rbt.h File Reference

#include <isc/crc64.h>
#include <isc/lang.h>
#include <isc/magic.h>
#include <isc/refcount.h>
#include <dns/types.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  dns_rbtnode
struct  dns_rbtnodechain


#define DNS_RBT_H   1
#define DNS_RBT_USEHASH   1
#define DNS_RBT_USEMAGIC   1
#define DNS_RBT_REFLENGTH   20
#define DNS_RBTNODE_MAGIC   ISC_MAGIC('R','B','N','O')
#define DNS_RBT_LEVELBLOCK   254
 The number of level blocks to allocate at a time. Currently the maximum number of levels is allocated directly in the structure, but future revisions of this code might have a static initial block with dynamic growth. Allocating space for 256 levels when the tree is almost never that deep is wasteful, but it's not clear that it matters, since the waste is only 2MB for 1000 concurrently active chains on a system with 64-bit pointers.
#define dns_rbtnode_refinit(node, n)   ((node)->references = (n))
#define dns_rbtnode_refdestroy(node)   REQUIRE((node)->references == 0)
#define dns_rbtnode_refcurrent(node)   ((node)->references)
#define dns_rbtnode_refincrement0(node, refs)
#define dns_rbtnode_refincrement(node, refs)
#define dns_rbtnode_refdecrement(node, refs)
 Option values for dns_rbt_findnode() and dns_rbt_findname(). These are used to form a bitmask.
 Option values for dns_rbt_findnode() and dns_rbt_findname(). These are used to form a bitmask.
#define DNS_RBTFIND_NOEXACT   0x02
 Option values for dns_rbt_findnode() and dns_rbt_findname(). These are used to form a bitmask.
 Option values for dns_rbt_findnode() and dns_rbt_findname(). These are used to form a bitmask.


typedef struct dns_rbtnode dns_rbtnode_t
 This is the structure that is used for each node in the red/black tree of trees. NOTE WELL: the implementation manages this as a variable length structure, with the actual wire-format name and other data appended to this structure. Allocating a contiguous block of memory for multiple dns_rbtnode structures will not work.
typedef isc_result_t(* dns_rbtfindcallback_t )(dns_rbtnode_t *node, dns_name_t *name, void *callback_arg)
typedef isc_result_t(* dns_rbtdatawriter_t )(FILE *file, unsigned char *data, void *arg, isc_uint64_t *crc)
typedef isc_result_t(* dns_rbtdatafixer_t )(dns_rbtnode_t *rbtnode, void *base, size_t offset, void *arg, isc_uint64_t *crc)
typedef void(* dns_rbtdeleter_t )(void *, void *)
typedef struct dns_rbtnodechain dns_rbtnodechain_t




isc_result_t dns_rbt_create (isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_rbtdeleter_t deleter, void *deleter_arg, dns_rbt_t **rbtp)
 Initialize a red-black tree of trees.
isc_result_t dns_rbt_addname (dns_rbt_t *rbt, dns_name_t *name, void *data)
 Add 'name' to the tree of trees, associated with 'data'.
isc_result_t dns_rbt_addnode (dns_rbt_t *rbt, dns_name_t *name, dns_rbtnode_t **nodep)
 Just like dns_rbt_addname, but returns the address of the node.
isc_result_t dns_rbt_findname (dns_rbt_t *rbt, dns_name_t *name, unsigned int options, dns_name_t *foundname, void **data)
 Get the data pointer associated with 'name'.
isc_result_t dns_rbt_findnode (dns_rbt_t *rbt, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *foundname, dns_rbtnode_t **node, dns_rbtnodechain_t *chain, unsigned int options, dns_rbtfindcallback_t callback, void *callback_arg)
 Find the node for 'name'.
isc_result_t dns_rbt_deletename (dns_rbt_t *rbt, dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t recurse)
 Delete 'name' from the tree of trees.
isc_result_t dns_rbt_deletenode (dns_rbt_t *rbt, dns_rbtnode_t *node, isc_boolean_t recurse)
 Delete 'node' from the tree of trees.
void dns_rbt_namefromnode (dns_rbtnode_t *node, dns_name_t *name)
 Convert the sequence of labels stored at 'node' into a 'name'.
isc_result_t dns_rbt_fullnamefromnode (dns_rbtnode_t *node, dns_name_t *name)
 Like dns_rbt_namefromnode, but returns the full name from the root.
char * dns_rbt_formatnodename (dns_rbtnode_t *node, char *printname, unsigned int size)
 Format the full name of a node for printing, using dns_name_format().
unsigned int dns_rbt_nodecount (dns_rbt_t *rbt)
 Obtain the number of nodes in the tree of trees.
unsigned int dns_rbt_hashsize (dns_rbt_t *rbt)
 Obtain the current number of buckets in the 'rbt' hash table.
void dns_rbt_destroy (dns_rbt_t **rbtp)
isc_result_t dns_rbt_destroy2 (dns_rbt_t **rbtp, unsigned int quantum)
 Stop working with a red-black tree of trees. If 'quantum' is zero then the entire tree will be destroyed. If 'quantum' is non zero then up to 'quantum' nodes will be destroyed allowing the rbt to be incrementally destroyed by repeated calls to dns_rbt_destroy2(). Once dns_rbt_destroy2() has been called no other operations than dns_rbt_destroy()/dns_rbt_destroy2() should be performed on the tree of trees.
off_t dns_rbt_serialize_align (off_t target)
 Align the provided integer to a pointer-size boundary. This should be used if, during serialization of data to a will-be mmap()ed file, a pointer alignment is needed for some data.
isc_result_t dns_rbt_serialize_tree (FILE *file, dns_rbt_t *rbt, dns_rbtdatawriter_t datawriter, void *writer_arg, off_t *offset)
 Write out the RBT structure and its data to a file.
isc_result_t dns_rbt_deserialize_tree (void *base_address, size_t filesize, off_t header_offset, isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_rbtdeleter_t deleter, void *deleter_arg, dns_rbtdatafixer_t datafixer, void *fixer_arg, dns_rbtnode_t **originp, dns_rbt_t **rbtp)
 Read a RBT structure and its data from a file.
void dns_rbt_printtext (dns_rbt_t *rbt, void(*data_printer)(FILE *, void *), FILE *f)
 Print an ASCII representation of the internal structure of the red-black tree of trees to the passed stream.
void dns_rbt_printdot (dns_rbt_t *rbt, isc_boolean_t show_pointers, FILE *f)
 Print a GraphViz dot representation of the internal structure of the red-black tree of trees to the passed stream.
void dns_rbt_printnodeinfo (dns_rbtnode_t *n, FILE *f)
 Print out various information about a node.
size_t dns__rbt_getheight (dns_rbt_t *rbt)
 Return the maximum height of sub-root nodes found in the red-black forest.
isc_boolean_t dns__rbt_checkproperties (dns_rbt_t *rbt)
 Check red-black properties of the forest.
size_t dns__rbtnode_getdistance (dns_rbtnode_t *node)
 Return the distance (in nodes) from the node to its upper node of its subtree. The root node has a distance of 1. A child of the root node has a distance of 2.
void dns_rbtnodechain_init (dns_rbtnodechain_t *chain, isc_mem_t *mctx)
 Initialize 'chain'.
void dns_rbtnodechain_reset (dns_rbtnodechain_t *chain)
 Free any dynamic storage associated with 'chain', and then reinitialize 'chain'.
void dns_rbtnodechain_invalidate (dns_rbtnodechain_t *chain)
 Free any dynamic storage associated with 'chain', and then invalidates it.
isc_result_t dns_rbtnodechain_current (dns_rbtnodechain_t *chain, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *origin, dns_rbtnode_t **node)
 Provide the name, origin and node to which the chain is currently pointed.
isc_result_t dns_rbtnodechain_first (dns_rbtnodechain_t *chain, dns_rbt_t *rbt, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *origin)
 Set the chain to the lexically first node in the tree of trees.
isc_result_t dns_rbtnodechain_last (dns_rbtnodechain_t *chain, dns_rbt_t *rbt, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *origin)
 Set the chain to the lexically last node in the tree of trees.
isc_result_t dns_rbtnodechain_prev (dns_rbtnodechain_t *chain, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *origin)
 Adjusts chain to point the DNSSEC predecessor of the name to which it is currently pointed.
isc_result_t dns_rbtnodechain_next (dns_rbtnodechain_t *chain, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *origin)
 Adjusts chain to point the DNSSEC successor of the name to which it is currently pointed.
isc_result_t dns_rbtnodechain_down (dns_rbtnodechain_t *chain, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *origin)
 Descend down if possible.
isc_result_t dns_rbtnodechain_nextflat (dns_rbtnodechain_t *chain, dns_name_t *name)
 Find the next node at the current depth in DNSSEC order.
void dns_rbtnode_nodename (dns_rbtnode_t *node, dns_name_t *name)
dns_rbtnode_tdns_rbt_root (dns_rbt_t *rbt)

Detailed Description

Definition in file rbt.h.

Define Documentation

#define DNS_RBT_H   1

Definition at line 21 of file rbt.h.

#define DNS_RBT_USEHASH   1

Definition at line 34 of file rbt.h.


Option values for dns_rbt_findnode() and dns_rbt_findname(). These are used to form a bitmask.

Definition at line 41 of file rbt.h.

Referenced by delete(), dns_keytable_delete(), dns_keytable_deletekeynode(), dns_keytable_find(), dns_keytable_issecuredomain(), dns_ntatable_covered(), dns_rbt_deletename(), and previous_closest_nsec().


Option values for dns_rbt_findnode() and dns_rbt_findname(). These are used to form a bitmask.

Definition at line 42 of file rbt.h.

Referenced by ATF_TC_BODY(), cache_find(), cache_findzonecut(), dbiterator_seek(), delete_node(), dns_rbt_findname(), dns_rbt_findnode(), dns_rpz_find_name(), find_wildcard(), findnodeintree(), and zone_find().

#define DNS_RBTFIND_NOEXACT   0x02

Option values for dns_rbt_findnode() and dns_rbt_findname(). These are used to form a bitmask.

Definition at line 43 of file rbt.h.

Referenced by cache_findzonecut(), dns_dbtable_find(), dns_rbt_findnode(), and dns_zt_find().


Option values for dns_rbt_findnode() and dns_rbt_findname(). These are used to form a bitmask.

Definition at line 44 of file rbt.h.

Referenced by dns_rbt_findnode().

#define DNS_RBT_USEMAGIC   1

Definition at line 53 of file rbt.h.


Definition at line 58 of file rbt.h.

Referenced by dns_rbtdb_create().

#define DNS_RBT_REFLENGTH   20

Definition at line 59 of file rbt.h.

#define DNS_RBTNODE_MAGIC   ISC_MAGIC('R','B','N','O')

Definition at line 61 of file rbt.h.

Referenced by create_node().


Definition at line 63 of file rbt.h.

Referenced by addonlevel(), dns_rbt_deletenode(), dns_rbt_findnode(), dns_rbt_formatnodename(), dns_rbt_fullnamefromnode(), dns_rbt_namefromnode(), rotate_left(), rotate_right(), and treefix().

#define DNS_RBT_LEVELBLOCK   254

The number of level blocks to allocate at a time. Currently the maximum number of levels is allocated directly in the structure, but future revisions of this code might have a static initial block with dynamic growth. Allocating space for 256 levels when the tree is almost never that deep is wasteful, but it's not clear that it matters, since the waste is only 2MB for 1000 concurrently active chains on a system with 64-bit pointers.

A chain is used to keep track of the sequence of nodes to reach any given node from the root of the tree. Originally nodes did not have parent pointers in them (for memory usage reasons) so there was no way to find the path back to the root from any given node. Now that nodes have parent pointers, chains might be going away in a future release, though the movement functionality would remain.

In any event, parent information, whether via parent pointers or chains, is necessary information for iterating through the tree or for basic internal tree maintenance issues (ie, the rotations that are done to rebalance the tree when a node is added). The obvious implication of this is that for a chain to remain valid, the tree has to be locked down against writes for the duration of the useful life of the chain, because additions or removals can change the path from the root to the node the chain has targeted.

The dns_rbtnodechain_ functions _first, _last, _prev and _next all take dns_name_t parameters for the name and the origin, which can be NULL. If non-NULL, 'name' will end up pointing to the name data and offsets that are stored at the node (and thus it will be read-only), so it should be a regular dns_name_t that has been initialized with dns_name_init. When 'origin' is non-NULL, it will get the name of the origin stored in it, so it needs to have its own buffer space and offsets, which is most easily accomplished with a dns_fixedname_t. It is _not_ necessary to reinitialize either 'name' or 'origin' between calls to the chain functions.

NOTE WELL: even though the name data at the root of the tree of trees will be absolute (typically just "."), it will will be made into a relative name with an origin of "." -- an empty name when the node is ".". This is because a common on operation on 'name' and 'origin' is to use dns_name_concatenate() on them to generate the complete name. An empty name can be detected when dns_name_countlabels == 0, and is printed by dns_name_totext()/dns_name_format() as "@", consistent with RFC1035's definition of "@" as the current origin.

dns_rbtnodechain_current is similar to the _first, _last, _prev and _next functions but additionally can provide the node to which the chain points.

Definition at line 218 of file rbt.h.

#define dns_rbtnode_refinit ( node,
 )     ((node)->references = (n))

Definition at line 1052 of file rbt.h.

Referenced by create_node().

#define dns_rbtnode_refdestroy ( node   )     REQUIRE((node)->references == 0)

Definition at line 1053 of file rbt.h.

Referenced by dns_rbt_deletenode().

#define dns_rbtnode_refcurrent ( node   )     ((node)->references)

Definition at line 1054 of file rbt.h.

Referenced by cache_find(), cache_findzonecut(), cache_zonecut_callback(), cleanup_dead_nodes(), expire_header(), find_coveringnsec(), find_deepest_zonecut(), and printnode().

#define dns_rbtnode_refincrement0 ( node,
refs   ) 


do {                                                    \
                unsigned int *_tmp = (unsigned int *)(refs);    \
                (node)->references++;                           \
                if ((_tmp) != NULL)                             \
                        (*_tmp) = (node)->references;           \
        } while (0)

Definition at line 1080 of file rbt.h.

Referenced by new_reference().

#define dns_rbtnode_refincrement ( node,
refs   ) 


do {                                                    \
                REQUIRE((node)->references > 0);                \
                (node)->references++;                           \
                if ((refs) != NULL)                             \
                        (*refs) = (node)->references;           \
        } while (0)

Definition at line 1087 of file rbt.h.

Referenced by add_changed(), allrdatasets(), attachnode(), and dbiterator_current().

#define dns_rbtnode_refdecrement ( node,
refs   ) 


do {                                                    \
                REQUIRE((node)->references > 0);                \
                (node)->references--;                           \
                if ((refs) != NULL)                             \
                        (*refs) = (node)->references;           \
        } while (0)

Definition at line 1094 of file rbt.h.

Referenced by decrement_reference().

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct dns_rbtnode dns_rbtnode_t

This is the structure that is used for each node in the red/black tree of trees. NOTE WELL: the implementation manages this as a variable length structure, with the actual wire-format name and other data appended to this structure. Allocating a contiguous block of memory for multiple dns_rbtnode structures will not work.

Definition at line 74 of file rbt.h.

typedef isc_result_t(* dns_rbtfindcallback_t)(dns_rbtnode_t *node, dns_name_t *name, void *callback_arg)

Definition at line 151 of file rbt.h.

typedef isc_result_t(* dns_rbtdatawriter_t)(FILE *file, unsigned char *data, void *arg, isc_uint64_t *crc)

Definition at line 155 of file rbt.h.

typedef isc_result_t(* dns_rbtdatafixer_t)(dns_rbtnode_t *rbtnode, void *base, size_t offset, void *arg, isc_uint64_t *crc)

Definition at line 160 of file rbt.h.

typedef void(* dns_rbtdeleter_t)(void *, void *)

Definition at line 164 of file rbt.h.

typedef struct dns_rbtnodechain dns_rbtnodechain_t

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum


Definition at line 75 of file rbt.h.

Function Documentation

isc_result_t dns_rbt_create ( isc_mem_t mctx,
dns_rbtdeleter_t  deleter,
void *  deleter_arg,
dns_rbt_t **  rbtp 

Initialize a red-black tree of trees.


Requires: Ensures: Returns:

Definition at line 921 of file rbt.c.

References dns_rbt::data_deleter, dns_rbt::deleter_arg, dns_rbt::hashsize, dns_rbt::hashtable, isc_mem_attach(), isc_mem_get, isc_mem_putanddetach, ISC_R_NOMEMORY, ISC_R_SUCCESS, dns_rbt::magic, dns_rbt::mctx, dns_rbt::mmap_location, dns_rbt::nodecount, RBT_MAGIC, REQUIRE, and dns_rbt::root.

Referenced by ATF_TC_BODY(), configure_view_nametable(), dns_dbtable_create(), dns_fwdtable_create(), dns_keytable_create(), dns_ntatable_create(), dns_rbt_deserialize_tree(), dns_rbtdb_create(), dns_resolver_disable_algorithm(), dns_resolver_disable_ds_digest(), dns_resolver_setmustbesecure(), dns_rpz_new_zones(), dns_tsigkeyring_create(), dns_zt_create(), and test_context_setup().

isc_result_t dns_rbt_addname ( dns_rbt_t rbt,
dns_name_t name,
void *  data 

Add 'name' to the tree of trees, associated with 'data'.


Requires: Ensures: Returns:

Definition at line 1349 of file rbt.c.

References DATA, dns_name_isabsolute(), dns_rbt_addnode(), ISC_R_EXISTS, ISC_R_SUCCESS, REQUIRE, and VALID_RBT.

Referenced by add_test_data(), ATF_TC_BODY(), configure_view_nametable(), dns_dbtable_add(), dns_fwdtable_add(), dns_fwdtable_addfwd(), dns_resolver_setmustbesecure(), dns_zt_mount(), insert_nodes(), keyring_add(), and test_context_setup().

isc_result_t dns_rbt_addnode ( dns_rbt_t rbt,
dns_name_t name,
dns_rbtnode_t **  nodep 

Just like dns_rbt_addname, but returns the address of the node.


Ensures: Returns:

Definition at line 1068 of file rbt.c.

References ADD_LEVEL, add_name(), addonlevel(), ATTRS, COLOR, create_node(), dns_fixedname_init, dns_fixedname_name, dns_name_clone(), dns_name_countlabels(), dns_name_fullcompare(), dns_name_getlabelsequence(), dns_name_init(), dns_name_isabsolute(), dns_name_split(), DNS_NAMEATTR_ABSOLUTE, dns_namereln_commonancestor, dns_namereln_contains, dns_namereln_equal, dns_namereln_none, dns_namereln_subdomain, DNS_RBT_NSEC_HAS_NSEC, DNS_RBT_NSEC_NORMAL, dns_rbtnodechain_init(), DOWN, hash_node, INSIST, IS_ROOT, dns_rbtnode::is_root, ISC_R_EXISTS, ISC_R_NOSPACE, ISC_R_SUCCESS, dns_name::labels, LEFT, dns_name::length, dns_rbtnodechain::level_count, dns_rbtnodechain::levels, MAKE_BLACK, dns_rbt::mctx, NAMELEN, dns_rbt::nodecount, NODENAME, dns_rbtnode::nsec, OFFSETLEN, PARENT, REQUIRE, RIGHT, dns_rbt::root, root, and VALID_RBT.

Referenced by add_empty_wildcards(), add_nm(), add_wildcard_magic(), addrdataset(), dns_ntatable_add(), dns_rbt_addname(), dns_rbtdb_create(), dns_resolver_disable_algorithm(), dns_resolver_disable_ds_digest(), findnodeintree(), insert(), insert_helper(), loading_addrdataset(), and loadnode().

isc_result_t dns_rbt_findname ( dns_rbt_t rbt,
dns_name_t name,
unsigned int  options,
dns_name_t foundname,
void **  data 

Get the data pointer associated with 'name'.


Requires: Ensures: Returns:

Definition at line 1916 of file rbt.c.

References DATA, dns_rbt_findnode(), DNS_RBTFIND_EMPTYDATA, ISC_R_NOTFOUND, and REQUIRE.

Referenced by check_test_data(), dns_dbtable_find(), dns_dbtable_remove(), dns_fwdtable_find2(), dns_keytable_finddeepestmatch(), dns_keytable_findkeynode(), dns_resolver_algorithm_supported(), dns_resolver_ds_digest_supported(), dns_resolver_getmustbesecure(), dns_tsigkey_find(), and dns_zt_find().

isc_result_t dns_rbt_findnode ( dns_rbt_t rbt,
dns_name_t name,
dns_name_t foundname,
dns_rbtnode_t **  node,
dns_rbtnodechain_t chain,
unsigned int  options,
dns_rbtfindcallback_t  callback,
void *  callback_arg 

Find the node for 'name'.


Requires: Ensures: If result is DNS_R_PARTIALMATCH:
 *              *node is the data associated with the deepest superdomain
 *              of 'name' which has data.
 *              'foundname' is the name of deepest superdomain (which has
 *              data, unless the DNS_RBTFIND_EMPTYDATA option is set).
 *              'chain' points to the DNSSEC predecessor, if any, of 'name'.


Definition at line 1379 of file rbt.c.

References ADD_LEVEL, chain_name(), DATA, dns_fixedname_init, dns_fixedname_name, dns_name_clone(), dns_name_countlabels(), dns_name_equal(), dns_name_fullcompare(), dns_name_fullhash(), dns_name_getlabelsequence(), dns_name_init(), dns_name_isabsolute(), dns_name_split(), dns_namereln_commonancestor, dns_namereln_contains, dns_namereln_equal, dns_namereln_none, dns_namereln_subdomain, DNS_R_CONTINUE, DNS_R_NEWORIGIN, DNS_R_PARTIALMATCH, DNS_RBTFIND_EMPTYDATA, DNS_RBTFIND_NOEXACT, DNS_RBTFIND_NOPREDECESSOR, DNS_RBTNODE_VALID, dns_rbtnodechain_init(), dns_rbtnodechain_prev(), dns_rbtnodechain_reset(), DOWN, dns_rbtnodechain::end, ENSURE, FINDCALLBACK, get_upper_node(), hash, dns_rbtnode::hashnext, dns_rbt::hashsize, dns_rbt::hashtable, HASHVAL, INSIST, ISC_FALSE, ISC_R_NOMORE, ISC_R_NOTFOUND, ISC_R_SUCCESS, ISC_TRUE, LEFT, dns_rbtnodechain::level_count, dns_rbtnodechain::level_matches, dns_rbtnodechain::levels, dns_rbt::mctx, move_chain_to_last(), NODENAME, PARENT, POST, REQUIRE, RIGHT, dns_rbt::root, and VALID_RBT.

Referenced by ATF_TC_BODY(), cache_find(), cache_findzonecut(), dbiterator_seek(), del_name(), delete(), delete_node(), dns_keytable_delete(), dns_keytable_deletekeynode(), dns_keytable_find(), dns_keytable_issecuredomain(), dns_ntatable_covered(), dns_rbt_deletename(), dns_rbt_findname(), dns_rpz_find_name(), find_wildcard(), findnodeintree(), is_answeraddress_allowed(), is_answertarget_allowed(), previous_closest_nsec(), and zone_find().

isc_result_t dns_rbt_deletename ( dns_rbt_t rbt,
dns_name_t name,
isc_boolean_t  recurse 

Delete 'name' from the tree of trees.


Requires: Ensures: Returns:

Definition at line 1939 of file rbt.c.

References DATA, dns_name_isabsolute(), DNS_R_PARTIALMATCH, dns_rbt_deletenode(), dns_rbt_findnode(), DNS_RBTFIND_NOOPTIONS, ISC_R_NOTFOUND, ISC_R_SUCCESS, REQUIRE, and VALID_RBT.

Referenced by ATF_TC_BODY(), delete_keynames(), dns_dbtable_remove(), dns_fwdtable_delete(), dns_zt_unmount(), remove_fromring(), and remove_nodes().

isc_result_t dns_rbt_deletenode ( dns_rbt_t rbt,
dns_rbtnode_t node,
isc_boolean_t  recurse 

Delete 'node' from the tree of trees.


Requires: Ensures: Returns:

Definition at line 2012 of file rbt.c.

References DATA, dns_rbt::data_deleter, deletefromlevel(), dns_rbt::deleter_arg, deletetree(), dns_rbtnode_refdestroy, DNS_RBTNODE_VALID, DOWN, freenode(), get_upper_node(), INSIST, ISC_R_SUCCESS, dns_rbtnode::magic, dns_rbt::nodecount, REQUIRE, dns_rbt::root, RUNTIME_CHECK, unhash_node, and VALID_RBT.

Referenced by ATF_TC_BODY(), del_name(), delete(), delete_node(), dns_keytable_delete(), dns_keytable_deletekeynode(), dns_rbt_deletename(), and loadnode().

void dns_rbt_namefromnode ( dns_rbtnode_t node,
dns_name_t name 

Convert the sequence of labels stored at 'node' into a 'name'.


Requires: Ensures:

Definition at line 2096 of file rbt.c.

References DNS_RBTNODE_VALID, NODENAME, dns_name::offsets, and REQUIRE.

Referenced by compare_labelsequences(), dns_rbtdb_create(), find_deepest_zonecut(), find_wildcard(), findnodeintree(), and loading_addrdataset().

isc_result_t dns_rbt_fullnamefromnode ( dns_rbtnode_t node,
dns_name_t name 

Like dns_rbt_namefromnode, but returns the full name from the root.


Requires: Returns:

Definition at line 2106 of file rbt.c.

References dns_name::buffer, dns_name_concatenate(), dns_name_init(), dns_name_isabsolute(), dns_name_reset(), DNS_RBTNODE_VALID, get_upper_node(), INSIST, ISC_R_SUCCESS, NODENAME, and REQUIRE.

Referenced by addrdataset(), delete_node(), dns_ntatable_save(), dns_ntatable_totext(), dns_rbt_formatnodename(), findnodeintree(), and getsigningtime().

char* dns_rbt_formatnodename ( dns_rbtnode_t node,
char *  printname,
unsigned int  size 

Format the full name of a node for printing, using dns_name_format().


Requires: Returns:

Definition at line 2133 of file rbt.c.

References dns_fixedname_init, dns_fixedname_name, dns_name_format(), dns_rbt_fullnamefromnode(), DNS_RBTNODE_VALID, dns_result_totext(), ISC_R_SUCCESS, and REQUIRE.

Referenced by decrement_reference(), and expirenode().

unsigned int dns_rbt_nodecount ( dns_rbt_t rbt  ) 

Obtain the number of nodes in the tree of trees.


Definition at line 998 of file rbt.c.

References dns_rbt::nodecount, REQUIRE, and VALID_RBT.

Referenced by ATF_TC_BODY(), check_tree(), flush_deletions(), and nodecount().

unsigned int dns_rbt_hashsize ( dns_rbt_t rbt  ) 

Obtain the current number of buckets in the 'rbt' hash table.


Definition at line 1006 of file rbt.c.

References dns_rbt::hashsize, REQUIRE, and VALID_RBT.

Referenced by hashsize().

void dns_rbt_destroy ( dns_rbt_t **  rbtp  ) 

Definition at line 966 of file rbt.c.

References dns_rbt_destroy2(), ISC_R_SUCCESS, and RUNTIME_CHECK.

Referenced by ATF_TC_BODY(), configure_view_nametable(), dbtable_free(), deserialize32(), destroy(), destroyring(), dns_dbtable_create(), dns_fwdtable_create(), dns_fwdtable_destroy(), dns_keytable_create(), dns_keytable_detach(), dns_ntatable_create(), dns_ntatable_detach(), dns_rbt_deserialize_tree(), dns_resolver_reset_algorithms(), dns_resolver_reset_ds_digests(), dns_resolver_resetmustbesecure(), dns_rpz_detach_rpzs(), dns_zt_create(), test_context_teardown(), and zt_destroy().

isc_result_t dns_rbt_destroy2 ( dns_rbt_t **  rbtp,
unsigned int  quantum 

Stop working with a red-black tree of trees. If 'quantum' is zero then the entire tree will be destroyed. If 'quantum' is non zero then up to 'quantum' nodes will be destroyed allowing the rbt to be incrementally destroyed by repeated calls to dns_rbt_destroy2(). Once dns_rbt_destroy2() has been called no other operations than dns_rbt_destroy()/dns_rbt_destroy2() should be performed on the tree of trees.


Ensures on ISC_R_SUCCESS: Returns:

Definition at line 971 of file rbt.c.

References deletetreeflat(), dns_rbt::hashsize, dns_rbt::hashtable, INSIST, isc_mem_put, isc_mem_putanddetach, ISC_R_QUOTA, ISC_R_SUCCESS, dns_rbt::magic, dns_rbt::mctx, dns_rbt::mmap_location, dns_rbt::nodecount, REQUIRE, dns_rbt::root, and VALID_RBT.

Referenced by dns_rbt_destroy(), and free_rbtdb().

off_t dns_rbt_serialize_align ( off_t  target  ) 

Align the provided integer to a pointer-size boundary. This should be used if, during serialization of data to a will-be mmap()ed file, a pointer alignment is needed for some data.

Definition at line 653 of file rbt.c.

Referenced by ATF_TC_BODY(), dns_rbt_serialize_tree(), rbt_datafixer(), rbt_datawriter(), serialize_node(), serialize_nodes(), and write_header().

isc_result_t dns_rbt_serialize_tree ( FILE *  file,
dns_rbt_t rbt,
dns_rbtdatawriter_t  datawriter,
void *  writer_arg,
off_t *  offset 

Write out the RBT structure and its data to a file.


Definition at line 663 of file rbt.c.

References CHECK, cleanup(), dns_rbt_serialize_align(), dns_rbt_zero_header(), HEADER_LENGTH, isc_crc64_final(), isc_crc64_init(), isc_file_isplainfilefd(), ISC_R_SUCCESS, isc_stdio_seek(), isc_stdio_tell(), REQUIRE, dns_rbt::root, serialize_nodes(), and write_header().

Referenced by ATF_TC_BODY(), and serialize().

isc_result_t dns_rbt_deserialize_tree ( void *  base_address,
size_t  filesize,
off_t  header_offset,
isc_mem_t mctx,
dns_rbtdeleter_t  deleter,
void *  deleter_arg,
dns_rbtdatafixer_t  datafixer,
void *  fixer_arg,
dns_rbtnode_t **  originp,
dns_rbt_t **  rbtp 

Read a RBT structure and its data from a file.

If 'originp' is not NULL, then it is pointed to the root node of the RBT.


Definition at line 832 of file rbt.c.

References file_header::bigendian, CHECK, cleanup(), file_header::crc, dns_rbt_create(), dns_rbt_destroy(), dns_rootname, file_header::first_node_offset, header, isc_crc64_final(), isc_crc64_init(), ISC_R_INVALIDFILE, ISC_R_SUCCESS, dns_rbt::mmap_location, dns_rbt::nodecount, file_header::nodecount, file_header::ptrsize, file_header::rdataset_fixed, rehash, REQUIRE, dns_rbt::root, and treefix().

Referenced by ATF_TC_BODY(), and deserialize32().

void dns_rbt_printtext ( dns_rbt_t rbt,
void(*)(FILE *, void *)  data_printer,
FILE *  f 

Print an ASCII representation of the internal structure of the red-black tree of trees to the passed stream.

data_printer is a callback function that is called to print the data in a node. It should print it to the passed FILE stream.


Definition at line 3080 of file rbt.c.

References data_printer(), print_text_helper(), REQUIRE, dns_rbt::root, and VALID_RBT.

Referenced by ATF_TC_BODY().

void dns_rbt_printdot ( dns_rbt_t rbt,
isc_boolean_t  show_pointers,
FILE *  f 

Print a GraphViz dot representation of the internal structure of the red-black tree of trees to the passed stream.

If show_pointers is TRUE, pointers are also included in the generated graph.


Definition at line 3142 of file rbt.c.

References nodecount(), print_dot_helper(), REQUIRE, dns_rbt::root, and VALID_RBT.

void dns_rbt_printnodeinfo ( dns_rbtnode_t n,
FILE *  f 

Print out various information about a node.


Definition at line 2984 of file rbt.c.

References dns_rbtnode::data, dns_rbtnode::data_is_relative, dns_rbtnode::down, dns_rbtnode::down_is_relative, ISC_TRUE, dns_rbtnode::left, dns_rbtnode::left_is_relative, dns_rbtnode::locknum, dns_rbtnode::parent, dns_rbtnode::parent_is_relative, printnodename(), dns_rbtnode::right, and dns_rbtnode::right_is_relative.

size_t dns__rbt_getheight ( dns_rbt_t rbt  ) 

Return the maximum height of sub-root nodes found in the red-black forest.

The height of a node is defined as the number of nodes in the longest path from the node to a leaf. For each subtree in the forest, this function determines the height of its root node. Then it returns the maximum such height in the forest.

Note: This function exists for testing purposes. Non-test code must not use it.


Definition at line 2893 of file rbt.c.

References getheight_helper(), and dns_rbt::root.

Referenced by ATF_TC_BODY(), and check_tree().

isc_boolean_t dns__rbt_checkproperties ( dns_rbt_t rbt  ) 

Check red-black properties of the forest.

Note: This function exists for testing purposes. Non-test code must not use it.


Definition at line 2959 of file rbt.c.

References check_black_distance_helper(), check_properties_helper(), ISC_FALSE, and dns_rbt::root.

Referenced by ATF_TC_BODY(), and check_tree().

size_t dns__rbtnode_getdistance ( dns_rbtnode_t node  ) 

Return the distance (in nodes) from the node to its upper node of its subtree. The root node has a distance of 1. A child of the root node has a distance of 2.

Definition at line 373 of file rbt.c.

References IS_ROOT, and PARENT.

Referenced by ATF_TC_BODY().

void dns_rbtnodechain_init ( dns_rbtnodechain_t chain,
isc_mem_t mctx 

Initialize 'chain'.



Definition at line 3158 of file rbt.c.

References CHAIN_MAGIC, dns_rbtnodechain::end, dns_rbtnodechain::level_count, dns_rbtnodechain::level_matches, dns_rbtnodechain::levels, dns_rbtnodechain::magic, dns_rbtnodechain::mctx, and REQUIRE.

Referenced by ATF_TC_BODY(), cache_find(), cache_findzonecut(), cleanup_ring(), createiterator(), delete_keynames(), dns_keytable_totext(), dns_ntatable_save(), dns_ntatable_totext(), dns_rbt_addnode(), dns_rbt_findnode(), dns_rpz_ready(), dns_tsigkeyring_dumpanddetach(), dns_zt_apply2(), find_wildcard(), list_keynames(), previous_closest_nsec(), sync_keyzone(), and zone_find().

void dns_rbtnodechain_reset ( dns_rbtnodechain_t chain  ) 

Free any dynamic storage associated with 'chain', and then reinitialize 'chain'.



Definition at line 3604 of file rbt.c.

References dns_rbtnodechain::end, dns_rbtnodechain::level_count, dns_rbtnodechain::level_matches, REQUIRE, and VALID_CHAIN.

Referenced by cache_find(), cache_findzonecut(), dbiterator_destroy(), dbiterator_first(), dbiterator_last(), dbiterator_next(), dbiterator_prev(), dbiterator_seek(), dns_rbt_findnode(), dns_rbtnodechain_first(), dns_rbtnodechain_invalidate(), dns_rbtnodechain_last(), and zone_find().

void dns_rbtnodechain_invalidate ( dns_rbtnodechain_t chain  ) 

Free any dynamic storage associated with 'chain', and then invalidates it.


Requires: Ensures:

Definition at line 3618 of file rbt.c.

References dns_rbtnodechain_reset(), and dns_rbtnodechain::magic.

Referenced by ATF_TC_BODY(), cleanup_ring(), delete_keynames(), dns_keytable_totext(), dns_ntatable_save(), dns_ntatable_totext(), dns_tsigkeyring_dumpanddetach(), dns_zt_apply2(), find_closest_nsec(), and list_keynames().

isc_result_t dns_rbtnodechain_current ( dns_rbtnodechain_t chain,
dns_name_t name,
dns_name_t origin,
dns_rbtnode_t **  node 

Provide the name, origin and node to which the chain is currently pointed.


Requires: Ensures: Returns:

Definition at line 3175 of file rbt.c.

References dns_name::attributes, chain_name(), dns_name_copy(), dns_name_isabsolute(), DNS_NAMEATTR_ABSOLUTE, dns_rootname, dns_rbtnodechain::end, INSIST, ISC_FALSE, ISC_R_NOTFOUND, ISC_R_SUCCESS, dns_name::labels, dns_name::length, dns_rbtnodechain::level_count, NODENAME, REQUIRE, and VALID_CHAIN.

Referenced by activeempty(), activeemtpynode(), ATF_TC_BODY(), cleanup_ring(), dbiterator_first(), dbiterator_last(), dbiterator_next(), dbiterator_prev(), dbiterator_seek(), delete_keynames(), dns_keytable_totext(), dns_ntatable_save(), dns_ntatable_totext(), dns_rbtnodechain_first(), dns_rbtnodechain_last(), dns_rbtnodechain_prev(), dns_rpz_ready(), dns_tsigkeyring_dumpanddetach(), dns_zt_apply2(), find_closest_nsec(), find_coveringnsec(), list_keynames(), previous_closest_nsec(), and sync_keyzone().

isc_result_t dns_rbtnodechain_first ( dns_rbtnodechain_t chain,
dns_rbt_t rbt,
dns_name_t name,
dns_name_t origin 

Set the chain to the lexically first node in the tree of trees.


Requires: Ensures: Returns:

Definition at line 3557 of file rbt.c.

References DNS_R_NEWORIGIN, dns_rbtnodechain_current(), dns_rbtnodechain_reset(), dns_rbtnodechain::end, ISC_R_SUCCESS, REQUIRE, dns_rbt::root, VALID_CHAIN, and VALID_RBT.

Referenced by cleanup_ring(), dbiterator_first(), dbiterator_next(), delete_keynames(), dns_keytable_totext(), dns_ntatable_save(), dns_ntatable_totext(), dns_rpz_ready(), dns_tsigkeyring_dumpanddetach(), dns_zt_apply2(), list_keynames(), and sync_keyzone().

isc_result_t dns_rbtnodechain_last ( dns_rbtnodechain_t chain,
dns_rbt_t rbt,
dns_name_t name,
dns_name_t origin 

Set the chain to the lexically last node in the tree of trees.


Ensures: Returns:

Definition at line 3579 of file rbt.c.

References DNS_R_NEWORIGIN, dns_rbtnodechain_current(), dns_rbtnodechain_reset(), ISC_R_SUCCESS, move_chain_to_last(), REQUIRE, dns_rbt::root, VALID_CHAIN, and VALID_RBT.

Referenced by dbiterator_last(), dbiterator_prev(), and find_closest_nsec().

isc_result_t dns_rbtnodechain_prev ( dns_rbtnodechain_t chain,
dns_name_t name,
dns_name_t origin 

Adjusts chain to point the DNSSEC predecessor of the name to which it is currently pointed.


Ensures: Returns:

Definition at line 3218 of file rbt.c.

References ADD_LEVEL, DNS_R_NEWORIGIN, dns_rbtnodechain_current(), DOWN, dns_rbtnodechain::end, INSIST, IS_ROOT, ISC_FALSE, ISC_R_NOMORE, ISC_R_SUCCESS, ISC_TRUE, LEFT, dns_rbtnodechain::level_count, dns_rbtnodechain::levels, OFFSETLEN, PARENT, REQUIRE, RIGHT, and VALID_CHAIN.

Referenced by activeemtpynode(), dbiterator_prev(), dns_rbt_findnode(), find_coveringnsec(), and previous_closest_nsec().

isc_result_t dns_rbtnodechain_next ( dns_rbtnodechain_t chain,
dns_name_t name,
dns_name_t origin 

Adjusts chain to point the DNSSEC successor of the name to which it is currently pointed.


Ensures: Returns:

Definition at line 3442 of file rbt.c.

References ADD_LEVEL, chain_name(), DNS_R_NEWORIGIN, DOWN, dns_rbtnodechain::end, IS_ROOT, ISC_FALSE, ISC_R_NOMORE, ISC_R_SUCCESS, ISC_TRUE, LEFT, dns_rbtnodechain::level_count, dns_rbtnodechain::levels, NODENAME, OFFSETLEN, PARENT, REQUIRE, RIGHT, and VALID_CHAIN.

Referenced by activeempty(), activeemtpynode(), ATF_TC_BODY(), cleanup_ring(), dbiterator_next(), delete_keynames(), dns_keytable_totext(), dns_ntatable_save(), dns_ntatable_totext(), dns_rpz_ready(), dns_tsigkeyring_dumpanddetach(), dns_zt_apply2(), list_keynames(), and sync_keyzone().

isc_result_t dns_rbtnodechain_down ( dns_rbtnodechain_t chain,
dns_name_t name,
dns_name_t origin 

Descend down if possible.

Definition at line 3335 of file rbt.c.

References ADD_LEVEL, chain_name(), DNS_R_NEWORIGIN, DOWN, dns_rbtnodechain::end, ISC_FALSE, ISC_R_NOMORE, ISC_R_SUCCESS, ISC_TRUE, LEFT, dns_rbtnodechain::level_count, NODENAME, OFFSETLEN, REQUIRE, and VALID_CHAIN.

isc_result_t dns_rbtnodechain_nextflat ( dns_rbtnodechain_t chain,
dns_name_t name 

Find the next node at the current depth in DNSSEC order.

Definition at line 3399 of file rbt.c.


void dns_rbtnode_nodename ( dns_rbtnode_t node,
dns_name_t name 

Definition at line 288 of file rbt.c.

References dns_name::attributes, ATTRS, DNS_NAMEATTR_READONLY, dns_name::labels, dns_name::length, NAME, NAMELEN, dns_name::ndata, OFFSETLEN, OFFSETS, and dns_name::offsets.

Referenced by checkandaddsoa().

dns_rbtnode_t* dns_rbt_root ( dns_rbt_t rbt  ) 

Definition at line 298 of file rbt.c.

References dns_rbt::root.

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