master.c File Reference

#include <config.h>
#include <isc/event.h>
#include <isc/lex.h>
#include <isc/magic.h>
#include <isc/mem.h>
#include <isc/print.h>
#include <isc/serial.h>
#include <isc/stdio.h>
#include <isc/stdtime.h>
#include <isc/string.h>
#include <isc/task.h>
#include <isc/util.h>
#include <dns/callbacks.h>
#include <dns/events.h>
#include <dns/fixedname.h>
#include <dns/master.h>
#include <dns/name.h>
#include <dns/rdata.h>
#include <dns/rdataclass.h>
#include <dns/rdatalist.h>
#include <dns/rdataset.h>
#include <dns/rdatastruct.h>
#include <dns/rdatatype.h>
#include <dns/result.h>
#include <dns/soa.h>
#include <dns/time.h>
#include <dns/ttl.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  dns_incctx


#define RDLSZ   32
 RDLSZ reflects the number of different types with the same name expected.
#define RDSZ   512
 RDSZ reflects the number of rdata expected at a give name that can fit into 64k.
#define NBUFS   4
#define MAXWIRESZ   255
#define TSIZ   (128*1024)
 Target buffer size and minimum target size. MINTSIZ must be big enough to hold the largest rdata record.
 max message size - header - root - type - class - ttl - rdlen
#define TOKENSIZ   (8*1024)
 Size for tokens in the presentation format, The largest tokens are the base64 blocks in KEY and CERT records, Largest key allowed is about 1372 bytes but there is no fixed upper bound on CERT records. 2K is too small for some X.509s, 8K is overkill.
#define DNS_MASTER_LHS   2048
 Buffers sizes for $GENERATE.
#define DNS_LCTX_MAGIC   ISC_MAGIC('L','c','t','x')
#define DNS_AS_STR(t)   ((t).value.as_textregion.base)
#define GETTOKENERR(lexer, options, token, eol, err)
#define GETTOKEN(lexer, options, token, eol)   GETTOKENERR(lexer, options, token, eol, {} )
#define MANYERRS(lctx, result)
#define SETRESULT(lctx, r)
#define LOGITFILE(result, filename)
#define LOGIT(result)


typedef ISC_LIST (dns_rdatalist_t)
 Master file load state.
static isc_result_t openfile_text (dns_loadctx_t *lctx, const char *master_file)
static isc_result_t load_text (dns_loadctx_t *lctx)
static isc_result_t openfile_raw (dns_loadctx_t *lctx, const char *master_file)
static isc_result_t load_raw (dns_loadctx_t *lctx)
static isc_result_t openfile_map (dns_loadctx_t *lctx, const char *master_file)
static isc_result_t load_map (dns_loadctx_t *lctx)
static isc_result_t pushfile (const char *master_file, dns_name_t *origin, dns_loadctx_t *lctx)
static isc_result_t commit (dns_rdatacallbacks_t *, dns_loadctx_t *, rdatalist_head_t *, dns_name_t *, const char *, unsigned int)
static isc_boolean_t is_glue (rdatalist_head_t *, dns_name_t *)
static dns_rdatalist_tgrow_rdatalist (int, dns_rdatalist_t *, int, rdatalist_head_t *, rdatalist_head_t *, isc_mem_t *mctx)
static dns_rdata_tgrow_rdata (int, dns_rdata_t *, int, rdatalist_head_t *, rdatalist_head_t *, isc_mem_t *)
static void load_quantum (isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t *event)
static isc_result_t task_send (dns_loadctx_t *lctx)
static void loadctx_destroy (dns_loadctx_t *lctx)
static isc_result_t gettoken (isc_lex_t *lex, unsigned int options, isc_token_t *token, isc_boolean_t eol, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks)
void dns_loadctx_attach (dns_loadctx_t *source, dns_loadctx_t **target)
 Attach to the load context.
void dns_loadctx_detach (dns_loadctx_t **lctxp)
 Detach from the load context.
static void incctx_destroy (isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_incctx_t *ictx)
static isc_result_t incctx_create (isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_name_t *origin, dns_incctx_t **ictxp)
static isc_result_t loadctx_create (dns_masterformat_t format, isc_mem_t *mctx, unsigned int options, isc_uint32_t resign, dns_name_t *top, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_task_t *task, dns_loaddonefunc_t done, void *done_arg, dns_masterincludecb_t include_cb, void *include_arg, isc_lex_t *lex, dns_loadctx_t **lctxp)
static unsigned int nibbles (char *numbuf, size_t length, unsigned int width, char mode, int value)
 Convert value into a nibble sequence from least significant to most significant nibble. Zero fill upper most significant nibbles if required to make the width.
static isc_result_t genname (char *name, int it, char *buffer, size_t length)
static isc_result_t generate (dns_loadctx_t *lctx, char *range, char *lhs, char *gtype, char *rhs, const char *source, unsigned int line)
static void limit_ttl (dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, const char *source, unsigned int line, isc_uint32_t *ttlp)
static isc_result_t check_ns (dns_loadctx_t *lctx, isc_token_t *token, const char *source, unsigned long line)
static void check_wildcard (dns_incctx_t *ictx, const char *source, unsigned long line, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks)
static isc_result_t read_and_check (isc_boolean_t do_read, isc_buffer_t *buffer, size_t len, FILE *f)
static isc_result_t load_header (dns_loadctx_t *lctx)
isc_result_t dns_master_loadfile (const char *master_file, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_mem_t *mctx)
isc_result_t dns_master_loadfile2 (const char *master_file, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_masterformat_t format)
isc_result_t dns_master_loadfile3 (const char *master_file, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, isc_uint32_t resign, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_masterformat_t format)
isc_result_t dns_master_loadfile4 (const char *master_file, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, isc_uint32_t resign, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, dns_masterincludecb_t include_cb, void *include_arg, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_masterformat_t format)
isc_result_t dns_master_loadfile5 (const char *master_file, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, isc_uint32_t resign, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, dns_masterincludecb_t include_cb, void *include_arg, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_masterformat_t format, dns_ttl_t maxttl)
isc_result_t dns_master_loadfileinc (const char *master_file, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_task_t *task, dns_loaddonefunc_t done, void *done_arg, dns_loadctx_t **lctxp, isc_mem_t *mctx)
isc_result_t dns_master_loadfileinc2 (const char *master_file, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_task_t *task, dns_loaddonefunc_t done, void *done_arg, dns_loadctx_t **lctxp, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_masterformat_t format)
isc_result_t dns_master_loadfileinc3 (const char *master_file, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, isc_uint32_t resign, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_task_t *task, dns_loaddonefunc_t done, void *done_arg, dns_loadctx_t **lctxp, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_masterformat_t format)
isc_result_t dns_master_loadfileinc4 (const char *master_file, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, isc_uint32_t resign, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_task_t *task, dns_loaddonefunc_t done, void *done_arg, dns_loadctx_t **lctxp, dns_masterincludecb_t include_cb, void *include_arg, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_masterformat_t format)
isc_result_t dns_master_loadfileinc5 (const char *master_file, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, isc_uint32_t resign, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_task_t *task, dns_loaddonefunc_t done, void *done_arg, dns_loadctx_t **lctxp, dns_masterincludecb_t include_cb, void *include_arg, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_masterformat_t format, isc_uint32_t maxttl)
isc_result_t dns_master_loadstream (FILE *stream, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_mem_t *mctx)
isc_result_t dns_master_loadstreaminc (FILE *stream, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_task_t *task, dns_loaddonefunc_t done, void *done_arg, dns_loadctx_t **lctxp, isc_mem_t *mctx)
isc_result_t dns_master_loadbuffer (isc_buffer_t *buffer, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_mem_t *mctx)
isc_result_t dns_master_loadbufferinc (isc_buffer_t *buffer, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_task_t *task, dns_loaddonefunc_t done, void *done_arg, dns_loadctx_t **lctxp, isc_mem_t *mctx)
isc_result_t dns_master_loadlexer (isc_lex_t *lex, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_mem_t *mctx)
isc_result_t dns_master_loadlexerinc (isc_lex_t *lex, dns_name_t *top, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rdataclass_t zclass, unsigned int options, dns_rdatacallbacks_t *callbacks, isc_task_t *task, dns_loaddonefunc_t done, void *done_arg, dns_loadctx_t **lctxp, isc_mem_t *mctx)
 Loads a RFC1305 master file from a file, stream, buffer, or existing lexer into rdatasets and then calls 'callbacks->commit' to commit the rdatasets. Rdata memory belongs to dns_master_load and will be reused / released when the callback completes. dns_load_master will abort if callbacks->commit returns any value other than ISC_R_SUCCESS.
static isc_uint32_t resign_fromlist (dns_rdatalist_t *this, isc_uint32_t resign)
void dns_loadctx_cancel (dns_loadctx_t *lctx)
 Cancel loading the zone file associated with this load context.
void dns_master_initrawheader (dns_masterrawheader_t *header)
 Initializes the header for a raw master file, setting all values to zero.


static unsigned char in_addr_arpa_data [] = "\007IN-ADDR\004ARPA"
static unsigned char in_addr_arpa_offsets [] = { 0, 8, 13 }
static const dns_name_t in_addr_arpa
static unsigned char ip6_int_data [] = "\003IP6\003INT"
static unsigned char ip6_int_offsets [] = { 0, 4, 8 }
static const dns_name_t ip6_int
static unsigned char ip6_arpa_data [] = "\003IP6\004ARPA"
static unsigned char ip6_arpa_offsets [] = { 0, 4, 9 }
static const dns_name_t ip6_arpa
static const char * hex = "0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF"

Detailed Description

Definition in file master.c.

Define Documentation

#define RDLSZ   32

RDLSZ reflects the number of different types with the same name expected.

Grow the number of dns_rdatalist_t (RDLSZ) and dns_rdata_t (RDSZ) structures by these sizes when we need to.

Definition at line 58 of file master.c.

Referenced by load_text().

#define RDSZ   512

RDSZ reflects the number of rdata expected at a give name that can fit into 64k.

Definition at line 63 of file master.c.

Referenced by load_raw(), and load_text().

#define NBUFS   4

Definition at line 65 of file master.c.

Referenced by incctx_create(), load_text(), and pushfile().

#define MAXWIRESZ   255

Definition at line 66 of file master.c.

#define TSIZ   (128*1024)

Target buffer size and minimum target size. MINTSIZ must be big enough to hold the largest rdata record.


Definition at line 74 of file master.c.

Referenced by load_raw(), and load_text().


max message size - header - root - type - class - ttl - rdlen

Definition at line 78 of file master.c.

Referenced by generate(), load_raw(), and load_text().

#define TOKENSIZ   (8*1024)

Size for tokens in the presentation format, The largest tokens are the base64 blocks in KEY and CERT records, Largest key allowed is about 1372 bytes but there is no fixed upper bound on CERT records. 2K is too small for some X.509s, 8K is overkill.

Definition at line 86 of file master.c.

Referenced by loadctx_create().

#define DNS_MASTER_LHS   2048

Buffers sizes for $GENERATE.

Definition at line 91 of file master.c.

Referenced by generate().


Definition at line 92 of file master.c.

Referenced by generate().


Definition at line 94 of file master.c.

Referenced by load_text().

#define DNS_LCTX_MAGIC   ISC_MAGIC('L','c','t','x')

Definition at line 174 of file master.c.

Referenced by loadctx_create().

#define DNS_LCTX_VALID ( lctx   )     ISC_MAGIC_VALID(lctx, DNS_LCTX_MAGIC)

Definition at line 175 of file master.c.

Referenced by dns_loadctx_attach(), dns_loadctx_cancel(), dns_loadctx_detach(), load_header(), load_map(), load_quantum(), load_raw(), load_text(), loadctx_destroy(), and pushfile().

#define DNS_AS_STR (  )     ((t).value.as_textregion.base)

Definition at line 177 of file master.c.

Referenced by atob_tobuffer(), check_mx(), check_ns(), dns_rdata_fromtext(), fromtext_any_tsig(), fromtext_error(), fromtext_eui48(), fromtext_eui64(), fromtext_hip(), fromtext_hs_a(), fromtext_in_a(), fromtext_in_a6(), fromtext_in_aaaa(), fromtext_in_apl(), fromtext_in_wks(), fromtext_ipseckey(), fromtext_keydata(), fromtext_l32(), fromtext_l64(), fromtext_loc(), fromtext_nid(), fromtext_nsec3(), fromtext_nsec3param(), fromtext_nxt(), fromtext_rrsig(), fromtext_sig(), fromtext_tkey(), load_text(), and warn_badmx().

#define GETTOKENERR ( lexer,
err   ) 


do { \
                result = gettoken(lexer, options, token, eol, callbacks); \
                switch (result) { \
                case ISC_R_SUCCESS: \
                        break; \
                case ISC_R_UNEXPECTED: \
                        goto insist_and_cleanup; \
                default: \
                        if (MANYERRS(lctx, result)) { \
                                SETRESULT(lctx, result); \
                                LOGIT(result); \
                                read_till_eol = ISC_TRUE; \
                                err \
                                goto next_line; \
                        } else \
                                goto log_and_cleanup; \
                } \
                if ((token)->type == isc_tokentype_special) { \
                        result = DNS_R_SYNTAX; \
                        if (MANYERRS(lctx, result)) { \
                                SETRESULT(lctx, result); \
                                LOGIT(result); \
                                read_till_eol = ISC_TRUE; \
                                goto next_line; \
                        } else \
                                goto log_and_cleanup; \
                } \
        } while (0)

Definition at line 224 of file master.c.

Referenced by load_text().

#define GETTOKEN ( lexer,
eol   )     GETTOKENERR(lexer, options, token, eol, {} )

Definition at line 253 of file master.c.

Referenced by load_text().



do { \
                result = commit(callbacks, lctx, &current_list, \
                                ictx->current, source, ictx->current_line); \
                if (MANYERRS(lctx, result)) { \
                        SETRESULT(lctx, result); \
                } else if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) \
                        goto insist_and_cleanup; \
                result = commit(callbacks, lctx, &glue_list, \
                                ictx->glue, source, ictx->glue_line); \
                if (MANYERRS(lctx, result)) { \
                        SETRESULT(lctx, result); \
                } else if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) \
                        goto insist_and_cleanup; \
                rdcount = 0; \
                rdlcount = 0; \
                isc_buffer_init(&target, target_mem, target_size); \
                rdcount_save = rdcount; \
                rdlcount_save = rdlcount; \
        } while (0)

Definition at line 256 of file master.c.

Referenced by load_text().

#define WARNUNEXPECTEDEOF ( lexer   ) 


do { \
                if (isc_lex_isfile(lexer)) \
                        (*callbacks->warn)(callbacks, \
                                "%s: file does not end with newline", \
                                source); \
        } while (0)

Definition at line 277 of file master.c.

Referenced by load_text().



do { \
                GETTOKEN(lctx->lex, 0, &token, ISC_TRUE); \
                if (token.type != isc_tokentype_eol) { \
                        isc_lex_ungettoken(lctx->lex, &token); \
                        result = DNS_R_EXTRATOKEN; \
                        if (MANYERRS(lctx, result)) { \
                                SETRESULT(lctx, result); \
                                LOGIT(result); \
                                read_till_eol = ISC_TRUE; \
                                continue; \
                        } else if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) \
                                goto log_and_cleanup; \
                } \
        } while (0)

Definition at line 285 of file master.c.

Referenced by load_text().

#define MANYERRS ( lctx,
result   ) 


((result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) && \
                 (result != ISC_R_IOERROR) && \
                 ((lctx)->options & DNS_MASTER_MANYERRORS) != 0)

Definition at line 301 of file master.c.

Referenced by commit(), and load_text().

#define SETRESULT ( lctx,
r   ) 


do { \
                        if ((lctx)->result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) \
                                (lctx)->result = r; \
                } while (0)

Definition at line 306 of file master.c.

Referenced by commit(), and load_text().

#define LOGITFILE ( result,
filename   ) 


if (result == ISC_R_INVALIDFILE || result == ISC_R_FILENOTFOUND || \
            result == ISC_R_IOERROR || result == ISC_R_TOOMANYOPENFILES || \
            result == ISC_R_NOPERM) \
                (*callbacks->error)(callbacks, "%s: %s:%lu: %s: %s", \
                                    "dns_master_load", source, line, \
                                    filename, dns_result_totext(result)); \
        else LOGIT(result)

Definition at line 312 of file master.c.

Referenced by load_text().

#define LOGIT ( result   ) 


if (result == ISC_R_NOMEMORY) \
                (*callbacks->error)(callbacks, "dns_master_load: %s", \
                                    dns_result_totext(result)); \
        else \
                (*callbacks->error)(callbacks, "%s: %s:%lu: %s", \
                                    "dns_master_load", \
                                    source, line, dns_result_totext(result))

Definition at line 321 of file master.c.

Referenced by load_text().

Function Documentation

typedef ISC_LIST ( dns_rdatalist_t   ) 

Master file load state.

< top of zone

records per quantum, 0 => all.

Definition at line 96 of file master.c.

References callbacks, default_ttl, header, lctx, load(), maxttl, mctx, references, and ttl.

static isc_result_t openfile_text ( dns_loadctx_t lctx,
const char *  master_file 
) [static]

Definition at line 1022 of file master.c.

References isc_lex_openfile().

Referenced by loadctx_create().

static isc_result_t load_text ( dns_loadctx_t lctx  )  [static]

Definition at line 1027 of file master.c.

References isc_tokenvalue_t::as_region, isc_tokenvalue_t::as_textregion, isc_textregion::base, isc_region::base, buffer, callbacks, check_ns(), check_wildcard(), CHECKNAMESFAIL, cleanup(), commit(), COMMITALL, DNS_AS_STR, dns_fixedname_init, dns_fixedname_name, DNS_LCTX_VALID, DNS_MASTER_AGETTL, DNS_MASTER_CHECKMX, DNS_MASTER_CHECKMXFAIL, DNS_MASTER_CHECKNAMES, DNS_MASTER_CHECKNAMESFAIL, DNS_MASTER_CHECKNS, DNS_MASTER_CHECKTTL, DNS_MASTER_CHECKWILDCARD, DNS_MASTER_FATALNS, DNS_MASTER_HINT, DNS_MASTER_KEY, DNS_MASTER_NOINCLUDE, DNS_MASTER_SLAVE, DNS_MASTER_ZONE, dns_name_compare(), dns_name_format(), DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE, dns_name_fromtext(), dns_name_issubdomain(), DNS_R_BADCLASS, DNS_R_BADOWNERNAME, DNS_R_CONTINUE, DNS_R_NOOWNER, DNS_R_NOTTL, DNS_R_NOTZONETOP, DNS_R_OBSOLETE, DNS_R_REFUSED, DNS_R_SEENINCLUDE, DNS_R_SYNTAX, DNS_RDATA_CHECKMX, DNS_RDATA_CHECKMXFAIL, DNS_RDATA_CHECKNAMES, DNS_RDATA_CHECKNAMESFAIL, dns_rdata_checkowner(), DNS_RDATA_CHECKREVERSE, dns_rdata_covers(), dns_rdata_fromtext(), dns_rdata_init(), dns_rdata_tostruct(), dns_rdataclass_format(), DNS_RDATACLASS_FORMATSIZE, dns_rdataclass_fromtext(), dns_rdatalist_init(), dns_rdatatype_format(), DNS_RDATATYPE_FORMATSIZE, dns_rdatatype_fromtext(), dns_result_totext(), dns_soa_getminimum(), dns_time64_fromtext(), dns_ttl_fromtext(), dns_rdatacallbacks::error, EXPECTEOL, generate(), GETTOKEN, GETTOKENERR, grow_rdata(), grow_rdatalist(), incctx_destroy(), include_file, INSIST, is_glue(), isc_buffer_add, isc_buffer_init, isc_buffer_setactive, ISC_FALSE, isc_lex_close(), isc_lex_getsourceline(), isc_lex_getsourcename(), isc_lex_ungettoken(), ISC_LEXOPT_INITIALWS, ISC_LEXOPT_QSTRING, ISC_LIST_APPEND, ISC_LIST_HEAD, ISC_LIST_INIT, ISC_LIST_INITANDPREPEND, ISC_LIST_NEXT, ISC_LIST_UNLINK, isc_mem_free, isc_mem_get, isc_mem_put, isc_mem_strdup, ISC_R_NOMEMORY, ISC_R_RANGE, ISC_R_SUCCESS, ISC_R_UNEXPECTED, isc_serial_lt(), isc_stdtime_get(), isc_tokentype_eof, isc_tokentype_eol, isc_tokentype_initialws, isc_tokentype_qstring, isc_tokentype_string, ISC_TRUE, isc_buffer::length, isc_textregion::length, isc_region::length, limit_ttl(), LOGIT, LOGITFILE, MANYERRS, mctx, MINTSIZ, name, namebuf, NBUFS, now, POST, pushfile(), rdclass, RDLSZ, RDSZ, REQUIRE, RUNTIME_CHECK, SETRESULT, token, TSIZ, ttl, isc_token::type, UNEXPECTED_ERROR, isc_buffer::used, isc_token::value, dns_rdatacallbacks::warn, and WARNUNEXPECTEDEOF.

Referenced by loadctx_create().

static isc_result_t openfile_raw ( dns_loadctx_t lctx,
const char *  master_file 
) [static]

Definition at line 2252 of file master.c.

References ISC_R_FILENOTFOUND, ISC_R_SUCCESS, isc_result_totext(), isc_stdio_open(), and UNEXPECTED_ERROR.

Referenced by loadctx_create().

static isc_result_t load_raw ( dns_loadctx_t lctx  )  [static]

Definition at line 2266 of file master.c.

References isc_buffer::base, callbacks, cleanup(), commit(), dns_rdatalist::covers, dns_decompress_init(), DNS_DECOMPRESS_NONE, dns_fixedname_init, dns_fixedname_name, DNS_LCTX_VALID, DNS_MASTER_CHECKTTL, dns_name_fromwire(), DNS_NAME_MAXWIRE, DNS_R_CONTINUE, dns_rdata_fromwire(), dns_rdata_init(), dns_rdata_reset(), dns_rdatalist_init(), dns_result_totext(), dummy, dns_rdatacallbacks::error, fixed, grow_rdata(), INSIST, isc_buffer_add, isc_buffer_availablelength, isc_buffer_clear, isc_buffer_consumedlength, isc_buffer_current, isc_buffer_getuint16(), isc_buffer_getuint32(), isc_buffer_init, isc_buffer_remaininglength, isc_buffer_setactive, ISC_FALSE, ISC_LIST_APPEND, ISC_LIST_INIT, ISC_LIST_UNLINK, isc_mem_get, isc_mem_put, ISC_R_EOF, ISC_R_NOMEMORY, ISC_R_RANGE, ISC_R_SUCCESS, isc_stdio_read(), ISC_TRUE, load_header(), mctx, MINTSIZ, name, namebuf, dns_rdatacallbacks::rawdata, dns_rdatalist::rdclass, RDSZ, read_and_check(), REQUIRE, TSIZ, dns_rdatalist::ttl, dns_rdatalist::type, and dns_rdatacallbacks::zone.

Referenced by loadctx_create().

static isc_result_t openfile_map ( dns_loadctx_t lctx,
const char *  master_file 
) [static]

Definition at line 2213 of file master.c.

References ISC_R_FILENOTFOUND, ISC_R_SUCCESS, isc_result_totext(), isc_stdio_open(), and UNEXPECTED_ERROR.

Referenced by loadctx_create().

static isc_result_t load_map ( dns_loadctx_t lctx  )  [static]

Definition at line 2230 of file master.c.

References callbacks, dns_rdatacallbacks::deserialize, dns_rdatacallbacks::deserialize_private, DNS_LCTX_VALID, ISC_R_SUCCESS, load_header(), and REQUIRE.

Referenced by loadctx_create().

static isc_result_t pushfile ( const char *  master_file,
dns_name_t origin,
dns_loadctx_t lctx 
) [static]

Definition at line 2061 of file master.c.

References cleanup(), dns_fixedname_name, DNS_LCTX_VALID, dns_name_fromregion(), dns_name_toregion(), incctx_create(), incctx_destroy(), INSIST, ISC_R_SUCCESS, ISC_TRUE, NBUFS, r, and REQUIRE.

Referenced by load_text().

static isc_result_t commit ( dns_rdatacallbacks_t callbacks,
dns_loadctx_t lctx,
rdatalist_head_t *  head,
dns_name_t owner,
const char *  source,
unsigned int  line 
) [static]

Definition at line 3061 of file master.c.

References dns_rdatacallbacks::add, dns_rdatacallbacks::add_private, dns_rdataset::attributes, DNS_MASTER_RESIGN, dns_name_format(), DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE, dns_rdatalist_tordataset(), dns_rdataset_init(), DNS_RDATASETATTR_RESIGN, dns_result_totext(), dns_trust_ultimate, dns_rdatacallbacks::error, error(), ISC_LIST_HEAD, ISC_LIST_UNLINK, ISC_R_NOMEMORY, ISC_R_SUCCESS, MANYERRS, namebuf, dns_rdataset::resign, resign_fromlist(), RUNTIME_CHECK, SETRESULT, dns_rdataset::trust, and dns_rdataset::type.

Referenced by generate(), keyfetch_done(), load_raw(), load_text(), sync_keyzone(), zone_refreshkeys(), and zone_sign().

static isc_boolean_t is_glue ( rdatalist_head_t *  head,
dns_name_t owner 
) [static]

Definition at line 3121 of file master.c.

References dns_name_compare(), dns_name_fromregion(), dns_name_init(), dns_rdata_toregion(), ISC_FALSE, ISC_LIST_HEAD, ISC_LIST_NEXT, ISC_TRUE, and name.

Referenced by load_text().

static dns_rdatalist_t * grow_rdatalist ( int  new_len,
dns_rdatalist_t old,
int  old_len,
rdatalist_head_t *  current,
rdatalist_head_t *  glue,
isc_mem_t mctx 
) [static]

Definition at line 2924 of file master.c.


Referenced by load_text().

static dns_rdata_t * grow_rdata ( int  new_len,
dns_rdata_t old,
int  old_len,
rdatalist_head_t *  current,
rdatalist_head_t *  glue,
isc_mem_t mctx 
) [static]

Definition at line 2974 of file master.c.


Referenced by load_raw(), and load_text().

static void load_quantum ( isc_task_t task,
isc_event_t event 
) [static]

Definition at line 3152 of file master.c.

References DNS_LCTX_VALID, dns_loadctx_detach(), DNS_R_CONTINUE, isc_event_free(), ISC_R_CANCELED, isc_task_send(), lctx, and REQUIRE.

Referenced by task_send().

static isc_result_t task_send ( dns_loadctx_t lctx  )  [static]

Definition at line 3175 of file master.c.

References DNS_EVENT_MASTERQUANTUM, isc_event_allocate(), ISC_R_NOMEMORY, ISC_R_SUCCESS, isc_task_send(), and load_quantum().

static void loadctx_destroy ( dns_loadctx_t lctx  )  [static]

Definition at line 467 of file master.c.

References DESTROYLOCK, DNS_LCTX_VALID, incctx_destroy(), isc_lex_destroy(), isc_mem_attach(), isc_mem_detach(), isc_mem_put, ISC_R_SUCCESS, isc_result_totext(), isc_stdio_close(), isc_task_detach(), mctx, REQUIRE, and UNEXPECTED_ERROR.

Referenced by dns_loadctx_detach().

static isc_result_t gettoken ( isc_lex_t lex,
unsigned int  options,
isc_token_t token,
isc_boolean_t  eol,
dns_rdatacallbacks_t callbacks 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 369 of file master.c.

References dns_rdatacallbacks::error, isc_lex_getsourceline(), isc_lex_getsourcename(), isc_lex_gettoken(), ISC_LEXOPT_DNSMULTILINE, ISC_LEXOPT_EOF, ISC_LEXOPT_EOL, ISC_LEXOPT_ESCAPE, ISC_R_NOMEMORY, ISC_R_SUCCESS, ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND, isc_result_totext(), isc_tokentype_eof, isc_tokentype_eol, ISC_TRUE, and isc_token::type.

void dns_loadctx_attach ( dns_loadctx_t source,
dns_loadctx_t **  target 

Attach to the load context.


Definition at line 415 of file master.c.


Referenced by dns_master_loadbufferinc(), dns_master_loadfileinc5(), dns_master_loadlexerinc(), and dns_master_loadstreaminc().

void dns_loadctx_detach ( dns_loadctx_t **  ctxp  ) 

Detach from the load context.



Definition at line 430 of file master.c.

References DNS_LCTX_VALID, INSIST, ISC_FALSE, ISC_TRUE, lctx, loadctx_destroy(), LOCK, REQUIRE, and UNLOCK.

Referenced by dns_master_loadbuffer(), dns_master_loadbufferinc(), dns_master_loadfile5(), dns_master_loadfileinc5(), dns_master_loadlexer(), dns_master_loadlexerinc(), dns_master_loadstream(), dns_master_loadstreaminc(), load_quantum(), and zone_loaddone().

static void incctx_destroy ( isc_mem_t mctx,
dns_incctx_t *  ictx 
) [static]

Definition at line 451 of file master.c.

References isc_mem_put.

Referenced by load_text(), loadctx_create(), loadctx_destroy(), and pushfile().

static isc_result_t incctx_create ( isc_mem_t mctx,
dns_name_t origin,
dns_incctx_t **  ictxp 
) [static]

Definition at line 501 of file master.c.

References dns_fixedname_init, dns_fixedname_name, dns_name_fromregion(), dns_name_toregion(), ISC_FALSE, isc_mem_get, ISC_R_NOMEMORY, ISC_R_SUCCESS, ISC_TRUE, NBUFS, and r.

Referenced by loadctx_create(), and pushfile().

static isc_result_t loadctx_create ( dns_masterformat_t  format,
isc_mem_t mctx,
unsigned int  options,
isc_uint32_t  resign,
dns_name_t top,
dns_rdataclass_t  zclass,
dns_name_t origin,
dns_rdatacallbacks_t callbacks,
isc_task_t task,
dns_loaddonefunc_t  done,
void *  done_arg,
dns_masterincludecb_t  include_cb,
void *  include_arg,
isc_lex_t lex,
dns_loadctx_t **  lctxp 
) [static]

Definition at line 536 of file master.c.

References dns_rdatacallbacks::add, dns_fixedname_init, dns_fixedname_name, DNS_LCTX_MAGIC, dns_master_initrawheader(), DNS_MASTER_NOTTL, dns_masterformat_map, dns_masterformat_raw, dns_masterformat_text, dns_name_fromregion(), dns_name_isabsolute(), dns_name_toregion(), dns_rdatacallbacks::error, incctx_create(), incctx_destroy(), INSIST, ISC_FALSE, isc_lex_create(), isc_lex_setcomments(), isc_lex_setspecials(), ISC_LEXCOMMENT_DNSMASTERFILE, isc_mem_attach(), isc_mem_get, isc_mem_put, isc_mutex_init, ISC_R_NOMEMORY, ISC_R_SUCCESS, isc_task_attach(), ISC_TF, ISC_TRUE, lctx, load_map(), load_raw(), load_text(), openfile_map(), openfile_raw(), openfile_text(), r, REQUIRE, TOKENSIZ, and dns_rdatacallbacks::warn.

Referenced by dns_master_loadbuffer(), dns_master_loadbufferinc(), dns_master_loadfile5(), dns_master_loadfileinc5(), dns_master_loadlexer(), dns_master_loadlexerinc(), dns_master_loadstream(), and dns_master_loadstreaminc().

static unsigned int nibbles ( char *  numbuf,
size_t  length,
unsigned int  width,
char  mode,
int  value 
) [static]

Convert value into a nibble sequence from least significant to most significant nibble. Zero fill upper most significant nibbles if required to make the width.

Returns the number of characters that should have been written without counting the terminating NUL.

Definition at line 669 of file master.c.

References hex.

Referenced by genname().

static isc_result_t genname ( char *  name,
int  it,
char *  buffer,
size_t  length 
) [static]

Definition at line 710 of file master.c.

References isc_textregion::base, DNS_R_SYNTAX, ISC_FALSE, ISC_R_NOSPACE, ISC_R_SUCCESS, isc_textregion_consume, ISC_TRUE, isc_textregion::length, nibbles(), and r.

Referenced by generate().

static isc_result_t generate ( dns_loadctx_t lctx,
char *  range,
char *  lhs,
char *  gtype,
char *  rhs,
const char *  source,
unsigned int  line 
) [static]

Definition at line 802 of file master.c.

References isc_textregion::base, buffer, callbacks, cleanup(), commit(), dns_fixedname_init, dns_fixedname_name, DNS_MASTER_KEY, DNS_MASTER_LHS, DNS_MASTER_RHS, DNS_MASTER_SLAVE, DNS_MASTER_ZONE, dns_name_format(), DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE, dns_name_fromtext(), dns_name_issubdomain(), DNS_R_SYNTAX, dns_rdata_fromtext(), DNS_RDATA_INIT, dns_rdata_reset(), dns_rdatalist_init(), dns_rdatatype_fromtext(), dns_result_totext(), dummy, dns_rdatacallbacks::error, genname(), INSIST, isc_buffer_add, isc_buffer_init, isc_buffer_setactive, isc_lex_close(), isc_lex_openbuffer(), ISC_LIST_APPEND, ISC_LIST_INIT, ISC_LIST_PREPEND, ISC_LIST_UNLINK, isc_mem_get, isc_mem_put, ISC_R_NOMEMORY, ISC_R_SUCCESS, isc_textregion::length, MINTSIZ, namebuf, r, dns_rdatalist::rdclass, RUNTIME_CHECK, start, dns_rdatalist::ttl, dns_rdatalist::type, and dns_rdatacallbacks::warn.

Referenced by load_text().

static void limit_ttl ( dns_rdatacallbacks_t callbacks,
const char *  source,
unsigned int  line,
isc_uint32_t ttlp 
) [static]

Definition at line 951 of file master.c.

References dns_rdatacallbacks::warn.

Referenced by load_text().

static isc_result_t check_ns ( dns_loadctx_t lctx,
isc_token_t token,
const char *  source,
unsigned long  line 
) [static]

Definition at line 967 of file master.c.

References AF_INET6, DNS_AS_STR, DNS_MASTER_FATALNS, DNS_R_NSISADDRESS, inet_aton, isc_mem_free, isc_mem_strdup, ISC_R_NOMEMORY, ISC_R_SUCCESS, isc_tokentype_string, and isc_token::type.

Referenced by load_text().

static void check_wildcard ( dns_incctx_t *  ictx,
const char *  source,
unsigned long  line,
dns_rdatacallbacks_t callbacks 
) [static]

Definition at line 1005 of file master.c.

References dns_name_format(), DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE, dns_name_internalwildcard(), name, namebuf, and dns_rdatacallbacks::warn.

Referenced by load_text().

static isc_result_t read_and_check ( isc_boolean_t  do_read,
isc_buffer_t buffer,
size_t  len,
FILE *  f 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 2115 of file master.c.

References INSIST, isc_buffer_add, isc_buffer_availablelength, isc_buffer_remaininglength, isc_buffer_used, ISC_R_RANGE, ISC_R_SUCCESS, and isc_stdio_read().

Referenced by load_raw().

static isc_result_t load_header ( dns_loadctx_t lctx  )  [static]

Definition at line 2134 of file master.c.

References callbacks, DNS_LCTX_VALID, dns_master_initrawheader(), dns_masterformat_map, dns_masterformat_raw, DNS_RAWFORMAT_VERSION, dns_masterrawheader::dumptime, dns_rdatacallbacks::error, dns_masterrawheader::flags, dns_masterrawheader::format, header, INSIST, isc_buffer_add, isc_buffer_getuint32(), isc_buffer_init, ISC_FALSE, ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED, ISC_R_SUCCESS, isc_result_totext(), isc_stdio_read(), dns_masterrawheader::lastxfrin, REQUIRE, dns_masterrawheader::sourceserial, UNEXPECTED_ERROR, and dns_masterrawheader::version.

Referenced by load_map(), and load_raw().

isc_result_t dns_master_loadfile ( const char *  master_file,
dns_name_t top,
dns_name_t origin,
dns_rdataclass_t  zclass,
unsigned int  options,
dns_rdatacallbacks_t callbacks,
isc_mem_t mctx 

Definition at line 2555 of file master.c.

References dns_master_loadfile5(), and dns_masterformat_text.

Referenced by dns_rootns_create().

isc_result_t dns_master_loadfile2 ( const char *  master_file,
dns_name_t top,
dns_name_t origin,
dns_rdataclass_t  zclass,
unsigned int  options,
dns_rdatacallbacks_t callbacks,
isc_mem_t mctx,
dns_masterformat_t  format 

Definition at line 2566 of file master.c.

References dns_master_loadfile5().

Referenced by dns_db_load3(), and test_master().

isc_result_t dns_master_loadfile3 ( const char *  master_file,
dns_name_t top,
dns_name_t origin,
dns_rdataclass_t  zclass,
unsigned int  options,
isc_uint32_t  resign,
dns_rdatacallbacks_t callbacks,
isc_mem_t mctx,
dns_masterformat_t  format 

Definition at line 2578 of file master.c.

References dns_master_loadfile5().

isc_result_t dns_master_loadfile4 ( const char *  master_file,
dns_name_t top,
dns_name_t origin,
dns_rdataclass_t  zclass,
unsigned int  options,
isc_uint32_t  resign,
dns_rdatacallbacks_t callbacks,
dns_masterincludecb_t  include_cb,
void *  include_arg,
isc_mem_t mctx,
dns_masterformat_t  format 

Definition at line 2590 of file master.c.

References dns_master_loadfile5().

Referenced by ATF_TC_BODY().

isc_result_t dns_master_loadfile5 ( const char *  master_file,
dns_name_t top,
dns_name_t origin,
dns_rdataclass_t  zclass,
unsigned int  options,
isc_uint32_t  resign,
dns_rdatacallbacks_t callbacks,
dns_masterincludecb_t  include_cb,
void *  include_arg,
isc_mem_t mctx,
dns_masterformat_t  format,
dns_ttl_t  maxttl 

Definition at line 2604 of file master.c.

References cleanup(), dns_loadctx_detach(), DNS_R_CONTINUE, INSIST, ISC_R_SUCCESS, lctx, and loadctx_create().

Referenced by dns_master_loadfile(), dns_master_loadfile2(), dns_master_loadfile3(), dns_master_loadfile4(), and zone_startload().

isc_result_t dns_master_loadfileinc ( const char *  master_file,
dns_name_t top,
dns_name_t origin,
dns_rdataclass_t  zclass,
unsigned int  options,
dns_rdatacallbacks_t callbacks,
isc_task_t task,
dns_loaddonefunc_t  done,
void *  done_arg,
dns_loadctx_t **  lctxp,
isc_mem_t mctx 

Definition at line 2636 of file master.c.

References dns_master_loadfileinc4(), and dns_masterformat_text.

isc_result_t dns_master_loadfileinc2 ( const char *  master_file,
dns_name_t top,
dns_name_t origin,
dns_rdataclass_t  zclass,
unsigned int  options,
dns_rdatacallbacks_t callbacks,
isc_task_t task,
dns_loaddonefunc_t  done,
void *  done_arg,
dns_loadctx_t **  lctxp,
isc_mem_t mctx,
dns_masterformat_t  format 

Definition at line 2649 of file master.c.

References dns_master_loadfileinc4().

isc_result_t dns_master_loadfileinc3 ( const char *  master_file,
dns_name_t top,
dns_name_t origin,
dns_rdataclass_t  zclass,
unsigned int  options,
isc_uint32_t  resign,
dns_rdatacallbacks_t callbacks,
isc_task_t task,
dns_loaddonefunc_t  done,
void *  done_arg,
dns_loadctx_t **  lctxp,
isc_mem_t mctx,
dns_masterformat_t  format 

Definition at line 2663 of file master.c.

References dns_master_loadfileinc4().

isc_result_t dns_master_loadfileinc4 ( const char *  master_file,
dns_name_t top,
dns_name_t origin,
dns_rdataclass_t  zclass,
unsigned int  options,
isc_uint32_t  resign,
dns_rdatacallbacks_t callbacks,
isc_task_t task,
dns_loaddonefunc_t  done,
void *  done_arg,
dns_loadctx_t **  lctxp,
dns_masterincludecb_t  include_cb,
void *  include_arg,
isc_mem_t mctx,
dns_masterformat_t  format 

Definition at line 2678 of file master.c.

References DNS_MASTER_CHECKTTL, and dns_master_loadfileinc5().

Referenced by dns_master_loadfileinc(), dns_master_loadfileinc2(), and dns_master_loadfileinc3().

isc_result_t dns_master_loadfileinc5 ( const char *  master_file,
dns_name_t top,
dns_name_t origin,
dns_rdataclass_t  zclass,
unsigned int  options,
isc_uint32_t  resign,
dns_rdatacallbacks_t callbacks,
isc_task_t task,
dns_loaddonefunc_t  done,
void *  done_arg,
dns_loadctx_t **  lctxp,
dns_masterincludecb_t  include_cb,
void *  include_arg,
isc_mem_t mctx,
dns_masterformat_t  format,
isc_uint32_t  maxttl 

Definition at line 2695 of file master.c.

References cleanup(), dns_loadctx_attach(), dns_loadctx_detach(), DNS_R_CONTINUE, ISC_R_SUCCESS, lctx, loadctx_create(), REQUIRE, and task_send().

Referenced by dns_master_loadfileinc4(), and zone_gotreadhandle().

isc_result_t dns_master_loadstream ( FILE *  stream,
dns_name_t top,
dns_name_t origin,
dns_rdataclass_t  zclass,
unsigned int  options,
dns_rdatacallbacks_t callbacks,
isc_mem_t mctx 

Definition at line 2735 of file master.c.

References cleanup(), dns_loadctx_detach(), dns_masterformat_text, DNS_R_CONTINUE, INSIST, isc_lex_openstream(), ISC_R_SUCCESS, lctx, loadctx_create(), and REQUIRE.

Referenced by db_load_from_stream().

isc_result_t dns_master_loadstreaminc ( FILE *  stream,
dns_name_t top,
dns_name_t origin,
dns_rdataclass_t  zclass,
unsigned int  options,
dns_rdatacallbacks_t callbacks,
isc_task_t task,
dns_loaddonefunc_t  done,
void *  done_arg,
dns_loadctx_t **  lctxp,
isc_mem_t mctx 

Definition at line 2764 of file master.c.

References cleanup(), dns_loadctx_attach(), dns_loadctx_detach(), dns_masterformat_text, DNS_R_CONTINUE, isc_lex_openstream(), ISC_R_SUCCESS, lctx, loadctx_create(), REQUIRE, and task_send().

isc_result_t dns_master_loadbuffer ( isc_buffer_t buffer,
dns_name_t top,
dns_name_t origin,
dns_rdataclass_t  zclass,
unsigned int  options,
dns_rdatacallbacks_t callbacks,
isc_mem_t mctx 

Definition at line 2800 of file master.c.

References cleanup(), dns_loadctx_detach(), dns_masterformat_text, DNS_R_CONTINUE, INSIST, isc_lex_openbuffer(), ISC_R_SUCCESS, lctx, loadctx_create(), and REQUIRE.

Referenced by dns_rootns_create().

isc_result_t dns_master_loadbufferinc ( isc_buffer_t buffer,
dns_name_t top,
dns_name_t origin,
dns_rdataclass_t  zclass,
unsigned int  options,
dns_rdatacallbacks_t callbacks,
isc_task_t task,
dns_loaddonefunc_t  done,
void *  done_arg,
dns_loadctx_t **  lctxp,
isc_mem_t mctx 

Definition at line 2829 of file master.c.

References cleanup(), dns_loadctx_attach(), dns_loadctx_detach(), dns_masterformat_text, DNS_R_CONTINUE, isc_lex_openbuffer(), ISC_R_SUCCESS, lctx, loadctx_create(), REQUIRE, and task_send().

isc_result_t dns_master_loadlexer ( isc_lex_t lex,
dns_name_t top,
dns_name_t origin,
dns_rdataclass_t  zclass,
unsigned int  options,
dns_rdatacallbacks_t callbacks,
isc_mem_t mctx 

Definition at line 2865 of file master.c.

References dns_loadctx_detach(), dns_masterformat_text, DNS_R_CONTINUE, INSIST, ISC_R_SUCCESS, lctx, loadctx_create(), and REQUIRE.

isc_result_t dns_master_loadlexerinc ( isc_lex_t lex,
dns_name_t top,
dns_name_t origin,
dns_rdataclass_t  zclass,
unsigned int  options,
dns_rdatacallbacks_t callbacks,
isc_task_t task,
dns_loaddonefunc_t  done,
void *  done_arg,
dns_loadctx_t **  ctxp,
isc_mem_t mctx 

Loads a RFC1305 master file from a file, stream, buffer, or existing lexer into rdatasets and then calls 'callbacks->commit' to commit the rdatasets. Rdata memory belongs to dns_master_load and will be reused / released when the callback completes. dns_load_master will abort if callbacks->commit returns any value other than ISC_R_SUCCESS.

If 'DNS_MASTER_AGETTL' is set and the master file contains one or more $DATE directives, the TTLs of the data will be aged accordingly.

'callbacks->commit' is assumed to call 'callbacks->error' or 'callbacks->warn' to generate any error messages required.

'done' is called with 'done_arg' and a result code when the loading is completed or has failed. If the initial setup fails 'done' is not called.

'resign' the number of seconds before a RRSIG expires that it should be re-signed. 0 is used if not provided.



Definition at line 2889 of file master.c.

References dns_loadctx_attach(), dns_loadctx_detach(), dns_masterformat_text, DNS_R_CONTINUE, ISC_R_SUCCESS, lctx, loadctx_create(), REQUIRE, and task_send().

static isc_uint32_t resign_fromlist ( dns_rdatalist_t this,
isc_uint32_t  resign 
) [static]

Definition at line 3035 of file master.c.

References dns_rdata_tostruct(), INSIST, ISC_LIST_HEAD, and ISC_LIST_NEXT.

Referenced by commit().

void dns_loadctx_cancel ( dns_loadctx_t ctx  ) 

Cancel loading the zone file associated with this load context.


Definition at line 3188 of file master.c.


Referenced by zone_shutdown().

void dns_master_initrawheader ( dns_masterrawheader_t header  ) 

Initializes the header for a raw master file, setting all values to zero.

Definition at line 3197 of file master.c.

Referenced by ATF_TC_BODY(), dumpctx_create(), dumptostream(), load_header(), loadctx_create(), main(), setup_master(), zone_dump(), and zone_gotwritehandle().

Variable Documentation

unsigned char in_addr_arpa_data[] = "\007IN-ADDR\004ARPA" [static]

Definition at line 331 of file master.c.

unsigned char in_addr_arpa_offsets[] = { 0, 8, 13 } [static]

Definition at line 332 of file master.c.

const dns_name_t in_addr_arpa [static]

Initial value:

        in_addr_arpa_data, 14, 3,
        in_addr_arpa_offsets, NULL,
        {(void *)-1, (void *)-1},
        {NULL, NULL}

Definition at line 333 of file master.c.

unsigned char ip6_int_data[] = "\003IP6\003INT" [static]

Definition at line 343 of file master.c.

unsigned char ip6_int_offsets[] = { 0, 4, 8 } [static]

Definition at line 344 of file master.c.

const dns_name_t ip6_int [static]

Initial value:

        ip6_int_data, 9, 3,
        ip6_int_offsets, NULL,
        {(void *)-1, (void *)-1},
        {NULL, NULL}

Definition at line 345 of file master.c.

Referenced by dash_option().

unsigned char ip6_arpa_data[] = "\003IP6\004ARPA" [static]

Definition at line 355 of file master.c.

unsigned char ip6_arpa_offsets[] = { 0, 4, 9 } [static]

Definition at line 356 of file master.c.

const dns_name_t ip6_arpa [static]

Initial value:

        ip6_arpa_data, 10, 3,
        ip6_arpa_offsets, NULL,
        {(void *)-1, (void *)-1},
        {NULL, NULL}

Definition at line 357 of file master.c.

const char* hex = "0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF" [static]

Definition at line 658 of file master.c.

Generated on Tue Apr 28 17:41:11 2015 by Doxygen 1.5.4 for BIND9 Internals 9.11.0pre-alpha