_RPZ_DONE_CLIENT_IP) == 0) {
05179                         zbits = rpz_get_zbits(client, dns_rdatatype_none,
05180                                               DNS_RPZ_TYPE_CLIENT_IP);
05181                         zbits &= allowed;
05182                         if (zbits != 0) {
05183                                 isc_netaddr_fromsockaddr(&netaddr,
05184                                                         &client->peeraddr);
05185                                 result = rpz_rewrite_ip(client, &netaddr, qtype,
05186                                                         DNS_RPZ_TYPE_CLIENT_IP,
05187                                                         zbits, &rdataset);
05188                                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
05189                                         goto cleanup;
05190                         }
05191                 }
05193                 /*
05194                  * Check triggers for the query name if this is the first time
05195                  * for the current qname.
05196                  * There is a first time for each name in a CNAME chain
05197                  */
05198                 if ((st->state & DNS_RPZ_DONE_QNAME) == 0) {
05199                         result = rpz_rewrite_name(client, client->query.qname,
05200                                                   qtype, DNS_RPZ_TYPE_QNAME,
05201                                                   allowed, &rdataset);
05202                         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
05203                                 goto cleanup;
05205                         /*
05206                          * Check IPv4 addresses in A RRs next.
05207                          * Reset to the start of the NS names.
05208                          */
05209                         st->r.label = dns_name_countlabels(client->query.qname);
05210                         st->state &= ~(DNS_RPZ_DONE_QNAME_IP |
05211                                        DNS_RPZ_DONE_IPv4);
05213                 }
05215                 /*
05216                  * Quit if this was an attempt to find a qname or
05217                  * client-IP trigger before recursion.
05218                  * We will be back if no pre-recursion triggers hit.
05219                  * For example, consider 2 policy zones, both with qname and
05220                  * IP address triggers.  If the qname misses the 1st zone,
05221                  * then we cannot know whether a hit for the qname in the
05222                  * 2nd zone matters until after recursing to get the A RRs and
05223                  * testing them in the first zone.
05224                  * Do not bother saving the work from this attempt,
05225                  * because recusion is so slow.
05226                  */
05227                 if (qresult_type == 2)
05228                         goto cleanup;
05230                 /*
05231                  * DNS_RPZ_DONE_QNAME but not DNS_RPZ_DONE_CLIENT_IP
05232                  * is reset at the end of dealing with each CNAME.
05233                  */
05234                 st->state |= (DNS_RPZ_DONE_CLIENT_IP | DNS_RPZ_DONE_QNAME);
05235         }
05237         /*
05238          * Check known IP addresses for the query name if the database
05239          * lookup resulted in some addresses (qresult_type == 0)
05240          * and if we have not already checked them.
05241          * Any recursion required for the query has already happened.
05242          * Do not check addresses that will not be in the ANSWER section.
05243          */
05244         if ((st->state & DNS_RPZ_DONE_QNAME_IP) == 0 && qresult_type == 0 &&
05245             rpz_get_zbits(client, qtype, DNS_RPZ_TYPE_IP) != 0) {
05246                 result = rpz_rewrite_ip_rrsets(client,
05247                                                client->query.qname, qtype,
05248                                                DNS_RPZ_TYPE_IP,
05249                                                &rdataset, resuming);
05250                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
05251                         goto cleanup;
05252                 /*
05253                  * We are finished checking the IP addresses for the qname.
05254                  * Start with IPv4 if we will check NS IP addesses.
05255                  */
05256                 st->state |= DNS_RPZ_DONE_QNAME_IP;
05257                 st->state &= ~DNS_RPZ_DONE_IPv4;
05258         }
05260         /*
05261          * Stop looking for rules if there are none of the other kinds
05262          * that could override what we already have.
05263          */
05264         if (rpz_get_zbits(client, dns_rdatatype_any,
05265                           DNS_RPZ_TYPE_NSDNAME) == 0 &&
05266             rpz_get_zbits(client, dns_rdatatype_any,
05267                           DNS_RPZ_TYPE_NSIP) == 0) {
05268                 result = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
05269                 goto cleanup;
05270         }
05272         dns_fixedname_init(&nsnamef);
05273         dns_name_clone(client->query.qname, dns_fixedname_name(&nsnamef));
05274         while (st->r.label > client->view->rpzs->p.min_ns_labels) {
05275                 /*
05276                  * Get NS rrset for each domain in the current qname.
05277                  */
05278                 if (st->r.label == dns_name_countlabels(client->query.qname)) {
05279                         nsname = client->query.qname;
05280                 } else {
05281                         nsname = dns_fixedname_name(&nsnamef);
05282                         dns_name_split(client->query.qname, st->r.label,
05283                                        NULL, nsname);
05284                 }
05285                 if (st->r.ns_rdataset == NULL ||
05286                     !dns_rdataset_isassociated(st->r.ns_rdataset)) {
05287                         dns_db_t *db = NULL;
05288                         result = rpz_rrset_find(client, nsname,
05289                                                 dns_rdatatype_ns,
05290                                                 DNS_RPZ_TYPE_NSDNAME,
05291                                                 &db, NULL, &st->r.ns_rdataset,
05292                                                 resuming);
05293                         if (db != NULL)
05294                                 dns_db_detach(&db);
05295                         if (st->m.policy == DNS_RPZ_POLICY_ERROR)
05296                                 goto cleanup;
05297                         switch (result) {
05298                         case ISC_R_SUCCESS:
05299                                 result = dns_rdataset_first(st->r.ns_rdataset);
05300                                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
05301                                         goto cleanup;
05302                                 st->state &= ~(DNS_RPZ_DONE_NSDNAME |
05303                                                DNS_RPZ_DONE_IPv4);
05304                                 break;
05305                         case DNS_R_DELEGATION:
05306                         case DNS_R_DUPLICATE:
05307                         case DNS_R_DROP:
05308                                 goto cleanup;
05309                         case DNS_R_EMPTYNAME:
05310                         case DNS_R_NXRRSET:
05311                         case DNS_R_EMPTYWILD:
05312                         case DNS_R_NXDOMAIN:
05313                         case DNS_R_NCACHENXDOMAIN:
05314                         case DNS_R_NCACHENXRRSET:
05315                         case ISC_R_NOTFOUND:
05316                         case DNS_R_CNAME:
05317                         case DNS_R_DNAME:
05318                                 rpz_rewrite_ns_skip(client, nsname, result,
05319                                                     0, NULL);
05320                                 continue;
05321                         case ISC_R_TIMEDOUT:
05322                         case DNS_R_BROKENCHAIN:
05323                         case ISC_R_FAILURE:
05324                                 rpz_rewrite_ns_skip(client, nsname, result,
05325                                                 DNS_RPZ_DEBUG_LEVEL3,
05326                                                 " NS rpz_rrset_find() ");
05327                                 continue;
05328                         default:
05329                                 rpz_rewrite_ns_skip(client, nsname, result,
05330                                                 DNS_RPZ_INFO_LEVEL,
05331                                                 " unrecognized NS"
05332                                                 " rpz_rrset_find() ");
05333                                 continue;
05334                         }
05335                 }
05336                 /*
05337                  * Check all NS names.
05338                  */
05339                 do {
05340                         dns_rdata_ns_t ns;
05341                         dns_rdata_t nsrdata = DNS_RDATA_INIT;
05343                         dns_rdataset_current(st->r.ns_rdataset, &nsrdata);
05344                         result = dns_rdata_tostruct(&nsrdata, &ns, NULL);
05345                         dns_rdata_reset(&nsrdata);
05346                         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
05347                                 rpz_log_fail(client, DNS_RPZ_ERROR_LEVEL,
05348                                              nsname, DNS_RPZ_TYPE_NSIP,
05349                                              " rdata_tostruct()", result);
05350                                 st->m.policy = DNS_RPZ_POLICY_ERROR;
05351                                 goto cleanup;
05352                         }
05353                         /*
05354                          * Do nothing about "NS ."
05355                          */
05356                         if (dns_name_equal(&ns.name, dns_rootname)) {
05357                                 dns_rdata_freestruct(&ns);
05358                                 result = dns_rdataset_next(st->r.ns_rdataset);
05359                                 continue;
05360                         }
05361                         /*
05362                          * Check this NS name if we did not handle it
05363                          * during a previous recursion.
05364                          */
05365                         if ((st->state & DNS_RPZ_DONE_NSDNAME) == 0) {
05366                                 result = rpz_rewrite_name(client, &ns.name,
05367                                                         qtype,
05368                                                         DNS_RPZ_TYPE_NSDNAME,
05369                                                         DNS_RPZ_ALL_ZBITS,
05370                                                         &rdataset);
05371                                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
05372                                         dns_rdata_freestruct(&ns);
05373                                         goto cleanup;
05374                                 }
05375                                 st->state |= DNS_RPZ_DONE_NSDNAME;
05376                         }
05377                         /*
05378                          * Check all IP addresses for this NS name.
05379                          */
05380                         result = rpz_rewrite_ip_rrsets(client, &ns.name, qtype,
05381                                                        DNS_RPZ_TYPE_NSIP,
05382                                                        &rdataset, resuming);
05383                         dns_rdata_freestruct(&ns);
05384                         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
05385                                 goto cleanup;
05386                         st->state &= ~(DNS_RPZ_DONE_NSDNAME |
05387                                        DNS_RPZ_DONE_IPv4);
05388                         result = dns_rdataset_next(st->r.ns_rdataset);
05389                 } while (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS);
05390                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(st->r.ns_rdataset);
05391                 st->r.label--;
05393                 if (rpz_get_zbits(client, dns_rdatatype_any,
05394                                   DNS_RPZ_TYPE_NSDNAME) == 0 &&
05395                     rpz_get_zbits(client, dns_rdatatype_any,
05396                                   DNS_RPZ_TYPE_NSIP) == 0)
05397                         break;
05398         }
05400         /*
05401          * Use the best hit, if any.
05402          */
05403         result = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
05405 cleanup:
05406         if (st->m.policy != DNS_RPZ_POLICY_MISS &&
05407             st->m.policy != DNS_RPZ_POLICY_ERROR &&
05408             st->m.rpz->policy != DNS_RPZ_POLICY_GIVEN)
05409                 st->m.policy = st->m.rpz->policy;
05410         if (st->m.policy == DNS_RPZ_POLICY_MISS ||
05411             st->m.policy == DNS_RPZ_POLICY_PASSTHRU ||
05412             st->m.policy == DNS_RPZ_POLICY_ERROR) {
05413                 if (st->m.policy == DNS_RPZ_POLICY_PASSTHRU &&
05414                     result != DNS_R_DELEGATION)
05415                         rpz_log_rewrite(client, ISC_FALSE, st->m.policy,
05416                                         st->m.type, st->m.zone, st->p_name,
05417                                         NULL);
05418                 rpz_match_clear(st);
05419         }
05420         if (st->m.policy == DNS_RPZ_POLICY_ERROR) {
05421                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR, "SERVFAIL due to RPZ policy");
05422                 st->m.type = DNS_RPZ_TYPE_BAD;
05423                 result = DNS_R_SERVFAIL;
05424         }
05425         query_putrdataset(client, &rdataset);
05426         if ((st->state & DNS_RPZ_RECURSING) == 0)
05427                 rpz_clean(NULL, &st->r.db, NULL, &st->r.ns_rdataset);
05429         return (result);
05430 }
05432 /*
05433  * See if response policy zone rewriting is allowed by a lack of interest
05434  * by the client in DNSSEC or a lack of signatures.
05435  */
05436 static isc_boolean_t
05437 rpz_ck_dnssec(ns_client_t *client, isc_result_t qresult,
05438               dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset)
05439 {
05440         dns_fixedname_t fixed;
05441         dns_name_t *found;
05442         dns_rdataset_t trdataset;
05443         dns_rdatatype_t type;
05444         isc_result_t result;
05446         if (client->view->rpzs->p.break_dnssec || !WANTDNSSEC(client))
05447                 return (ISC_TRUE);
05449         /*
05450          * We do not know if there are signatures if we have not recursed
05451          * for them.
05452          */
05453         if (qresult == DNS_R_DELEGATION || qresult == ISC_R_NOTFOUND)
05454                 return (ISC_FALSE);
05456         if (sigrdataset == NULL)
05457                 return (ISC_TRUE);
05458         if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset))
05459                 return (ISC_FALSE);
05461         /*
05462          * We are happy to rewrite nothing.
05463          */
05464         if (rdataset == NULL || !dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset))
05465                 return (ISC_TRUE);
05466         /*
05467          * Do not rewrite if there is any sign of signatures.
05468          */
05469         if (rdataset->type == dns_rdatatype_nsec ||
05470             rdataset->type == dns_rdatatype_nsec3 ||
05471             rdataset->type == dns_rdatatype_rrsig)
05472                 return (ISC_FALSE);
05474         /*
05475          * Look for a signature in a negative cache rdataset.
05476          */
05477         if ((rdataset->attributes & DNS_RDATASETATTR_NEGATIVE) == 0)
05478                 return (ISC_TRUE);
05479         dns_fixedname_init(&fixed);
05480         found = dns_fixedname_name(&fixed);
05481         dns_rdataset_init(&trdataset);
05482         for (result = dns_rdataset_first(rdataset);
05483              result == ISC_R_SUCCESS;
05484              result = dns_rdataset_next(rdataset)) {
05485                 dns_ncache_current(rdataset, found, &trdataset);
05486                 type = trdataset.type;
05487                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(&trdataset);
05488                 if (type == dns_rdatatype_nsec ||
05489                     type == dns_rdatatype_nsec3 ||
05490                     type == dns_rdatatype_rrsig)
05491                         return (ISC_FALSE);
05492         }
05493         return (ISC_TRUE);
05494 }
05496 /*
05497  * Add a CNAME to the query response, including translating foo.evil.com and
05498  *      *.evil.com CNAME *.example.com
05499  * to
05500  *      foo.evil.com CNAME foo.evil.com.example.com
05501  */
05502 static isc_result_t
05503 rpz_add_cname(ns_client_t *client, dns_rpz_st_t *st,
05504               dns_name_t *cname, dns_name_t *fname, isc_buffer_t *dbuf)
05505 {
05506         dns_fixedname_t prefix, suffix;
05507         unsigned int labels;
05508         isc_result_t result;
05510         labels = dns_name_countlabels(cname);
05511         if (labels > 2 && dns_name_iswildcard(cname)) {
05512                 dns_fixedname_init(&prefix);
05513                 dns_name_split(client->query.qname, 1,
05514                                dns_fixedname_name(&prefix), NULL);
05515                 dns_fixedname_init(&suffix);
05516                 dns_name_split(cname, labels-1,
05517                                NULL, dns_fixedname_name(&suffix));
05518                 result = dns_name_concatenate(dns_fixedname_name(&prefix),
05519                                               dns_fixedname_name(&suffix),
05520                                               fname, NULL);
05521                 if (result == DNS_R_NAMETOOLONG)
05522                         client->message->rcode = dns_rcode_yxdomain;
05523         } else {
05524                 result = dns_name_copy(cname, fname, NULL);
05525                 RUNTIME_CHECK(result == ISC_R_SUCCESS);
05526         }
05527         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
05528                 return (result);
05529         query_keepname(client, fname, dbuf);
05530         result = query_add_cname(client, client->query.qname,
05531                                  fname, dns_trust_authanswer, st->m.ttl);
05532         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
05533                 return (result);
05534         rpz_log_rewrite(client, ISC_FALSE, st->m.policy,
05535                         st->m.type, st->m.zone, st->p_name, fname);
05536         ns_client_qnamereplace(client, fname);
05537         /*
05538          * Turn off DNSSEC because the results of a
05539          * response policy zone cannot verify.
05540          */
05541         client->attributes &= ~(NS_CLIENTATTR_WANTDNSSEC |
05542                                 NS_CLIENTATTR_WANTAD);
05543         return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
05544 }
05546 #define MAX_RESTARTS 16
05548 #define QUERY_ERROR(r) \
05549 do { \
05550         eresult = r; \
05551         want_restart = ISC_FALSE; \
05552         line = __LINE__; \
05553 } while (0)
05555 #define RECURSE_ERROR(r) \
05556 do { \
05557         if ((r) == DNS_R_DUPLICATE || (r) == DNS_R_DROP) \
05558                 QUERY_ERROR(r); \
05559         else \
05560                 QUERY_ERROR(DNS_R_SERVFAIL); \
05561 } while (0)
05563 /*
05564  * Extract a network address from the RDATA of an A or AAAA
05565  * record.
05566  *
05567  * Returns:
05568  *      ISC_R_SUCCESS
05569  *      ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED    The rdata is not a known address type.
05570  */
05571 static isc_result_t
05572 rdata_tonetaddr(const dns_rdata_t *rdata, isc_netaddr_t *netaddr) {
05573         struct in_addr ina;
05574         struct in6_addr in6a;
05576         switch (rdata->type) {
05577         case dns_rdatatype_a:
05578                 INSIST(rdata->length == 4);
05579                 memmove(&ina.s_addr, rdata->data, 4);
05580                 isc_netaddr_fromin(netaddr, &ina);
05581                 return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
05582         case dns_rdatatype_aaaa:
05583                 INSIST(rdata->length == 16);
05584                 memmove(in6a.s6_addr, rdata->data, 16);
05585                 isc_netaddr_fromin6(netaddr, &in6a);
05586                 return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
05587         default:
05588                 return (ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED);
05589         }
05590 }
05592 /*
05593  * Find the sort order of 'rdata' in the topology-like
05594  * ACL forming the second element in a 2-element top-level
05595  * sortlist statement.
05596  */
05597 static int
05598 query_sortlist_order_2element(const dns_rdata_t *rdata, const void *arg) {
05599         isc_netaddr_t netaddr;
05601         if (rdata_tonetaddr(rdata, &netaddr) != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
05602                 return (INT_MAX);
05603         return (ns_sortlist_addrorder2(&netaddr, arg));
05604 }
05606 /*
05607  * Find the sort order of 'rdata' in the matching element
05608  * of a 1-element top-level sortlist statement.
05609  */
05610 static int
05611 query_sortlist_order_1element(const dns_rdata_t *rdata, const void *arg) {
05612         isc_netaddr_t netaddr;
05614         if (rdata_tonetaddr(rdata, &netaddr) != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
05615                 return (INT_MAX);
05616         return (ns_sortlist_addrorder1(&netaddr, arg));
05617 }
05619 /*
05620  * Find the sortlist statement that applies to 'client' and set up
05621  * the sortlist info in in client->message appropriately.
05622  */
05623 static void
05624 setup_query_sortlist(ns_client_t *client) {
05625         isc_netaddr_t netaddr;
05626         dns_rdatasetorderfunc_t order = NULL;
05627         const void *order_arg = NULL;
05629         isc_netaddr_fromsockaddr(&netaddr, &client->peeraddr);
05630         switch (ns_sortlist_setup(client->view->sortlist,
05631                                &netaddr, &order_arg)) {
05632         case NS_SORTLISTTYPE_1ELEMENT:
05633                 order = query_sortlist_order_1element;
05634                 break;
05635         case NS_SORTLISTTYPE_2ELEMENT:
05636                 order = query_sortlist_order_2element;
05637                 break;
05638         case NS_SORTLISTTYPE_NONE:
05639                 order = NULL;
05640                 break;
05641         default:
05642                 INSIST(0);
05643                 break;
05644         }
05645         dns_message_setsortorder(client->message, order, order_arg);
05646 }
05648 static void
05649 query_addnoqnameproof(ns_client_t *client, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset) {
05650         isc_buffer_t *dbuf, b;
05651         dns_name_t *fname;
05652         dns_rdataset_t *neg, *negsig;
05653         isc_result_t result = ISC_R_NOMEMORY;
05655         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_addnoqnameproof");
05657         fname = NULL;
05658         neg = NULL;
05659         negsig = NULL;
05661         dbuf = query_getnamebuf(client);
05662         if (dbuf == NULL)
05663                 goto cleanup;
05664         fname = query_newname(client, dbuf, &b);
05665         neg = query_newrdataset(client);
05666         negsig = query_newrdataset(client);
05667         if (fname == NULL || neg == NULL || negsig == NULL)
05668                 goto cleanup;
05670         result = dns_rdataset_getnoqname(rdataset, fname, neg, negsig);
05671         RUNTIME_CHECK(result == ISC_R_SUCCESS);
05673         query_addrrset(client, &fname, &neg, &negsig, dbuf,
05674                        DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY);
05676         if ((rdataset->attributes & DNS_RDATASETATTR_CLOSEST) == 0)
05677                 goto cleanup;
05679         if (fname == NULL) {
05680                 dbuf = query_getnamebuf(client);
05681                 if (dbuf == NULL)
05682                         goto cleanup;
05683                 fname = query_newname(client, dbuf, &b);
05684         }
05685         if (neg == NULL)
05686                 neg = query_newrdataset(client);
05687         else if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(neg))
05688                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(neg);
05689         if (negsig == NULL)
05690                 negsig = query_newrdataset(client);
05691         else if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(negsig))
05692                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(negsig);
05693         if (fname == NULL || neg == NULL || negsig == NULL)
05694                 goto cleanup;
05695         result = dns_rdataset_getclosest(rdataset, fname, neg, negsig);
05696         RUNTIME_CHECK(result == ISC_R_SUCCESS);
05698         query_addrrset(client, &fname, &neg, &negsig, dbuf,
05699                        DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY);
05701  cleanup:
05702         if (neg != NULL)
05703                 query_putrdataset(client, &neg);
05704         if (negsig != NULL)
05705                 query_putrdataset(client, &negsig);
05706         if (fname != NULL)
05707                 query_releasename(client, &fname);
05708 }
05710 static inline void
05711 answer_in_glue(ns_client_t *client, dns_rdatatype_t qtype) {
05712         dns_name_t *name;
05713         dns_message_t *msg;
05714         dns_section_t section = DNS_SECTION_ADDITIONAL;
05715         dns_rdataset_t *rdataset = NULL;
05717         msg = client->message;
05718         for (name = ISC_LIST_HEAD(msg->sections[section]);
05719              name != NULL;
05720              name = ISC_LIST_NEXT(name, link))
05721                 if (dns_name_equal(name, client->query.qname)) {
05722                         for (rdataset = ISC_LIST_HEAD(name->list);
05723                              rdataset != NULL;
05724                              rdataset = ISC_LIST_NEXT(rdataset, link))
05725                                 if (rdataset->type == qtype)
05726                                         break;
05727                         break;
05728                 }
05729         if (rdataset != NULL) {
05730                 ISC_LIST_UNLINK(msg->sections[section], name, link);
05731                 ISC_LIST_PREPEND(msg->sections[section], name, link);
05732                 ISC_LIST_UNLINK(name->list, rdataset, link);
05733                 ISC_LIST_PREPEND(name->list, rdataset, link);
05734                 rdataset->attributes |= DNS_RDATASETATTR_REQUIRED;
05735         }
05736 }
05738 #define NS_NAME_INIT(A,B) \
05739          { \
05740                 DNS_NAME_MAGIC, \
05741                 A, sizeof(A), sizeof(B), \
05743                 B, NULL, { (void *)-1, (void *)-1}, \
05744                 {NULL, NULL} \
05745         }
05747 static unsigned char inaddr10_offsets[] = { 0, 3, 11, 16 };
05748 static unsigned char inaddr172_offsets[] = { 0, 3, 7, 15, 20 };
05749 static unsigned char inaddr192_offsets[] = { 0, 4, 8, 16, 21 };
05751 static unsigned char inaddr10[] = "\00210\007IN-ADDR\004ARPA";
05753 static unsigned char inaddr16172[] = "\00216\003172\007IN-ADDR\004ARPA";
05754 static unsigned char inaddr17172[] = "\00217\003172\007IN-ADDR\004ARPA";
05755 static unsigned char inaddr18172[] = "\00218\003172\007IN-ADDR\004ARPA";
05756 static unsigned char inaddr19172[] = "\00219\003172\007IN-ADDR\004ARPA";
05757 static unsigned char inaddr20172[] = "\00220\003172\007IN-ADDR\004ARPA";
05758 static unsigned char inaddr21172[] = "\00221\003172\007IN-ADDR\004ARPA";
05759 static unsigned char inaddr22172[] = "\00222\003172\007IN-ADDR\004ARPA";
05760 static unsigned char inaddr23172[] = "\00223\003172\007IN-ADDR\004ARPA";
05761 static unsigned char inaddr24172[] = "\00224\003172\007IN-ADDR\004ARPA";
05762 static unsigned char inaddr25172[] = "\00225\003172\007IN-ADDR\004ARPA";
05763 static unsigned char inaddr26172[] = "\00226\003172\007IN-ADDR\004ARPA";
05764 static unsigned char inaddr27172[] = "\00227\003172\007IN-ADDR\004ARPA";
05765 static unsigned char inaddr28172[] = "\00228\003172\007IN-ADDR\004ARPA";
05766 static unsigned char inaddr29172[] = "\00229\003172\007IN-ADDR\004ARPA";
05767 static unsigned char inaddr30172[] = "\00230\003172\007IN-ADDR\004ARPA";
05768 static unsigned char inaddr31172[] = "\00231\003172\007IN-ADDR\004ARPA";
05770 static unsigned char inaddr168192[] = "\003168\003192\007IN-ADDR\004ARPA";
05772 static dns_name_t rfc1918names[] = {
05773         NS_NAME_INIT(inaddr10, inaddr10_offsets),
05774         NS_NAME_INIT(inaddr16172, inaddr172_offsets),
05775         NS_NAME_INIT(inaddr17172, inaddr172_offsets),
05776         NS_NAME_INIT(inaddr18172, inaddr172_offsets),
05777         NS_NAME_INIT(inaddr19172, inaddr172_offsets),
05778         NS_NAME_INIT(inaddr20172, inaddr172_offsets),
05779         NS_NAME_INIT(inaddr21172, inaddr172_offsets),
05780         NS_NAME_INIT(inaddr22172, inaddr172_offsets),
05781         NS_NAME_INIT(inaddr23172, inaddr172_offsets),
05782         NS_NAME_INIT(inaddr24172, inaddr172_offsets),
05783         NS_NAME_INIT(inaddr25172, inaddr172_offsets),
05784         NS_NAME_INIT(inaddr26172, inaddr172_offsets),
05785         NS_NAME_INIT(inaddr27172, inaddr172_offsets),
05786         NS_NAME_INIT(inaddr28172, inaddr172_offsets),
05787         NS_NAME_INIT(inaddr29172, inaddr172_offsets),
05788         NS_NAME_INIT(inaddr30172, inaddr172_offsets),
05789         NS_NAME_INIT(inaddr31172, inaddr172_offsets),
05790         NS_NAME_INIT(inaddr168192, inaddr192_offsets)
05791 };
05794 static unsigned char prisoner_data[] = "\010prisoner\004iana\003org";
05795 static unsigned char hostmaster_data[] = "\012hostmaster\014root-servers\003org";
05797 static unsigned char prisoner_offsets[] = { 0, 9, 14, 18 };
05798 static unsigned char hostmaster_offsets[] = { 0, 11, 24, 28 };
05800 static dns_name_t prisoner = NS_NAME_INIT(prisoner_data, prisoner_offsets);
05801 static dns_name_t hostmaster = NS_NAME_INIT(hostmaster_data, hostmaster_offsets);
05803 static void
05804 warn_rfc1918(ns_client_t *client, dns_name_t *fname, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset) {
05805         unsigned int i;
05806         dns_rdata_t rdata = DNS_RDATA_INIT;
05807         dns_rdata_soa_t soa;
05808         dns_rdataset_t found;
05809         isc_result_t result;
05811         for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(rfc1918names)/sizeof(*rfc1918names)); i++) {
05812                 if (dns_name_issubdomain(fname, &rfc1918names[i])) {
05813                         dns_rdataset_init(&found);
05814                         result = dns_ncache_getrdataset(rdataset,
05815                                                         &rfc1918names[i],
05816                                                         dns_rdatatype_soa,
05817                                                         &found);
05818                         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
05819                                 return;
05821                         result = dns_rdataset_first(&found);
05822                         RUNTIME_CHECK(result == ISC_R_SUCCESS);
05823                         dns_rdataset_current(&found, &rdata);
05824                         result = dns_rdata_tostruct(&rdata, &soa, NULL);
05825                         RUNTIME_CHECK(result == ISC_R_SUCCESS);
05826                         if (dns_name_equal(&soa.origin, &prisoner) &&
05827                             dns_name_equal(&soa.contact, &hostmaster)) {
05828                                 char buf[DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE];
05829                                 dns_name_format(fname, buf, sizeof(buf));
05830                                 ns_client_log(client, DNS_LOGCATEGORY_SECURITY,
05831                                               NS_LOGMODULE_QUERY,
05832                                               ISC_LOG_WARNING,
05833                                               "RFC 1918 response from "
05834                                               "Internet for %s", buf);
05835                         }
05836                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(&found);
05837                         return;
05838                 }
05839         }
05840 }
05842 static void
05843 query_findclosestnsec3(dns_name_t *qname, dns_db_t *db,
05844                        dns_dbversion_t *version, ns_client_t *client,
05845                        dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset,
05846                        dns_name_t *fname, isc_boolean_t exact,
05847                        dns_name_t *found)
05848 {
05849         unsigned char salt[256];
05850         size_t salt_length;
05851         isc_uint16_t iterations;
05852         isc_result_t result;
05853         unsigned int dboptions;
05854         dns_fixedname_t fixed;
05855         dns_hash_t hash;
05856         dns_name_t name;
05857         unsigned int skip = 0, labels;
05858         dns_rdata_nsec3_t nsec3;
05859         dns_rdata_t rdata = DNS_RDATA_INIT;
05860         isc_boolean_t optout;
05861         dns_clientinfomethods_t cm;
05862         dns_clientinfo_t ci;
05864         salt_length = sizeof(salt);
05865         result = dns_db_getnsec3parameters(db, version, &hash, NULL,
05866                                            &iterations, salt, &salt_length);
05867         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
05868                 return;
05870         dns_name_init(&name, NULL);
05871         dns_name_clone(qname, &name);
05872         labels = dns_name_countlabels(&name);
05873         dns_clientinfomethods_init(&cm, ns_client_sourceip);
05874         dns_clientinfo_init(&ci, client, NULL);
05876         /*
05877          * Map unknown algorithm to known value.
05878          */
05879         if (hash == DNS_NSEC3_UNKNOWNALG)
05880                 hash = 1;
05882  again:
05883         dns_fixedname_init(&fixed);
05884         result = dns_nsec3_hashname(&fixed, NULL, NULL, &name,
05885                                     dns_db_origin(db), hash,
05886                                     iterations, salt, salt_length);
05887         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
05888                 return;
05890         dboptions = client->query.dboptions | DNS_DBFIND_FORCENSEC3;
05891         result = dns_db_findext(db, dns_fixedname_name(&fixed), version,
05892                                 dns_rdatatype_nsec3, dboptions, client->now,
05893                                 NULL, fname, &cm, &ci, rdataset, sigrdataset);
05895         if (result == DNS_R_NXDOMAIN) {
05896                 if (!dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset)) {
05897                         return;
05898                 }
05899                 result = dns_rdataset_first(rdataset);
05900                 INSIST(result == ISC_R_SUCCESS);
05901                 dns_rdataset_current(rdataset, &rdata);
05902                 dns_rdata_tostruct(&rdata, &nsec3, NULL);
05903                 dns_rdata_reset(&rdata);
05904                 optout = ISC_TF((nsec3.flags & DNS_NSEC3FLAG_OPTOUT) != 0);
05905                 if (found != NULL && optout &&
05906                     dns_name_issubdomain(&name, dns_db_origin(db)))
05907                 {
05908                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(rdataset);
05909                         if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset))
05910                                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(sigrdataset);
05911                         skip++;
05912                         dns_name_getlabelsequence(qname, skip, labels - skip,
05913                                                   &name);
05914                         ns_client_log(client, DNS_LOGCATEGORY_DNSSEC,
05915                                       NS_LOGMODULE_QUERY, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3),
05916                                       "looking for closest provable encloser");
05917                         goto again;
05918                 }
05919                 if (exact)
05920                         ns_client_log(client, DNS_LOGCATEGORY_DNSSEC,
05921                                       NS_LOGMODULE_QUERY, ISC_LOG_WARNING,
05922                                       "expected a exact match NSEC3, got "
05923                                       "a covering record");
05925         } else if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
05926                 return;
05927         } else if (!exact)
05928                 ns_client_log(client, DNS_LOGCATEGORY_DNSSEC,
05929                               NS_LOGMODULE_QUERY, ISC_LOG_WARNING,
05930                               "expected covering NSEC3, got an exact match");
05931         if (found == qname) {
05932                 if (skip != 0U)
05933                         dns_name_getlabelsequence(qname, skip, labels - skip,
05934                                                   found);
05935         } else if (found != NULL)
05936                 dns_name_copy(&name, found, NULL);
05937         return;
05938 }
05940 #ifdef ALLOW_FILTER_AAAA
05941 static isc_boolean_t
05942 is_v4_client(ns_client_t *client) {
05943         if (isc_sockaddr_pf(&client->peeraddr) == AF_INET)
05944                 return (ISC_TRUE);
05945         if (isc_sockaddr_pf(&client->peeraddr) == AF_INET6 &&
05946             IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(&client->peeraddr.type.sin6.sin6_addr))
05947                 return (ISC_TRUE);
05948         return (ISC_FALSE);
05949 }
05951 static isc_boolean_t
05952 is_v6_client(ns_client_t *client) {
05953         if (isc_sockaddr_pf(&client->peeraddr) == AF_INET6 &&
05954             !IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(&client->peeraddr.type.sin6.sin6_addr))
05955                 return (ISC_TRUE);
05956         return (ISC_FALSE);
05957 }
05958 #endif
05960 static isc_uint32_t
05961 dns64_ttl(dns_db_t *db, dns_dbversion_t *version) {
05962         dns_dbnode_t *node = NULL;
05963         dns_rdata_soa_t soa;
05964         dns_rdata_t rdata = DNS_RDATA_INIT;
05965         dns_rdataset_t rdataset;
05966         isc_result_t result;
05967         isc_uint32_t ttl = ISC_UINT32_MAX;
05969         dns_rdataset_init(&rdataset);
05971         result = dns_db_getoriginnode(db, &node);
05972         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
05973                 goto cleanup;
05975         result = dns_db_findrdataset(db, node, version, dns_rdatatype_soa,
05976                                      0, 0, &rdataset, NULL);
05977         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
05978                 goto cleanup;
05979         result = dns_rdataset_first(&rdataset);
05980         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
05981                 goto cleanup;
05983         dns_rdataset_current(&rdataset, &rdata);
05984         result = dns_rdata_tostruct(&rdata, &soa, NULL);
05985         RUNTIME_CHECK(result == ISC_R_SUCCESS);
05986         ttl = ISC_MIN(rdataset.ttl, soa.minimum);
05988 cleanup:
05989         if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&rdataset))
05990                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(&rdataset);
05991         if (node != NULL)
05992                 dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
05993         return (ttl);
05994 }
05996 static isc_boolean_t
05997 dns64_aaaaok(ns_client_t *client, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset,
05998              dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset)
05999 {
06000         isc_netaddr_t netaddr;
06001         dns_dns64_t *dns64 = ISC_LIST_HEAD(client->view->dns64);
06002         unsigned int flags = 0;
06003         unsigned int i, count;
06004         isc_boolean_t *aaaaok;
06006         INSIST(client->query.dns64_aaaaok == NULL);
06007         INSIST(client->query.dns64_aaaaoklen == 0);
06008         INSIST(client->query.dns64_aaaa == NULL);
06009         INSIST(client->query.dns64_sigaaaa == NULL);
06011         if (dns64 == NULL)
06012                 return (ISC_TRUE);
06014         if (RECURSIONOK(client))
06015                 flags |= DNS_DNS64_RECURSIVE;
06017         if (sigrdataset != NULL && dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset))
06018                 flags |= DNS_DNS64_DNSSEC;
06020         count = dns_rdataset_count(rdataset);
06021         aaaaok = isc_mem_get(client->mctx, sizeof(isc_boolean_t) * count);
06023         isc_netaddr_fromsockaddr(&netaddr, &client->peeraddr);
06024         if (dns_dns64_aaaaok(dns64, &netaddr, client->signer,
06025                              &ns_g_server->aclenv, flags, rdataset,
06026                              aaaaok, count)) {
06027                 for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
06028                         if (aaaaok != NULL && !aaaaok[i]) {
06029                                 client->query.dns64_aaaaok = aaaaok;
06030                                 client->query.dns64_aaaaoklen = count;
06031                                 break;
06032                         }
06033                 }
06034                 if (i == count && aaaaok != NULL)
06035                         isc_mem_put(client->mctx, aaaaok,
06036                                     sizeof(isc_boolean_t) * count);
06037                 return (ISC_TRUE);
06038         }
06039         if (aaaaok != NULL)
06040                 isc_mem_put(client->mctx, aaaaok,
06041                             sizeof(isc_boolean_t) * count);
06042         return (ISC_FALSE);
06043 }
06045 /*
06046  * Look for the name and type in the redirection zone.  If found update
06047  * the arguments as appropriate.  Return ISC_TRUE if a update was
06048  * performed.
06049  *
06050  * Only perform the update if the client is in the allow query acl and
06051  * returning the update would not cause a DNSSEC validation failure.
06052  */
06053 static isc_result_t
06054 redirect(ns_client_t *client, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset,
06055          dns_dbnode_t **nodep, dns_db_t **dbp, dns_dbversion_t **versionp,
06056          dns_rdatatype_t qtype)
06057 {
06058         dns_db_t *db = NULL;
06059         dns_dbnode_t *node = NULL;
06060         dns_fixedname_t fixed;
06061         dns_name_t *found;
06062         dns_rdataset_t trdataset;
06063         isc_result_t result;
06064         dns_rdatatype_t type;
06065         dns_clientinfomethods_t cm;
06066         dns_clientinfo_t ci;
06067         ns_dbversion_t *dbversion;
06069         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "redirect");
06071         if (client->view->redirect == NULL)
06072                 return (ISC_R_NOTFOUND);
06074         dns_fixedname_init(&fixed);
06075         found = dns_fixedname_name(&fixed);
06076         dns_rdataset_init(&trdataset);
06078         dns_clientinfomethods_init(&cm, ns_client_sourceip);
06079         dns_clientinfo_init(&ci, client, NULL);
06081         if (WANTDNSSEC(client) && dns_db_iszone(*dbp) && dns_db_issecure(*dbp))
06082                 return (ISC_R_NOTFOUND);
06084         if (WANTDNSSEC(client) && dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset)) {
06085                 if (rdataset->trust == dns_trust_secure)
06086                         return (ISC_R_NOTFOUND);
06087                 if (rdataset->trust == dns_trust_ultimate &&
06088                     (rdataset->type == dns_rdatatype_nsec ||
06089                      rdataset->type == dns_rdatatype_nsec3))
06090                         return (ISC_R_NOTFOUND);
06091                 if ((rdataset->attributes & DNS_RDATASETATTR_NEGATIVE) != 0) {
06092                         for (result = dns_rdataset_first(rdataset);
06093                              result == ISC_R_SUCCESS;
06094                              result = dns_rdataset_next(rdataset)) {
06095                                 dns_ncache_current(rdataset, found, &trdataset);
06096                                 type = trdataset.type;
06097                                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(&trdataset);
06098                                 if (type == dns_rdatatype_nsec ||
06099                                     type == dns_rdatatype_nsec3 ||
06100                                     type == dns_rdatatype_rrsig)
06101                                         return (ISC_R_NOTFOUND);
06102                         }
06103                 }
06104         }
06106         result = ns_client_checkaclsilent(client, NULL,
06107                                  dns_zone_getqueryacl(client->view->redirect),
06108                                           ISC_TRUE);
06109         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
06110                 return (ISC_R_NOTFOUND);
06112         result = dns_zone_getdb(client->view->redirect, &db);
06113         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
06114                 return (ISC_R_NOTFOUND);
06116         dbversion = query_findversion(client, db);
06117         if (dbversion == NULL) {
06118                 dns_db_detach(&db);
06119                 return (ISC_R_NOTFOUND);
06120         }
06122         /*
06123          * Lookup the requested data in the redirect zone.
06124          */
06125         result = dns_db_findext(db, client->query.qname, dbversion->version,
06126                                 qtype, DNS_DBFIND_NOZONECUT, client->now,
06127                                 &node, found, &cm, &ci, &trdataset, NULL);
06128         if (result == DNS_R_NXRRSET || result == DNS_R_NCACHENXRRSET) {
06129                 if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset))
06130                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(rdataset);
06131                 if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&trdataset))
06132                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(&trdataset);
06133                 goto nxrrset;
06134         } else if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
06135                 if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&trdataset))
06136                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(&trdataset);
06137                 if (node != NULL)
06138                         dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
06139                 dns_db_detach(&db);
06140                 return (ISC_R_NOTFOUND);
06141         }
06143         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "redirect: found data: done");
06144         dns_name_copy(found, name, NULL);
06145         if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset))
06146                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(rdataset);
06147         if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&trdataset)) {
06148                 dns_rdataset_clone(&trdataset, rdataset);
06149                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(&trdataset);
06150         }
06151  nxrrset:
06152         if (*nodep != NULL)
06153                 dns_db_detachnode(*dbp, nodep);
06154         dns_db_detach(dbp);
06155         dns_db_attachnode(db, node, nodep);
06156         dns_db_attach(db, dbp);
06157         dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
06158         dns_db_detach(&db);
06159         *versionp = dbversion->version;
06161         client->query.attributes |= (NS_QUERYATTR_NOAUTHORITY |
06162                                      NS_QUERYATTR_NOADDITIONAL);
06164         return (result);
06165 }
06167 static isc_result_t
06168 redirect2(ns_client_t *client, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset,
06169           dns_dbnode_t **nodep, dns_db_t **dbp, dns_dbversion_t **versionp,
06170           dns_rdatatype_t qtype)
06171 {
06172         dns_db_t *db = NULL;
06173         dns_dbnode_t *node = NULL;
06174         dns_fixedname_t fixed;
06175         dns_fixedname_t fixedredirect;
06176         dns_name_t *found, *redirectname;
06177         dns_rdataset_t trdataset;
06178         isc_result_t result;
06179         dns_rdatatype_t type;
06180         dns_clientinfomethods_t cm;
06181         dns_clientinfo_t ci;
06182         dns_dbversion_t *version = NULL;
06183         dns_zone_t *zone = NULL;
06184         unsigned int options;
06185         isc_boolean_t is_zonep = ISC_FALSE;
06187         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "redirect2");
06189         if (client->view->redirectzone == NULL)
06190                 return (ISC_R_NOTFOUND);
06192         if (dns_name_issubdomain(name, client->view->redirectzone))
06193                 return (ISC_R_NOTFOUND);
06195         dns_fixedname_init(&fixed);
06196         found = dns_fixedname_name(&fixed);
06197         dns_rdataset_init(&trdataset);
06199         dns_clientinfomethods_init(&cm, ns_client_sourceip);
06200         dns_clientinfo_init(&ci, client, NULL);
06202         if (WANTDNSSEC(client) && dns_db_iszone(*dbp) && dns_db_issecure(*dbp))
06203                 return (ISC_R_NOTFOUND);
06205         if (WANTDNSSEC(client) && dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset)) {
06206                 if (rdataset->trust == dns_trust_secure)
06207                         return (ISC_R_NOTFOUND);
06208                 if (rdataset->trust == dns_trust_ultimate &&
06209                     (rdataset->type == dns_rdatatype_nsec ||
06210                      rdataset->type == dns_rdatatype_nsec3))
06211                         return (ISC_R_NOTFOUND);
06212                 if ((rdataset->attributes & DNS_RDATASETATTR_NEGATIVE) != 0) {
06213                         for (result = dns_rdataset_first(rdataset);
06214                              result == ISC_R_SUCCESS;
06215                              result = dns_rdataset_next(rdataset)) {
06216                                 dns_ncache_current(rdataset, found, &trdataset);
06217                                 type = trdataset.type;
06218                                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(&trdataset);
06219                                 if (type == dns_rdatatype_nsec ||
06220                                     type == dns_rdatatype_nsec3 ||
06221                                     type == dns_rdatatype_rrsig)
06222                                         return (ISC_R_NOTFOUND);
06223                         }
06224                 }
06225         }
06227         dns_fixedname_init(&fixedredirect);
06228         redirectname = dns_fixedname_name(&fixedredirect);
06229         if (dns_name_countlabels(name) > 1U) {
06230                 dns_name_t prefix;
06231                 unsigned int labels = dns_name_countlabels(name) - 1;
06233                 dns_name_init(&prefix, NULL);
06234                 dns_name_getlabelsequence(name, 0, labels, &prefix);
06235                 result = dns_name_concatenate(&prefix,
06236                                               client->view->redirectzone,
06237                                               redirectname, NULL);
06238                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
06239                         return (ISC_R_NOTFOUND);
06240         } else
06241                 dns_name_copy(redirectname, client->view->redirectzone, NULL);
06243         options = 0;
06244         result = query_getdb(client, redirectname, qtype, options, &zone,
06245                              &db, &version, &is_zonep);
06246         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
06247                 return (ISC_R_NOTFOUND);
06249         /*
06250          * Lookup the requested data in the redirect zone.
06251          */
06252         result = dns_db_findext(db, redirectname, version,
06253                                 qtype, 0, client->now,
06254                                 &node, found, &cm, &ci, &trdataset, NULL);
06255         if (result == DNS_R_NXRRSET || result == DNS_R_NCACHENXRRSET) {
06256                 if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset))
06257                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(rdataset);
06258                 if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&trdataset))
06259                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(&trdataset);
06260                 goto nxrrset;
06261         } else if (result == ISC_R_NOTFOUND || result == DNS_R_DELEGATION) {
06262                 /*
06263                  * Cleanup.
06264                  */
06265                 if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&trdataset))
06266                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(&trdataset);
06267                 if (node != NULL)
06268                         dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
06269                 dns_db_detach(&db);
06270                 /*
06271                  * Don't loop forever if the lookup failed last time.
06272                  */
06273                 if (!REDIRECT(client)) {
06274                         result = query_recurse(client, qtype, redirectname,
06275                                                NULL, NULL, ISC_TRUE);
06276                         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
06277                                 client->query.attributes |=
06278                                                 NS_QUERYATTR_RECURSING;
06279                                 client->query.attributes |=
06280                                                 NS_QUERYATTR_REDIRECT;
06281                                 return (DNS_R_CONTINUE);
06282                         }
06283                 }
06284                 return (ISC_R_NOTFOUND);
06285         } else if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
06286                 if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&trdataset))
06287                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(&trdataset);
06288                 if (node != NULL)
06289                         dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
06290                 dns_db_detach(&db);
06291                 return (ISC_R_NOTFOUND);
06292         }
06294         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "redirect2: found data: done");
06295         /*
06296          * Adjust the found name to not include the redirectzone suffix.
06297          */
06298         dns_name_split(found, dns_name_countlabels(client->view->redirectzone),
06299                        found, NULL);
06300         /*
06301          * Make the name absolute.
06302          */
06303         result = dns_name_concatenate(found, dns_rootname, found, NULL);
06304         RUNTIME_CHECK(result == ISC_R_SUCCESS);
06306         dns_name_copy(found, name, NULL);
06307         if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset))
06308                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(rdataset);
06309         if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&trdataset)) {
06310                 dns_rdataset_clone(&trdataset, rdataset);
06311                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(&trdataset);
06312         }
06313  nxrrset:
06314         if (*nodep != NULL)
06315                 dns_db_detachnode(*dbp, nodep);
06316         dns_db_detach(dbp);
06317         dns_db_attachnode(db, node, nodep);
06318         dns_db_attach(db, dbp);
06319         dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
06320         dns_db_detach(&db);
06321         *versionp = version;
06323         client->query.attributes |= (NS_QUERYATTR_NOAUTHORITY |
06324                                      NS_QUERYATTR_NOADDITIONAL);
06326         return (result);
06327 }
06329 /*
06330  * Do the bulk of query processing for the current query of 'client'.
06331  * If 'event' is non-NULL, we are returning from recursion and 'qtype'
06332  * is ignored.  Otherwise, 'qtype' is the query type.
06333  */
06334 static isc_result_t
06335 query_find(ns_client_t *client, dns_fetchevent_t *event, dns_rdatatype_t qtype)
06336 {
06337         dns_db_t *db, *zdb;
06338         dns_dbnode_t *node;
06339         dns_rdatatype_t type = qtype;
06340         dns_name_t *fname, *zfname, *tname, *prefix;
06341         dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, *trdataset;
06342         dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset, *zrdataset, *zsigrdataset;
06343         dns_rdataset_t **sigrdatasetp;
06344         dns_rdata_t rdata = DNS_RDATA_INIT;
06345         dns_rdatasetiter_t *rdsiter;
06346         isc_boolean_t want_restart, is_zone, need_wildcardproof;
06347         isc_boolean_t is_staticstub_zone;
06348         isc_boolean_t authoritative = ISC_FALSE;
06349         unsigned int n, nlabels;
06350         dns_namereln_t namereln;
06351         int order;
06352         isc_buffer_t *dbuf;
06353         isc_buffer_t b;
06354         isc_result_t result, eresult, tresult;
06355         dns_fixedname_t fixed;
06356         dns_fixedname_t wildcardname;
06357         dns_dbversion_t *version, *zversion;
06358         dns_zone_t *zone;
06359         dns_rdata_cname_t cname;
06360         dns_rdata_dname_t dname;
06361         unsigned int options;
06362         isc_boolean_t empty_wild;
06363         dns_rdataset_t *noqname;
06364         dns_rpz_st_t *rpz_st;
06365         isc_boolean_t resuming;
06366         int line = -1;
06367         isc_boolean_t dns64_exclude, dns64;
06368         isc_boolean_t nxrewrite = ISC_FALSE;
06369         isc_boolean_t redirected = ISC_FALSE;
06370         dns_clientinfomethods_t cm;
06371         dns_clientinfo_t ci;
06372         char errmsg[256];
06373         isc_boolean_t associated;
06374         dns_section_t section;
06375         dns_ttl_t ttl;
06376         isc_boolean_t failcache;
06377         isc_uint32_t flags;
06379         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_find");
06381         /*
06382          * One-time initialization.
06383          *
06384          * It's especially important to initialize anything that the cleanup
06385          * code might cleanup.
06386          */
06388         eresult = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
06389         fname = NULL;
06390         zfname = NULL;
06391         rdataset = NULL;
06392         zrdataset = NULL;
06393         sigrdataset = NULL;
06394         zsigrdataset = NULL;
06395         zversion = NULL;
06396         node = NULL;
06397         db = NULL;
06398         zdb = NULL;
06399         version = NULL;
06400         zone = NULL;
06401         need_wildcardproof = ISC_FALSE;
06402         empty_wild = ISC_FALSE;
06403         dns64_exclude = dns64 = ISC_FALSE;
06404         options = 0;
06405         resuming = ISC_FALSE;
06406         is_zone = ISC_FALSE;
06407         is_staticstub_zone = ISC_FALSE;
06409         dns_clientinfomethods_init(&cm, ns_client_sourceip);
06410         dns_clientinfo_init(&ci, client, NULL);
06412         if (event != NULL) {
06413                 /*
06414                  * We're returning from recursion.  Restore the query context
06415                  * and resume.
06416                  */
06417                 want_restart = ISC_FALSE;
06419                 rpz_st = client->query.rpz_st;
06420                 if (rpz_st != NULL &&
06421                     (rpz_st->state & DNS_RPZ_RECURSING) != 0) {
06422                         is_zone = rpz_st->q.is_zone;
06423                         authoritative = rpz_st->q.authoritative;
06424                         zone = rpz_st->q.zone;
06425                         rpz_st->q.zone = NULL;
06426                         node = rpz_st->q.node;
06427                         rpz_st->q.node = NULL;
06428                         db = rpz_st->q.db;
06429                         rpz_st->q.db = NULL;
06430                         rdataset = rpz_st->q.rdataset;
06431                         rpz_st->q.rdataset = NULL;
06432                         sigrdataset = rpz_st->q.sigrdataset;
06433                         rpz_st->q.sigrdataset = NULL;
06434                         qtype = rpz_st->q.qtype;
06436                         rpz_st->r.db = event->db;
06437                         if (event->node != NULL)
06438                                 dns_db_detachnode(event->db, &event->node);
06439                         rpz_st->r.r_type = event->qtype;
06440                         rpz_st->r.r_rdataset = event->rdataset;
06441                         query_putrdataset(client, &event->sigrdataset);
06442                 } else if (REDIRECT(client)) {
06444                         /*
06445                          * Restore saved state.
06446                          */
06447                         qtype = client->query.redirect.qtype;
06448                         rdataset = client->query.redirect.rdataset;
06449                         client->query.redirect.rdataset = NULL;
06450                         sigrdataset = client->query.redirect.sigrdataset;
06451                         client->query.redirect.sigrdataset = NULL;
06452                         db = client->query.redirect.db;
06453                         client->query.redirect.db = NULL;
06454                         node = client->query.redirect.node;
06455                         client->query.redirect.node = NULL;
06456                         zone = client->query.redirect.zone;
06457                         client->query.redirect.zone = NULL;
06458                         authoritative = client->query.redirect.authoritative;
06460                         /*
06461                          * Free resources used while recursing.
06462                          */
06463                         query_putrdataset(client, &event->rdataset);
06464                         query_putrdataset(client, &event->sigrdataset);
06465                         if (event->node != NULL)
06466                                 dns_db_detachnode(event->db, &event->node);
06467                         if (event->db != NULL)
06468                                 dns_db_detach(&event->db);
06469                 } else {
06470                         authoritative = ISC_FALSE;
06472                         qtype = event->qtype;
06473                         db = event->db;
06474                         node = event->node;
06475                         rdataset = event->rdataset;
06476                         sigrdataset = event->sigrdataset;
06477                 }
06479                 if (qtype == dns_rdatatype_rrsig || qtype == dns_rdatatype_sig)
06480                         type = dns_rdatatype_any;
06481                 else
06482                         type = qtype;
06484                 if (DNS64(client)) {
06485                         client->query.attributes &= ~NS_QUERYATTR_DNS64;
06486                         dns64 = ISC_TRUE;
06487                 }
06488                 if (DNS64EXCLUDE(client)) {
06489                         client->query.attributes &= ~NS_QUERYATTR_DNS64EXCLUDE;
06490                         dns64_exclude = ISC_TRUE;
06491                 }
06493                 /*
06494                  * We'll need some resources...
06495                  */
06496                 dbuf = query_getnamebuf(client);
06497                 if (dbuf == NULL) {
06498                         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR,
06499                                "query_find: query_getnamebuf failed (1)");
06500                         QUERY_ERROR(DNS_R_SERVFAIL);
06501                         goto cleanup;
06502                 }
06503                 fname = query_newname(client, dbuf, &b);
06504                 if (fname == NULL) {
06505                         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR,
06506                                "query_find: query_newname failed (1)");
06507                         QUERY_ERROR(DNS_R_SERVFAIL);
06508                         goto cleanup;
06509                 }
06510                 if (rpz_st != NULL &&
06511                     (rpz_st->state & DNS_RPZ_RECURSING) != 0) {
06512                         tname = rpz_st->fname;
06513                 } else if (REDIRECT(client)) {
06514                         tname = client->query.redirect.fname;
06515                 } else {
06516                         tname = dns_fixedname_name(&event->foundname);
06517                 }
06518                 result = dns_name_copy(tname, fname, NULL);
06519                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
06520                         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR,
06521                                "query_find: dns_name_copy failed");
06522                         QUERY_ERROR(DNS_R_SERVFAIL);
06523                         goto cleanup;
06524                 }
06525                 if (rpz_st != NULL &&
06526                     (rpz_st->state & DNS_RPZ_RECURSING) != 0) {
06527                         rpz_st->r.r_result = event->result;
06528                         result = rpz_st->q.result;
06529                         isc_event_free(ISC_EVENT_PTR(&event));
06530                 } else if (REDIRECT(client)) {
06531                         result = client->query.redirect.result;
06532                 } else {
06533                         result = event->result;
06534                 }
06535                 resuming = ISC_TRUE;
06536                 goto resume;
06537         }
06539         /*
06540          * Not returning from recursion.
06541          *
06542          * First, check for a recent match in the view's SERVFAIL cache.
06543          * If we find one, and it was from a query with CD=1, *or*
06544          * if the current query has CD=0, then we can just return
06545          * SERVFAIL now.
06546          */
06547         if (RECURSIONOK(client)) {
06548                 flags = 0;
06549                 failcache = dns_badcache_find(client->view->failcache,
06550                                               client->query.qname, qtype,
06551                                               &flags, &client->tnow);
06552                 if (failcache &&
06553                     (((flags & NS_FAILCACHE_CD) != 0) ||
06554                      ((client->message->flags & DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_CD) == 0)))
06555                 {
06556                         if (isc_log_wouldlog(ns_g_lctx, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(1))) {
06557                                 char namebuf[DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE];
06558                                 char typename[DNS_RDATATYPE_FORMATSIZE];
06560                                 dns_name_format(client->query.qname,
06561                                                 namebuf, sizeof(namebuf));
06562                                 dns_rdatatype_format(qtype, typename,
06563                                                      sizeof(typename));
06564                                 ns_client_log(client, NS_LOGCATEGORY_CLIENT,
06565                                               NS_LOGMODULE_QUERY,
06566                                               ISC_LOG_DEBUG(1),
06567                                               "servfail cache hit %s/%s (%s)",
06568                                               namebuf, typename,
06569                                               ((flags & NS_FAILCACHE_CD) != 0)
06570                                                ? "CD=1"
06571                                                : "CD=0");
06572                         }
06573                         client->attributes |= NS_CLIENTATTR_NOSETFC;
06574                         QUERY_ERROR(DNS_R_SERVFAIL);
06575                         goto cleanup;
06576                 }
06577         }
06579         /*
06580          * If it's a SIG query, we'll iterate the node.
06581          */
06582         if (qtype == dns_rdatatype_rrsig || qtype == dns_rdatatype_sig)
06583                 type = dns_rdatatype_any;
06584         else
06585                 type = qtype;
06587  restart:
06588         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_find: restart");
06589         want_restart = ISC_FALSE;
06590         authoritative = ISC_FALSE;
06591         version = NULL;
06592         need_wildcardproof = ISC_FALSE;
06594         if (client->view->checknames &&
06595             !dns_rdata_checkowner(client->query.qname,
06596                                   client->message->rdclass,
06597                                   qtype, ISC_FALSE)) {
06598                 char namebuf[DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE];
06599                 char typename[DNS_RDATATYPE_FORMATSIZE];
06600                 char classname[DNS_RDATACLASS_FORMATSIZE];
06602                 dns_name_format(client->query.qname, namebuf, sizeof(namebuf));
06603                 dns_rdatatype_format(qtype, typename, sizeof(typename));
06604                 dns_rdataclass_format(client->message->rdclass, classname,
06605                                       sizeof(classname));
06606                 ns_client_log(client, DNS_LOGCATEGORY_SECURITY,
06607                               NS_LOGMODULE_QUERY, ISC_LOG_ERROR,
06608                               "check-names failure %s/%s/%s", namebuf,
06609                               typename, classname);
06610                 QUERY_ERROR(DNS_R_REFUSED);
06611                 goto cleanup;
06612         }
06614         /*
06615          * First we must find the right database.
06616          */
06617         options &= DNS_GETDB_NOLOG; /* Preserve DNS_GETDB_NOLOG. */
06618         if (dns_rdatatype_atparent(qtype) &&
06619             !dns_name_equal(client->query.qname, dns_rootname))
06620                 options |= DNS_GETDB_NOEXACT;
06621         result = query_getdb(client, client->query.qname, qtype, options,
06622                              &zone, &db, &version, &is_zone);
06623         if ((result != ISC_R_SUCCESS || !is_zone) && !RECURSIONOK(client) &&
06624             (options & DNS_GETDB_NOEXACT) != 0 && qtype == dns_rdatatype_ds) {
06625                 /*
06626                  * Look to see if we are authoritative for the
06627                  * child zone if the query type is DS.
06628                  */
06629                 dns_db_t *tdb = NULL;
06630                 dns_zone_t *tzone = NULL;
06631                 dns_dbversion_t *tversion = NULL;
06633                 tresult = query_getzonedb(client, client->query.qname, qtype,
06634                                          DNS_GETDB_PARTIAL, &tzone, &tdb,
06635                                          &tversion);
06636                 if (tresult == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
06637                         options &= ~DNS_GETDB_NOEXACT;
06638                         query_putrdataset(client, &rdataset);
06639                         if (db != NULL)
06640                                 dns_db_detach(&db);
06641                         if (zone != NULL)
06642                                 dns_zone_detach(&zone);
06643                         version = tversion;
06644                         db = tdb;
06645                         zone = tzone;
06646                         is_zone = ISC_TRUE;
06647                         result = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
06648                 } else {
06649                         if (tdb != NULL)
06650                                 dns_db_detach(&tdb);
06651                         if (tzone != NULL)
06652                                 dns_zone_detach(&tzone);
06653                 }
06654         }
06655         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
06656                 if (result == DNS_R_REFUSED) {
06657                         if (WANTRECURSION(client)) {
06658                                 inc_stats(client,
06659                                           dns_nsstatscounter_recurserej);
06660                         } else
06661                                 inc_stats(client, dns_nsstatscounter_authrej);
06662                         if (!PARTIALANSWER(client))
06663                                 QUERY_ERROR(DNS_R_REFUSED);
06664                 } else {
06665                         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR,
06666                                "query_find: query_getdb failed");
06667                         QUERY_ERROR(DNS_R_SERVFAIL);
06668                 }
06669                 goto cleanup;
06670         }
06672         is_staticstub_zone = ISC_FALSE;
06673         if (is_zone) {
06674                 authoritative = ISC_TRUE;
06675                 if (zone != NULL &&
06676                     dns_zone_gettype(zone) == dns_zone_staticstub)
06677                         is_staticstub_zone = ISC_TRUE;
06678         }
06680         if (event == NULL && client->query.restarts == 0) {
06681                 if (is_zone) {
06682                         if (zone != NULL) {
06683                                 /*
06684                                  * if is_zone = true, zone = NULL then this is
06685                                  * a DLZ zone.  Don't attempt to attach zone.
06686                                  */
06687                                 dns_zone_attach(zone, &client->query.authzone);
06688                         }
06689                         dns_db_attach(db, &client->query.authdb);
06690                 }
06691                 client->query.authdbset = ISC_TRUE;
06693                 /* Track TCP vs UDP stats per zone */
06694                 if ((client->attributes & NS_CLIENTATTR_TCP) != 0)
06695                         inc_stats(client, dns_nsstatscounter_tcp);
06696                 else
06697                         inc_stats(client, dns_nsstatscounter_udp);
06698         }
06700  db_find:
06701         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_find: db_find");
06702         /*
06703          * We'll need some resources...
06704          */
06705         dbuf = query_getnamebuf(client);
06706         if (dbuf == NULL) {
06707                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR,
06708                        "query_find: query_getnamebuf failed (2)");
06709                 QUERY_ERROR(DNS_R_SERVFAIL);
06710                 goto cleanup;
06711         }
06712         fname = query_newname(client, dbuf, &b);
06713         rdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
06714         if (fname == NULL || rdataset == NULL) {
06715                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR,
06716                        "query_find: query_newname failed (2)");
06717                 QUERY_ERROR(DNS_R_SERVFAIL);
06718                 goto cleanup;
06719         }
06720         if (WANTDNSSEC(client) && (!is_zone || dns_db_issecure(db))) {
06721                 sigrdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
06722                 if (sigrdataset == NULL) {
06723                         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR,
06724                                "query_find: query_newrdataset failed (2)");
06725                         QUERY_ERROR(DNS_R_SERVFAIL);
06726                         goto cleanup;
06727                 }
06728         }
06730         /*
06731          * Now look for an answer in the database.
06732          */
06733         result = dns_db_findext(db, client->query.qname, version, type,
06734                                 client->query.dboptions, client->now,
06735                                 &node, fname, &cm, &ci, rdataset, sigrdataset);
06737         if (db == client->view->cachedb)
06738                 dns_cache_updatestats(client->view->cache, result);
06740  resume:
06741         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_find: resume");
06743         /*
06744          * Rate limit these responses to this client.
06745          * Do not delay counting and handling obvious referrals,
06746          *      since those won't come here again.
06747          * Delay handling delegations for which we are certain to recurse and
06748          *      return here (DNS_R_DELEGATION, not a child of one of our
06749          *      own zones, and recursion enabled)
06750          * Don't mess with responses rewritten by RPZ
06751          * Count each response at most once.
06752          */
06753         if (client->view->rrl != NULL && !HAVESIT(client) &&
06754             ((fname != NULL && dns_name_isabsolute(fname)) ||
06755              (result == ISC_R_NOTFOUND && !RECURSIONOK(client))) &&
06756             !(result == DNS_R_DELEGATION && !is_zone && RECURSIONOK(client)) &&
06757             (client->query.rpz_st == NULL ||
06758              (client->query.rpz_st->state & DNS_RPZ_REWRITTEN) == 0)&&
06759             (client->query.attributes & NS_QUERYATTR_RRL_CHECKED) == 0) {
06760                 dns_rdataset_t nc_rdataset;
06761                 isc_boolean_t wouldlog;
06762                 char log_buf[DNS_RRL_LOG_BUF_LEN];
06763                 isc_result_t nc_result, resp_result;
06764                 dns_rrl_result_t rrl_result;
06766                 client->query.attributes |= NS_QUERYATTR_RRL_CHECKED;
06768                 wouldlog = isc_log_wouldlog(ns_g_lctx, DNS_RRL_LOG_DROP);
06769                 tname = fname;
06770                 if (result == DNS_R_NXDOMAIN) {
06771                         /*
06772                          * Use the database origin name to rate limit NXDOMAIN
06773                          */
06774                         if (db != NULL)
06775                                 tname = dns_db_origin(db);
06776                         resp_result = result;
06777                 } else if (result == DNS_R_NCACHENXDOMAIN &&
06778                            rdataset != NULL &&
06779                            dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset) &&
06780                            (rdataset->attributes &
06781                             DNS_RDATASETATTR_NEGATIVE) != 0) {
06782                         /*
06783                          * Try to use owner name in the negative cache SOA.
06784                          */
06785                         dns_fixedname_init(&fixed);
06786                         dns_rdataset_init(&nc_rdataset);
06787                         for (nc_result = dns_rdataset_first(rdataset);
06788                              nc_result == ISC_R_SUCCESS;
06789                              nc_result = dns_rdataset_next(rdataset)) {
06790                                 dns_ncache_current(rdataset,
06791                                                    dns_fixedname_name(&fixed),
06792                                                    &nc_rdataset);
06793                                 if (nc_rdataset.type == dns_rdatatype_soa) {
06794                                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(&nc_rdataset);
06795                                         tname = dns_fixedname_name(&fixed);
06796                                         break;
06797                                 }
06798                                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(&nc_rdataset);
06799                         }
06800                         resp_result = DNS_R_NXDOMAIN;
06801                 } else if (result == DNS_R_NXRRSET ||
06802                            result == DNS_R_EMPTYNAME) {
06803                         resp_result = DNS_R_NXRRSET;
06804                 } else if (result == DNS_R_DELEGATION) {
06805                         resp_result = result;
06806                 } else if (result == ISC_R_NOTFOUND) {
06807                         /*
06808                          * Handle referral to ".", including when recursion
06809                          * is off or not requested and the hints have not
06810                          * been loaded or we have "additional-from-cache no".
06811                          */
06812                         tname = dns_rootname;
06813                         resp_result = DNS_R_DELEGATION;
06814                 } else {
06815                         resp_result = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
06816                 }
06817                 rrl_result = dns_rrl(client->view, &client->peeraddr,
06818                                      ISC_TF((client->attributes
06819                                              & NS_CLIENTATTR_TCP) != 0),
06820                                      client->message->rdclass, qtype, tname,
06821                                      resp_result, client->now,
06822                                      wouldlog, log_buf, sizeof(log_buf));
06823                 if (rrl_result != DNS_RRL_RESULT_OK) {
06824                         /*
06825                          * Log dropped or slipped responses in the query
06826                          * category so that requests are not silently lost.
06827                          * Starts of rate-limited bursts are logged in
06828                          * DNS_LOGCATEGORY_RRL.
06829                          *
06830                          * Dropped responses are counted with dropped queries
06831                          * in QryDropped while slipped responses are counted
06832                          * with other truncated responses in RespTruncated.
06833                          */
06834                         if (wouldlog) {
06835                                 ns_client_log(client, DNS_LOGCATEGORY_RRL,
06836                                               NS_LOGMODULE_QUERY,
06837                                               DNS_RRL_LOG_DROP,
06838                                               "%s", log_buf);
06839                         }
06840                         if (!client->view->rrl->log_only) {
06841                                 if (rrl_result == DNS_RRL_RESULT_DROP) {
06842                                         /*
06843                                          * These will also be counted in
06844                                          * dns_nsstatscounter_dropped
06845                                          */
06846                                         inc_stats(client,
06847                                                 dns_nsstatscounter_ratedropped);
06848                                         QUERY_ERROR(DNS_R_DROP);
06849                                 } else {
06850                                         /*
06851                                          * These will also be counted in
06852                                          * dns_nsstatscounter_truncatedresp
06853                                          */
06854                                         inc_stats(client,
06855                                                 dns_nsstatscounter_rateslipped);
06856                                         client->message->flags |=
06857                                                 DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_TC;
06858                                         if (resp_result == DNS_R_NXDOMAIN)
06859                                                 client->message->rcode =
06860                                                         dns_rcode_nxdomain;
06861                                 }
06862                                 goto cleanup;
06863                         }
06864                 }
06865         }
06867         if (client->view->rpzs != NULL &&
06868             client->view->rpzs->p.num_zones != 0 &&
06869             (RECURSIONOK(client) || client->view->rpzs->p.no_rd_ok != 0) &&
06870             rpz_ck_dnssec(client, result, rdataset, sigrdataset) &&
06871             !RECURSING(client) &&
06872             (client->query.rpz_st == NULL ||
06873              (client->query.rpz_st->state & DNS_RPZ_REWRITTEN) == 0) &&
06874             !dns_name_equal(client->query.qname, dns_rootname))
06875         {
06876                 isc_result_t rresult;
06878                 rresult = rpz_rewrite(client, qtype, result, resuming);
06879                 rpz_st = client->query.rpz_st;
06880                 switch (rresult) {
06881                 case ISC_R_SUCCESS:
06882                         break;
06883                 case DNS_R_DELEGATION:
06884                         /*
06885                          * recursing for NS names or addresses,
06886                          * so save the main query state
06887                          */
06888                         rpz_st->q.qtype = qtype;
06889                         rpz_st->q.is_zone = is_zone;
06890                         rpz_st->q.authoritative = authoritative;
06891                         rpz_st->q.zone = zone;
06892                         zone = NULL;
06893                         rpz_st->q.db = db;
06894                         db = NULL;
06895                         rpz_st->q.node = node;
06896                         node = NULL;
06897                         rpz_st->q.rdataset = rdataset;
06898                         rdataset = NULL;
06899                         rpz_st->q.sigrdataset = sigrdataset;
06900                         sigrdataset = NULL;
06901                         dns_name_copy(fname, rpz_st->fname, NULL);
06902                         rpz_st->q.result = result;
06903                         client->query.attributes |= NS_QUERYATTR_RECURSING;
06904                         goto cleanup;
06905                 default:
06906                         RECURSE_ERROR(rresult);
06907                         goto cleanup;
06908                 }
06909                 if (rpz_st->m.policy != DNS_RPZ_POLICY_MISS)
06910                         rpz_st->state |= DNS_RPZ_REWRITTEN;
06911                 if (rpz_st->m.policy != DNS_RPZ_POLICY_MISS &&
06912                     rpz_st->m.policy != DNS_RPZ_POLICY_PASSTHRU &&
06913                     (rpz_st->m.policy != DNS_RPZ_POLICY_TCP_ONLY ||
06914                      (client->attributes & NS_CLIENTATTR_TCP) == 0) &&
06915                     rpz_st->m.policy != DNS_RPZ_POLICY_ERROR) {
06916                         /* We got a hit and are going to answer with our
06917                          * fiction. Ensure that we answer with the name
06918                          * we looked up even if we were stopped short
06919                          * in recursion or for a deferral.
06920                          */
06921                         rresult = dns_name_copy(client->query.qname,
06922                                                 fname, NULL);
06923                         RUNTIME_CHECK(rresult == ISC_R_SUCCESS);
06924                         rpz_clean(&zone, &db, &node, NULL);
06925                         if (rpz_st->m.rdataset != NULL) {
06926                                 query_putrdataset(client, &rdataset);
06927                                 rdataset = rpz_st->m.rdataset;
06928                                 rpz_st->m.rdataset = NULL;
06929                         } else if (rdataset != NULL &&
06930                                    dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset)) {
06931                                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(rdataset);
06932                         }
06933                         node = rpz_st->m.node;
06934                         rpz_st->m.node = NULL;
06935                         db = rpz_st->m.db;
06936                         rpz_st->m.db = NULL;
06937                         version = rpz_st->m.version;
06938                         rpz_st->m.version = NULL;
06939                         zone = rpz_st->m.zone;
06940                         rpz_st->m.zone = NULL;
06942                         switch (rpz_st->m.policy) {
06943                         case DNS_RPZ_POLICY_TCP_ONLY:
06944                                 client->message->flags |= DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_TC;
06945                                 if (result == DNS_R_NXDOMAIN ||
06946                                     result == DNS_R_NCACHENXDOMAIN)
06947                                         client->message->rcode =
06948                                                     dns_rcode_nxdomain;
06949                                 rpz_log_rewrite(client, ISC_FALSE,
06950                                                 rpz_st->m.policy,
06951                                                 rpz_st->m.type, zone,
06952                                                 rpz_st->p_name, NULL);
06953                                 goto cleanup;
06954                         case DNS_RPZ_POLICY_DROP:
06955                                 QUERY_ERROR(DNS_R_DROP);
06956                                 rpz_log_rewrite(client, ISC_FALSE,
06957                                                 rpz_st->m.policy,
06958                                                 rpz_st->m.type, zone,
06959                                                 rpz_st->p_name, NULL);
06960                                 goto cleanup;
06961                         case DNS_RPZ_POLICY_NXDOMAIN:
06962                                 result = DNS_R_NXDOMAIN;
06963                                 nxrewrite = ISC_TRUE;
06964                                 break;
06965                         case DNS_RPZ_POLICY_NODATA:
06966                                 result = DNS_R_NXRRSET;
06967                                 nxrewrite = ISC_TRUE;
06968                                 break;
06969                         case DNS_RPZ_POLICY_RECORD:
06970                                 result = rpz_st->m.result;
06971                                 if (qtype == dns_rdatatype_any &&
06972                                     result != DNS_R_CNAME) {
06973                                         /*
06974                                          * We will add all of the rdatasets of
06975                                          * the node by iterating later,
06976                                          * and set the TTL then.
06977                                          */
06978                                         if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset))
06979                                             dns_rdataset_disassociate(rdataset);
06980                                 } else {
06981                                         /*
06982                                          * We will add this rdataset.
06983                                          */
06984                                         rdataset->ttl = ISC_MIN(rdataset->ttl,
06985                                                             rpz_st->m.ttl);
06986                                 }
06987                                 break;
06988                         case DNS_RPZ_POLICY_WILDCNAME:
06989                                 result = dns_rdataset_first(rdataset);
06990                                 RUNTIME_CHECK(result == ISC_R_SUCCESS);
06991                                 dns_rdataset_current(rdataset, &rdata);
06992                                 result = dns_rdata_tostruct(&rdata, &cname,
06993                                                             NULL);
06994                                 RUNTIME_CHECK(result == ISC_R_SUCCESS);
06995                                 dns_rdata_reset(&rdata);
06996                                 result = rpz_add_cname(client, rpz_st,
06997                                                        &cname.cname,
06998                                                        fname, dbuf);
06999                                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
07000                                         goto cleanup;
07001                                 fname = NULL;
07002                                 want_restart = ISC_TRUE;
07003                                 goto cleanup;
07004                         case DNS_RPZ_POLICY_CNAME:
07005                                 /*
07006                                  * Add overridding CNAME from a named.conf
07007                                  * response-policy statement
07008                                  */
07009                                 result = rpz_add_cname(client, rpz_st,
07010                                                        &rpz_st->m.rpz->cname,
07011                                                        fname, dbuf);
07012                                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
07013                                         goto cleanup;
07014                                 fname = NULL;
07015                                 want_restart = ISC_TRUE;
07016                                 goto cleanup;
07017                         default:
07018                                 INSIST(0);
07019                         }
07021                         /*
07022                          * Turn off DNSSEC because the results of a
07023                          * response policy zone cannot verify.
07024                          */
07025                         client->attributes &= ~(NS_CLIENTATTR_WANTDNSSEC |
07026                                                 NS_CLIENTATTR_WANTAD);
07027                         client->message->flags &= ~DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_AD;
07028                         query_putrdataset(client, &sigrdataset);
07029                         rpz_st->q.is_zone = is_zone;
07030                         is_zone = ISC_TRUE;
07031                         rpz_log_rewrite(client, ISC_FALSE, rpz_st->m.policy,
07032                                         rpz_st->m.type, zone, rpz_st->p_name,
07033                                         NULL);
07034                 }
07035         }
07037         switch (result) {
07038         case ISC_R_SUCCESS:
07039                 /*
07040                  * This case is handled in the main line below.
07041                  */
07042                 break;
07043         case DNS_R_GLUE:
07044         case DNS_R_ZONECUT:
07045                 /*
07046                  * These cases are handled in the main line below.
07047                  */
07048                 INSIST(is_zone);
07049                 authoritative = ISC_FALSE;
07050                 break;
07051         case ISC_R_NOTFOUND:
07052                 /*
07053                  * The cache doesn't even have the root NS.  Get them from
07054                  * the hints DB.
07055                  */
07056                 INSIST(!is_zone);
07057                 if (db != NULL)
07058                         dns_db_detach(&db);
07060                 if (client->view->hints == NULL) {
07061                         /* We have no hints. */
07062                         result = ISC_R_FAILURE;
07063                 } else {
07064                         dns_db_attach(client->view->hints, &db);
07065                         result = dns_db_findext(db, dns_rootname,
07066                                                 NULL, dns_rdatatype_ns,
07067                                                 0, client->now, &node,
07068                                                 fname, &cm, &ci,
07069                                                 rdataset, sigrdataset);
07070                 }
07071                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
07072                         /*
07073                          * Nonsensical root hints may require cleanup.
07074                          */
07075                         if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset))
07076                                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(rdataset);
07077                         if (sigrdataset != NULL &&
07078                             dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset))
07079                                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(sigrdataset);
07080                         if (node != NULL)
07081                                 dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
07083                         /*
07084                          * We don't have any root server hints, but
07085                          * we may have working forwarders, so try to
07086                          * recurse anyway.
07087                          */
07088                         if (RECURSIONOK(client)) {
07089                                 result = query_recurse(client, qtype,
07090                                                        client->query.qname,
07091                                                        NULL, NULL, resuming);
07092                                 if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
07093                                         client->query.attributes |=
07094                                                 NS_QUERYATTR_RECURSING;
07095                                         if (dns64)
07096                                                 client->query.attributes |=
07097                                                         NS_QUERYATTR_DNS64;
07098                                         if (dns64_exclude)
07099                                                 client->query.attributes |=
07100                                                       NS_QUERYATTR_DNS64EXCLUDE;
07101                                 } else
07102                                         RECURSE_ERROR(result);
07103                                 goto cleanup;
07104                         } else {
07105                                 /* Unable to give root server referral. */
07106                                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR,
07107                                        "unable to give root server referral");
07108                                 QUERY_ERROR(DNS_R_SERVFAIL);
07109                                 goto cleanup;
07110                         }
07111                 }
07112                 /*
07113                  * XXXRTH  We should trigger root server priming here.
07114                  */
07115                 /* FALLTHROUGH */
07116         case DNS_R_DELEGATION:
07117                 authoritative = ISC_FALSE;
07118                 if (is_zone) {
07119                         /*
07120                          * Look to see if we are authoritative for the
07121                          * child zone if the query type is DS.
07122                          */
07123                         if (!RECURSIONOK(client) &&
07124                             (options & DNS_GETDB_NOEXACT) != 0 &&
07125                             qtype == dns_rdatatype_ds) {
07126                                 dns_db_t *tdb = NULL;
07127                                 dns_zone_t *tzone = NULL;
07128                                 dns_dbversion_t *tversion = NULL;
07129                                 result = query_getzonedb(client,
07130                                                          client->query.qname,
07131                                                          qtype,
07132                                                          DNS_GETDB_PARTIAL,
07133                                                          &tzone, &tdb,
07134                                                          &tversion);
07135                                 if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
07136                                         options &= ~DNS_GETDB_NOEXACT;
07137                                         query_putrdataset(client, &rdataset);
07138                                         if (sigrdataset != NULL)
07139                                                 query_putrdataset(client,
07140                                                                   &sigrdataset);
07141                                         if (fname != NULL)
07142                                                 query_releasename(client,
07143                                                                   &fname);
07144                                         if (node != NULL)
07145                                                 dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
07146                                         if (db != NULL)
07147                                                 dns_db_detach(&db);
07148                                         if (zone != NULL)
07149                                                 dns_zone_detach(&zone);
07150                                         version = tversion;
07151                                         db = tdb;
07152                                         zone = tzone;
07153                                         authoritative = ISC_TRUE;
07154                                         goto db_find;
07155                                 }
07156                                 if (tdb != NULL)
07157                                         dns_db_detach(&tdb);
07158                                 if (tzone != NULL)
07159                                         dns_zone_detach(&tzone);
07160                         }
07161                         /*
07162                          * We're authoritative for an ancestor of QNAME.
07163                          */
07164                         if (!USECACHE(client) || !RECURSIONOK(client)) {
07165                                 dns_fixedname_init(&fixed);
07166                                 dns_name_copy(fname,
07167                                               dns_fixedname_name(&fixed), NULL);
07169                                 /*
07170                                  * If we don't have a cache, this is the best
07171                                  * answer.
07172                                  *
07173                                  * If the client is making a nonrecursive
07174                                  * query we always give out the authoritative
07175                                  * delegation.  This way even if we get
07176                                  * junk in our cache, we won't fail in our
07177                                  * role as the delegating authority if another
07178                                  * nameserver asks us about a delegated
07179                                  * subzone.
07180                                  *
07181                                  * We enable the retrieval of glue for this
07182                                  * database by setting client->query.gluedb.
07183                                  */
07184                                 client->query.gluedb = db;
07185                                 client->query.isreferral = ISC_TRUE;
07186                                 /*
07187                                  * We must ensure NOADDITIONAL is off,
07188                                  * because the generation of
07189                                  * additional data is required in
07190                                  * delegations.
07191                                  */
07192                                 client->query.attributes &=
07193                                         ~NS_QUERYATTR_NOADDITIONAL;
07194                                 if (sigrdataset != NULL)
07195                                         sigrdatasetp = &sigrdataset;
07196                                 else
07197                                         sigrdatasetp = NULL;
07198                                 query_addrrset(client, &fname,
07199                                                &rdataset, sigrdatasetp,
07200                                                dbuf, DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY);
07201                                 client->query.gluedb = NULL;
07202                                 if (WANTDNSSEC(client))
07203                                         query_addds(client, db, node, version,
07204                                                    dns_fixedname_name(&fixed));
07205                         } else {
07206                                 /*
07207                                  * We might have a better answer or delegation
07208                                  * in the cache.  We'll remember the current
07209                                  * values of fname, rdataset, and sigrdataset.
07210                                  * We'll then go looking for QNAME in the
07211                                  * cache.  If we find something better, we'll
07212                                  * use it instead.
07213                                  */
07214                                 query_keepname(client, fname, dbuf);
07215                                 zdb = db;
07216                                 zfname = fname;
07217                                 fname = NULL;
07218                                 zrdataset = rdataset;
07219                                 rdataset = NULL;
07220                                 zsigrdataset = sigrdataset;
07221                                 sigrdataset = NULL;
07222                                 dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
07223                                 zversion = version;
07224                                 version = NULL;
07225                                 db = NULL;
07226                                 dns_db_attach(client->view->cachedb, &db);
07227                                 is_zone = ISC_FALSE;
07228                                 goto db_find;
07229                         }
07230                 } else {
07231                         if (zfname != NULL &&
07232                             (!dns_name_issubdomain(fname, zfname) ||
07233                              (is_staticstub_zone &&
07234                               dns_name_equal(fname, zfname)))) {
07235                                 /*
07236                                  * In the following cases use "authoritative"
07237                                  * data instead of the cache delegation:
07238                                  * 1. We've already got a delegation from
07239                                  *    authoritative data, and it is better
07240                                  *    than what we found in the cache.
07241                                  * 2. The query name matches the origin name
07242                                  *    of a static-stub zone.  This needs to be
07243                                  *    considered for the case where the NS of
07244                                  *    the static-stub zone and the cached NS
07245                                  *    are different.  We still need to contact
07246                                  *    the nameservers configured in the
07247                                  *    static-stub zone.
07248                                  */
07249                                 query_releasename(client, &fname);
07250                                 fname = zfname;
07251                                 zfname = NULL;
07252                                 /*
07253                                  * We've already done query_keepname() on
07254                                  * zfname, so we must set dbuf to NULL to
07255                                  * prevent query_addrrset() from trying to
07256                                  * call query_keepname() again.
07257                                  */
07258                                 dbuf = NULL;
07259                                 query_putrdataset(client, &rdataset);
07260                                 if (sigrdataset != NULL)
07261                                         query_putrdataset(client,
07262                                                           &sigrdataset);
07263                                 rdataset = zrdataset;
07264                                 zrdataset = NULL;
07265                                 sigrdataset = zsigrdataset;
07266                                 zsigrdataset = NULL;
07267                                 version = zversion;
07268                                 zversion = NULL;
07269                                 /*
07270                                  * We don't clean up zdb here because we
07271                                  * may still need it.  It will get cleaned
07272                                  * up by the main cleanup code.
07273                                  */
07274                         }
07276                         if (RECURSIONOK(client)) {
07277                                 /*
07278                                  * Recurse!
07279                                  */
07280                                 if (dns_rdatatype_atparent(type))
07281                                         result = query_recurse(client, qtype,
07282                                                          client->query.qname,
07283                                                          NULL, NULL, resuming);
07284                                 else if (dns64)
07285                                         result = query_recurse(client,
07286                                                          dns_rdatatype_a,
07287                                                          client->query.qname,
07288                                                          NULL, NULL, resuming);
07289                                 else
07290                                         result = query_recurse(client, qtype,
07291                                                          client->query.qname,
07292                                                          fname, rdataset,
07293                                                          resuming);
07295                                 if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
07296                                         client->query.attributes |=
07297                                                 NS_QUERYATTR_RECURSING;
07298                                         if (dns64)
07299                                                 client->query.attributes |=
07300                                                         NS_QUERYATTR_DNS64;
07301                                         if (dns64_exclude)
07302                                                 client->query.attributes |=
07303                                                       NS_QUERYATTR_DNS64EXCLUDE;
07304                                 } else if (result == DNS_R_DUPLICATE ||
07305                                          result == DNS_R_DROP)
07306                                         QUERY_ERROR(result);
07307                                 else
07308                                         RECURSE_ERROR(result);
07309                         } else {
07310                                 dns_fixedname_init(&fixed);
07311                                 dns_name_copy(fname,
07312                                               dns_fixedname_name(&fixed), NULL);
07313                                 /*
07314                                  * This is the best answer.
07315                                  */
07316                                 client->query.attributes |=
07317                                         NS_QUERYATTR_CACHEGLUEOK;
07318                                 client->query.gluedb = zdb;
07319                                 client->query.isreferral = ISC_TRUE;
07320                                 /*
07321                                  * We must ensure NOADDITIONAL is off,
07322                                  * because the generation of
07323                                  * additional data is required in
07324                                  * delegations.
07325                                  */
07326                                 client->query.attributes &=
07327                                         ~NS_QUERYATTR_NOADDITIONAL;
07328                                 if (sigrdataset != NULL)
07329                                         sigrdatasetp = &sigrdataset;
07330                                 else
07331                                         sigrdatasetp = NULL;
07332                                 query_addrrset(client, &fname,
07333                                                &rdataset, sigrdatasetp,
07334                                                dbuf, DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY);
07335                                 client->query.gluedb = NULL;
07336                                 client->query.attributes &=
07337                                         ~NS_QUERYATTR_CACHEGLUEOK;
07338                                 if (WANTDNSSEC(client))
07339                                         query_addds(client, db, node, version,
07340                                                    dns_fixedname_name(&fixed));
07341                         }
07342                 }
07343                 goto cleanup;
07345         case DNS_R_EMPTYNAME:
07346         case DNS_R_NXRRSET:
07347         iszone_nxrrset:
07348                 INSIST(is_zone);
07350 #ifdef dns64_bis_return_excluded_addresses
07351                 if (dns64)
07352 #else
07353                 if (dns64 && !dns64_exclude)
07354 #endif
07355                 {
07356                         /*
07357                          * Restore the answers from the previous AAAA lookup.
07358                          */
07359                         if (rdataset != NULL)
07360                                 query_putrdataset(client, &rdataset);
07361                         if (sigrdataset != NULL)
07362                                 query_putrdataset(client, &sigrdataset);
07363                         rdataset = client->query.dns64_aaaa;
07364                         sigrdataset = client->query.dns64_sigaaaa;
07365                         client->query.dns64_aaaa = NULL;
07366                         client->query.dns64_sigaaaa = NULL;
07367                         if (fname == NULL) {
07368                                 dbuf = query_getnamebuf(client);
07369                                 if (dbuf == NULL) {
07370                                         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR,
07371                                                "query_find: "
07372                                                "query_getnamebuf failed (3)");
07373                                         QUERY_ERROR(DNS_R_SERVFAIL);
07374                                         goto cleanup;
07375                                 }
07376                                 fname = query_newname(client, dbuf, &b);
07377                                 if (fname == NULL) {
07378                                         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR,
07379                                                "query_find: "
07380                                                "query_newname failed (3)");
07381                                         QUERY_ERROR(DNS_R_SERVFAIL);
07382                                         goto cleanup;
07383                                 }
07384                         }
07385                         dns_name_copy(client->query.qname, fname, NULL);
07386                         dns64 = ISC_FALSE;
07387 #ifdef dns64_bis_return_excluded_addresses
07388                         /*
07389                          * Resume the diverted processing of the AAAA response?
07390                          */
07391                         if (dns64_excluded)
07392                                 break;
07393 #endif
07394                 } else if (result == DNS_R_NXRRSET &&
07395                            !ISC_LIST_EMPTY(client->view->dns64) &&
07396                            client->message->rdclass == dns_rdataclass_in &&
07397                            qtype == dns_rdatatype_aaaa)
07398                 {
07399                         /*
07400                          * Look to see if there are A records for this
07401                          * name.
07402                          */
07403                         INSIST(client->query.dns64_aaaa == NULL);
07404                         INSIST(client->query.dns64_sigaaaa == NULL);
07405                         client->query.dns64_aaaa = rdataset;
07406                         client->query.dns64_sigaaaa = sigrdataset;
07407                         client->query.dns64_ttl = dns64_ttl(db, version);
07408                         query_releasename(client, &fname);
07409                         dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
07410                         rdataset = NULL;
07411                         sigrdataset = NULL;
07412                         type = qtype = dns_rdatatype_a;
07413                         rpz_st = client->query.rpz_st;
07414                         if (rpz_st != NULL) {
07415                                 /*
07416                                  * Arrange for RPZ rewriting of any A records.
07417                                  */
07418                                 if ((rpz_st->state & DNS_RPZ_REWRITTEN) != 0)
07419                                         is_zone = rpz_st->q.is_zone;
07420                                 rpz_st_clear(client);
07421                         }
07422                         dns64 = ISC_TRUE;
07423                         goto db_find;
07424                 }
07426                 /*
07427                  * Look for a NSEC3 record if we don't have a NSEC record.
07428                  */
07429  nxrrset_rrsig:
07430                 if (redirected)
07431                         goto cleanup;
07432                 if (!dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset) &&
07433                      WANTDNSSEC(client)) {
07434                         if ((fname->attributes & DNS_NAMEATTR_WILDCARD) == 0) {
07435                                 dns_name_t *found;
07436                                 dns_name_t *qname;
07438                                 dns_fixedname_init(&fixed);
07439                                 found = dns_fixedname_name(&fixed);
07440                                 qname = client->query.qname;
07442                                 query_findclosestnsec3(qname, db, version,
07443                                                        client, rdataset,
07444                                                        sigrdataset, fname,
07445                                                        ISC_TRUE, found);
07446                                 /*
07447                                  * Did we find the closest provable encloser
07448                                  * instead? If so add the nearest to the
07449                                  * closest provable encloser.
07450                                  */
07451                                 if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset) &&
07452                                     !dns_name_equal(qname, found) &&
07453                                     !(ns_g_nonearest &&
07454                                       qtype != dns_rdatatype_ds))
07455                                 {
07456                                         unsigned int count;
07457                                         unsigned int skip;
07459                                         /*
07460                                          * Add the closest provable encloser.
07461                                          */
07462                                         query_addrrset(client, &fname,
07463                                                        &rdataset, &sigrdataset,
07464                                                        dbuf,
07465                                                        DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY);
07467                                         count = dns_name_countlabels(found)
07468                                                          + 1;
07469                                         skip = dns_name_countlabels(qname) -
07470                                                          count;
07471                                         dns_name_getlabelsequence(qname, skip,
07472                                                                   count,
07473                                                                   found);
07475                                         fixfname(client, &fname, &dbuf, &b);
07476                                         fixrdataset(client, &rdataset);
07477                                         fixrdataset(client, &sigrdataset);
07478                                         if (fname == NULL ||
07479                                             rdataset == NULL ||
07480                                             sigrdataset == NULL) {
07481                                                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR,
07482                                                        "query_find: "
07483                                                        "failure getting "
07484                                                        "closest encloser");
07485                                                 QUERY_ERROR(DNS_R_SERVFAIL);
07486                                                 goto cleanup;
07487                                         }
07488                                         /*
07489                                          * 'nearest' doesn't exist so
07490                                          * 'exist' is set to ISC_FALSE.
07491                                          */
07492                                         query_findclosestnsec3(found, db,
07493                                                                version,
07494                                                                client,
07495                                                                rdataset,
07496                                                                sigrdataset,
07497                                                                fname,
07498                                                                ISC_FALSE,
07499                                                                NULL);
07500                                 }
07501                         } else {
07502                                 query_releasename(client, &fname);
07503                                 query_addwildcardproof(client, db, version,
07504                                                        client->query.qname,
07505                                                        ISC_FALSE, ISC_TRUE);
07506                         }
07507                 }
07508                 if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset)) {
07509                         /*
07510                          * If we've got a NSEC record, we need to save the
07511                          * name now because we're going call query_addsoa()
07512                          * below, and it needs to use the name buffer.
07513                          */
07514                         query_keepname(client, fname, dbuf);
07515                 } else if (fname != NULL) {
07516                         /*
07517                          * We're not going to use fname, and need to release
07518                          * our hold on the name buffer so query_addsoa()
07519                          * may use it.
07520                          */
07521                         query_releasename(client, &fname);
07522                 }
07524                 /*
07525                  * Add SOA to the additional section if generated by a RPZ
07526                  * rewrite.
07527                  */
07528                 associated = dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset);
07529                 section = nxrewrite ? DNS_SECTION_ADDITIONAL :
07530                                       DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY;
07532                 result = query_addsoa(client, db, version, ISC_UINT32_MAX,
07533                                       associated, section);
07534                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
07535                         QUERY_ERROR(result);
07536                         goto cleanup;
07537                 }
07539                 /*
07540                  * Add NSEC record if we found one.
07541                  */
07542                 if (WANTDNSSEC(client)) {
07543                         if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset))
07544                                 query_addnxrrsetnsec(client, db, version,
07545                                                      &fname, &rdataset,
07546                                                      &sigrdataset);
07547                 }
07548                 goto cleanup;
07550         case DNS_R_EMPTYWILD:
07551                 empty_wild = ISC_TRUE;
07552                 /* FALLTHROUGH */
07554         case DNS_R_NXDOMAIN:
07555                 INSIST(is_zone);
07556                 if (!empty_wild) {
07557                         tresult = redirect(client, fname, rdataset, &node,
07558                                            &db, &version, type);
07559                         if (tresult == ISC_R_SUCCESS)
07560                                 break;
07561                         if (tresult == DNS_R_NXRRSET) {
07562                                 redirected = ISC_TRUE;
07563                                 goto iszone_nxrrset;
07564                         }
07565                         if (tresult == DNS_R_NCACHENXRRSET) {
07566                                 redirected = ISC_TRUE;
07567                                 is_zone = ISC_FALSE;
07568                                 goto ncache_nxrrset;
07569                         }
07570                         tresult = redirect2(client, fname, rdataset, &node,
07571                                             &db, &version, type);
07572                         if (tresult == DNS_R_CONTINUE) {
07573                                 client->query.redirect.qtype = qtype;
07574                                 client->query.redirect.rdataset = rdataset;
07575                                 client->query.redirect.sigrdataset =
07576                                                                  sigrdataset;
07577                                 client->query.redirect.db = db;
07578                                 client->query.redirect.node = node;
07579                                 client->query.redirect.zone = zone;
07580                                 client->query.redirect.result = DNS_R_NXDOMAIN;
07581                                 dns_name_copy(fname,
07582                                               client->query.redirect.fname,
07583                                               NULL);
07584                                 client->query.redirect.authoritative =
07585                                         authoritative;
07586                                 db = NULL;
07587                                 node = NULL;
07588                                 zone = NULL;
07589                                 rdataset = NULL;
07590                                 sigrdataset = NULL;
07591                                 goto cleanup;
07592                         }
07593                         if (tresult == ISC_R_SUCCESS)
07594                                 break;
07595                         if (tresult == DNS_R_NXRRSET) {
07596                                 redirected = ISC_TRUE;
07597                                 goto iszone_nxrrset;
07598                         }
07599                         if (tresult == DNS_R_NCACHENXRRSET) {
07600                                 redirected = ISC_TRUE;
07601                                 is_zone = ISC_FALSE;
07602                                 goto ncache_nxrrset;
07603                         }
07604                 }
07605                 if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset)) {
07606                         /*
07607                          * If we've got a NSEC record, we need to save the
07608                          * name now because we're going call query_addsoa()
07609                          * below, and it needs to use the name buffer.
07610                          */
07611                         query_keepname(client, fname, dbuf);
07612                 } else if (fname != NULL) {
07613                         /*
07614                          * We're not going to use fname, and need to release
07615                          * our hold on the name buffer so query_addsoa()
07616                          * may use it.
07617                          */
07618                         query_releasename(client, &fname);
07619                 }
07621                 /*
07622                  * Add SOA to the additional section if generated by a
07623                  * RPZ rewrite.
07624                  *
07625                  * If the query was for a SOA record force the
07626                  * ttl to zero so that it is possible for clients to find
07627                  * the containing zone of an arbitrary name with a stub
07628                  * resolver and not have it cached.
07629                  */
07630                 associated = dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset);
07631                 section = nxrewrite ? DNS_SECTION_ADDITIONAL :
07632                                       DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY;
07633                 ttl = ISC_UINT32_MAX;
07634                 if (!nxrewrite && qtype == dns_rdatatype_soa &&
07635                     zone != NULL && dns_zone_getzeronosoattl(zone))
07636                         ttl = 0;
07637                 result = query_addsoa(client, db, version, ttl, associated,
07638                                       section);
07639                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
07640                         QUERY_ERROR(result);
07641                         goto cleanup;
07642                 }
07644                 if (WANTDNSSEC(client)) {
07645                         /*
07646                          * Add NSEC record if we found one.
07647                          */
07648                         if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset))
07649                                 query_addrrset(client, &fname, &rdataset,
07650                                                &sigrdataset,
07651                                                NULL, DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY);
07652                         query_addwildcardproof(client, db, version,
07653                                                client->query.qname, ISC_FALSE,
07654                                                ISC_FALSE);
07655                 }
07657                 /*
07658                  * Set message rcode.
07659                  */
07660                 if (empty_wild)
07661                         client->message->rcode = dns_rcode_noerror;
07662                 else
07663                         client->message->rcode = dns_rcode_nxdomain;
07664                 goto cleanup;
07666         case DNS_R_NCACHENXDOMAIN:
07667                 tresult = redirect(client, fname, rdataset, &node,
07668                                    &db, &version, type);
07669                 if (tresult == ISC_R_SUCCESS)
07670                         break;
07671                 if (tresult == DNS_R_NXRRSET) {
07672                         redirected = ISC_TRUE;
07673                         is_zone = ISC_TRUE;
07674                         goto iszone_nxrrset;
07675                 }
07676                 if (tresult == DNS_R_NCACHENXRRSET) {
07677                         redirected = ISC_TRUE;
07678                         result = tresult;
07679                         goto ncache_nxrrset;
07680                 }
07681                 tresult = redirect2(client, fname, rdataset, &node,
07682                                     &db, &version, type);
07683                 if (tresult == DNS_R_CONTINUE) {
07684                         client->query.redirect.db = db;
07685                         client->query.redirect.node = node;
07686                         client->query.redirect.zone = zone;
07687                         client->query.redirect.qtype = qtype;
07688                         client->query.redirect.rdataset = rdataset;
07689                         client->query.redirect.sigrdataset = sigrdataset;
07690                         client->query.redirect.result = DNS_R_NCACHENXDOMAIN;
07691                         dns_name_copy(fname, client->query.redirect.fname,
07692                                       NULL);
07693                         client->query.redirect.authoritative = authoritative;
07694                         db = NULL;
07695                         node = NULL;
07696                         rdataset = NULL;
07697                         sigrdataset = NULL;
07698                         goto cleanup;
07699                 }
07700                 if (tresult == ISC_R_SUCCESS)
07701                         break;
07702                 if (tresult == DNS_R_NXRRSET) {
07703                         redirected = ISC_TRUE;
07704                         is_zone = ISC_TRUE;
07705                         goto iszone_nxrrset;
07706                 }
07707                 if (tresult == DNS_R_NCACHENXRRSET) {
07708                         redirected = ISC_TRUE;
07709                         result = tresult;
07710                         goto ncache_nxrrset;
07711                 }
07712                 /* FALLTHROUGH */
07714         case DNS_R_NCACHENXRRSET:
07715         ncache_nxrrset:
07716                 INSIST(!is_zone);
07717                 authoritative = ISC_FALSE;
07718                 /*
07719                  * Set message rcode, if required.
07720                  */
07721                 if (result == DNS_R_NCACHENXDOMAIN)
07722                         client->message->rcode = dns_rcode_nxdomain;
07723                 /*
07724                  * Look for RFC 1918 leakage from Internet.
07725                  */
07726                 if (result == DNS_R_NCACHENXDOMAIN &&
07727                     qtype == dns_rdatatype_ptr &&
07728                     client->message->rdclass == dns_rdataclass_in &&
07729                     dns_name_countlabels(fname) == 7)
07730                         warn_rfc1918(client, fname, rdataset);
07732 #ifdef dns64_bis_return_excluded_addresses
07733                 if (dns64)
07734 #else
07735                 if (dns64 && !dns64_exclude)
07736 #endif
07737                 {
07738                         /*
07739                          * Restore the answers from the previous AAAA lookup.
07740                          */
07741                         if (rdataset != NULL)
07742                                 query_putrdataset(client, &rdataset);
07743                         if (sigrdataset != NULL)
07744                                 query_putrdataset(client, &sigrdataset);
07745                         rdataset = client->query.dns64_aaaa;
07746                         sigrdataset = client->query.dns64_sigaaaa;
07747                         client->query.dns64_aaaa = NULL;
07748                         client->query.dns64_sigaaaa = NULL;
07749                         if (fname == NULL) {
07750                                 dbuf = query_getnamebuf(client);
07751                                 if (dbuf == NULL) {
07752                                         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR,
07753                                                "query_find: "
07754                                                "query_getnamebuf failed (4)");
07755                                         QUERY_ERROR(DNS_R_SERVFAIL);
07756                                         goto cleanup;
07757                                 }
07758                                 fname = query_newname(client, dbuf, &b);
07759                                 if (fname == NULL) {
07760                                         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR,
07761                                                "query_find: "
07762                                                "query_newname failed (4)");
07763                                         QUERY_ERROR(DNS_R_SERVFAIL);
07764                                         goto cleanup;
07765                                 }
07766                         }
07767                         dns_name_copy(client->query.qname, fname, NULL);
07768                         dns64 = ISC_FALSE;
07769 #ifdef dns64_bis_return_excluded_addresses
07770                         if (dns64_excluded)
07771                                 break;
07772 #endif
07773                 } else if (result == DNS_R_NCACHENXRRSET &&
07774                            !ISC_LIST_EMPTY(client->view->dns64) &&
07775                            client->message->rdclass == dns_rdataclass_in &&
07776                            qtype == dns_rdatatype_aaaa)
07777                 {
07778                         /*
07779                          * Look to see if there are A records for this
07780                          * name.
07781                          */
07782                         INSIST(client->query.dns64_aaaa == NULL);
07783                         INSIST(client->query.dns64_sigaaaa == NULL);
07784                         client->query.dns64_aaaa = rdataset;
07785                         client->query.dns64_sigaaaa = sigrdataset;
07786                         /*
07787                          * If the ttl is zero we need to workout if we have just
07788                          * decremented to zero or if there was no negative cache
07789                          * ttl in the answer.
07790                          */
07791                         if (rdataset->ttl != 0)
07792                                 client->query.dns64_ttl = rdataset->ttl;
07793                         else if (dns_rdataset_first(rdataset) == ISC_R_SUCCESS)
07794                                 client->query.dns64_ttl = 0;
07795                         query_releasename(client, &fname);
07796                         dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
07797                         rdataset = NULL;
07798                         sigrdataset = NULL;
07799                         fname = NULL;
07800                         type = qtype = dns_rdatatype_a;
07801                         rpz_st = client->query.rpz_st;
07802                         if (rpz_st != NULL) {
07803                                 /*
07804                                  * Arrange for RPZ rewriting of any A records.
07805                                  */
07806                                 if ((rpz_st->state & DNS_RPZ_REWRITTEN) != 0)
07807                                         is_zone = rpz_st->q.is_zone;
07808                                 rpz_st_clear(client);
07809                         }
07810                         dns64 = ISC_TRUE;
07811                         goto db_find;
07812                 }
07814                 /*
07815                  * We don't call query_addrrset() because we don't need any
07816                  * of its extra features (and things would probably break!).
07817                  */
07818                 if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(rdataset)) {
07819                         query_keepname(client, fname, dbuf);
07820                         dns_message_addname(client->message, fname,
07821                                             DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY);
07822                         ISC_LIST_APPEND(fname->list, rdataset, link);
07823                         fname = NULL;
07824                         rdataset = NULL;
07825                 }
07826                 goto cleanup;
07828         case DNS_R_CNAME:
07829                 /*
07830                  * Keep a copy of the rdataset.  We have to do this because
07831                  * query_addrrset may clear 'rdataset' (to prevent the
07832                  * cleanup code from cleaning it up).
07833                  */
07834                 trdataset = rdataset;
07835                 /*
07836                  * Add the CNAME to the answer section.
07837                  */
07838                 if (sigrdataset != NULL)
07839                         sigrdatasetp = &sigrdataset;
07840                 else
07841                         sigrdatasetp = NULL;
07842                 if (WANTDNSSEC(client) &&
07843                     (fname->attributes & DNS_NAMEATTR_WILDCARD) != 0)
07844                 {
07845                         dns_fixedname_init(&wildcardname);
07846                         dns_name_copy(fname, dns_fixedname_name(&wildcardname),
07847                                       NULL);
07848                         need_wildcardproof = ISC_TRUE;
07849                 }
07850                 if (NOQNAME(rdataset) && WANTDNSSEC(client))
07851                         noqname = rdataset;
07852                 else
07853                         noqname = NULL;
07854                 if (!is_zone && RECURSIONOK(client))
07855                         query_prefetch(client, fname, rdataset);
07856                 query_addrrset(client, &fname, &rdataset, sigrdatasetp, dbuf,
07857                                DNS_SECTION_ANSWER);
07858                 if (noqname != NULL)
07859                         query_addnoqnameproof(client, noqname);
07860                 /*
07861                  * We set the PARTIALANSWER attribute so that if anything goes
07862                  * wrong later on, we'll return what we've got so far.
07863                  */
07864                 client->query.attributes |= NS_QUERYATTR_PARTIALANSWER;
07865                 /*
07866                  * Reset qname to be the target name of the CNAME and restart
07867                  * the query.
07868                  */
07869                 tname = NULL;
07870                 result = dns_message_gettempname(client->message, &tname);
07871                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
07872                         goto cleanup;
07873                 result = dns_rdataset_first(trdataset);
07874                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
07875                         dns_message_puttempname(client->message, &tname);
07876                         goto cleanup;
07877                 }
07878                 dns_rdataset_current(trdataset, &rdata);
07879                 result = dns_rdata_tostruct(&rdata, &cname, NULL);
07880                 dns_rdata_reset(&rdata);
07881                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
07882                         dns_message_puttempname(client->message, &tname);
07883                         goto cleanup;
07884                 }
07885                 dns_name_init(tname, NULL);
07886                 result = dns_name_dup(&cname.cname, client->mctx, tname);
07887                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
07888                         dns_message_puttempname(client->message, &tname);
07889                         dns_rdata_freestruct(&cname);
07890                         goto cleanup;
07891                 }
07892                 dns_rdata_freestruct(&cname);
07893                 ns_client_qnamereplace(client, tname);
07894                 want_restart = ISC_TRUE;
07895                 if (!WANTRECURSION(client))
07896                         options |= DNS_GETDB_NOLOG;
07897                 goto addauth;
07898         case DNS_R_DNAME:
07899                 /*
07900                  * Compare the current qname to the found name.  We need
07901                  * to know how many labels and bits are in common because
07902                  * we're going to have to split qname later on.
07903                  */
07904                 namereln = dns_name_fullcompare(client->query.qname, fname,
07905                                                 &order, &nlabels);
07906                 INSIST(namereln == dns_namereln_subdomain);
07907                 /*
07908                  * Keep a copy of the rdataset.  We have to do this because
07909                  * query_addrrset may clear 'rdataset' (to prevent the
07910                  * cleanup code from cleaning it up).
07911                  */
07912                 trdataset = rdataset;
07913                 /*
07914                  * Add the DNAME to the answer section.
07915                  */
07916                 if (sigrdataset != NULL)
07917                         sigrdatasetp = &sigrdataset;
07918                 else
07919                         sigrdatasetp = NULL;
07920                 if (WANTDNSSEC(client) &&
07921                     (fname->attributes & DNS_NAMEATTR_WILDCARD) != 0)
07922                 {
07923                         dns_fixedname_init(&wildcardname);
07924                         dns_name_copy(fname, dns_fixedname_name(&wildcardname),
07925                                       NULL);
07926                         need_wildcardproof = ISC_TRUE;
07927                 }
07928                 if (!is_zone && RECURSIONOK(client))
07929                         query_prefetch(client, fname, rdataset);
07930                 query_addrrset(client, &fname, &rdataset, sigrdatasetp, dbuf,
07931                                DNS_SECTION_ANSWER);
07932                 /*
07933                  * We set the PARTIALANSWER attribute so that if anything goes
07934                  * wrong later on, we'll return what we've got so far.
07935                  */
07936                 client->query.attributes |= NS_QUERYATTR_PARTIALANSWER;
07937                 /*
07938                  * Get the target name of the DNAME.
07939                  */
07940                 tname = NULL;
07941                 result = dns_message_gettempname(client->message, &tname);
07942                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
07943                         goto cleanup;
07944                 result = dns_rdataset_first(trdataset);
07945                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
07946                         dns_message_puttempname(client->message, &tname);
07947                         goto cleanup;
07948                 }
07949                 dns_rdataset_current(trdataset, &rdata);
07950                 result = dns_rdata_tostruct(&rdata, &dname, NULL);
07951                 dns_rdata_reset(&rdata);
07952                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
07953                         dns_message_puttempname(client->message, &tname);
07954                         goto cleanup;
07955                 }
07956                 dns_name_clone(&dname.dname, tname);
07957                 dns_rdata_freestruct(&dname);
07958                 /*
07959                  * Construct the new qname consisting of
07960                  * <found name prefix>.<dname target>
07961                  */
07962                 dns_fixedname_init(&fixed);
07963                 prefix = dns_fixedname_name(&fixed);
07964                 dns_name_split(client->query.qname, nlabels, prefix, NULL);
07965                 INSIST(fname == NULL);
07966                 dbuf = query_getnamebuf(client);
07967                 if (dbuf == NULL) {
07968                         dns_message_puttempname(client->message, &tname);
07969                         goto cleanup;
07970                 }
07971                 fname = query_newname(client, dbuf, &b);
07972                 if (fname == NULL) {
07973                         dns_message_puttempname(client->message, &tname);
07974                         goto cleanup;
07975                 }
07976                 result = dns_name_concatenate(prefix, tname, fname, NULL);
07977                 dns_message_puttempname(client->message, &tname);
07979                 /*
07980                  * RFC2672, section 4.1, subsection 3c says
07981                  * we should return YXDOMAIN if the constructed
07982                  * name would be too long.
07983                  */
07984                 if (result == DNS_R_NAMETOOLONG)
07985                         client->message->rcode = dns_rcode_yxdomain;
07986                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
07987                         goto cleanup;
07989                 query_keepname(client, fname, dbuf);
07990                 /*
07991                  * Synthesize a CNAME consisting of
07992                  *   <old qname> <dname ttl> CNAME <new qname>
07993                  *          with <dname trust value>
07994                  *
07995                  * Synthesize a CNAME so old old clients that don't understand
07996                  * DNAME can chain.
07997                  *
07998                  * We do not try to synthesize a signature because we hope
07999                  * that security aware servers will understand DNAME.  Also,
08000                  * even if we had an online key, making a signature
08001                  * on-the-fly is costly, and not really legitimate anyway
08002                  * since the synthesized CNAME is NOT in the zone.
08003                  */
08004                 result = query_add_cname(client, client->query.qname, fname,
08005                                          trdataset->trust, trdataset->ttl);
08006                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
08007                         goto cleanup;
08008                 /*
08009                  * Switch to the new qname and restart.
08010                  */
08011                 ns_client_qnamereplace(client, fname);
08012                 fname = NULL;
08013                 want_restart = ISC_TRUE;
08014                 if (!WANTRECURSION(client))
08015                         options |= DNS_GETDB_NOLOG;
08016                 goto addauth;
08017         default:
08018                 /*
08019                  * Something has gone wrong.
08020                  */
08021                 snprintf(errmsg, sizeof(errmsg) - 1,
08022                          "query_find: unexpected error after resuming: %s",
08023                          isc_result_totext(result));
08024                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR, errmsg);
08025                 QUERY_ERROR(DNS_R_SERVFAIL);
08026                 goto cleanup;
08027         }
08029         if (WANTDNSSEC(client) &&
08030             (fname->attributes & DNS_NAMEATTR_WILDCARD) != 0)
08031         {
08032                 dns_fixedname_init(&wildcardname);
08033                 dns_name_copy(fname, dns_fixedname_name(&wildcardname), NULL);
08034                 need_wildcardproof = ISC_TRUE;
08035         }
08037 #ifdef ALLOW_FILTER_AAAA
08038         /*
08039          * The filter-aaaa-on-v4 option should suppress AAAAs for IPv4
08040          * clients if there is an A; filter-aaaa-on-v6 option does the same
08041          * for IPv6 clients.
08042          */
08043         client->filter_aaaa = dns_aaaa_ok;
08044         if (client->view->v4_aaaa != dns_aaaa_ok ||
08045             client->view->v6_aaaa != dns_aaaa_ok)
08046         {
08047                 result = ns_client_checkaclsilent(client, NULL,
08048                                                   client->view->aaaa_acl,
08049                                                   ISC_TRUE);
08050                 if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS &&
08051                     client->view->v4_aaaa != dns_aaaa_ok &&
08052                     is_v4_client(client))
08053                         client->filter_aaaa = client->view->v4_aaaa;
08054                 else if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS &&
08055                          client->view->v6_aaaa != dns_aaaa_ok &&
08056                          is_v6_client(client))
08057                         client->filter_aaaa = client->view->v6_aaaa;
08058         }
08060 #endif
08062         if (type == dns_rdatatype_any) {
08063 #ifdef ALLOW_FILTER_AAAA
08064                 isc_boolean_t have_aaaa, have_a, have_sig;
08066                 /*
08067                  * If we are not authoritative, assume there is a A
08068                  * even in if it is not in our cache.  This assumption could
08069                  * be wrong but it is a good bet.
08070                  */
08071                 have_aaaa = ISC_FALSE;
08072                 have_a = !authoritative;
08073                 have_sig = ISC_FALSE;
08074 #endif
08075                 /*
08076                  * XXXRTH  Need to handle zonecuts with special case
08077                  * code.
08078                  */
08079                 n = 0;
08080                 rdsiter = NULL;
08081                 result = dns_db_allrdatasets(db, node, version, 0, &rdsiter);
08082                 if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
08083                         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR,
08084                                "query_find: type any; allrdatasets failed");
08085                         QUERY_ERROR(DNS_R_SERVFAIL);
08086                         goto cleanup;
08087                 }
08089                 /*
08090                  * Calling query_addrrset() with a non-NULL dbuf is going
08091                  * to either keep or release the name.  We don't want it to
08092                  * release fname, since we may have to call query_addrrset()
08093                  * more than once.  That means we have to call query_keepname()
08094                  * now, and pass a NULL dbuf to query_addrrset().
08095                  *
08096                  * If we do a query_addrrset() below, we must set fname to
08097                  * NULL before leaving this block, otherwise we might try to
08098                  * cleanup fname even though we're using it!
08099                  */
08100                 query_keepname(client, fname, dbuf);
08101                 tname = fname;
08102                 result = dns_rdatasetiter_first(rdsiter);
08103                 while (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
08104                         dns_rdatasetiter_current(rdsiter, rdataset);
08105 #ifdef ALLOW_FILTER_AAAA
08106                         /*
08107                          * Notice the presence of A and AAAAs so
08108                          * that AAAAs can be hidden from IPv4 clients.
08109                          */
08110                         if (client->filter_aaaa != dns_aaaa_ok) {
08111                                 if (rdataset->type == dns_rdatatype_aaaa)
08112                                         have_aaaa = ISC_TRUE;
08113                                 else if (rdataset->type == dns_rdatatype_a)
08114                                         have_a = ISC_TRUE;
08115                         }
08116 #endif
08117                         if (is_zone && qtype == dns_rdatatype_any &&
08118                             !dns_db_issecure(db) &&
08119                             dns_rdatatype_isdnssec(rdataset->type)) {
08120                                 /*
08121                                  * The zone is transitioning from insecure
08122                                  * to secure. Hide the dnssec records from
08123                                  * ANY queries.
08124                                  */
08125                                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(rdataset);
08126                         } else if ((qtype == dns_rdatatype_any ||
08127                              rdataset->type == qtype) && rdataset->type != 0) {
08128 #ifdef ALLOW_FILTER_AAAA
08129                                 if (dns_rdatatype_isdnssec(rdataset->type))
08130                                         have_sig = ISC_TRUE;
08131 #endif
08132                                 if (NOQNAME(rdataset) && WANTDNSSEC(client))
08133                                         noqname = rdataset;
08134                                 else
08135                                         noqname = NULL;
08136                                 rpz_st = client->query.rpz_st;
08137                                 if (rpz_st != NULL)
08138                                         rdataset->ttl = ISC_MIN(rdataset->ttl,
08139                                                             rpz_st->m.ttl);
08140                                 if (!is_zone && RECURSIONOK(client)) {
08141                                         dns_name_t *name;
08142                                         name = (fname != NULL) ? fname : tname;
08143                                         query_prefetch(client, name, rdataset);
08144                                 }
08145                                 query_addrrset(client,
08146                                                fname != NULL ? &fname : &tname,
08147                                                &rdataset, NULL,
08148                                                NULL, DNS_SECTION_ANSWER);
08149                                 if (noqname != NULL)
08150                                         query_addnoqnameproof(client, noqname);
08151                                 n++;
08152                                 INSIST(tname != NULL);
08153                                 /*
08154                                  * rdataset is non-NULL only in certain
08155                                  * pathological cases involving DNAMEs.
08156                                  */
08157                                 if (rdataset != NULL)
08158                                         query_putrdataset(client, &rdataset);
08159                                 rdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
08160                                 if (rdataset == NULL)
08161                                         break;
08162                         } else {
08163                                 /*
08164                                  * We're not interested in this rdataset.
08165                                  */
08166                                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(rdataset);
08167                         }
08168                         result = dns_rdatasetiter_next(rdsiter);
08169                 }
08171 #ifdef ALLOW_FILTER_AAAA
08172                 /*
08173                  * Filter AAAAs if there is an A and there is no signature
08174                  * or we are supposed to break DNSSEC.
08175                  */
08176                 if (client->filter_aaaa == dns_aaaa_break_dnssec)
08177                         client->attributes |= NS_CLIENTATTR_FILTER_AAAA;
08178                 else if (client->filter_aaaa != dns_aaaa_ok &&
08179                          have_aaaa && have_a &&
08180                          (!have_sig || !WANTDNSSEC(client)))
08181                           client->attributes |= NS_CLIENTATTR_FILTER_AAAA;
08182 #endif
08183                 if (fname != NULL)
08184                         dns_message_puttempname(client->message, &fname);
08186                 if (n == 0) {
08187                         /*
08188                          * No matching rdatasets found in cache. If we were
08189                          * searching for RRSIG/SIG, that's probably okay;
08190                          * otherwise this is an error condition.
08191                          */
08192                         if ((qtype == dns_rdatatype_rrsig ||
08193                              qtype == dns_rdatatype_sig) &&
08194                             result == ISC_R_NOMORE) {
08195                                 if (!is_zone) {
08196                                         authoritative = ISC_FALSE;
08197                                         dns_rdatasetiter_destroy(&rdsiter);
08198                                         client->attributes &= ~NS_CLIENTATTR_RA;
08199                                         goto addauth;
08200                                 }
08202                                 if (qtype == dns_rdatatype_rrsig &&
08203                                     dns_db_issecure(db)) {
08204                                         char namebuf[DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE];
08205                                         dns_name_format(client->query.qname,
08206                                                         namebuf,
08207                                                         sizeof(namebuf));
08208                                         ns_client_log(client,
08209                                                       DNS_LOGCATEGORY_DNSSEC,
08210                                                       NS_LOGMODULE_QUERY,
08211                                                       ISC_LOG_WARNING,
08212                                                       "missing signature "
08213                                                       "for %s", namebuf);
08214                                 }
08216                                 dns_rdatasetiter_destroy(&rdsiter);
08217                                 fname = query_newname(client, dbuf, &b);
08218                                 goto nxrrset_rrsig;
08219                         } else {
08220                                 CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR,
08221                                        "query_find: no matching rdatasets "
08222                                        "in cache");
08223                                 result = DNS_R_SERVFAIL;
08224                         }
08225                 }
08227                 dns_rdatasetiter_destroy(&rdsiter);
08228                 if (result != ISC_R_NOMORE) {
08229                         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_ERROR,
08230                                "query_find: dns_rdatasetiter_destroy failed");
08231                         QUERY_ERROR(DNS_R_SERVFAIL);
08232                         goto cleanup;
08233                 }
08234         } else {
08235                 /*
08236                  * This is the "normal" case -- an ordinary question to which
08237                  * we know the answer.
08238                  */
08240 #ifdef ALLOW_FILTER_AAAA
08241                 /*
08242                  * Optionally hide AAAAs from IPv4 clients if there is an A.
08243                  * We add the AAAAs now, but might refuse to render them later
08244                  * after DNSSEC is figured out.
08245                  * This could be more efficient, but the whole idea is
08246                  * so fundamentally wrong, unavoidably inaccurate, and
08247                  * unneeded that it is best to keep it as short as possible.
08248                  */
08249                 if (client->filter_aaaa == dns_aaaa_break_dnssec ||
08250                     (client->filter_aaaa == dns_aaaa_filter &&
08251                      (!WANTDNSSEC(client) || sigrdataset == NULL ||
08252                      !dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset))))
08253                 {
08254                         if (qtype == dns_rdatatype_aaaa) {
08255                                 trdataset = query_newrdataset(client);
08256                                 result = dns_db_findrdataset(db, node, version,
08257                                                              dns_rdatatype_a, 0,
08258                                                              client->now,
08259                                                              trdataset, NULL);
08260                                 if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(trdataset))
08261                                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(trdataset);
08262                                 query_putrdataset(client, &trdataset);
08264                                 /*
08265                                  * We have an AAAA but the A is not in our cache.
08266                                  * Assume any result other than DNS_R_DELEGATION
08267                                  * or ISC_R_NOTFOUND means there is no A and
08268                                  * so AAAAs are ok.
08269                                  * Assume there is no A if we can't recurse
08270                                  * for this client, although that could be
08271                                  * the wrong answer. What else can we do?
08272                                  * Besides, that we have the AAAA and are using
08273                                  * this mechanism suggests that we care more
08274                                  * about As than AAAAs and would have cached
08275                                  * the A if it existed.
08276                                  */
08277                                 if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
08278                                         client->attributes |=
08279                                                     NS_CLIENTATTR_FILTER_AAAA;
08281                                 } else if (authoritative ||
08282                                            !RECURSIONOK(client) ||
08283                                            (result != DNS_R_DELEGATION &&
08284                                             result != ISC_R_NOTFOUND)) {
08285                                         client->attributes &=
08286                                                     ~NS_CLIENTATTR_FILTER_AAAA;
08287                                 } else {
08288                                         /*
08289                                          * This is an ugly kludge to recurse
08290                                          * for the A and discard the result.
08291                                          *
08292                                          * Continue to add the AAAA now.
08293                                          * We'll make a note to not render it
08294                                          * if the recursion for the A succeeds.
08295                                          */
08296                                         result = query_recurse(client,
08297                                                         dns_rdatatype_a,
08298                                                         client->query.qname,
08299                                                         NULL, NULL, resuming);
08300                                         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
08301                                             client->attributes |=
08302                                                     NS_CLIENTATTR_FILTER_AAAA_RC;
08303                                             client->query.attributes |=
08304                                                         NS_QUERYATTR_RECURSING;
08305                                         }
08306                                 }
08308                         } else if (qtype == dns_rdatatype_a &&
08309                                    (client->attributes &
08310                                             NS_CLIENTATTR_FILTER_AAAA_RC) != 0) {
08311                                 client->attributes &=
08312                                             ~NS_CLIENTATTR_FILTER_AAAA_RC;
08313                                 client->attributes |=
08314                                             NS_CLIENTATTR_FILTER_AAAA;
08315                                 dns_rdataset_disassociate(rdataset);
08316                                 if (sigrdataset != NULL &&
08317                                     dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset))
08318                                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(sigrdataset);
08319                                 goto cleanup;
08320                         }
08321                 }
08322 #endif
08323                 /*
08324                  * Check to see if the AAAA RRset has non-excluded addresses
08325                  * in it.  If not look for a A RRset.
08326                  */
08327                 INSIST(client->query.dns64_aaaaok == NULL);
08329                 if (qtype == dns_rdatatype_aaaa && !dns64_exclude &&
08330                     !ISC_LIST_EMPTY(client->view->dns64) &&
08331                     client->message->rdclass == dns_rdataclass_in &&
08332                     !dns64_aaaaok(client, rdataset, sigrdataset)) {
08333                         /*
08334                          * Look to see if there are A records for this
08335                          * name.
08336                          */
08337                         client->query.dns64_aaaa = rdataset;
08338                         client->query.dns64_sigaaaa = sigrdataset;
08339                         client->query.dns64_ttl = rdataset->ttl;
08340                         query_releasename(client, &fname);
08341                         dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
08342                         rdataset = NULL;
08343                         sigrdataset = NULL;
08344                         type = qtype = dns_rdatatype_a;
08345                         rpz_st = client->query.rpz_st;
08346                         if (rpz_st != NULL) {
08347                                 /*
08348                                  * Arrange for RPZ rewriting of any A records.
08349                                  */
08350                                 if ((rpz_st->state & DNS_RPZ_REWRITTEN) != 0)
08351                                         is_zone = rpz_st->q.is_zone;
08352                                 rpz_st_clear(client);
08353                         }
08354                         dns64_exclude = dns64 = ISC_TRUE;
08355                         goto db_find;
08356                 }
08358                 if (sigrdataset != NULL)
08359                         sigrdatasetp = &sigrdataset;
08360                 else
08361                         sigrdatasetp = NULL;
08362                 if (NOQNAME(rdataset) && WANTDNSSEC(client))
08363                         noqname = rdataset;
08364                 else
08365                         noqname = NULL;
08366                 /*
08367                  * BIND 8 priming queries need the additional section.
08368                  */
08369                 if (is_zone && qtype == dns_rdatatype_ns &&
08370                     dns_name_equal(client->query.qname, dns_rootname))
08371                         client->query.attributes &= ~NS_QUERYATTR_NOADDITIONAL;
08373                 /*
08374                  * Return the time to expire for slave zones.
08375                  */
08376                 if (zone != NULL) {
08377                         dns_zone_t *raw = NULL, *mayberaw;
08379                         if (is_zone)
08380                                 dns_zone_getraw(zone, &raw);
08381                         mayberaw = (raw != NULL) ? raw : zone;
08383                         if (is_zone && qtype == dns_rdatatype_soa &&
08384                             ((client->attributes &
08385                               NS_CLIENTATTR_WANTEXPIRE) != 0) &&
08386                             client->query.restarts == 0 &&
08387                             dns_zone_gettype(mayberaw) == dns_zone_slave)
08388                         {
08389                                 isc_time_t expiretime;
08390                                 isc_uint32_t secs;
08391                                 dns_zone_getexpiretime(zone, &expiretime);
08392                                 secs = isc_time_seconds(&expiretime);
08393                                 if (secs >= client->now &&
08394                                     result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
08395                                         client->attributes |=
08396                                                 NS_CLIENTATTR_HAVEEXPIRE;
08397                                         client->expire = secs - client->now;
08398                                 }
08399                         }
08400                         if (raw != NULL)
08401                                 dns_zone_detach(&raw);
08402                 }
08404                 if (dns64) {
08405                         qtype = type = dns_rdatatype_aaaa;
08406                         result = query_dns64(client, &fname, rdataset,
08407                                              sigrdataset, dbuf,
08408                                              DNS_SECTION_ANSWER);
08409                         dns_rdataset_disassociate(rdataset);
08410                         dns_message_puttemprdataset(client->message, &rdataset);
08411                         if (result == ISC_R_NOMORE) {
08412 #ifndef dns64_bis_return_excluded_addresses
08413                                 if (dns64_exclude) {
08414                                         if (!is_zone)
08415                                                 goto cleanup;
08416                                         /*
08417                                          * Add a fake SOA record.
08418                                          */
08419                                         (void)query_addsoa(client, db, version,
08420                                                            600, ISC_FALSE,
08421                                                         DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY);
08422                                         goto cleanup;
08423                                 }
08424 #endif
08425                                 if (is_zone)
08426                                         goto iszone_nxrrset;
08427                                 else
08428                                         goto ncache_nxrrset;
08429                         } else if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
08430                                 eresult = result;
08431                                 goto cleanup;
08432                         }
08433                 } else if (client->query.dns64_aaaaok != NULL) {
08434                         query_filter64(client, &fname, rdataset, dbuf,
08435                                        DNS_SECTION_ANSWER);
08436                         query_putrdataset(client, &rdataset);
08437                 } else {
08438                         if (!is_zone && RECURSIONOK(client))
08439                                 query_prefetch(client, fname, rdataset);
08440                         query_addrrset(client, &fname, &rdataset,
08441                                        sigrdatasetp, dbuf, DNS_SECTION_ANSWER);
08442                 }
08444                 if (noqname != NULL)
08445                         query_addnoqnameproof(client, noqname);
08446                 /*
08447                  * We shouldn't ever fail to add 'rdataset'
08448                  * because it's already in the answer.
08449                  */
08450                 INSIST(rdataset == NULL);
08451         }
08453  addauth:
08454         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_find: addauth");
08455         /*
08456          * Add NS records to the authority section (if we haven't already
08457          * added them to the answer section).
08458          */
08459         if (!want_restart && !NOAUTHORITY(client)) {
08460                 if (is_zone) {
08461                         if (!((qtype == dns_rdatatype_ns ||
08462                                qtype == dns_rdatatype_any) &&
08463                               dns_name_equal(client->query.qname,
08464                                              dns_db_origin(db))))
08465                                 (void)query_addns(client, db, version);
08466                 } else if (qtype != dns_rdatatype_ns) {
08467                         if (fname != NULL)
08468                                 query_releasename(client, &fname);
08469                         query_addbestns(client);
08470                 }
08471         }
08473         /*
08474          * Add NSEC records to the authority section if they're needed for
08475          * DNSSEC wildcard proofs.
08476          */
08477         if (need_wildcardproof && dns_db_issecure(db))
08478                 query_addwildcardproof(client, db, version,
08479                                        dns_fixedname_name(&wildcardname),
08480                                        ISC_TRUE, ISC_FALSE);
08481  cleanup:
08482         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_find: cleanup");
08483         /*
08484          * General cleanup.
08485          */
08486         rpz_st = client->query.rpz_st;
08487         if (rpz_st != NULL && (rpz_st->state & DNS_RPZ_RECURSING) == 0) {
08488                 rpz_match_clear(rpz_st);
08489                 rpz_st->state &= ~DNS_RPZ_DONE_QNAME;
08490         }
08491         if (rdataset != NULL)
08492                 query_putrdataset(client, &rdataset);
08493         if (sigrdataset != NULL)
08494                 query_putrdataset(client, &sigrdataset);
08495         if (fname != NULL)
08496                 query_releasename(client, &fname);
08497         if (node != NULL)
08498                 dns_db_detachnode(db, &node);
08499         if (db != NULL)
08500                 dns_db_detach(&db);
08501         if (zone != NULL)
08502                 dns_zone_detach(&zone);
08503         if (zdb != NULL) {
08504                 query_putrdataset(client, &zrdataset);
08505                 if (zsigrdataset != NULL)
08506                         query_putrdataset(client, &zsigrdataset);
08507                 if (zfname != NULL)
08508                         query_releasename(client, &zfname);
08509                 dns_db_detach(&zdb);
08510         }
08511         if (event != NULL)
08512                 isc_event_free(ISC_EVENT_PTR(&event));
08514         /*
08515          * AA bit.
08516          */
08517         if (client->query.restarts == 0 && !authoritative) {
08518                 /*
08519                  * We're not authoritative, so we must ensure the AA bit
08520                  * isn't set.
08521                  */
08522                 client->message->flags &= ~DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_AA;
08523         }
08525         /*
08526          * Restart the query?
08527          */
08528         if (want_restart && client->query.restarts < MAX_RESTARTS) {
08529                 client->query.restarts++;
08530                 goto restart;
08531         }
08533         if (eresult != ISC_R_SUCCESS &&
08534             (!PARTIALANSWER(client) || WANTRECURSION(client)
08535              || eresult == DNS_R_DROP)) {
08536                 if (eresult == DNS_R_DUPLICATE || eresult == DNS_R_DROP) {
08537                         /*
08538                          * This was a duplicate query that we are
08539                          * recursing on or the result of rate limiting.
08540                          * Don't send a response now for a duplicate query,
08541                          * because the original will still cause a response.
08542                          */
08543                         query_next(client, eresult);
08544                 } else {
08545                         /*
08546                          * If we don't have any answer to give the client,
08547                          * or if the client requested recursion and thus wanted
08548                          * the complete answer, send an error response.
08549                          */
08550                         INSIST(line >= 0);
08551                         query_error(client, eresult, line);
08552                 }
08553                 ns_client_detach(&client);
08554         } else if (!RECURSING(client)) {
08555                 /*
08556                  * We are done.  Set up sortlist data for the message
08557                  * rendering code, make a final tweak to the AA bit if the
08558                  * auth-nxdomain config option says so, then render and
08559                  * send the response.
08560                  */
08561                 setup_query_sortlist(client);
08563                 /*
08564                  * If this is a referral and the answer to the question
08565                  * is in the glue sort it to the start of the additional
08566                  * section.
08567                  */
08568                 if (ISC_LIST_EMPTY(client->message->sections[DNS_SECTION_ANSWER]) &&
08569                     client->message->rcode == dns_rcode_noerror &&
08570                     (qtype == dns_rdatatype_a || qtype == dns_rdatatype_aaaa))
08571                         answer_in_glue(client, qtype);
08573                 if (client->message->rcode == dns_rcode_nxdomain &&
08574                     client->view->auth_nxdomain == ISC_TRUE)
08575                         client->message->flags |= DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_AA;
08577                 /*
08578                  * If the response is somehow unexpected for the client and this
08579                  * is a result of recursion, return an error to the caller
08580                  * to indicate it may need to be logged.
08581                  */
08582                 if (resuming &&
08583                     (ISC_LIST_EMPTY(client->message->sections[DNS_SECTION_ANSWER]) ||
08584                      client->message->rcode != dns_rcode_noerror))
08585                         eresult = ISC_R_FAILURE;
08587                 query_send(client);
08588                 ns_client_detach(&client);
08589         }
08590         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "query_find: done");
08592         return (eresult);
08593 }
08595 static inline void
08596 log_query(ns_client_t *client, unsigned int flags, unsigned int extflags) {
08597         char namebuf[DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE];
08598         char typename[DNS_RDATATYPE_FORMATSIZE];
08599         char classname[DNS_RDATACLASS_FORMATSIZE];
08600         char onbuf[ISC_NETADDR_FORMATSIZE];
08601         char ednsbuf[sizeof("E(255)")] = { 0 };
08602         dns_rdataset_t *rdataset;
08603         int level = ISC_LOG_INFO;
08605         if (! isc_log_wouldlog(ns_g_lctx, level))
08606                 return;
08608         rdataset = ISC_LIST_HEAD(client->query.qname->list);
08609         INSIST(rdataset != NULL);
08610         dns_name_format(client->query.qname, namebuf, sizeof(namebuf));
08611         dns_rdataclass_format(rdataset->rdclass, classname, sizeof(classname));
08612         dns_rdatatype_format(rdataset->type, typename, sizeof(typename));
08613         isc_netaddr_format(&client->destaddr, onbuf, sizeof(onbuf));
08615         if (client->ednsversion >= 0)
08616                 snprintf(ednsbuf, sizeof(ednsbuf), "E(%d)",
08617                          client->ednsversion);
08619         ns_client_log(client, NS_LOGCATEGORY_QUERIES, NS_LOGMODULE_QUERY,
08620                       level, "query: %s %s %s %s%s%s%s%s%s (%s)", namebuf,
08621                       classname, typename, WANTRECURSION(client) ? "+" : "-",
08622                       (client->signer != NULL) ? "S" : "", ednsbuf,
08623                       ((client->attributes & NS_CLIENTATTR_TCP) != 0) ?
08624                                  "T" : "",
08625                       ((extflags & DNS_MESSAGEEXTFLAG_DO) != 0) ? "D" : "",
08626                       ((flags & DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_CD) != 0) ? "C" : "",
08627                       onbuf);
08628 }
08630 static inline void
08631 log_queryerror(ns_client_t *client, isc_result_t result, int line, int level) {
08632         char namebuf[DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE];
08633         char typename[DNS_RDATATYPE_FORMATSIZE];
08634         char classname[DNS_RDATACLASS_FORMATSIZE];
08635         const char *namep, *typep, *classp, *sep1, *sep2;
08636         dns_rdataset_t *rdataset;
08638         if (!isc_log_wouldlog(ns_g_lctx, level))
08639                 return;
08641         namep = typep = classp = sep1 = sep2 = "";
08643         /*
08644          * Query errors can happen for various reasons.  In some cases we cannot
08645          * even assume the query contains a valid question section, so we should
08646          * expect exceptional cases.
08647          */
08648         if (client->query.origqname != NULL) {
08649                 dns_name_format(client->query.origqname, namebuf,
08650                                 sizeof(namebuf));
08651                 namep = namebuf;
08652                 sep1 = " for ";
08654                 rdataset = ISC_LIST_HEAD(client->query.origqname->list);
08655                 if (rdataset != NULL) {
08656                         dns_rdataclass_format(rdataset->rdclass, classname,
08657                                               sizeof(classname));
08658                         classp = classname;
08659                         dns_rdatatype_format(rdataset->type, typename,
08660                                              sizeof(typename));
08661                         typep = typename;
08662                         sep2 = "/";
08663                 }
08664         }
08666         ns_client_log(client, NS_LOGCATEGORY_QUERY_EERRORS, NS_LOGMODULE_QUERY,
08667                       level, "query failed (%s)%s%s%s%s%s%s at %s:%d",
08668                       isc_result_totext(result), sep1, namep, sep2,
08669                       classp, sep2, typep, __FILE__, line);
08670 }
08672 void
08673 ns_query_start(ns_client_t *client) {
08674         isc_result_t result;
08675         dns_message_t *message = client->message;
08676         dns_rdataset_t *rdataset;
08677         ns_client_t *qclient;
08678         dns_rdatatype_t qtype;
08679         unsigned int saved_extflags = client->extflags;
08680         unsigned int saved_flags = client->message->flags;
08682         CTRACE(ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "ns_query_start");
08684         /*
08685          * Test only.
08686          */
08687         if (ns_g_clienttest && (client->attributes & NS_CLIENTATTR_TCP) == 0)
08688                 RUNTIME_CHECK(ns_client_replace(client) == ISC_R_SUCCESS);
08690         /*
08691          * Ensure that appropriate cleanups occur.
08692          */
08693         client->next = query_next_callback;
08695         /*
08696          * Behave as if we don't support DNSSEC if not enabled.
08697          */
08698         if (!client->view->enablednssec) {
08699                 message->flags &= ~DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_CD;
08700                 client->extflags &= ~DNS_MESSAGEEXTFLAG_DO;
08701         }
08703         if ((message->flags & DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_RD) != 0)
08704                 client->query.attributes |= NS_QUERYATTR_WANTRECURSION;
08706         if ((client->extflags & DNS_MESSAGEEXTFLAG_DO) != 0)
08707                 client->attributes |= NS_CLIENTATTR_WANTDNSSEC;
08709         if (client->view->minimalresponses)
08710                 client->query.attributes |= (NS_QUERYATTR_NOAUTHORITY |
08711                                              NS_QUERYATTR_NOADDITIONAL);
08713         if ((client->view->cachedb == NULL)
08714             || (!client->view->additionalfromcache)) {
08715                 /*
08716                  * We don't have a cache.  Turn off cache support and
08717                  * recursion.
08718                  */
08719                 client->query.attributes &=
08721                 client->query.attributes |= NS_CLIENTATTR_NOSETFC;
08722         } else if ((client->attributes & NS_CLIENTATTR_RA) == 0 ||
08723                    (message->flags & DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_RD) == 0) {
08724                 /*
08725                  * If the client isn't allowed to recurse (due to
08726                  * "recursion no", the allow-recursion ACL, or the
08727                  * lack of a resolver in this view), or if it
08728                  * doesn't want recursion, turn recursion off.
08729                  */
08730                 client->query.attributes &= ~NS_QUERYATTR_RECURSIONOK;
08731                 client->query.attributes |= NS_CLIENTATTR_NOSETFC;
08732         }
08734         /*
08735          * Get the question name.
08736          */
08737         result = dns_message_firstname(message, DNS_SECTION_QUESTION);
08738         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
08739                 query_error(client, result, __LINE__);
08740                 return;
08741         }
08742         dns_message_currentname(message, DNS_SECTION_QUESTION,
08743                                 &client->query.qname);
08744         client->query.origqname = client->query.qname;
08745         result = dns_message_nextname(message, DNS_SECTION_QUESTION);
08746         if (result != ISC_R_NOMORE) {
08747                 if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
08748                         /*
08749                          * There's more than one QNAME in the question
08750                          * section.
08751                          */
08752                         query_error(client, DNS_R_FORMERR, __LINE__);
08753                 } else
08754                         query_error(client, result, __LINE__);
08755                 return;
08756         }
08758         if (ns_g_server->log_queries)
08759                 log_query(client, saved_flags, saved_extflags);
08761         /*
08762          * Check for multiple question queries, since edns1 is dead.
08763          */
08764         if (message->counts[DNS_SECTION_QUESTION] > 1) {
08765                 query_error(client, DNS_R_FORMERR, __LINE__);
08766                 return;
08767         }
08769         /*
08770          * Check for meta-queries like IXFR and AXFR.
08771          */
08772         rdataset = ISC_LIST_HEAD(client->query.qname->list);
08773         INSIST(rdataset != NULL);
08774         client->query.qtype = qtype = rdataset->type;
08775         dns_rdatatypestats_increment(ns_g_server->rcvquerystats, qtype);
08777         if (dns_rdatatype_ismeta(qtype)) {
08778                 switch (qtype) {
08779                 case dns_rdatatype_any:
08780                         break; /* Let query_find handle it. */
08781                 case dns_rdatatype_ixfr:
08782                 case dns_rdatatype_axfr:
08783                         ns_xfr_start(client, rdataset->type);
08784                         return;
08785                 case dns_rdatatype_maila:
08786                 case dns_rdatatype_mailb:
08787                         query_error(client, DNS_R_NOTIMP, __LINE__);
08788                         return;
08789                 case dns_rdatatype_tkey:
08790                         result = dns_tkey_processquery(client->message,
08791                                                 ns_g_server->tkeyctx,
08792                                                 client->view->dynamickeys);
08793                         if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS)
08794                                 query_send(client);
08795                         else
08796                                 query_error(client, result, __LINE__);
08797                         return;
08798                 default: /* TSIG, etc. */
08799                         query_error(client, DNS_R_FORMERR, __LINE__);
08800                         return;
08801                 }
08802         }
08804         /*
08805          * Turn on minimal response for DNSKEY and DS queries.
08806          */
08807         if (qtype == dns_rdatatype_dnskey || qtype == dns_rdatatype_ds)
08808                 client->query.attributes |= (NS_QUERYATTR_NOAUTHORITY |
08809                                              NS_QUERYATTR_NOADDITIONAL);
08811         /*
08812          * Turn on minimal responses for EDNS/UDP bufsize 512 queries.
08813          */
08814         if (client->ednsversion >= 0 && client->udpsize <= 512U &&
08815             (client->attributes & NS_CLIENTATTR_TCP) == 0)
08816                 client->query.attributes |= (NS_QUERYATTR_NOAUTHORITY |
08817                                              NS_QUERYATTR_NOADDITIONAL);
08819         /*
08820          * If the client has requested that DNSSEC checking be disabled,
08821          * allow lookups to return pending data and instruct the resolver
08822          * to return data before validation has completed.
08823          *
08824          * We don't need to set DNS_DBFIND_PENDINGOK when validation is
08825          * disabled as there will be no pending data.
08826          */
08827         if (message->flags & DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_CD ||
08828             qtype == dns_rdatatype_rrsig)
08829         {
08830                 client->query.dboptions |= DNS_DBFIND_PENDINGOK;
08831                 client->query.fetchoptions |= DNS_FETCHOPT_NOVALIDATE;
08832         } else if (!client->view->enablevalidation)
08833                 client->query.fetchoptions |= DNS_FETCHOPT_NOVALIDATE;
08835         /*
08836          * Allow glue NS records to be added to the authority section
08837          * if the answer is secure.
08838          */
08839         if (message->flags & DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_CD)
08840                 client->query.attributes &= ~NS_QUERYATTR_SECURE;
08842         /*
08843          * Set NS_CLIENTATTR_WANTDNSSEC if the client has set AD in the query.
08844          * This allows AD to be returned on queries without DO set.
08845          */
08846         if ((message->flags & DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_AD) != 0)
08847                 client->attributes |= NS_CLIENTATTR_WANTAD;
08849         /*
08850          * This is an ordinary query.
08851          */
08852         result = dns_message_reply(message, ISC_TRUE);
08853         if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
08854                 query_next(client, result);
08855                 return;
08856         }
08858         /*
08859          * Assume authoritative response until it is known to be
08860          * otherwise.
08861          *
08862          * If "-T noaa" has been set on the command line don't set
08863          * AA on authoritative answers.
08864          */
08865         if (!ns_g_noaa)
08866                 message->flags |= DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_AA;
08868         /*
08869          * Set AD.  We must clear it if we add non-validated data to a
08870          * response.
08871          */
08872         if (WANTDNSSEC(client) || WANTAD(client))
08873                 message->flags |= DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_AD;
08875         qclient = NULL;
08876         ns_client_attach(client, &qclient);
08877         (void)query_find(qclient, NULL, qtype);
08878 }

Generated on Tue Apr 28 17:40:54 2015 by Doxygen 1.5.4 for BIND9 Internals 9.11.0pre-alpha