server.h File Reference

#include <isc/log.h>
#include <isc/magic.h>
#include <isc/quota.h>
#include <isc/sockaddr.h>
#include <isc/types.h>
#include <isc/xml.h>
#include <dns/acl.h>
#include <dns/types.h>
#include <named/types.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  ns_server
 Name server state. Better here than in lots of separate global variables. More...


#define NAMED_SERVER_H   1
#define NS_SERVER_MAGIC   ISC_MAGIC('S','V','E','R')


enum  {
  dns_nsstatscounter_requestv4 = 0, dns_nsstatscounter_requestv6 = 1, dns_nsstatscounter_edns0in = 2, dns_nsstatscounter_badednsver = 3,
  dns_nsstatscounter_tsigin = 4, dns_nsstatscounter_sig0in = 5, dns_nsstatscounter_invalidsig = 6, dns_nsstatscounter_requesttcp = 7,
  dns_nsstatscounter_authrej = 8, dns_nsstatscounter_recurserej = 9, dns_nsstatscounter_xfrrej = 10, dns_nsstatscounter_updaterej = 11,
  dns_nsstatscounter_response = 12, dns_nsstatscounter_truncatedresp = 13, dns_nsstatscounter_edns0out = 14, dns_nsstatscounter_tsigout = 15,
  dns_nsstatscounter_sig0out = 16, dns_nsstatscounter_success = 17, dns_nsstatscounter_authans = 18, dns_nsstatscounter_nonauthans = 19,
  dns_nsstatscounter_referral = 20, dns_nsstatscounter_nxrrset = 21, dns_nsstatscounter_servfail = 22, dns_nsstatscounter_formerr = 23,
  dns_nsstatscounter_nxdomain = 24, dns_nsstatscounter_recursion = 25, dns_nsstatscounter_duplicate = 26, dns_nsstatscounter_dropped = 27,
  dns_nsstatscounter_failure = 28, dns_nsstatscounter_xfrdone = 29, dns_nsstatscounter_updatereqfwd = 30, dns_nsstatscounter_updaterespfwd = 31,
  dns_nsstatscounter_updatefwdfail = 32, dns_nsstatscounter_updatedone = 33, dns_nsstatscounter_updatefail = 34, dns_nsstatscounter_updatebadprereq = 35,
  dns_nsstatscounter_recursclients = 36, dns_nsstatscounter_dns64 = 37, dns_nsstatscounter_ratedropped = 38, dns_nsstatscounter_rateslipped = 39,
  dns_nsstatscounter_rpz_rewrites = 40, dns_nsstatscounter_udp = 41, dns_nsstatscounter_tcp = 42, dns_nsstatscounter_nsidopt = 43,
  dns_nsstatscounter_expireopt = 44, dns_nsstatscounter_otheropt = 45, dns_nsstatscounter_ecsopt = 46, dns_nsstatscounter_max = 47
 Server statistics counters. Used as isc_statscounter_t values. More...


void ns_server_create (isc_mem_t *mctx, ns_server_t **serverp)
 Create a server object with default settings. This function either succeeds or causes the program to exit with a fatal error.
void ns_server_destroy (ns_server_t **serverp)
 Destroy a server object, freeing its memory.
void ns_server_reloadwanted (ns_server_t *server)
 Inform a server that a reload is wanted. This function may be called asynchronously, from outside the server's task. If a reload is already scheduled or in progress, the call is ignored.
void ns_server_scan_interfaces (ns_server_t *server)
 Trigger a interface scan. Must only be called when running under server->task.
void ns_server_flushonshutdown (ns_server_t *server, isc_boolean_t flush)
 Inform the server that the zones should be flushed to disk on shutdown.
isc_result_t ns_server_reloadcommand (ns_server_t *server, char *args, isc_buffer_t **text)
 Act on a "reload" command from the command channel.
isc_result_t ns_server_reconfigcommand (ns_server_t *server, char *args)
 Act on a "reconfig" command from the command channel.
isc_result_t ns_server_notifycommand (ns_server_t *server, char *args, isc_buffer_t **text)
 Act on a "notify" command from the command channel.
isc_result_t ns_server_refreshcommand (ns_server_t *server, char *args, isc_buffer_t **text)
 Act on a "refresh" command from the command channel.
isc_result_t ns_server_retransfercommand (ns_server_t *server, char *args, isc_buffer_t **text)
 Act on a "retransfer" command from the command channel.
isc_result_t ns_server_togglequerylog (ns_server_t *server, char *args)
 Enable/disable logging of queries. (Takes "yes" or "no" argument, but can also be used as a toggle for backward comptibility.).
isc_result_t ns_server_saventa (ns_server_t *server)
 Save the current NTAs for all views to files.
isc_result_t ns_server_loadnta (ns_server_t *server)
 Load NTAs for all views from files.
isc_result_t ns_server_dumpstats (ns_server_t *server)
 Dump the current statistics to the statistics file.
isc_result_t ns_server_dumpdb (ns_server_t *server, char *args)
 Dump the current cache to the dump file.
isc_result_t ns_server_dumpsecroots (ns_server_t *server, char *args, isc_buffer_t **text)
 Dump the current security roots to the secroots file.
isc_result_t ns_server_setdebuglevel (ns_server_t *server, char *args)
 Change or increment the server debug level.
isc_result_t ns_server_flushcache (ns_server_t *server, char *args)
 Flush the server's cache(s).
isc_result_t ns_server_flushnode (ns_server_t *server, char *args, isc_boolean_t tree)
 Flush a particular name from the server's cache. If 'tree' is false, also flush the name from the ADB and badcache. If 'tree' is true, also flush all the names under the specified name.
isc_result_t ns_server_status (ns_server_t *server, isc_buffer_t **text)
 Report the server's status.
isc_result_t ns_server_tsiglist (ns_server_t *server, isc_buffer_t **text)
 Report a list of dynamic and static tsig keys, per view.
isc_result_t ns_server_tsigdelete (ns_server_t *server, char *command, isc_buffer_t **text)
 Delete a specific key (with optional view).
isc_result_t ns_server_freeze (ns_server_t *server, isc_boolean_t freeze, char *args, isc_buffer_t **text)
 Enable or disable updates for a zone.
isc_result_t ns_server_sync (ns_server_t *server, char *args, isc_buffer_t **text)
 Dump zone updates to disk, optionally removing the journal file.
isc_result_t ns_server_rekey (ns_server_t *server, char *args, isc_buffer_t **text)
 Update a zone's DNSKEY set from the key repository. If the command that triggered the call to this function was "sign", then force a full signing of the zone. If it was "loadkeys", then don't sign the zone; any needed changes to signatures can take place incrementally.
isc_result_t ns_server_dumprecursing (ns_server_t *server)
 Dump the current recursive queries.
void ns_add_reserved_dispatch (ns_server_t *server, const isc_sockaddr_t *addr)
 Maintain a list of dispatches that require reserved ports.
isc_result_t ns_server_validation (ns_server_t *server, char *args, isc_buffer_t **text)
 Enable or disable dnssec validation.
isc_result_t ns_server_changezone (ns_server_t *server, char *args, isc_buffer_t **text)
 Add a zone to a running process, or modify an existing zone.
isc_result_t ns_server_delzone (ns_server_t *server, char *args, isc_buffer_t **text)
 Deletes a zone from a running process.
isc_result_t ns_server_showzone (ns_server_t *server, char *args, isc_buffer_t **text)
 Show current configuration for a given zone.
isc_result_t ns_server_signing (ns_server_t *server, char *args, isc_buffer_t **text)
 Lists the status of the signing records for a given zone.
isc_result_t ns_server_zonestatus (ns_server_t *server, char *args, isc_buffer_t **text)
 Lists status information for a given zone (e.g., name, type, files, load time, expiry, etc).
isc_result_t ns_server_nta (ns_server_t *server, char *args, isc_buffer_t **text)
 Adds a Negative Trust Anchor (NTA) for a specified name and duration, in a particular view if specified, or in all views.
isc_result_t ns_server_testgen (char *args, isc_buffer_t **text)
 Generates a test sequence that is only for use in system tests. The argument is the size of required output in bytes.
isc_result_t ns_server_mkeys (ns_server_t *server, char *args, isc_buffer_t **text)
 Force fefresh or print status for managed keys zones.

Detailed Description

Definition in file server.h.

Define Documentation

#define NAMED_SERVER_H   1

Definition at line 21 of file server.h.


Definition at line 37 of file server.h.


Definition at line 38 of file server.h.

Referenced by ns_server_create().


Definition at line 39 of file server.h.

Referenced by client_create().

#define NS_SERVER_MAGIC   ISC_MAGIC('S','V','E','R')

Definition at line 124 of file server.h.

Referenced by ns_server_create().


Definition at line 125 of file server.h.

Referenced by end_reserved_dispatches(), ns_add_reserved_dispatch(), ns_server_destroy(), ns_server_flushonshutdown(), and start_reserved_dispatches().

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

Server statistics counters. Used as isc_statscounter_t values.


Definition at line 130 of file server.h.

Function Documentation

void ns_server_create ( isc_mem_t mctx,
ns_server_t **  serverp 

Create a server object with default settings. This function either succeeds or causes the program to exit with a fatal error.

Definition at line 6809 of file server.c.

References ns_server::aclenv, ns_server::bindkeysfile, ns_server::blackholeacl, ns_server::cachelist, CHECKFATAL, ns_server::controls, ns_server::dispatches, ns_server::dispatchgen, dns_aclenv_init(), dns_nsstatscounter_max, dns_opcodestats_create(), dns_rdatatypestats_create(), dns_resstatscounter_max, dns_rootns_create(), dns_tkeyctx_create(), dns_zonemgr_create(), dns_zonemgr_setsize(), dns_zonestatscounter_max, DST_ALG_UNKNOWN, dst_lib_init2(), ns_server::dumpfile, fatal(), ns_server::flushonshutdown, ns_server::heartbeat_interval, ns_server::heartbeat_timer, ns_server::hostname, ns_server::hostname_set, ns_server::in_roothints, ns_server::interface_interval, ns_server::interface_timer, ns_server::interfacemgr, isc_app_onrun(), ISC_ENTROPY_GOODONLY, isc_event_allocate(), ISC_FALSE, ISC_LIST_INIT, isc_mem_get, isc_mem_strdup, isc_mutex_init, isc_quota_init(), ISC_R_NOMEMORY, ISC_R_SUCCESS, isc_socketmgr_setstats(), isc_sockstatscounter_max, isc_stats_create(), isc_task_create(), isc_task_onshutdown(), isc_task_setname(), isc_taskmgr_setexcltask(), ns_server::keepresporder, ns_server::lockfile, ns_server::log_queries, ns_server::magic, ns_server::mctx, ns_controls_create(), NS_EVENT_RELOAD, ns_geoip_init(), NS_SERVER_MAGIC, ns_server_reload(), ns_server::nsstats, ns_server::opcodestats, ns_server::pps_timer, ns_server::rcvquerystats, ns_server::recfile, ns_server::recursionquota, ns_server::reload_event, ns_server::reload_event_lock, ns_server::resolverstats, run_server(), RUNTIME_CHECK, ns_server::secrootsfile, ns_server::server_id, ns_server::server_usehostname, ns_server::session_keyalg, ns_server::session_keybits, ns_server::session_keyfile, ns_server::session_keyname, ns_server::sessionkey, shutdown_server(), ns_server::sockstats, ns_server::statschannels, ns_server::statsfile, ns_server::task, ns_server::tcpquota, ns_server::tkeyctx, ns_server::version, ns_server::version_set, ns_server::viewlist, ns_server::xfroutquota, ns_server::zonemgr, and ns_server::zonestats.

Referenced by setup().

void ns_server_destroy ( ns_server_t **  serverp  ) 

Destroy a server object, freeing its memory.

Definition at line 6982 of file server.c.

References ns_server::aclenv, ns_server::bindkeysfile, ns_server::cachelist, ns_server::controls, dns_aclenv_destroy(), dns_stats_detach(), dns_tkeyctx_destroy(), dns_zonemgr_detach(), dst_lib_destroy(), ns_server::dumpfile, ns_server::hostname, INSIST, isc_event_free(), ISC_LIST_EMPTY, isc_mem_free, isc_mem_put, isc_quota_destroy(), isc_stats_detach(), ns_server::lockfile, ns_server::magic, ns_server::mctx, ns_controls_destroy(), NS_SERVER_VALID, ns_server::nsstats, ns_server::opcodestats, ns_server::rcvquerystats, ns_server::recfile, ns_server::recursionquota, ns_server::reload_event, REQUIRE, ns_server::resolverstats, ns_server::secrootsfile, ns_server::server_id, ns_server::sockstats, ns_server::statsfile, ns_server::tcpquota, ns_server::tkeyctx, ns_server::version, ns_server::viewlist, ns_server::xfroutquota, ns_server::zonemgr, and ns_server::zonestats.

Referenced by cleanup().

void ns_server_reloadwanted ( ns_server_t server  ) 

Inform a server that a reload is wanted. This function may be called asynchronously, from outside the server's task. If a reload is already scheduled or in progress, the call is ignored.

Definition at line 7230 of file server.c.

References isc_task_send(), LOCK, ns_server::reload_event, ns_server::reload_event_lock, ns_server::task, and UNLOCK.

Referenced by main().

void ns_server_scan_interfaces ( ns_server_t server  ) 

Trigger a interface scan. Must only be called when running under server->task.

Definition at line 7238 of file server.c.

References ISC_LOG_DEBUG, isc_log_write(), ISC_R_SUCCESS, isc_task_beginexclusive(), isc_task_endexclusive(), ISC_TRUE, NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL, NS_LOGMODULE_SERVER, RUNTIME_CHECK, scan_interfaces(), and ns_server::task.

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

void ns_server_flushonshutdown ( ns_server_t server,
isc_boolean_t  flush 

Inform the server that the zones should be flushed to disk on shutdown.

Definition at line 6717 of file server.c.

References ns_server::flushonshutdown, NS_SERVER_VALID, and REQUIRE.

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_reloadcommand ( ns_server_t server,
char *  args,
isc_buffer_t **  text 

Act on a "reload" command from the command channel.

Definition at line 7413 of file server.c.

References DNS_R_CONTINUE, DNS_R_UPTODATE, dns_zone_detach(), dns_zone_gettype(), dns_zone_load(), dns_zone_refresh(), dns_zone_slave, dns_zone_stub, ISC_R_SUCCESS, ISC_TRUE, putnull(), putstr(), reload, and zone_from_args().

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_reconfigcommand ( ns_server_t server,
char *  args 

Act on a "reconfig" command from the command channel.

Definition at line 7465 of file server.c.

References ISC_R_SUCCESS, reconfig(), and UNUSED.

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_notifycommand ( ns_server_t server,
char *  args,
isc_buffer_t **  text 

Act on a "notify" command from the command channel.

Definition at line 7476 of file server.c.

References dns_zone_detach(), dns_zone_notify(), ISC_R_SUCCESS, ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND, ISC_TRUE, putnull(), putstr(), and zone_from_args().

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_refreshcommand ( ns_server_t server,
char *  args,
isc_buffer_t **  text 

Act on a "refresh" command from the command channel.

Definition at line 7500 of file server.c.

References dns_zone_attach(), dns_zone_detach(), dns_zone_getraw(), dns_zone_gettype(), dns_zone_refresh(), dns_zone_slave, dns_zone_stub, ISC_R_FAILURE, ISC_R_SUCCESS, ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND, ISC_TRUE, putnull(), putstr(), and zone_from_args().

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_retransfercommand ( ns_server_t server,
char *  args,
isc_buffer_t **  text 

Act on a "retransfer" command from the command channel.

Definition at line 7380 of file server.c.

References dns_zone_attach(), dns_zone_detach(), dns_zone_forcereload(), dns_zone_getraw(), dns_zone_gettype(), dns_zone_slave, dns_zone_stub, ISC_R_NOTFOUND, ISC_R_SUCCESS, ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND, ISC_TRUE, and zone_from_args().

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_togglequerylog ( ns_server_t server,
char *  args 

Enable/disable logging of queries. (Takes "yes" or "no" argument, but can also be used as a toggle for backward comptibility.).

Definition at line 7538 of file server.c.


Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_saventa ( ns_server_t server  ) 

Save the current NTAs for all views to files.

Definition at line 10651 of file server.c.

References dns_view_saventa(), ISC_LIST_HEAD, ISC_LIST_NEXT, ISC_LOG_ERROR, isc_log_write(), ISC_R_SUCCESS, isc_result_totext(), dns_view::name, NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL, NS_LOGMODULE_SERVER, and ns_server::viewlist.

Referenced by shutdown_server().

isc_result_t ns_server_loadnta ( ns_server_t server  ) 

Load NTAs for all views from files.

Definition at line 10673 of file server.c.

References dns_view_loadnta(), ISC_LIST_HEAD, ISC_LIST_NEXT, ISC_LOG_ERROR, isc_log_write(), ISC_R_FILENOTFOUND, ISC_R_NOTFOUND, ISC_R_SUCCESS, isc_result_totext(), dns_view::name, NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL, NS_LOGMODULE_SERVER, and ns_server::viewlist.

Referenced by run_server().

isc_result_t ns_server_dumpstats ( ns_server_t server  ) 

Dump the current statistics to the statistics file.

Definition at line 7668 of file server.c.

References CHECKMF, cleanup(), dns_result_totext(), ISC_LOG_ERROR, ISC_LOG_INFO, isc_log_write(), ISC_R_SUCCESS, isc_stdio_close(), isc_stdio_open(), NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL, NS_LOGMODULE_SERVER, ns_stats_dump(), and ns_server::statsfile.

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_dumpdb ( ns_server_t server,
char *  args 

Dump the current cache to the dump file.

Definition at line 7892 of file server.c.

References add_view_tolist(), dumpcontext::cache, CHECK, CHECKMF, cleanup(), dumpcontext::db, dumpcontext::dumpcache, dumpcontext_destroy(), dumpdone(), ns_server::dumpfile, dumpcontext::dumpzones, dumpcontext::fp, ISC_FALSE, ISC_LIST_HEAD, ISC_LIST_INIT, ISC_LIST_NEXT, ISC_LOG_INFO, isc_log_write(), isc_mem_get, ISC_R_NOMEMORY, ISC_R_SUCCESS, ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND, isc_stdio_open(), isc_task_attach(), ISC_TRUE, dumpcontext::mctx, ns_server::mctx, dumpcontext::mdctx, dns_view::name, next_token(), NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL, NS_LOGMODULE_SERVER, ns_server::task, dumpcontext::task, dumpcontext::version, dumpcontext::view, ns_server::viewlist, and dumpcontext::zone.

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_dumpsecroots ( ns_server_t server,
char *  args,
isc_buffer_t **  text 

Dump the current security roots to the secroots file.

Definition at line 7970 of file server.c.

References CHECK, CHECKMF, cleanup(), dns_keytable_detach(), dns_keytable_totext(), dns_ntatable_detach(), dns_ntatable_totext(), dns_result_totext(), dns_view_getntatable(), dns_view_getsecroots(), isc_buffer_base, isc_buffer_clear, isc_buffer_usedlength, ISC_LIST_HEAD, ISC_LIST_NEXT, ISC_LOG_ERROR, ISC_LOG_INFO, isc_log_write(), ISC_R_NOTFOUND, ISC_R_SUCCESS, ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND, isc_stdio_close(), isc_stdio_open(), isc_time_formattimestamp(), dns_view::name, next_token(), now, NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL, NS_LOGMODULE_SERVER, putnull(), putstr(), ns_server::secrootsfile, TIME_NOW, and ns_server::viewlist.

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_setdebuglevel ( ns_server_t server,
char *  args 

Change or increment the server debug level.

Definition at line 8094 of file server.c.

References ISC_LOG_INFO, isc_log_setdebuglevel(), isc_log_write(), ISC_R_RANGE, ISC_R_SUCCESS, ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND, next_token(), NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL, NS_LOGMODULE_SERVER, and UNUSED.

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_flushcache ( ns_server_t server,
char *  args 

Flush the server's cache(s).

Definition at line 8196 of file server.c.

References dns_view::cache, ns_cache::cache, ns_server::cachelist, dns_view_flushcache2(), dns_view_iscacheshared(), INSIST, ISC_FALSE, ISC_LIST_HEAD, ISC_LIST_NEXT, ISC_LOG_ERROR, ISC_LOG_INFO, isc_log_write(), ISC_R_FAILURE, ISC_R_NOTFOUND, ISC_R_SUCCESS, ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND, isc_result_totext(), isc_task_beginexclusive(), isc_task_endexclusive(), ISC_TRUE, dns_view::name, ns_cache::needflush, next_token(), NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL, NS_LOGMODULE_SERVER, ns_cache::primaryview, RUNTIME_CHECK, ns_server::task, and ns_server::viewlist.

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_flushnode ( ns_server_t server,
char *  args,
isc_boolean_t  tree 

Flush a particular name from the server's cache. If 'tree' is false, also flush the name from the ADB and badcache. If 'tree' is true, also flush all the names under the specified name.

Definition at line 8332 of file server.c.

References dns_fixedname_init, dns_fixedname_name, dns_name_fromtext(), dns_rootname, dns_view_flushnode(), fixed, isc_buffer_add, isc_buffer_constinit, ISC_FALSE, ISC_LIST_HEAD, ISC_LIST_NEXT, ISC_LOG_ERROR, ISC_LOG_INFO, isc_log_write(), ISC_R_FAILURE, ISC_R_SUCCESS, ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND, isc_result_totext(), isc_task_beginexclusive(), isc_task_endexclusive(), ISC_TRUE, dns_view::name, name, next_token(), NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL, NS_LOGMODULE_SERVER, RUNTIME_CHECK, ns_server::task, and ns_server::viewlist.

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_status ( ns_server_t server,
isc_buffer_t **  text 

Report the server's status.

Definition at line 8422 of file server.c.

References CHECK, cleanup(), dns_zonemgr_getcount(), DNS_ZONESTATE_ANY, DNS_ZONESTATE_AUTOMATIC, DNS_ZONESTATE_SOAQUERY, DNS_ZONESTATE_XFERDEFERRED, DNS_ZONESTATE_XFERRUNNING, ISC_FORMATHTTPTIMESTAMP_SIZE, ISC_R_SUCCESS, isc_time_formathttptimestamp(), ns_server::log_queries, isc_quota::max, ns_g_boottime, ns_g_configtime, putnull(), putstr(), ns_server::recursionquota, isc_quota::soft, ns_server::tcpquota, isc_quota::used, and ns_server::zonemgr.

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_tsiglist ( ns_server_t server,
isc_buffer_t **  text 

Report a list of dynamic and static tsig keys, per view.

Definition at line 8733 of file server.c.

References CHECK, cleanup(), dns_view::dynamickeys, isc_buffer_usedlength, ISC_LIST_HEAD, ISC_LIST_NEXT, ISC_R_SUCCESS, isc_rwlocktype_read, isc_task_beginexclusive(), isc_task_endexclusive(), list_keynames(), dns_tsig_keyring::lock, putnull(), putstr(), RUNTIME_CHECK, RWLOCK, RWUNLOCK, dns_view::statickeys, ns_server::task, and ns_server::viewlist.

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_tsigdelete ( ns_server_t server,
char *  command,
isc_buffer_t **  text 

Delete a specific key (with optional view).

Definition at line 8612 of file server.c.

References CHECK, cleanup(), delete_keynames(), dns_view::dynamickeys, ISC_LIST_HEAD, ISC_LIST_NEXT, ISC_R_SUCCESS, ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND, isc_rwlocktype_write, isc_task_beginexclusive(), isc_task_endexclusive(), dns_tsig_keyring::lock, dns_view::name, next_token(), putnull(), putstr(), RUNTIME_CHECK, RWLOCK, RWUNLOCK, ns_server::task, and ns_server::viewlist.

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_freeze ( ns_server_t server,
isc_boolean_t  freeze,
char *  args,
isc_buffer_t **  text 

Enable or disable updates for a zone.

Definition at line 8920 of file server.c.

References dns_name_format(), DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE, DNS_R_CONTINUE, DNS_R_FROZEN, DNS_R_NOTDYNAMIC, DNS_R_NOTMASTER, DNS_R_UPTODATE, dns_rdataclass_format(), DNS_RDATACLASS_FORMATSIZE, dns_view_freezezones(), dns_zone_attach(), dns_zone_detach(), dns_zone_flush(), dns_zone_getclass(), dns_zone_getorigin(), dns_zone_getraw(), dns_zone_gettype(), dns_zone_getupdatedisabled(), dns_zone_getview(), dns_zone_isdynamic(), dns_zone_loadandthaw(), dns_zone_master, dns_zone_setupdatedisabled(), ISC_LIST_HEAD, ISC_LIST_NEXT, ISC_LOG_INFO, isc_log_write(), ISC_R_SUCCESS, isc_result_totext(), isc_task_beginexclusive(), isc_task_endexclusive(), ISC_TRUE, dns_view::name, NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL, NS_LOGMODULE_SERVER, putnull(), putstr(), RUNTIME_CHECK, ns_server::task, ns_server::viewlist, and zone_from_args().

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_sync ( ns_server_t server,
char *  args,
isc_buffer_t **  text 

Dump zone updates to disk, optionally removing the journal file.

Definition at line 8842 of file server.c.

References arg, cleanup(), dns_name_format(), DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE, dns_rdataclass_format(), DNS_RDATACLASS_FORMATSIZE, dns_zone_detach(), dns_zone_getclass(), dns_zone_getorigin(), dns_zone_getview(), dns_zt_apply(), ISC_FALSE, ISC_LIST_HEAD, ISC_LIST_NEXT, ISC_LOG_INFO, isc_log_write(), ISC_R_SUCCESS, isc_result_totext(), isc_task_beginexclusive(), isc_task_endexclusive(), ISC_TRUE, dns_view::name, next_token(), NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL, NS_LOGMODULE_SERVER, RUNTIME_CHECK, synczone(), ns_server::task, ns_server::viewlist, zone_from_args(), and dns_view::zonetable.

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_rekey ( ns_server_t server,
char *  args,
isc_buffer_t **  text 

Update a zone's DNSKEY set from the key repository. If the command that triggered the call to this function was "sign", then force a full signing of the zone. If it was "loadkeys", then don't sign the zone; any needed changes to signatures can take place incrementally.

Definition at line 8776 of file server.c.

References DNS_R_NOTMASTER, dns_zone_detach(), dns_zone_getkeyopts(), dns_zone_gettype(), dns_zone_master, dns_zone_rekey(), DNS_ZONEKEY_ALLOW, DNS_ZONEKEY_MAINTAIN, ISC_FALSE, ISC_R_NOPERM, ISC_R_SUCCESS, ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND, ISC_TRUE, NS_COMMAND_SIGN, and zone_from_args().

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_dumprecursing ( ns_server_t server  ) 

Dump the current recursive queries.

Definition at line 8068 of file server.c.

References CHECKMF, cleanup(), dns_result_totext(), ns_server::interfacemgr, ISC_LOG_ERROR, ISC_LOG_INFO, isc_log_write(), ISC_R_SUCCESS, isc_stdio_close(), isc_stdio_open(), ns_interfacemgr_dumprecursing(), NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL, NS_LOGMODULE_SERVER, and ns_server::recfile.

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

void ns_add_reserved_dispatch ( ns_server_t server,
const isc_sockaddr_t addr 

Maintain a list of dispatches that require reserved ports.

Definition at line 7072 of file server.c.

References ns_dispatch::addr, AF_INET6, cleanup(), ns_dispatch::dispatch, ns_server::dispatches, ns_server::dispatchgen, ns_dispatch::dispatchgen, dns_dispatch_getudp(), DNS_DISPATCHATTR_IPV4, DNS_DISPATCHATTR_IPV6, DNS_DISPATCHATTR_TCP, DNS_DISPATCHATTR_UDP, ISC_LIST_HEAD, ISC_LIST_INITANDPREPEND, ISC_LIST_NEXT, ISC_LOG_WARNING, isc_log_write(), isc_mem_get, isc_mem_put, ISC_R_NOMEMORY, ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED, ISC_R_SUCCESS, isc_result_totext(), isc_sockaddr_equal(), isc_sockaddr_format(), ISC_SOCKADDR_FORMATSIZE, isc_sockaddr_getport(), isc_sockaddr_pf(), ns_server::mctx, NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL, NS_LOGMODULE_SERVER, NS_SERVER_VALID, port, REQUIRE, and UDPBUFFERS.

Referenced by configure_peer(), and ns_zone_configure().

isc_result_t ns_server_validation ( ns_server_t server,
char *  args,
isc_buffer_t **  text 

Enable or disable dnssec validation.

Definition at line 8126 of file server.c.

References CHECK, cleanup(), DNS_R_SYNTAX, dns_view_flushcache(), dns_view::enablevalidation, ISC_FALSE, ISC_LIST_HEAD, ISC_LIST_NEXT, ISC_R_FAILURE, ISC_R_SUCCESS, ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND, isc_task_beginexclusive(), isc_task_endexclusive(), ISC_TRUE, dns_view::name, next_token(), putnull(), putstr(), RUNTIME_CHECK, ns_server::task, and ns_server::viewlist.

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_changezone ( ns_server_t server,
char *  args,
isc_buffer_t **  text 

Add a zone to a running process, or modify an existing zone.

Definition at line 9557 of file server.c.

References cfg_obj_asstring(), cfg_obj_destroy(), cfg_tuple_get(), CHECK, cleanup(), dns_fixedname_init, dns_fixedname_name, dns_name_fromtext(), dns_rootname, dns_view_detach(), do_addzone(), do_modzone(), isc_buffer_add, isc_buffer_constinit, isc_buffer_usedlength, ISC_FALSE, ISC_LOG_INFO, isc_log_write(), ISC_R_FAILURE, ISC_R_NOPERM, isc_time_now(), ISC_TRUE, dns_view::name, dns_view::new_zone_config, dns_view::new_zone_file, newzone_parse(), NS_COMMAND_ADDZONE, NS_COMMAND_MODZONE, ns_g_configtime, NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL, NS_LOGMODULE_SERVER, and putnull().

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_delzone ( ns_server_t server,
char *  args,
isc_buffer_t **  text 

Deletes a zone from a running process.

Definition at line 9644 of file server.c.

References ns_cfgctx::add_parser, arg, cfg_tuple_get(), CHECK, cleanup(), ns_cfgctx::conf_parser, ns_cfgctx::config, delete_zoneconf(), dns_db_detach(), dns_zone_detach(), dns_zone_getadded(), dns_zone_getdb(), dns_zone_getfile(), dns_zone_getjournal(), dns_zone_getraw(), dns_zone_gettype(), dns_zone_getview(), dns_zone_slave, dns_zone_stub, dns_zone_unload(), dns_zt_unmount(), INSIST, inuse(), isc_buffer_usedlength, ISC_FALSE, isc_file_remove(), ISC_LOG_INFO, isc_log_write(), ISC_R_SUCCESS, ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND, isc_task_beginexclusive(), isc_task_endexclusive(), isc_time_now(), ISC_TRUE, dns_view::name, dns_view::new_zone_config, dns_view::new_zone_file, next_token(), ns_g_configtime, NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL, NS_LOGMODULE_SERVER, ns_cfgctx::nzconfig, nzf_remove(), putnull(), putstr(), RUNTIME_CHECK, ns_server::task, TCHECK, ns_cfgctx::vconfig, zone_from_args(), and dns_view::zonetable.

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_showzone ( ns_server_t server,
char *  args,
isc_buffer_t **  text 

Show current configuration for a given zone.

Definition at line 9833 of file server.c.

References CFG_PRINTER_ONELINE, cfg_printx(), cfg_tuple_get(), CHECK, cleanup(), ns_cfgctx::config, dns_zone_detach(), dns_zone_getview(), emitzone(), find_name_in_list_from_map(), isc_buffer_usedlength, ISC_FALSE, ISC_R_FAILURE, ISC_R_NOTFOUND, ISC_R_SUCCESS, ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND, isc_task_beginexclusive(), isc_task_endexclusive(), ISC_TRUE, map, dns_view::name, dns_view::new_zone_config, ns_cfgctx::nzconfig, putnull(), putstr(), RUNTIME_CHECK, ns_server::task, and zone_from_args().

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_signing ( ns_server_t server,
char *  args,
isc_buffer_t **  text 

Lists the status of the signing records for a given zone.

Definition at line 9960 of file server.c.

References CHECK, cleanup(), dns_db_closeversion(), dns_db_currentversion(), dns_db_detach(), dns_db_detachnode(), dns_db_findnode(), dns_db_findrdataset(), dns_private_totext(), DNS_R_SYNTAX, DNS_RDATA_INIT, dns_rdataset_current(), dns_rdataset_disassociate(), dns_rdataset_first(), dns_rdataset_init(), dns_rdataset_isassociated(), dns_rdataset_next(), DNS_SECALG_FORMATSIZE, dns_zone_detach(), dns_zone_getdb(), dns_zone_getorigin(), dns_zone_getprivatetype(), dns_zone_keydone(), dns_zone_setnsec3param(), dns_zone_setserial(), generate_salt(), hash, isc_buffer_init, isc_buffer_usedlength, ISC_FALSE, isc_hex_decodestring(), isc_parse_uint32(), ISC_R_BADNUMBER, ISC_R_NOMORE, ISC_R_NOSPACE, ISC_R_NOTFOUND, ISC_R_RANGE, ISC_R_SUCCESS, ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND, ISC_TRUE, keystr, next_token(), origin, output(), privatetype, putnull(), putstr(), serial, setserial(), and zone_from_args().

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_zonestatus ( ns_server_t server,
char *  args,
isc_buffer_t **  text 

Lists status information for a given zone (e.g., name, type, files, load time, expiry, etc).

Definition at line 10169 of file server.c.

References CHECK, cleanup(), dns_rdataset::covers, dns_db_detach(), dns_db_getsigningtime(), dns_db_issecure(), dns_db_nodecount(), dns_fixedname_init, dns_fixedname_name, dns_name_format(), DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE, dns_rdataset_disassociate(), dns_rdataset_init(), dns_rdatatype_format(), DNS_RDATATYPE_FORMATSIZE, dns_zone_detach(), dns_zone_dlz, dns_zone_getadded(), dns_zone_getdb(), dns_zone_getexpiretime(), dns_zone_getfile(), dns_zone_getincludes(), dns_zone_getkeyopts(), dns_zone_getloadtime(), dns_zone_getmctx(), dns_zone_getraw(), dns_zone_getrefreshkeytime(), dns_zone_getrefreshtime(), dns_zone_getserial(), dns_zone_getsigresigninginterval(), dns_zone_gettype(), dns_zone_isdynamic(), dns_zone_key, dns_zone_master, dns_zone_redirect, dns_zone_slave, dns_zone_staticstub, dns_zone_stub, DNS_ZONEKEY_ALLOW, DNS_ZONEKEY_MAINTAIN, DNS_ZONEKEY_NORESIGN, fixed, ISC_FALSE, ISC_FORMATHTTPTIMESTAMP_SIZE, isc_mem_free, ISC_R_NOSPACE, ISC_R_SUCCESS, ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND, isc_stdtime_get(), ISC_TF, isc_time_formathttptimestamp(), isc_time_isepoch(), isc_time_set(), isc_time_settoepoch(), ISC_TRUE, name, namebuf, putnull(), putstr(), dns_rdataset::resign, secure(), serial, zone_from_args(), and zonetype.

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_nta ( ns_server_t server,
char *  args,
isc_buffer_t **  text 

Adds a Negative Trust Anchor (NTA) for a specified name and duration, in a particular view if specified, or in all views.

Definition at line 10448 of file server.c.

References argcheck(), isc_textregion::base, CHECK, cleanup(), dns_fixedname_init, dns_fixedname_name, dns_name_fromtext(), dns_ntatable_add(), dns_ntatable_delete(), dns_ntatable_detach(), dns_ntatable_totext(), dns_rootname, dns_ttl_fromtext(), dns_view_flushnode(), dns_view_getntatable(), dns_view_saventa(), dump(), isc_buffer_add, isc_buffer_init, ISC_FALSE, ISC_LIST_HEAD, ISC_LIST_NEXT, ISC_LOG_ERROR, ISC_LOG_INFO, isc_log_write(), ISC_R_NOTFOUND, ISC_R_RANGE, ISC_R_SUCCESS, ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND, isc_result_totext(), isc_stdtime_get(), isc_task_beginexclusive(), isc_task_endexclusive(), isc_time_formattimestamp(), isc_time_set(), ISC_TRUE, isc_textregion::length, dns_view::name, next_token(), now, NS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL, NS_LOGMODULE_SERVER, dns_view::nta_lifetime, putnull(), putstr(), RUNTIME_CHECK, ns_server::task, UNUSED, and ns_server::viewlist.

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_testgen ( char *  args,
isc_buffer_t **  text 

Generates a test sequence that is only for use in system tests. The argument is the size of required output in bytes.

Definition at line 8520 of file server.c.

References CHECK, cleanup(), isc_buffer_reserve(), ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND, next_token(), putnull(), and putuint8().

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

isc_result_t ns_server_mkeys ( ns_server_t server,
char *  args,
isc_buffer_t **  text 

Force fefresh or print status for managed keys zones.

Definition at line 10856 of file server.c.

References isc_textregion::base, CHECK, cleanup(), DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE, dns_rdataclass_fromtext(), dns_zone_flush(), INSIST, isc_buffer_usedlength, ISC_FALSE, ISC_LIST_HEAD, ISC_LIST_NEXT, ISC_R_SUCCESS, ISC_R_UNEXPECTED, ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND, ISC_TRUE, isc_textregion::length, dns_view::managed_keys, mkey_refresh(), mkey_status(), dns_view::name, next_token(), putnull(), putstr(), r, dns_view::rdclass, rdclass, and ns_server::viewlist.

Referenced by ns_control_docommand().

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